2020-01-05 - Not Over You

While her Uncle Patrick's out, Katy catches up with Jonathan and her impulses get the better of her. So does her exhaustion.

Content Warning: Non detailed sexual content

IC Date: 2020-01-05

OOC Date: 2019-09-09

Location: Bayside Apt/Apartment 600

Related Scenes:   2020-01-06 - Sweet Silver Lining

Plot: None

Scene Number: 3506


(TXT to Jonathan) Katy : Hey, I wanted to let you know I made it. I'm exhausted but safe.

(TXT to Katy) Jonathan : That's great. I hope the trip went well.

(TXT to Jonathan) Katy : Uneventful, just long. How are you? A good day I hope?

(TXT to Katy) Jonathan : Uneventful trips are often the good one. And it's been a good day so far today.

(TXT to Jonathan) Katy : I worry about you sometimes. I know the bad days can be super rough.

(TXT to Katy) Jonathan : I know. Thankfully, those really bad days are fewer these days. I wish they weren't there at all, but that's how it is.

(TXT to Jonathan) Katy : That's good. I'm glad we got you through. As much as I could help. Are you busy tonight? I'd like to see you.

(TXT to Katy) Jonathan : The support was important, still is. And I'm not busy tonight, so just tell me where and when.

(TXT to Jonathan) Katy : Uncle's out. You can come over. We can go out. Whatever you want.

(TXT to Katy) Jonathan : Probably better if I come over, you're probably a bit tired from your trip?

(TXT to Jonathan) Katy : Never too tired for you, I swear.

(TXT to Katy) Jonathan : I'm glad to hear that. Should I head over now, or do you need some time?

(TXT to Jonathan) Katy : Anytime's good, Uncle Pat just left.

(TXT to Katy) Jonathan : Okay, just going to grab a quick shower, then I'll be right over.

(TXT to Jonathan) Katy : Bayside Apartments, Apt 600

(TXT to Katy) Jonathan : Give me twenty minutes, and I'll be there.

(TXT to Jonathan) Katy : No problem. Mind going to pick up some Pizza from the Pizza Kitchen on the way here? Been craving it.

(TXT to Katy) Jonathan : I'll get it.

Setting her phone down on the coffee table, Katy pulled her laptop and a cable out to connect the laptop to the big screen TV her uncle had set up, just in case Jonathan wanted to watch something on Netflix or something of that nature. But while she was waiting, she connected her computer to a wireless speaker she had, and played some music off her Spotify playlist before she finished what was left of her drink from earlier. Maybe the liquid courage wasn't such a bad idea. It had been too long since they'd properly seen each other and she wasn't sure what to expect.

(TXT to Katy) Jonathan : One pizza delivery coming right up. (Just outside now).

(TXT to Jonathan) Katy : Double cheese, pepperoni, bacon. The usual, right?

(TXT to Katy) Jonathan : For some reason that's one of the things that stayed in my memory even after all the rattling that happened to my head.

Katy grabs her keys and her phone, and quickly locks up before heading down to the Lobby to meet up with Jonathan, her anxiety bubbling a bit up to the surface, something she manages to ignore through sheer force of will as she waits for him, his last text simultaneously making her smile and reminding her of the reason this reunion was possible.

(TXT to Katy) Jonathan : Pizza's ready, parking outside your building now.

When she gets Jonathan's next text, Katy takes a deep breath and when she sees him, she's barely able to contain her anxiety and excitement, holding the door open for him to get in. "Hi," she says quietly, "It's nice to see you." If he hadn't been holding the pizza she was craving, she would have jumped him right then and there.

There's a wide grin offered as Jonathan enters, stepping through the door with that pizza. "Hey. It's great to see you as well." He offers the pizza to her, "I hope it's not just this that makes you happy," he offers lightly.

Katy grins at the offered pizza, taking it from Jonathan, and she pretends to think about it for a moment to tease. "Well..." Then she gives him a kiss on the cheek. "It's not just the pizza, but it helps." They talk as they head towards the elevator. "The holidays were hell. I ended up being held up at home because of deadlines. But at least I don't have to work with these clients from hell anymore. Contract over!"

"Note to self... When coming over, bring pizza," Jonathan remarks, a bit lightly. Nodding as he listens to the talk about the deadlines. "The clients were that bad?" There's a brief pause before he grins, "Good thing you're done with them, then. I'm sure it's probably possible to find clients from hell here as well, if that's what you need," he offers, a bit lightly.

"Oh I don't doubt it, but I would prefer not to find out." Katy gives him a playful look. "I would rather just...enjoy the work I'm doing and the company I'm keeping on my time off." She glances at the elevator door as it opens for them and steps in.

Jonathan grins as he hears that. "Okay, so no clients from hell, then. I'll have to make a note in the book, then." It's offered lightly, before he smiles, "It'll be fun to have you around." Stepping into the elevator as well, he smiles, "So, work all lined up, then?"

"Mostly just work referrals right now, I suppose it pays to have the last name Addington." She shrugs, Jonathan knows that she is not like the other Addingtons in town. The only Addington thing about her is her last name, though she tries to enjoy the benefits bestowed upon her as much as she can as to not rock the boat, but mostly, she's really down to earth and hard working. She gives Jonathan this look as if she's contemplating something but holding back. She reaches for his shoulder and gives it an affectionate squeeze. "I have consultations lined up and meetings for the next week or so. Should keep me busy enough."

Pausing a bit as he sees that look, Jonathan smiles, "Meetings can be interesting things. At least you know what your days will be filled with." For a few brief moments, his expression looks a little lost, before he shakes his head, smiling again. "And busy keeps you out of trouble, right?" That part added rather lightly.

Katy contemplates a response but before she could humor him with a response, the elevator opens, and it interrupts her train of thought. "Yeah, out of trouble. Of course. I know my Uncle would appreciate that." She leads him towards the apartment and you could hear the faint sounds of music from inside. Katy had forgotten about the music she was playing when she rushed out the door to meet Jonathan.

<iframe src="https://open.spotify.com/embed/track/1vgMBgmgDlyHi0AnHCY8Da" width="300" height="80" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe>

"I think family always appreciates when we stay out of trouble," Jonathan offers a bit lightly, before he smiles as he hears the music. "Sounds like someone forgot to turn off the music, hmmm?" he says, a bit lightly. "Sounds quite good."

I've been loving you for such a long long time
Expecting nothing in return, just for you to have a little faith in me

The song continued as Katy unlocked the door with one hand and let Jonathan into the apartment, not saying a word until she'd followed behind him and locked the door behind her then placed the pizza on the counter. "So, this is my Uncle's place. Gonna stay here for a while until I get a routine, get settled, then I'm likely going to move to one of the open apartments downstairs."

She towards the computer to turn off the music. "I mean, I could leave the playlist on if you wanted to..." she offers as she walks.

Looking around the apartment, Jonathan smiles. "Looks quite nice," he says, before he nods at her words. "And it's always good to get settled first. I'm glad I took some time to do that the times I moved around." As she turns towards the computer, he smiles, "Leaving it on is good. Some music is always nice."

Katy stops dead in her tracks as an expression of realization seems to cross her features. She turns around and heads into the kitchen to find plates and glasses. "Can I offer you a drink? Water? Coke? Apple juice? Or we could raid my uncle's liquor cabinet. I don't really drink, you know this, but...it's an option." She sets two plates on the counter, so that they can sit on the stools if they wanted to.

There's a brief moment of pause as Jonathan sees that expression of realization on her face, although he doesn't say anything about that for now. As he hears the question about a drink, he smiles. "Coke sounds good. Raiding the liquor cabinet sounds like an interesting adventure, but it's probably better for another time, if it should be done, right?"

"You know I don't drink but I guess there's always a first time for that. A lot of my firsts were with you." Katy's voice trails off as she serves him some coke and places it on the counter in front of him. Her expression seems resigned as the next song begins on her playlist. Since the playlist she'd played was one that she'd made when they first broke up and modified over the years. If she'd rushed to change it, it would look suspicious, like she was hiding something. Not that she could ever really hide anything from Jonathan when they were together.

<iframe src="https://open.spotify.com/embed/track/6j7hih15xG2cdYwIJnQXsq" width="300" height="80" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe>

"If you want, there's always a first time for things. But that should be the right time, not just the first available time," Jonathan replies, before he smiles, "As a lot of my firsts were with you as well." He pauses as he sees that resigned expression, raising an eyebrow. "Something wrong?" he asks, words a bit quiet, as he listens to the song that just started. "I've missed you being around," he offers.

"No, nothing's wrong...everything's finally right again."

She'd hoped that particular song would not come up before she could find a way to change the playlist. With a little over an hour and a half worth of music on the playlist, any number of songs could come up. Why this one? Still, it seemed to express the words she can't find herself to say. Instead, she focuses on their chatter. "I suppose we'll just have to see when the right time comes up. New Year's Eve was a missed opportunity, wasn't it?" She chuckles lightly as she serves them some pizza.

Nodding as he hears her words, Jonathan smiles, "They are quite right again," he agrees. "And while New Year's Eve was a missed opportunity, there will come others, right?" He goes quiet again as he watches her, before he pauses a bit at the music. "When did you make this playlist?" he asks, sounding a bit curious.

She nearly chokes on the pizza she is eating when Jonathan asks how long ago she had created the playlist. She sighs. "I made it a year after we broke up and just kept adding and removing songs as I needed to, I guess." She shrugs. "Why?"

Now that reaction makes him blink. Which also causes him to go quiet for a little while. "Ah..." There's another pause, as he tries gathering his thoughts. "So the song still being on the playlist have a..." He trails off again. "I heard the lyrics and... Wait... I guess what I'm trying to say..." He goes silent again. "Maybe I'm overthinking things, right?"

"I was stupid back then to think that we could make anything work with the way our lives were going," Katy said quietly, pausing to take another bite before she continued. "We were always going our own directions, but my heart was always yours. It never stopped being yours." She did not go for a second slice of pizza, but instead, she sips on her own glass of coke as a new song begins.
<iframe src="https://open.spotify.com/embed/track/1zCoCopxgQmozHBuuyfW2K" width="300" height="80" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe>

"We were young back in those days. Young and stupid. But then again, it's always better to have tried, right?" Jonathan's words are quiet as well, before he adds, "There were so many times since then, when I was thinking about how things could have been." He starts eating some of his pizza as well, chewing slowly as he hears that part about her hart never having stopped being his. Finishing eating, he offers her a smile.

Katy looks down at the bottom of her empty glass, feeling extremely vulnerable at her admission, and a little nervous about the rest of her thoughts coming to the surface. "You know, it broke my heart to see you so unhappy, losing everything you worked so hard for..." she says quietly, letting the words of the current song fill the room around them, not finishing her thought.

Looking a bit unsure about what to say right now, Jonathan reaches out to place his hand on her shoulder, letting it rest there, light and hopefully comforting. "I know..." He trails off, before he adds, "And when you told me about your heart, you should know that nobody else ever took your special place in my heart."

"I was...it was nice to see you home when I came to visit but...I couldn't be happy that it meant you lost everything you've worked so hard for, even if it was the thing that kept us apart for so long..." Katy explained as she placed her hand on top of the hand he placed on top her of her shoulder. "Even now, I wonder if this should feel wrong, that I'm happy that you're here, and not out living out your dreams. I'm never going to be able to fill that void you're feeling, or make any of it hurt less, and that kills me inside."

"You're wrong about one thing. I think you can help me make it hurt less, even though there will always be some kind of a void there, some kind of voice in the back of my head whispering 'what if'..." Jonathan replies. He goes quiet again as he tries gathering his thoughts once more. "I mean, while it still hurts, it hurts less now that I have come to terms with not being able to play anymore. But I've been thinking that maybe all is not lost. Perhaps I could try contacting the coach of the high school team to see if there's an opening as an assistant, or something?" He smiles at her. "Most of the void can be filled, but I will need help."

"Anything for you," Katy immediately says, the close proximity between them has her feeling a little flustered.

There's a question that ends up being stuck in her throat after Jonathan speaks and the struggle is clear in Katy's eyes. But she says nothing about that question, instead focusing on the fact that Jonathan is putting his life back together, and supporting that endeavor.

"You know this isn't my usual style but if I have to...I can see what my family can do for you," she offers quietly.

"Thanks," Jonathan replies, before he offers another smile. "I'll keep that in mind. Hopefully, things will work themselves out, but it's always good to have options." He keeps silent for a few moments. "You know, back in the days, I wanted to go to the major junior leagues, but my parents suggested I'd go that road I ended up taking, since it was good to have some education to fall back on if needed."

Katy nods as she listens to Jonathan speak about having on education to fall back on. "Was it worth skipping out on the junior leagues and playing collegiate hockey?" she asks quietly as her eyes seem to focus in on his lips, her thoughts drifting slightly.

Jonathan looks thoughtful for a few moments at that question. "Well, I guess I could have managed to reach the big league the other way around, but all things considered, I think it was worth it. Both to get an education, and I guess it gave me a chance to mature a little more. And I got to know some great guys along the way. So all in all, worth it."

The thoughts that ran through her mind varried, from wondering whether it would still feel like she remembers it all these years to kiss him, to how much he'd filled out and gotten more muscular over the years, to whether it was the right time for them to try again.

<iframe src="https://open.spotify.com/embed/track/35SuLFF1dk9nBgjE2HzTzp" width="300" height="80" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe>

The song that begins snaps her out of her reverie and she takes another sip from her glass of coke. "I'm glad it was worth it for you," she says quietly, her tone a bit distracted as she pulls her gaze away from his lips, trying to shut down those thoughts in her mind. She has to remind herself that they are different people, older and more mature, and that she needs to allow them to get reacquainted to each other, even though they felt familiar and comfortable.

Unaware of her thoughts, Jonathan looks a bit thoughtful as well as he smiles. "Thank you," he replies after a few more moments, before eating some more of the pizza. Looking a bit lost in thought for a few moments, before he shakes his head a little, as if to clear it. "So, what's on your mind?" he asks, after a few more moments.

"Just how much I missed this. How much I missed us." The response was simple, yet heartfelt and honest. She is definitely overthinking things and unsure of what to share with Jonathan. She works through a second slice of pizza with him, stepping back to the other side of the counter, standing across from where he is.

Jonathan smiles, nodding again as he hears that. "I've missed us too," he replies, before he adds, "It feels good to know that this time, you're not just here for a short period of time, then heading back east." It's offered with a smile, as he finishes off that slice of pizza.

Before she can change her mind, Katy walks over to him, closing the distance between them, and she wraps him into a hug, her arms squeezing as tightly as she can, closing her eyes as she does this. "After what happened last year, I couldn't stand having to leave you again," she says.

As she closes the distance, Jonathan watches her, smiling as she wraps him into the hug, his own arms reaching to hug her in return. He keeps silent for a long while, simply seeming to enjoy the moment and the hug.

Katy lingers in the hug, taking in his scent, feeling herself meld into his tall muscular form. "What about you, what's on your mind?" she asks when she loosens her grip and pulls away just enough to be able to look up at him, but still keeping him very close.

"My mind?" Jonathan pauses for a few moments as he hears that question. "Too much, as usual. Partially old memories." He smiles at her. "And, I think I probably have told you already that I'm really happy you're here."

Katy has a smile on her face at hearing him repeat how happy he was to have her in town again. "There's no place I'd rather be right now than right here." Because she's curious, she asks, "Old memories? Which ones?"

"Mostly memories with you and me. Things we did together," Jonathan replies, with a smile. "Those are the important ones."

Nodding in agreement, there is a question in her eyes she is unsure whether to give a voice to. Instead, she asks, "I remember that first summer I visited here, it was a whole year before we even thought of dating, I was out for ice cream on my birthday, and we ran into each other on the Boardwalk. It felt like we'd known each other forever, even though we were strangers."

"I remember that," Jonathan replies, before he adds, "Even back then, I really enjoyed meeting people I didn't know before. And someone it seemed like I had known a long time, even better." A brief pause, as he adds, "And that time on the beach, when we were surprised by that rainstorm..."

She smiles at the memory Jonathan decides to bring up. "That was our first kiss, the summer of my 17th birthday," she says with a smile, "That's when I knew there was something else between us. That was the summer you asked me out." She pulls away from the hug gently and adds, "Did you want to eat or drink any more?"

"Back when we thought it would all last forever," Jonathan offers with a smile. "Those memories always makes me feel better." There's some hesitation as she pulls away from the hug, before he smiles, "If you want to do something else, I'm fine with that."

"No. Leftovers for tomorrow's fine if you don't want to eat anymore," she says distractedly, his words about when they thought it would all last forever hitting a sore spot in her heart. "We didn't make it the way we thought we would," she says carefully, reaching out for his hand and holding it in hers. "But we still made it, in a sense. We found our way back here, found our way back to each other somehow. I thought I lost you to your dreams a long time ago."

Noticing that distractedness, Jonathan frowns momentarily, although it's gone as soon as she takes his hand. "That is true. And who knows what wonderful things the future will bring, right?" A brief pause at the part about her losing him to his dreams. "You know, back in my draft year, when I realized I actually had a shot of being drafted, I was hoping it was one of the teams closer to where you were, so I could spend some time with you there," he offers.

Katy looks at Jonathan with a tiny smile. "I would have loved that. My time in D.C. would have been so much better with you." She pulls his hand to lead him towards the couch in the living room and says while they move, "Come on, let's sit over there."

"It would have been awesome," Jonathan replies, before he lets her lead him to the couch, with a chuckle. "Sounds good," he offers, moving to the couch.

Once they're both settled, Katy feels a little nervous being closer to eye level with Jonathan. But before she can change her mind and stop herself, she leans forward to place her lips on his to initiate a tender kiss.

Sitting down and making himself comfortable, Jonathan pauses momentarily as Katy leans forward, but as her lips meet his, his hands reach out for her shoulders to pull her close, as he leans into the kiss, kissing her in return.

Katy can feel him lean into the kiss and this lets her give herself permission to linger a bit longer in the kiss than she initially intended to. "I've been wanting to do that for so long," she confesses when she finally brings herself to separate her lips from his.

"I..." Jonathan begins, his hands remaining in place on her shoulder, although if she pulls away, he won't stop her. "Me too," he offers after a few long moments, words soft as he smiles at her.

"There's never been anyone else for me," she whispers, breathless from the kiss, "But I...I don't want to rush things if you don't think this right..." Jonathan knows she's the overthinker, at least in the years since their breakup, as if adulthood had done it to her somehow. She is smiling, but there's clear anxiety in her eyes.

Jonathan nods, holding her close still. "The few others never lasted as anything more than friendship. I think even if I didn't mean to, I always ended up comparing them to you." He lets out a brief breath, his gaze still on her. "I think this is right. I mean, we have found each other again right? Not many people get that chance."

"I don't think my heart could take it if I lost you again." Katy sighs, her posture relaxing and her anxiety fading from her eyes as Jonathan spoke about how right it was and how they found their way back to each other. "I don't want to waste this second chance. So what now?"

"Me neither. Letting this chance slip away would be just as bad as what happened to me on the ice," Jonathan replies, before he pauses a bit at the last question. "I'm not sure. A part of me is saying we should not do anything too fast, but another part of me wants to rush in." He offers her a smile, before he asks, "What do you think?"

"I'm not going anywhere, not anymore," Katy whispers, "I've wanted this for so long. I'm ready to follow you to the ends of the earth if I have to now." She pauses for a moment before she says, "I want to help find your way again, I want to help you rebuild your life. I want to see that smile I used to see when you'd take me to the rink and we'd skate around for hours and talk."

"If we ever go somewhere else, let us go together," Jonathan replies, words kept as a whisper as well. "You are a light in the darkness to me, and I will always want you to be by my side." As he hears that last part, he smiles, "I can't promise that it will be an easy road, but with your help, I believe getting there is possible."

Katy places a gentle kiss on his forehead. "Anything for you, anything for that smile," she says, keeping her voice low. "I didn't know it back then, but I definitely know now. I love you, Jonathan." She gives a shy smile as she makes an offer. "My Uncle will gone for a couple of days. Do you want to stay? We can talk all night, do other things..." There was a faint hint of a naughty look on her face that disappears as quickly as it had appeared.

"And I love you, Katy," Jonathan replies, smiling at her. There's a brief pause at the offer to stay, and a raised eyebrow at that naughty look, before he nods, "Staying sounds quite nice," he replies, smiling again.

Of course Jonathan hadn't missed it, he was always very good at reading her, the raised eyebrow is met with a smirk, a far cry from the anxious mess she had been. Why would she have ever doubted that he would want the same things as her? Leaning her head on his shoulder, she says, "I miss the days when things used to be so simple, when we had no worries in the world."

As she leans her head on his shoulder, Jonathan moves his own head towards her, as well as slipping his arm around her. At her words, he nods, "Back when it felt like we could do anything," he offers, softly.

"Why is it harder to go back to that feeling the older we get?" she muses out loud. She allows herself to melt into his arms. "I've been feeling so nostalgic lately. Maybe we can go to the Boardwalk and get ice cream in the morning. Or whenever we wake up." She chuckles.

"I don't know, probably because we know more about the world these days, or something. But I miss that feeling," Jonathan replies, before he smiles at the part about going to the boardwalk and get ice cream. "That sounds like a wonderful idea. Whenever we wake up."

Katy was in complete denial about how exhausted she truly was. Even though she wanted to stay up and talk with Jonathan all night, she could feel her eyelids getting heavy. "Hmmmm...we had setbacks...but we can still do anything. I wonder if...I could..." Her voice seems to trail off as she lets out a cute little yawn.

"If you cold yawn? Quite possibly," Jonathan offers with a chuckle as her voice trails off. There's a brief pause, before he adds, "You must be tired from your trip. Which is only natural, after such a long trip."

"No...I'm fine..." Katy let out a small pout. She was obviously tired. "I just need to close my eyes." A part of her didn't want to fall asleep. She sat up on the couch and said, "Come to bed with me?" she says quietly.

Sitting up a bit straighter, Jonathan smiles. "You know, we won't be able to get that ice cream if you end up so exhausted that you sleep through all of tomorrow," he offers, before he nods, starting to get to his feet. "Hello, I'm Jonathan, and I'll be your human teddy bear," he offers a bit lightly.

After turning off the music, closing her laptop, and disappearing into the room her Uncle had for her to stay, where her suitcase and her stuff was, she'd taken a few minutes to get dressed in her favorite PJs. When she was ready, the door to her room opened, and her voice called out, "Okay, I'm ready."

Waiting as she went to her room to get ready, Jonathan looks around the apartment from where he's standing by the couch. As she calls out, he glances around a few moments longer, before he steps over, entering the room, looking around again as he enters. "You didn't end up falling asleep while changing clothes, I hope," he offers with a smile.

As Jonathan enters, a tired Katy is sitting on the bed, in red silk PJs, pants and a tank top, her blonde hair up in a low ponytail. "No not yet, but soon..." She looks at Jonathan still fully clothed. "I hadn't expected to turn this into a sleepover...are you going to be comfortable?"

"Some surprises are more pleasant than others, wouldn't you say?" Jonathan offers, before he steps to the side of the door, starting to remove most of his clothing, except for the boxers. "I've slept in bus seats all over huge parts of the country, so I think I'll be comfortable here," he says, with a bit of a smile.

Quickly walking over to close the door behind him and locking the door as he undressed, her jaw dropped slightly when she turned and realized that he'd stripped down to his boxers. She ran a hand across his abs. "I know I should get some rest, but damn if a second wind comes, you might be in trouble." She'd seen him shirtless before, but this was definitely the first time he was nearly naked in her presence, which reminded her of how innocent things truly were for them back in the day. As adults, it was bound to change. She licked her lips and bit her lower lip, fighting off the temptation to intiate another kiss.

Jonathan smiles, gaze briefly going to that hand across his abs, then back to her face. "If I remember a quote from a good book I once read right, it's something like 'I don't mind a reasonable amount of trouble'," he replies a bit lightly, before he adds, "I won't leave you, so even if the second wind doesn't come tonight, I'll make sure to let you get me in trouble." It's still offered lightly, as he smiles to her.

There was a chuckle from Katy as she listened to him speak about a reasonable amount of trouble. "You might have to explain what you think is reasonable, just so we don't have any misunderstandings about it." There is something in the air that night. It's different. It's new. It's exciting. And it is stirring something inside of her, something new. Despite his best assurances, a part of Katy wants it, wants him, right then and there. She slides up to him and presses herself against his body, her lips kissing his neck. "Maybe just a little trouble before bed..." she allows her voice to trail off as she covers the left side of his neck and his left shoulder with kisses.

Unable to hold back a bit of chuckle at the mention of explaining what he thinks is reasonable, Jonathan smiles.. "I'm all yours, Katy," he offers to her, before she presses herself against him. As he feels her lips against his skin, he lets out a breath. "A little trouble is good..." he says, after a few more moments, and a few more deep breaths.

At the sound of Jonathan telling her he's all hers, she feels a surge of excitement through her entire body and she finds herself separating her body from his long enough pull on his hand again and lead him to the bed.

Letting himself be led to the bed, Jonathan slips an arm around her. "What kind of trouble would you be wanting?" he offers rather lightly. as he seats himself on the edge of the bed, pulling her closer to him.

"The kind of trouble that involves you in my bed," Katy replies simply. Her eyes narrowed slightly, and the naughty expression now in full force, she watches Jonathan sit, contemplating her next move. She would climb onto the bed and kneel behind him, continuing the kisses, moving on to the right side of his next and his shoulders. As she does this, her right hand travels as well, all down across his chest, reaching all the way down to his legs, and his inner thigh, resting there, teasing, so close yet so far away. "I'm surprised we never got into this kind of trouble before. I guess that goes to show you how I different I was back then, how innocent I was."

"Ah, that kind of trouble." The words are offered a bit lightly, as he watches her and that naughty expression. As she climbs onto the bed behind him, he starts leaning back slightly, but stops as she kisses his neck and shoulders. As her hand travels along his body, his gaze follows the hand, letting out a bit of a breath as he hears what she says. "We were both so young and innocent," he replies, before he smiles. "But better late than never, right?" His left hand reaches back to gently rest against her thigh as well.

She barely registers his hand as her lips work their way up his neck and all the way to his temple before she stops to whisper, "You said it's best to wait for the right time, not just the next opportunity...Do you think this is the right time?" As she speaks, her hand grazes his groin before settling on his abs, rubbing them.

There's a few deep breaths as he listens, especially as her hand moves again, only nodding slightly as he speaks. "I think so. I think it's what we both want." His hand slides a little further up, moving slow as he tries to fight back the urge to suddenly turn and tackle her down further onto the bed.

"Then I'm all yours too." The statement directly whispered into his ear then she breaks away to from him to strip down to her lacy underwear, the red silk PJs sent flying, landing in a pile where Jonathan left his clothes. She then moves back to where he's seated, her chest firmly pressed against his back. "Your move," she whispers again in his ear.

As she breaks away, Jonathan slowly starts turning, but as she moves back, he remains not entirely turned around. As he can feel her chest pressed against his back, and he hears her words, that last resistance to turning is gone, and he leans forward, away from her for a brief second before he hurries to turn around, moving forward in a rather gentle tackle.

Exhaling sharply as she lands on her back, bouncing slightly on the bed, she subtly licks her lips at the sight of him pressed against her, his skin against hers, and pulls his head towards hers so that she could kiss him again. "Damn, you were never quite this muscular before..." she comments before pressing her lips against his once more.

Smiling as his head is pulled towards her, Jonathan looks about to answer her words when he's interrupted by her lips pressing against his. "Mmmhmmm..." comes the reply that he didn't really get to make. A few moments later, he kisses her back, a bit more hungrily than the earlier kiss.

There is a combination of tiredness and intense desire coming into play as Jonathan finally takes control and she can feel the intensity level increase. When they break away from the kiss this time, she whispers, “God, I...” Her eyes had drifted to the side table where she’d placed something she’d nearly forgotten about for him, a condom. Her mind was a little cloudy from exhaustion but she managed to gesture towards the side table.

His movements are slow when they break away from the kiss, smiling to her. There's a brief pause at that gesture towards the side table, and he looks over there, taking a few moments before he notices the condom there. Once he spots it, he reaches out for it, first attempt to pick it up being a bit off, but catching it at the second try. "Yes? You...?" he offers to her, smiling at her once again.

She says, “I’m ready for this. I’ve waited too long.”

And it was everything she had imagined it would be when they finally come together, and he fills her. She would breathe heavily and moan at every thrust, every movement.

“Fuck!” she lets out quietly several minutes later, a wave of pleasure overcoming her as she climaxes and releases.

Trying to balance gentleness and force, Jonathan also ends up breathing quite heavily by the time he hears her let out that one four letter word those minutes later. Taking a few moments to get his breathing calmed back down, he smiles at her. "That was..." he offers, trailing off as he leans in to kiss her again.

His kiss is now like a drug to her and when he leans in to kiss her, she hungrily kisses back. “I love you, Jonathan,” she whispers, completely exhausted at this point after the kiss. He can see her struggle to keep her eyes open as she curls halfway to the fetal position on her side.

"I love you too," Jonathan replies, as he watches her and the struggle to stay awake. Moving a little closer to her, he reaches out to put an arm around her. "Looks like you need your sleep now," he offers to her. "After all, you've had a long trip."

“Tell me this isn’t a dream,” she says quietly as she melts into his arms and falls asleep.

"I promise it's not a dream," Jonathan replies softly, smiling as he watches her fall asleep. Soon thereafter drifting off to sleep as well.


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