2020-01-06 - Sleepless Nights

Sleep is hard to come by for Stephanie after a particularly rough night on the job. Exposure to the Veil and her Glimmer use are affecting her in strange ways, particularly her dreams, as if the Veil is trying to trick her, confuse her .

IC Date: 2020-01-06

OOC Date: 2019-09-08

Location: Elm Residential/30 Elm Street

Related Scenes:   2020-01-05 - Why don't you look at me?

Plot: None

Scene Number: 3495


It wasn't very often that she even acknowledged the energy within her that inhabited her every being since she turned 15. She rarely spoke of it out loud unless within her inner circle and those people tended to respect the fact that it wasn't something that was talked about, especially in the early days. She never used the abilities, she never did anything that would be considered even remotely unusual. Better safe than sorry. But she did do her best to study up on it, as much as she could, time permitting. She understood basic concepts from what had been taught to her about the Veil and how her abilities worked but her understanding had always been limited.

It wasn't until she'd been confronted with something from the Veil that she realized how extremely ill equipped she was to handle anything of that nature. Her first shift back from her vacation, her first shift with her new partner, Devlin...it didn't turn out the way she intended.

She had been a non-combatant in over her head and working completely off instinct. She wasn't sure if she'd done the right thing. But she wasn't sure if letting the creature go was right either.

So many thoughts were scrambled in her mind. It took a while for her to finally find sleep but when she did, her eye lids grew heavy and the world went dark...

As she opens her eyes, she looks over at the alarm clock on the side table.

5:37? Why is it so early? Didn't she just go to sleep?

As she rubs the sleep out of her eyes, she realizes that she is no longer in the lavender room she calls her own. She sits up and in the faint glow of the moonlight from the window, she realizes she is up high, and when she steps over to look out the window, she figures she's on the third floor.

The vaguely visible layout of the room seems indicate some sort of a hotel room. Before she can get much more of a sense of the situation, a figure comes in from the balcony and she is startled. "Hey, you're up."

The voice shocks her, causing her to completely freeze. "This isn't real. You're dead. You died 12 years ago. This is a hallucination. This is just...you're one of those things, aren't you? Those things from the Veil?" She starts to feel herself shake violently.

In front of her was an older version of the best friend she lost, or at least that's what she figures from his appearance.

"If I weren't real, would I be able to do this?" And she feels him scoop her face up, cupping her cheeks with his hands and placing a gentle kiss on her lips.

Out of sheer panic, she lets out a beam of translucent orange energy, the telekinetic force sending him flying against the wall, the force injuring the creature, inflicting a flesh wound as he crashed hard into the wall. It isn't human blood that comes out from the wound but rather the same black substance from the creature in her previous encounter. The fact that she is able to do this is one of the indicators of his inhuman nature.

"I thought you would be happy to see me..."

"You chose to chose to die. You chose to hurt your family, you chose to abandon your best friend. I will never be fully happy again!"

She lets out another telekinetic beam, this time sending her large straight out the window with a crash, causing him to land at ground level with a loud thud.

And soon enough, she hears sirens...


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