2019-09-23 - Why You Shouldn't Put Your Hand In Someone Else's Dumpling Box

The Platinum Invasion on TIBs the other night turned out to be a bit of vector for the flu going around.

IC Date: 2019-09-23

OOC Date: 2019-07-01

Location: Bay/Sea View Suites

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 1748


(TXT to Viktor) Love : i don't feel right

(TXT to Love) Viktor : Touch more detail on 'Right'?

(TXT to Viktor) Love : i sneezed three times

(TXT to Love) Viktor : Well, that's obviously terminal.

(TXT to Viktor) Love : i never sneeze this much. i'm getting sick.

(TXT to Love) Viktor : Hospital's seen a pick-up. too. I think it's time for some vacation days. You want anything?

(TXT to Viktor) Love : honey lemon cough drops, electrolyte drops, goldfish crackers, tylenol, two boxes of tissues, and a case of bottled water.

(TXT to Love) Viktor : I'm suddenly real glad I own a truck. Taking this seriously?

(TXT to Viktor) Love : the last time i sneezed this much, i was on my ass for two weeks wishing for death

(TXT to Viktor) Love : you should double up. if i'm sick...

(TXT to Love) Viktor : You steal a woman's dumplings and drive her home, and this is the reward?

(TXT to Viktor) Love : dude, the plague is why you shouldn't put your hands in somebody else's dumpling box

(TXT to Love) Viktor : I always knew dumplings would be my downfall.

(TXT to Viktor) Love : they were so good tho. worth it.

(TXT to Love) Viktor : Let's not blame the dumplings. It's obvious we were cursed around that firepit.

(TXT to Love) Viktor : Who was the kid that ran away when what's her name started all the witchy talk. Bet it was him. Like a dirty bomb and bail.

(TXT to Viktor) Love : dylan? he's a sweetheart. sweethearts don't fling curses. do you believe in curses?

(TXT to Love) Viktor : Honestly I think it's a load of bullshit, Love. My ancestors are now screaming at me from the grave.

(TXT to Viktor) Love : what, are you descended from a family of witch hunters or something?

(TXT to Love) Viktor : That sounds far more entertaining that the truth.

(TXT to Viktor) Love : superstitious peasants?

(TXT to Love) Viktor : To broad-stroke, dédi fell hard in to folklore as a way to hold up when the new regime came in. Rest of my family took it from here.

(TXT to Viktor) Love : i bet you have some stories

(TXT to Love) Viktor : Rambling, barely coherent ones. You want me to drop this stuff off at the suites?

(TXT to Viktor) Love : they can't be that bad. and yes, please. i'll get up and meet you at the door.

(TXT to Love) Viktor : No problem. I've just got to finish some jobs at home then I'll swing by the Safeway. Message you when I'm en-route. Sound good?

(TXT to Viktor) Love : sounds great. i'll have a hot shower and a little nap.

(TXT to Love) Viktor : Good plan. See you later.

(TXT to Viktor) Love : ty babe


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