2019-10-07 - The Drunk and the Furious

A miserable Easton texts Isabella and comes clean as to what happened between him and Bennie while inspired by Gohl's murderous rage. It somehow ends with Isabella sending a gift to Geoff. What.

IC Date: 2019-10-07

OOC Date: 2019-07-09

Location: Bay/Reede Houseboat

Related Scenes:   2019-10-03 - Of Drugs and Murderation   2019-10-04 - Adventures in MurderSitting   2019-10-04 - Cyclical   2019-10-04 - Sometimes Helping Isn't About Solving The Problem   2019-10-04 - Ten Little

Plot: None

Scene Number: 1952


(TXT to Isabella) Easton : Fuck Ghoul. Fuck him so damn hard.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : Hey, E. Alexander said he had to stitch you up the other day. What happened?

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : Just another Dream, got torn up and bled all over my place. He's pretty good with a thread and needle.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : He's good at a lot of things, stuff I'm still discovering. Are you okay? I heard he pushed you.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : Gohl, I mean.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : Not really.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : Okay I mean. This needs to end.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : Do you want to talk about it? And yeah, soon. I found a burial site, one of the local funeral homes was helpful. We'll get him in the ground as soon as Hyacinth's done with the casket.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : I hurt Bennie. I almost killed her. I wanted to.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : Jesus, E. I didn't know. I was told you lost it on someone, but not who.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : I can't even...Jesus, E.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : And all I want to do is scream or break something or do anything but I can't. Because then I might actually murder someone. So I'm drinking.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : I'm so sorry. I hate that it went that far. Fuck that guy.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : Are you still sick? Do you want company? I'm over my flu and Erin helped the other day. I'm fit to drive.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : It's not your fault.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : The flu's pretty much gone. I have friends watching me. I don't want to see people. I don't know that I could take hurting someone else.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : Okay. As long as you're not alone.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : I wish I knew what to say. It's easy to be like...'it wasn't you, it was him' and that Bennie probably knows that also, but it doesn't change the fact that it happened and it's not as if the two of you can see each other right now and work it out, and that's probably the only way to put this to bed.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : I'm hardly the only one going through this.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : And yet, Bennie's the one who gets hurt

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : I know, E. It isn't fair.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : None of this is fair. The fact that this is just one last dying fuck you from a guy who's already dead is balls.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : I never would have sacrificed what we had. The fucker took it anyway and it doesn't even goddamn count. Do you know how mad it makes me that he gets to fucking keep taking shit from us?

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : Not in your case and your situation, I don't. I've been mad this entire time. Furious. But I can't imagine this shit falling on top of the pile and weighing it down further.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : He took it for now - what you had. But I think whether he gets to actually keep it is up to you and Bennie.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : I don't even know how I can look her in the eye at this point.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : You don't have to look her in the eye to be able to open your mouth and talk to her. I'm not saying do it now, you have a lot of wallowing to do - sometimes people need that, too. But this isn't going to go away without some kind of actual confrontation.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : can't deal with until after the funeral. Then we'll see.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : Right, I don't think anyone can get back to our lives until after the funeral. Not in full. Soon, though. But like what Alexander, Lilith and August have been saying this entire time, the point is to be able to live past this, yeah?

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : Stop this, and then live past this.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : I cna get behind that.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : Yeah. I'm....christ. I hate that this happened. Neither of you needed that.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : People died because of this douche. At least Bennie's alive.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : She is. Which means there's a chance to take back what Gohl stole from the both of you. Not that I'm a gigantic expert when it comes to relationships but...between you and me, I'm a fan of not giving assholes like him the satisfaction.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : I'm good with spite as a motivator

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : I knew we got along for a reason.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : Anything I can do for you in the interim?

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : ((picture of Easton laying on a motel bed drinking from a bottle of scotch with a sippy straw)) Have a drink with me?

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : ((Isabella sends him a picture, it's dim and while the illness has taken at least five pounds off her face, her eyes are bright and alert; she has widened them in an exaggerated fashion, her mouth around the lip of the nearest bottle of scotch she can find, a bandaged hand flashing him a thumbs up. She must've propped the phone on a bedside table, because if she's sending someone a selfie of her ruined and battered self, she's going to do it right.))

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : I'm here for you, buddy. Let's talk about something else while we get shitfaced.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : You're getting your doctorate? Bore me with it. Give me the twitter-verse 255 character at a time thesis.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : See now that you've said that I'm going to make it a point to draft the most exciting thesis in the world. Think it would fly with the old fogeys in Oxford if I just turned it into an action movie script? I mean who doesn't want to learn about the Naos of the Decades?

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : Actually no. Don't answer that.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : I would pay you money to write your thesis as an action script. If you don't get a degree? Shop it around as a Lara Croft movie.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : Tell me about the most ridiculous thing you've ever done.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : I turned down columbia law to go to officer training school for the marines. Geoff and I also got married in togas by Elvis, but I'm pretty sure the first one still wins. You?

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : Oh wow, I didn't know that, congratulations. Was he skinny Elvis or fat Elvis?

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : Uh, you can pick between the story of my first kiss or the time I got me and my fellow researcher's asses kicked because I had to quote a line from Indiana Jones.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : Fat Elvis. If you don't love the King at his worst, you don't deserve him at his best.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : Can I trade you the time I threw up on Erin Addington as a teenager for both?

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : Deal, but only if I get details.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : Ok. In good faith, I'll go first. We were fifteen and I thought I was a complete bad ass. We were drinking, which I considered myself an old pro at. Spoilers. I was not.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : So after something like 4 zimas, we were well on our way to my actual first time despite what I had told anyone who would listen. Her shirt came up and so did 4 zimas and anything else I had eaten that day.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : Oh god. This sounds terrible already. Tell me more.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : Wait did you throw up on her boobs?

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : How are you still alive?!!!!!

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : Her boobs. Her hair. My body. The car. My shoes. Nothing was safe from the carnage I wrought.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : Oh my god.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : I don't know if I can beat that story.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : And like a true gentleman I think I ran, left her to clean it up and then lied and said we slept together. I was classy af

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : Jesus Christ. Well, I mean. If you can't be stupid while young, when can you be? Also where are you and Geoff registered so I can put in for a belated wedding present. Does he wear fishnets? I can send him fishnets.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : Please. Please send him fishnets.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : Will do. Send me his address.


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