2019-10-14 - Piece of Mind

Easton texts Isabella for advice, namely to ask about getting his head examined to make it certain that William Gohl's influence is gone in his efforts to repair his relationship with Bennie. The tricky part is trying to figure out who HASN'T been touched by the matter to be able to help.

IC Date: 2019-10-14

OOC Date: 2019-07-15

Location: Bay/Reede Houseboat

Related Scenes:   2019-10-14 - Inside Out

Plot: None

Scene Number: 2136


(TXT to Isabella) Easton : Important question

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : Why fishnets?

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : Unimportant question

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : How do we check to be sure Ghoul's totally gone from our heads? The only mind people I know were also infected which seems like a biased opinion.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : Important Answer: Because the only feasible way to pair fishnets is with high heels. You're welcome.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : Unimportant Answer: That's a good question, give me a moment to think.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : Ask Magnolia Jones to check you. She's pretty removed from the Gohl issue, though she's embroiled in other problems. I had a meeting with her recently and she mentioned she could do a little bit of everything since she was young. She doesn't LIKE using, mind. She doesn't. And her boyfriend's pretty adamant about keeping it that way. But I think if you told her that you need to make sure that you're not haunted anymore and liable to hurt someone, she would.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : Okay, I know Mags. I'll keep an eye out for other resources. Ideally I'd have someone who's well versed in this. I need a thorough check. I need to give Bennie an all clear I can trust.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : From what I was able to sense from her, her potential is very significant. So I can understand her hesitation in using, but honestly I don't know who else we'd be able to trust also in looking into that. She's the only one I know who might be able to who hasn't been touched by the Gohl matter.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : Ok. I appreciate it. Wish I could just ask you or Alexander or even Thorne. Not like I want to open up my head to anyone.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : If this is for yours and Bennie's peace of mind, I can't blame you for looking for the additional assurances. Have the two of you been able to talk at all? Since the funeral, I mean.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : Not really. Not enough. But this is probably the first step? Not sure if the sex was just the usual inappropriate funeral sex or not. Wasn't looking that gift horse in the mouth.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : Maybe a little of column A, a little of column B? We were all pretty raw during it and you know. Funeral. Reminders of your own morality staring you in the face and that you gotta get the good while the good's still there, and all that. She checked on you when you went to bed the night of, before she headed to the station. Alexander offered to keep his house vacant and stay with me, but she declined.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : Probably. At least I have some hope there's a chance. I'm good with that

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : E, if she showed up at the funeral to hold your hand, boned your brains out the moment the two of you were alone, and made sure you were fine before she left to try and get some sleep, I'm pretty sure you have more than just a chance.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : Trying not to get my hopes too high.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : Well, I guess you've got a point there but...she loves you. I'd like to think that doesn't just go away after a really bad run of luck and circumstance.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : Iz, I choked her and told her I was going to kill her. I don't blame her if she needs to walk away.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : I don't think anyone would blame her for that, or you for feeling that you don't deserve her after that. And I'm not so naive that I think Love makes everything possible, or that it could fix everything. But you have to admit it's got weight.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : I know. I'm not giving up

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : I'm glad you're not. Plus, I mean, that last snap from the Grande Dame, what she said about lights getting snuffed out. If we really are responsible for making things worse trying to make things better, it just means we're even more responsible for creating new ones as much as we can.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : If this is a weird way of rooting for Bennie and i to have kids, I'm going to disappoint you

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : What?! No! Ha ha ha yeah right. If I was rooting for it, I'd be a raging hypocrite. I don't intend to spawn, either, or even get married. I just meant...you know. The entire 'not giving up' thing. Definitely not a light that should be snuffed.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : I'm a Marine, I don't believe in giving up.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : And to think, you could have been a lawyer! Ivy, too. What made you go the other way?

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : Stubbornness. Mostly.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : I didn't get that from you at all.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : ::winky emoticon::

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : But yeah, I say talk to Mags. See if she can feel around your head and give you the all clear.

(TXT to Isabella) Easton : Ha. And will do.

(TXT to Easton) Isabella : Okay. Godspeed, soldier. Good luck.


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