2019-12-03 - Music and Morgues

Just your average day at the coffee shop, with plenty of talk about music... and the morgue.

IC Date: 2019-12-03

OOC Date: 2019-08-17

Location: Espresso Yourself

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 3039


Propped up in a chair at a table by the front windows, Yule's dressed for the weather. A dark gray sweater with a pulled down collar creates a fashionable appearance, coupled with the black pair of jeans and equally black ankle high boots. A cup rests on his table, steam still coming from it that indicates he's just arrived, and held in his hands? Is a once folded newspaper he's lazily purusing as part of the start of his morning.

Working in a strip club doesn't really make for a Lyric to be out early mornings, but she'd been off the previous night. Mostly, everywhere she goes she's got music, even if it's her just singing it. She's out of the coffee shop in the strip mall just be-bopping at her own pace, walking to the proverbial beat of her own drum. There is an ear bud in one ear, but the other is hanging over her striped gray and black hoodie. A pleated skirt worn with a pair of black leggings with tiny hot pink music notes over them. Whatever the shirt is, it's hidden beneath the hoodie. When she comes in, she's singing. Not loud, but she's singing to whatever is playing on her headphones. "Hey boy you know you drive me crazy. One look puts the rhythm in my hand. Still I'll never understand why you hang around. I see what's going down.."

It's not directly to the counter she goes, nope, she notices Yule and tugs the earpiece out and bounces over to slide in the chair across from him. "Hi. Wow." Her regular greeting when she sees him apparently.

It's the sound of those sung words, light as they are, that has a finger extending up to the corner of his paper, gently pulling it down just enough he can peer over the top and spot the source of that song. "Hey, DJ." Comes his response back, a faint smile gracing his lips as the words roll readily from the tip of his tongue playfully, "Yeah. Sitting down this time. It apparently makes a large difference, or so I'm told." Not an ounce of protest comes when she joins the table, settled across from him, and it's a shallow nod given as his gaze drifting to her headphones. "Practicing for the next karaoke night?"

"Maybe so, but you don't have cookies this time to distract me either. And you look good standing up. Taller than me!" Lyric says playfully. "I get enough practice when my band sings in the garage. I just like music, but it's not a bad song to sing for Karaoke. Do you sing? Play any instrument or anything?" Curious either way. "It was good to see you at karaoke, do you go very much?"

"And apparently wow worthy," Comes his response to how he is standing up, and sitting for that matter. His head shakes just a touch, those brown eyes glittering with a hint of amusement. "Nah. Not an ounce of musical talent in my body. But I do love listening to music. 80s, 90s, blues primarily, though of late? Been introduced to a mixture of a lot of things." Yule's hands lower that paper, folding it up again until it's settled easily and out of the way on the table. "Nah. First time. But I've only been back in town for... two months. And work? Well, work has a mind of it's own. Never know when I'll be called in."

"Wow worthy," Lyric bobs her head, completely agreeing with him, a hint of a smile curving up on one side. "I'm glad you love music though, whether you make it or not. I like so many songs. The song I was just singing is Face Down. Red Jumpsuit Apparatus sings it. Do you like Stevie Ray Vaughan? My favorite song by him.." there's a hesitation, but it's brief. "Maybe I will just sing the song at karaoke and if you come you'll know then." As if he were super interested in her favorite. "How's your brothers and sisters?"

"They are all well, if busy, yeah? Though Ellis had a rather nasty bout of the flu. Ended up in the hopsital a few days... all better now and off terrorizing something, I'm sure." It's the name of that song that is filed away, Yule's head dipping in recognition of the name she asks about. "Yeah. Great artist. Inspired Kenny Wayne Sheperd, whom I feel has done a great job carrying on that torch. Kenny's latest album from this year? Absolutely worth a listen. So how is work at the cabaret? With your love for music, seems the perfect sorta job, yeah?" A soft snort of amusement comes from the man at that offer, his head tipping to the side as he watches Lyric for a second. "Yeah. If I can? I'm sure I'll make an appearance next one that rolls around."

Lyric crinkles her nose at the mention of the flu. "I think all the whole band had that. It was awful. I'm sorry he ended up in the hospital." Though her whole expression changes at the idea of him off terrorizing something. "Or someone," she adds with amusement. "I will listen to it. I buy songs all the time for my phone, and I like all sorts of music so I'll for sure listen." There's a glance to his paper before she smiles back at him. "I love working at the Cabaret. I get to listen to music, play it and make money doing it. It's so lucky that I got the job, I've been there since the day they opened. Park works there too.. You should go there sometime. It's a great place. Maybe when they host an event or something too?"

"He and Noelle," His twin in the Duchannes family sibling tree, "always are up to something." It's all spoken with fondness, his head shaking just a touch before Yule catches that glance down towards his paper. "Always appreciated the tactile feeling of holding something, yeah? Sure. I can get more up to date information on my phone, but it just isn't the same." It's that name, Park, that doesn't quite connect instantly, his brow furrowing before two and two put together. "Your hug friendly companion at the bar? And maybe. Not exactly my normal faire, a strip club. Not that I find anything wrong with it," Out his hand reaches, fingers curling about his cup to draw it from the table in and closer to him. "You just play music, or do you partake in these events as well? Heard something about an amateur night, a while back." It's off at a table in the front of the coffee shop the two are sitting and talking, front and center before the windows.

Coffee is the life blood of most cops, which is likely what was led Charlie here, her sunglasses on, hair in a ponytail as she rocks off-duty detective chic in the form of boots, skinny boyfriend jeans, a button down shirt that is unbuttoned over a GHPD t-shirt and a leather jacket thrown over that. She's talking to someone on the phone, a small notebook pulled out that she is taking notes in, "Mmmhmm, yeah, I've got it...yeah. I promise, I've got it."

"At least with those two it's never boring right?" Lyric grins, cause she's witnessed some of Ellis' antics before. Her own didn't quite rival his! "Yeah I like the paper, but by the time I would be awake enough to walk to the corner store to buy one, my phone has already alerted me to the top news stories, so I just stay curled up in bed longer." A bob of her head and a soft laugh has her agreeing to the name. "Hug friendly friend. That's Park. Her name is Mee Park but she goes by both. The dancers at the club are super nice. I like to dance but not on a stage. I did do the amateur night just for fun but I'd rather play the music." Her attention slips briefly as someone else enters, but she doesn't immediately recognize her. "Have you got a Christmas tree up yet?" That's back to Yule.

It's a moment before those brown eyes settle upon Charlie, waiting until she's off the phone to give a nod her way, "Detective Morgan. You happen to catch Detective Wilkinson? Don't think you'd believe what those results were." His head just shakes a bit, before his attention is drawn back front and center to Lyric, a small rumble of laughter coming from him. "Yeah. Certainly not. They keep Nat busy, for sure. Not a morning person then, yeah? Suppose that makes sense with your line of work. So what is it about the stage, then, you don'tlike? Having to strip down? The spot light? Dealing with the hands afterwards?" A low 'mmm' comes from the man, as if of course he already does, "Cutest damn thing you've ever seen, my tree. Live in the trailer park, so space is a bit of a premium."

"Yule Duchannes, new medical examiner." Charlie calls back, holding up a finger to beg for a moment as she pushes her sunglasses up onto the top of her head, the phone tucked into the pocket of her jacket. She goes about ordering plain coffee, and then when she gets it she moves towards Yule and where he's sitting, inviting herself right on in before she shakes her head, "Haven't, no. Got busy with a few things, holidays...kid, you know how it is." She then pauses, frowning, "Or maybe not, either way, no, I've not caught her. Why don't you give me a run down?" She glances at Lyric then before adding, "When you can."

"Oh I love mornings, but usually I go to bed super late so I sleep later in the mornings. The Cabaret closes late. Then I walk home from there, so when I finally get home it's really late." Lyric contemplates the question of dancing before offering a shrug. "Oh I like dancing, stripping down isn't that bad, I didn't take everything off though." Still a contemplative look even as she continues. "There's no one thing I don't like about it. I guess I don't hate it, I just like playing music better." The smile makes a reappearance, "It sounds cute. Charlie Brown tree or is it fluffier? I should get you an ornament for it." Catching the glance from Charlie, she grins at Yule. "That's my cue. I've come to recognize them. I'll catch up with you later, yeah? If you have cookies, I mean.." A cheesy smile at that.

"Siblings are close enough to kids, at times. Course, I get to act more like the stern uncle rather than the full time mom. That's Nat's job." It's a twitch of a smile at that, before from the depths of his jeans, a buzz can be heard and a small clip of Juicy, by Doja Cat comes once. And then repeats a second time. Yule? He acts like this is a perfectly normal course of events, casting a quick glance to the screen after he fishes it out. Fingers tap something back, and then the phone is put face down on the table. "Yeah. Probably not for public consumption. It's," Bad. Really bad is the look he flashes Charlie, letting it go unvoiced as his cup lifts to take a small drink from his cup. "Take a seat, if you want."

"Should find a way to be able to play as you dance up on stage. Course, I imagine that's more setup and take down than they'd care between a set." He offers to Lyric, a ghost of a smile curling to his features, "Same size, but fluffier. If you notice a big, bushy christmas tree with it's top cut off? Well, now you know. And yeah? Only if you want," It's that invitation to stay, but equally, "I'm out on the deck most nights in front of the trailer, least the ones I'm not working. Often with cookies."

That ringtone gets a curious look, but Charlie only appears to be mildly judgmental about it. Mildly. Instead she offers Lyric a smile that is meant to be reassuring, "Don't run off on my account." She probably doesn't want to run people off, even if she does probably want to know what the information was.

Certain things just aren't for public consumption, and she knows it as well as anyone else. Which might be the source of the apologetic look she shoots to Yule for even pressing the issue.

"The only brothers or sisters I had were in the different homes, the foster homes. None of us were close, we were just all.." Lyric ponders a word before inputting it. "Surviving." There's a giggle at the ring tone but she doesn't say anything. Apparently she approves of it. "I'd rather just play. I can dance anywhere, doesn't have to be there. I went to the Firefly last night to dance. It was kinda fun. Kinda not." She doesn't appear to be lingering though. "Sounds too much like work, you two," she teases, getting to her feet. "I'll stop by with an ornament later if you don't care. I'll see you later, Yule." The lady gets a grin, "Later, gator." She'd not bothered with a drink when she came in, she doesn't bother with one now, she winks at Yule and gives him a peace sign before heading out.

"Haven't been to the Firefly." It's an idle thought, though the 'kinda not' has one brow arching upwards in curiosity, a pointed question poised and at the ready before Lyric is getting to her feet. "Always happy to have ornaments, yeah? Just make it a small one," A dip of his head comes to her, his cup hefted in a salute of farewell, "Good to see you again, Lyric." And then, it leaves the full of his attention to rest on Charlie. "You on your way into the precinct? I can walk with you, if you want. Catch you up on the horror show that is in my morgue."

"Why don't you walk me down to the horror show, and you can tell me all about your new decorating techniques." Charlie starts to get to her feet, giving the departing Lyric a quick salute with the coffee. Then she gulps down a few swallows, despite the heat, and sets the coffee down on the table, "Alright, come on. I'm curious what it was that you guys actually found." Which, whatever her plan might have been for the day, getting these answers has now clearly become the plan.

"Yeah. I don't know that you want to go see it at the morgue in the hopsital. It's," Yule's features say it all, a grimace that, brief as it is, speaks volumes as he starts to rise up to his feet, grabbing his cup. "Told you we found the body in the zoo, yeah? And then there were the other cases I wasn't on. Organs missing. Someone that had their kidneys taken out." Already he's on the move, a slow but steady pace with his stride, and those brown eyes flicker over towards the detective to make sure she's along for the proverbial ride.


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