2019-10-31 - Happy Birthday, Irvriya

Minerva spends her birthday tending graves.

IC Date: 2019-10-31

OOC Date: 2019-07-26

Location: Graveyard

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 2416


It was her birthday. Halloween. The 31st of October.

She'd left grave tending till today in hopes that she might get to catch a glimpse or a word from Abel. She'd had lunch with his mother that morning and they'd talked on why she wasn't dating. Or her trying harder to stop being so cold to others that might want to get closer.

She was being extra tough on new people due to the last six months of weirdness. And after the last big situation she was growing far more weary.
She just wanted something, but she couldn't find it. It was starting to frustrate the fuck out of her.

William's grave had been tended after lunch. She was sure that cleaning weeds and dead leaves from the mans grave was going above and beyond for the man that now laid so deep in the earth. He'd definitely fucked up their area abilities. She was still mad at him for that!

Or maybe they did it to themselves.

She'd wandered around placing tiny pumpkin luminaries around on the other gravestones. Making the place a bit festive, but also not interrupting anyone that was visiting. She managed to not get strange looks though. Most that came into the graveyard knew who she was.

That weird Jewish girl with one eye.

She'd always be that. She'd come to accept that many many years ago.

Oddly enough spending her day in the graveyard had made her a bit happier than she'd been in awhile. It was a bright spot in the foggy day.

It was really really foggy. Like horror movie levels of foggy. And it was Halloween.

That all settled in on her mind as she was stretched out on a blanket next to Abel's grave. She'd grown sleepy from lazing and reading.

The sun was slowly setting, but there wasn't an urge to leave, maybe she'd stay there for the night. Although staying would no doubt invite some weird shit to happen...

And she wasn't feeling like it after the opening ceremonies.

So the woman had packed up her blanket and basket and she was setting off towards her care when she could have swore that she heard someone.

Or something.

But no one was there. And it left her with a bit of a sinking feeling, what else would go on this weekend?


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