2019-11-10 - The Yellow Sign

Armed with the footage Ruiz obtained from City Hall, he ends up making contact with the one dubbed Peregrine.

IC Date: 2019-11-10

OOC Date: 2019-08-02

Location: Someone's Mindscape

Related Scenes:   2019-11-20 - The Sea Is In Their Blood   2020-02-06 - Requiem for a Dream

Plot: None

Scene Number: 2623


[FS3 Rolls] Ruiz rolls Mental (7 7 6 6 6 6 3 1 1) vs Peregrine (a NPC)'s 8 (8 7 5 4 3 2 2 1 1 1) Crushing Victory for Ruiz. (Rolled by: Isabella)

<FS3> Peregrine (a NPC) rolls 10 (8 7 7 6 5 5 4 2 2 2 1 1) vs Ruiz's Mental (8 8 8 3 2 2 1 1 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Peregrine. (Rolled by: Portal)

Captain de la Vega's invasion comes without warning.

The psychic beast that he is, all savage brutality with little to no regard for finesse, shatters through the gossamer web of the mind that he is searching for, glittering fangs bared. The moment he breaks in, he'd find a space that's almost tranquil - a gentleman's conservatory, one that would remind one of old paintings from Renaissance masters. He'd glimpse a globe spinning on its axis, a roaring hearth, and rows and rows of books. A piano, with its collection of sheet music, rests underneath delicate oval portraits of unrecognizable faces. There's even a plaque on the wide, heavy oak desk, hand-carved and ornate, with a name engraved on brass as well as a couch - one that would remind a person of those long, classic ones from old psychologists' offices.

He breaks through the floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook a peaceful lake, and lands on all fours, shards of glass catching firelight and leaving streaks of crimson and gold at his wake, but before he could even see the name, his surroundings suddenly shift. He might have drawn first blood, but his quarry recovers quickly - the name plaque dissolves into mist, the finer, painstaking details and minutiae of this peaceful room dissipating into spectral tethers, and Ruiz's psychic form finds himself in a dark, formless, yawning space - abyssal enough in its quality that he is unable to determine where his mind starts and where the other begins. The bridge is just as formless as night, and with no stars or moonlight to guide the way.

<<I suppose if there's anything I could say about the citizens of this town...>> begins the voice that greets him, following a tap-tap-tap, the echoing sound of ebony on marble. <<...is that they're full of surprises. To what do I owe this visit, Fenrir?>>

He's a military man, de la Vega. And thus, well-versed in what it means to have the element of surprise. His mind-form crashes through that window full-force, with a scream of flame and cinder, and lands in a shower of glass shards and tinier fragments that pepper the glossy marble like iridescent dust. And the moment he's in, he takes the opportunity to drink in his surroundings. Picking out what details he can before they fade into formless shadow; his bright eyes hunt the corners of the room, his lean frame begins to prowl, tink, tink, tink of bits of glass dripping from his pale fur like ice, breaking apart on the floor as he moves.

And then, his mind's eye goes dark. The bridge twists and sways, the shadows boil between them and he laughs, of all things. The sound is warm and amused with a darkling edge to it. Maybe because his mouth is filled with razor-sharp teeth, and his paws tipped in tiny knives for claws.

<<Don't be coy. You knew I'd come looking for you. And you knew I'd find you.>> He continues to move, continues to hunt for some sign of the other man's innermost thoughts. Some taste, some scent. <<What do you want with Isabella? Why have you come here?>>

<FS3> Peregrine (a NPC) rolls 10 (8 7 6 6 5 4 4 4 2 2 1 1) vs Ruiz's Alertness (7 6 5 3 2 1)
<FS3> Victory for Peregrine. (Rolled by: Portal)

<FS3> Ruiz rolls Mental (8 7 5 4 3 3 2 1 1) vs Peregrine (a NPC)'s 8 (7 7 6 6 6 4 4 2 2 1)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Peregrine. (Rolled by: Portal)

<<You laugh>> says the voice; it is pleasant, polished and erudite, and doesn't seem at all perturbed that someone else's presence has managed to barge into his mind. <<Why is that? From the act of drawing first blood? Or is it because you recognize the reference to the Eddas and how well it fits you?>>

Ebony on marble continues to tap, and darkness seems to unfold; the lean, almost reedy shadow stands several feet away from the prowling wolf, though Peregrine's face remains largely obscured by the bowler hat he wears on his head, and the dark glasses that keep his eyes from view. He's dressed in a suit, today is charcoal-gray with pinstripes, and gloved hands curl on the heavy metallic head of his walking stick, though the details there are obscured by his fingers. The only spot of color from the palette of neutrals he seems to favor is the yellow flower pinned to his lapel, a sharp contrast to the rest of him.

As the wolf tastes the air, attempts to grab a scent, he would find the darkness...completely and utterly sterile and still, save for the movements of Peregrine himself. Even the flower doesn't seem to exude anything. It is disconcertingly, distressingly perfect, how clean and devoid of any impressions this space is.

<<Actually, I didn't. Know that you would find me.>> A ring of truth there, sweeping through the darkened bridge like the wind. <<You demonstrated remarkable initiative, Fenrir. As I told Mister Clayton several nights ago, it isn't every day that someone almost gets me. Which one were you that night, I wonder?>> A hand detaches from the walking stick, and touches the air. He, too, sniffs - Ruiz's psychic eyes would briefly find the shape of his nose - sharp and bold. <<...aha. The gunman. I can smell the powder, and taste the blood.>>

The question about Isabella has that hatted head tilting. His amusement only grows. <<I already answered these questions, I think, though I suppose I couldn't blame Mister Clayton for not passing on the details of our conversation, which leaves me wondering, in the end, whether she's his Isabella or yours.>> He waves a gloved hand sideways. <<I told him that she caught my eye and that is the truth, my lupine friend. What that actually means, however, I'll leave for you to parse. As for what I'm doing here, I'll tell you what I told him - that I'm an involved citizen. Sometimes, I watch. Sometimes, I do more than watch. Either way, I learn, and earn, plenty.>>

Why does he laugh? He does not elucidate, the bright-eyed beast with fur like living, breathing, roiling fire. But he continues to pace, slow; his claws tick the marble, and he sees only himself reflected in it, with a skipping of firelight against that smooth, dark floor. He rounds in closer to the man with the bowler hat, muscle slithering through his lean, long frame, and sharp ears pinned back against his head. The flower catches his eye, and though it lacks a scent, it most assuredly could be identified by someone such as Roen. So he takes a mental note, and keeps his eyes roving.

<<Then you're more shortsighted than I thought>> replies he, in that clear and almost androgynous voice that slips like a river under the bridge between their minds. Devoid of the accent he tries so hard to stamp out. Devoid of inflection, devoid of his often halting uncertainty with words; that voice is nothing like his own. <<I should have killed you in the church. It was my mistake.>>

He stills as the man begins to speak about his conversation with Alexander. Irritation skims the surface of his mind, fleeting, there and gone in an instant when not passing on the details of our conversation is mentioned. More laughter then, when whom Isabella belongs to is brought into question. <<If you knew that woman at all, you would know that she is no-one's. How can you own the wind?>> The question might be rhetorical, or it might not. The wolf begins to prowl again, circling the man in the bowler hat, smoke and ash trailing in his wake. <<Tell me what you want from her.>>

<<Am I?>> says Peregrine; his wide smile slashes disconcertingly in the dark, underneath that hidden face and just above the white collar he wears, glinting as white and as sharp as a razor against the light of Ruiz's coruscating flames. <<Abiding by the words a much more intelligent man than I has said - no plan survives first contact with the enemy. I think this encounter if naught else attests to the fact, don't you? I mean, who would have thought you would succeed? I doubt you even thought you would.>>

He eases down and the darkness moves, to form a chair somewhere behind him to rest his laurels upon, thighs spread just so but only so he could keep the walking stick standing between them.

<<And yes.>> There is no disagreement there, a simple, confident acceptance or speaking of facts that are purely objective, but there's a slight wistfulness there, too, when the wolf thinks of killing him. <<It was your mistake. But one that I trust that you will not make again. You don't seem like the sort not to learn from them.>> There is a long pause, and a slight incline of his head again, dark lenses and metallic frames pinging reflected light. <<...unless I'm giving you too much credit there, of course. But I don't believe my assessments there are wrong. At least, when it comes to ending a life. I taste the blood, Fenrir....and it's not just mine.>>

If he knew the woman. But there's a faint shrug of those slender shoulders under his jacket. <<You seem to think that she and I have some kind of significant pre-existing relationship before the events of the Church, but I assure you, we do not. Not in the way you seem to think, at least. Ah, but wouldn't it be easier for your hunt, if I did? How can you own the wind, indeed.>> A quiet, pleased sound escapes him. <<There's a poet in you, somewhere. Or you appreciate enough of it to be able to turn such wonderful phrases. As for what I want from her...>>

He sighs - it almost sounds like paternal exasperation, or disapproval. <<I want from her what I want from you.>> His smile returns. <<All of you, really, but there are some that strike a particular chord. The well in you feels quite endless, for instance. People like you and her hold my fascination like nothing else. The ones who can't let go.>> He leans back, tapping his walking stick once. <<Or more accurately, those who don't want to.>>

The wolf stalks in closer as his quarry fashions himself a chair upon which to sit. Flame and heat buffet his liquid, slinking frame, wisps of fire crackling and spitting as they're dampened by the oppressive darkness. And then, rather than continue to circle the man, he settles down on his haunches, as if mirroring - consciously or not - the movements of his foil. His bright eyes pierce the shadows, and search for some sign of what's behind the ruse, the mask, the game they're playing.

<<You are correct about that. I had no idea that I would succeed in breaching your mind. I am aware of the limits of my ability.>> Peregrine may be able to sense this in him; this confidence, bolstered by experience and drive and determination. But it stops just short of arrogance. <<However, of the fact that I would find you, I never had any doubts.>> Because he is a hunter, above all. A hunter of men, most especially. The mention of a poet in you generates a flare of emotion in him that briefly leaps and surges from his blinding corona like he were a star; pure, uncomplicated joy, just for an instant.

Then, <<So you feed on it, then.>> There's a low, almost sub-vocal FWOOOMP as of something igniting and causing a chain reaction; grief and fury, the fuel for the fire that rages through him. <<You want it. Or you need it?>> He never really specifies what it is.

<FS3> Ruiz rolls Mental+2 (7 7 6 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 1) vs Peregrine (a NPC)'s 8 (7 6 6 5 5 5 3 1 1 1)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: Portal)

<FS3> Ruiz rolls Mental+2 (8 8 7 7 6 5 4 3 3 2 2) vs Peregrine (a NPC)'s 8 (6 6 6 5 5 4 3 3 2 2)
<FS3> Victory for Ruiz. (Rolled by: Portal)

<FS3> Ruiz rolls Alertness (8 7 7 6 5 1) vs Peregrine (a NPC)'s 10 (7 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 1 1 1)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Ruiz. (Rolled by: Portal)

Somewhere behind the curtain, those keen, burning eyes would see it - the glimpse of an old memory tinged in grayscale and sepia. His wolf's ears might prick at the distant strains of a quiet conversation - the familiar, polished diction from the man in front of him, but clearly from a different time, speaking to another - and by the words and the 'voice' of this remembered, ghost, infinitely younger. He is sitting behind his desk, though his features remain obscured, and the blond boy he is speaking to lies on the couch, but on his side - away from Ruiz. He can't be no more than eight years old.

"You were right, doctor." He sounds excited. "The birds can talk to me now."

A hand lifts, finger extended from where he is writing. "You know that isn't what happens, lad. Try again."

"Sorry." The boy sounds contrite. "I mean, the birds feel things, but I can make them feel what I want them feel."

The curtain snaps shut, but not fast enough. There's a long, drawn out exhale from Peregrine himself as he taps absently on the walking stick. <<The form you choose to use in a place such as this is very appropriate.>> His voice is more contemplative rather than distressed, and a hint of resignation slipping through the syllables. <<But not completely accurate.>> And why would it be, when that brief note of joy sings across the empty space - with so much silence and cleanliness, this utter lack of anything to define it, that piece of uncomplicated happiness at being called a poet burns like a small sun before the fires of aggression consume it again, and choke it into ash. It carries nothing of the monster that dominates the other side of the bridge.

There's a soft laugh, afterwards - it is warm, but altogether humorless. <<Oh, no. Not me, Fenrir.>> He slowly rises from his chair at that, tapping his walking stick on the marble once. His gloved fingers reach inside his waistcoat and draws out the pocketwatch from within and checks the time. <<But whether I want it or need it?>> He looks up, because he feels it - the twisting, intense sensation of grief and fury that feeds the infernal furnace of the wolf. <<What would you say if I offered to take it? All of it, and leave you the room to change your flames into a different color?>>

He gestures to the wolf. <<Or is this the shape you have resigned yourself to until the day you breathe your last? Feral, lonesome and perpetually consumed from within? No fire lasts forever, my lupine friend. It needs fuel. A catalyst. And when it finally depletes everything inside you to the point of snuffing out, what do you think is offered to the dying embers to keep them aglow? Not you, not when there's too little of you left. Whether you intend for it, or not, those around you pay the price. Were I less educated, I would be encouraging you to end it. But death, unfortunately, is wasteful for one such as I.>>

He snaps the pocketwatch shut, the click echoing sharply across the endless empty. <<Well, this was utterly illuminating. Is there anything else, perhaps, that you would like to ask me? This can't be healthy, you know. Being connected to me for very long.>>

All of this is taken in in silence. Pricked ears and bright eyes and burning, blinding, screaming flame that gutters and surges, gutters and surges. The little blonde boy, learning how to harness his power by touching the minds of animals first; the wolf pushes up off its haunches and prowls in closer with a scratch of claws on marble. He tries to get a good look at the boy's face as he passes, before the curtain snaps shut.

And then, only darkness again. Only the burning wolf and the dark, featureless hall of Peregrine's mind. The man asks him a question; what would you say if I offered to take it? And the wolf, perhaps, is on the precipice of an answer. His mind begins to turn over the possibility of being free of the burden, and the thought of that seems strange to him. Alien. All of it. And then, in an instant, he seems to realise he is being pulled in. This can't be very healthy-

Peregrine does not have the opportunity to finish that thought. The link is severed with the same violence in which it was established; the wolf bares its teeth, glittering in the firelight, and turns and races away. Runs and runs, flame buffeting in its wake, and then leaps back out the window and is twisted and swallowed up by the ether.

Shattered glass and the scent of char and ash are all that remain.


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