2019-09-13 - When your boss might have murdered your future baby-momma's parents...

...and you really want to ask him if he did it, but he's ducking your calls. Plus, let's be real, Graham would never have the stones to actually ask that question. And - let's be even more real - Felix would never answer him if he did. Not in a way that lends itself to long-term survival, anyway.

IC Date: 2019-09-13

OOC Date: 2019-06-24

Location: Oak/23 Oak Avenue

Related Scenes:   2019-09-13 - Wave goodbye to the Krugers.   2019-09-15 - Gone

Plot: None

Scene Number: 1582


"Hey, it's Graham."

"You're not dead! That's great news!"

"You're telling me. Can I talk to the boss?"

"Let me check. Hold on."

Muffled background noises when the phone is put down. Graham played with an unlit cigarette, listened to Elise running the bath-water, told himself he wasn't even a little bit worried that she was about to get clipped. If Felix wanted Elise dead, there's no fucking way he would tip his hand by letting her find out about her parents' execution ahead of time. But if it was someone else that had murdered Elly's parents... Which was a goddamn stupid thought, G. Two people who owe Monaghan money wind up executed, who the fuck else could it possibly be?

"He can't talk right now. Sorry. He said he will meet with you tomorrow around nine, though."

"All right. Thanks."

"You got it! Glad you're alive!"

"You, too."



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