2019-09-29 - Can You See?

It's a really important question.

IC Date: 2019-09-29

OOC Date: 2019-07-04

Location: Downtown/Downtown

Related Scenes:   2019-09-25 - The Oubliette   2019-10-02 - Standing on the Edge

Plot: None

Scene Number: 1847


Can you see?
Can you see??

The question has been lingering in Isolde's flu-ridden mind. Images of a giant eye and the equally giant shadowy being it belonged to. She could barely think, barely move. Barely remembered how she ended up walking downtown, looking like the living dead. In fact, it feels more like she's trapped inside herself - watching her body move and not having any control over what it's doing or what she's saying.

Her head is throbbing.

Someone accidentally bumps into her. Isolde turns and grabs them by their shoulders. "Can you see?" She asks them, shakes them once. Those clear blue eyes are a shade darker, glassy, wild. She releases the startled person just as suddenly and continues walking.

She needs to find her way back. Back to that city. To the clockwork guards. To the Oubliette. To the sad, giant eye.

She needed to free it.

Another person gets grabbed. "Can you see?!" Isolde almost sounds desperate. Can they see what? Can they see the eye? The way to the city? Can they see the bad things that are swallowing up everything? This happens two more times before an off duty security guard warns her off and also recommends she go to the hospital because she doesn't look well.

Isolde hated hospitals.

She doesn't remember how she got home, or when. The door was fixed though- that was important. The pets were okay - she was sure. Isolde barely remembers laying down on the couch and cuddling back up with Fred the Frog while her eyelids get heavy.

All she can remember is the giant shadow, with it's giant eye, and it's sad, sorrowful, tired voice asking her if she can see. And an intense desire to try and get back to help it.


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