2019-09-09 - Life Eternal

Minerva is taking some time to play the piano and think about things she shouldn't dwell on.

IC Date: 2019-09-09

OOC Date: 2019-06-21

Location: Gray Harbor/Kosimar Psychiatry - Apartment

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 1519


<FS3> Minerva rolls Piano: Success (8 8 3 2 1)

A nightmare had awoken Minerva just before six in the morning, so the woman had crawled out of bed after removing the puppies that were using her as a pillow. She threw on her robe and went about making coffee for herself since sleep wouldn't be a thing for a few hours at least. She didn't have any appointments, so it wasn't like she needed to be downstairs any time soon. Once coffee is gathered she takes the cup with her to the old beat up piano her grandmother had given her.

The cover is removed from the keys and Minerva runs pale fingers over them with a smile, "Alright. Let's see if I remember something." she murmurs to herself as she stretches and then finds something to play along to. It wasn't that hard, her mind was pushing her towards things. Finally the song starts and there's a moment Minerva's face is a bit stony.

(Song she's playing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU6ZN_CJICo)

"Can you hear me say your name forever? Can you see me longing for you forever? Would you let me touch your soul forever? Can you feel me longing for you forever, forever?" she sings as she plays along with the piano part. "I know the light grows darker down below, but in your eyes, it's gone before you know. This is the moment of just letting go. He said, "if you had life eternal." her fingers find the right keys as the song goes on.

Can you hear me say your name forever? Can you see me longing for you forever, forever? Would you let me touch your soul forever? Can you feel me longing for you forever, forever?

We dance once more, I feel your hands are cold. Within your heart, a story to be told. This is the moment of just letting go. This is the moment of just letting go.

What Minerva doesn't realize is that there's someone watching her play the piano so early in the morning. Someone that's not alive. "If you don't get out and live you're going to be joining me sooner than you should." the voice whispers.

But Minerva doesn't hear it. She's not supposed to.


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