2019-11-10 - Ferret Juggling And Whiskey Chicken

James has headed to NY to clear up a few things, and he and Diana talk about missing each other, illness, dorking out, and he answers correctly about the Trek/Wars divide. A pet shelter 'date' is made!

IC Date: 2019-11-10

OOC Date: 2019-08-02

Location: In the Ether

Related Scenes:   2019-11-16 - Take The Whiskey, Skip The Lipton

Plot: None

Scene Number: 2607


(TXT to Diana) James : Just saw a dude on the subway juggling ferrets. After only 3 weeks in Gray Harbor this doesn't even make the top 10 of weird shit I've seen this month.

(TXT to James) Diana : Well, I hope it makes the top 20 at least. That's pretty awesome. ...did the ferrets look scared, though?

(TXT to Diana) James : Oh they were having a grand old time. You can't juggle ferrets unless they let you, it's true. So, has the entire town been swallowed by a pan-dimensional hellbeast if some kind while I've been away?

(TXT to James) Diana : Unfortunately, yes. There were some good fireworks to go along with it, at least. Sorry you missed it!

(TXT to Diana) James : Dangit I always miss the good stuff. Did you survive or am I texting a ghost? Warning, I will be sad if you're a ghost, but you still have my full consent to haunt me.

(TXT to James) Diana : That's so kind of you! I did always want to haunt someone as a new hobby. That said, I totally survived.

(TXT to Diana) James : I have always prided myself on my hauntability. But I am thrilled you are still among the living. We should celebrate that when I get back in a couple of days. Maybe over something sweet?

(TXT to James) Diana : I like the cut of your jib, son. We should also celebrate your triumphant return to the burnt-out husk of what remains of Gray Harbor! Obviously these must be separate events.

(TXT to Diana) James : You are a veritable font of good ideas, So. Can I say something that might be a little weird?

(TXT to James) Diana : Do you and I tend to EVER say things that are less weird than that? 😉 But yes. I grant you my permission. 😛

(TXT to Diana) James : Well, see, the thing is, we've known each other, what, like a week? And I should probably say things like this in person instead of being a dork and texting but then if I was there in person I wouldn't have to say this so I guess it's a wash anyway

(TXT to Diana) James : Anyway, the thing is... I miss you? Is that weird?

(TXT to James) Diana : It's not weird. Or if it is, we're both weird, so at least there's that. I mean. We hit it off pretty quickly. Not necessarily a bad thing.

(TXT to Diana) James : I'm not complaining! 😃 I just, y'know, wanted you to know that. Because a week ago if I'd left for nyc like this I don't know if I would have wanted to go back. And I mean, it's not just you, I'm starting to think maybe I have something I need to do, or something. So there's that. But there's also, y'know... you.

(TXT to Diana) James : ... which I am also very much not complaining about.

(TXT to James) Diana : You better not. 😉 Besides, I have nothing to complain about, either. I'll admit I already planned to stay in Gray Harbor for awhile before that night. But now I'm even happier about it.

(TXT to Diana) James : I'm pretty happy you're sticking around too. And a little worried, because you're amazing and that town is dangerous especially the parts of it that you're likely to go poking at- we'll, that we're likely to go poking at, cause we're a team now and all, but, anyway, the thing is...

(TXT to Diana) James : even though I am worried and stuff, like, I also feel kinda hopeful that we'll find some kinda answers, specifically because, y'know, it's us.

(TXT to Diana) James : and that's pretty nice

(TXT to James) Diana : ...I like that there's an 'us.' Is that silly?

(TXT to Diana) James : Extremely silly. Just absolutely mad and bonkers. Which is probably why it works for us.

(TXT to James) Diana : True. We ARE pretty silly. And I still like that word. Us. Oh god, I'm going to die of the mush. Also, I think I caught that flu going around.

(TXT to Diana) James : what?? Oh no I hope it's not the strain I just had. It sucks. Try to take it easy the next couple of days? If it is the same one, you're gonna want some extra rest while you can get it. 🙁

(TXT to James) Diana : I went to a big paranormal club meeting, and I hope I didn't get anybody sick. I wasn't sick yet. Then again, maybe I caught it there. Someone was coughing.

(TXT to James) Diana : Also someone threw wet kleenexes at someone else. It was kinda crazy.

(TXT to Diana) James : See this is why I don't like to leave my apartment. Just hang on a couple more days, drink lots of fluids and rest.And tell me if you notice anything weird about this flu, yeah?

(TXT to James) Diana : Uh oh. Weird how? Currently I'm mostly tired and have an itchy throat. Nose is giving me a little trouble as the evening wears on, too. Stupid flu. 😛

(TXT to Diana) James : I'm betting it's the latter. Just promise me you'll take care, ok.

(TXT to James) Diana : Now I'm confused. And a little worried. 😉 I'll take care, for sure.

(TXT to Diana) James : Sorry! I don't mean to worry you! I mean, look, I had the flu just a week ago before we met and look, I'm fine! It's just a weird one- I had some crazy nightmares during it. And I'm not entirely convinced some of them were just nightmares. But, y'know, I'll be there for you, promise, so you don't need to worry!

(TXT to James) Diana : No need to be sorry. And... I'm glad you'll be there. And hey, at least I can't get you sick, right? Sorry about the nightmares and possibly-not-nightmares.

(TXT to Diana) James : You can count on me to fetch you chicken soup. Or whiskey. Whichever one will help better. And I'll be back tomorrow! Some movers will be bringing by the last of my stuff from my old apartment. I'll be tipping them generously just in case the town eats them.

(TXT to James) Diana : Maybe chicken soup where the soup part is replaced with whiskey. I feel rotten. You don't have to help, though. It's not pretty.

(TXT to Diana) James : Ah yeah, that classic healthy recipe, Whiskey Chicken. Actually, that sounds delicious.

(TXT to Diana) James : But anyway yeah of course I'll take care of you, if you'll let me. I spent my flu alone and it suuuucked. So, none of that for you. Pick a series or three, it is time to capital-B Binge.

(TXT to James) Diana : Doesn't it? Gosh darn you to heck, James, now I want whiskey chicken. This wasn't a thing I knew I needed in my life.

(TXT to James) Diana : As for a series... surprise me! What are you into?

(TXT to Diana) James : I know the feeling. Feels really applicable right about now.


(TXT to Diana) James : I mean, really, I'm sort of a genre slut. If it's got magic or spaceships I'm in. Magic spaceships? Double-in

(TXT to James) Diana : How dare you like nerd things. So upsetting. If I'd have realized that ahead of time, you know I'd have stayed far, far, away.

(TXT to James) Diana : Also how nerdy? Star Wars? Babylon 5? Also which is better: Star Wars or Star Trek?

(TXT to Diana) James : I apologize for leading you on with my rugged manliness, alas, the need runs deep in me. I mean I grew up playing D&D with my friends as a kid around there.

(TXT to Diana) James : Also I will not be baited- they are both wonderful and cheesy in their own ways. One was telling space wizard stories and political drama, the other was about exploring human nature and ingenuity in the face of an enlessly varied universe (in which most of the aliens are attractive humanoid bupedals, natch)

(TXT to James) Diana : Wait, D&D? What class did you favor? Also, that's disgusting. I can't stand to be with a D&D man.

(TXT to James) Diana : Also, I'll get you my pretty... and your little dog, too. ...do you have any pets, actually?

(TXT to Diana) James : I know, I'm the worst. And... this is hard for me to admit... but I like playing bards. Or sorcerers.

(TXT to Diana) James : No pets, I wasn't allowed to have one in my apartment here in NYC. Maybe I should get one if I'll be sticking around GH tho. I love dogs, but I'm kinda thinking cat. Cats are terrible and I love them. I'd get a hedgehog but even though they're adorable they make terrible pets. I mean, I do identify on a deep, soul-connection level to a creature who's first instinctive reaction to any kind of stimuli is to curl up into a ball of spikes and hiss.

(TXT to James) Diana : And still I have yet to witness you hissing. I feel I'm missing out. If you go to get an animal, I suggest shelter ones! I'll even go with you, I SUPPOSE. But only because animals.

(TXT to Diana) James : I mean I can hiss at you if you like, but it's really very underwhelming, not intimidating at all.

(TXT to Diana) James : And we can totally go look at shelter pets when you're all better! Something to look forward to, yeah?

(TXT to James) Diana : I insist on hissing, post-haste. And yes, actually... that's very much something to look forward to. If cats and dogs can't help me recover, nothing can.

(TXT to James) Diana : I'm hissing as we speak.

(TXT to Diana) James : Hot.

(TXT to James) Diana : I know, right? I've sprung a leak.

(TXT to Diana) James : Oh dear. Well, look on the bright side; I'll be back in town by tomorrow and then you'll have yourself a faithful manservant for all your flu needs,

(TXT to James) Diana : I'm sure you're really excited to be Official Bucket Holder and Kleenex Fetcher. ...I feel like shit.

(TXT to Diana) James : Super excited! I'm gonna decorate the bucket, even. It'll be great.

(TXT to James) Diana : I'm almost afraid to ask, but... what will you decorate the bucket WITH?

(TXT to Diana) James : I'm thinking mostly googly eyes.

(TXT to James) Diana : Always a good choice. There is nothing that cannot be improved with the use of googly eyes. Except googly eyes.

(TXT to Diana) James : Yeah, you don't wanna fall into the 'recursive googly eye' trap, it's a rookie mistake.

(TXT to James) Diana : We're too wise to fall for that stuff. Heck naw. That said, I hope you bring an extra pair of googly eyes for reasons.

(TXT to Diana) James : Ooh, reasons. I love reasons. I can bring lots of extra pairs. I have a big bag of them I bought once, because I make good decisions.

(TXT to James) Diana : Indeed you do. You knew then that they would come in handy... and now they will. Wise man.


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