2020-02-10 - Do You Know About the Affordable Care Act?

Yule drops by to see how Alexander is doing.

IC Date: 2020-02-10

OOC Date: 2019-10-02

Location: Park/Addington Memorial Hospital

Related Scenes:   2020-02-10 - A Pre-Valentines Day Exorcism

Plot: None

Scene Number: 3905


It's actually a beautiful day for the winter; rare and cloudless, with a pale blue sky letting the weak winter sunlight in through the window. Alexander has, then, toddled his way over to a chair by the window so that he can look outside. He's in a double room, but the other bed is currently unoccupied. His head is bandaged, and the bandages have just been removed from his arm, although there are still neat black stitches on a ragged looking jag, there. He's found some pants and put them on under the hospital gown - this may have been the source of an argument with the nurses, but he refuses to think that a concussion requires his ass to be flashing the world. He's looking out over the parking lot that the window faces, and there's a wooden puzzle in his hands that he's idly playing with.

The door opens, and in Yule slips, his eyes flickering over the room first to note who all is present, and spying only Alexander he lets the door close behind him as he makes his way first towards the fellows bed. It's the chart he glances towards, just to check over the whole story that matches the concussion, and only then does he speak, "If you wanted to see me, you could just come by the morgue, you know. No need to get yourself checked in." It's all delivered with a faint smile, and Yule continues onwards towards the window to glimpse that lovely day outside. "How are you holding up? Know that look. The itch of wanting to get out, yeah?"

The chart is fairly succinct - unlike a lot of the more 'unusual' situations that Gray Harbor residents sometimes find themselves in, this is a straightforward case of Grade 2 concussion due to blunt occipital trauma, and a gash on the arm. Wounds were cleaned, bandaged, and have been monitored, with steady improvement shown in the concussion since admission. Alexander turns his head towards the door as it opens, his wary look fading into a tired smile as he notices Yule. "Yule. Hello. I thought about wandering down that way, actually, but decided that it might set a bad precedent." He waves at a chair. "It's good to see you. I'm fine. And yeah, I think I'm going to check myself out today or tomorrow at the latest. How are you?"

"Think when you've been admitted to the hospital? It's a bad idea to wonder down to the morgue. Just asking for bad luck to fall upon you with some horrible hospital food accident," He quips with a touch of good natured humor, and then he finds the chair to settle into. "I'm all right. Better, now that the ... whatever it was after the accident Isabella, Minerva and I suffered from our little experiment has worn off. Valentine's day should prove interesting, yeah?" It's a pointed look towards the man, a gentle reminder to see if he did indeed remember that is A Thing, now that Clayton is in a relationship, before he continues on, "Isabella told me that whatever happened to you? Caused a few... issues. You sure your holding up all right?"

Alexander stares blankly at Yule. "Valentine's Day?" A pause, and he reaches for his phone, going slowly through some text history. "Wait. Is that why Isabella was talking about edible underwear? I'd wondered, but it seemed rude to ask. Huh." He looks back over to Yule, and blinks. "I should do something about that. Um. But I'm fine. Just a little woozy, and nightmares, and I think I can rewrite people's brains, now? But what about you? Leg all better? I didn't get to see you on the scooter, and I regret that."

It's that question that has one dark brow arching upwards, and Yule's response is ever so straight forward, "Whatever the reason she was talking about it? I'm certain you should embrace trying something new, regardless of the reason. But yes, you should do something for it. Flowers and chocolate are the traditional approach, but making it something a bit more meaningful to your loved one is always a good thing." With that little bit of help offered up, it is his explanation that has his head tilting, a curious and worried look creasing his features. "Rewrite people's brains? As in remove and add memories? Change their personality?" Down a hand comes, giving a gentle pat against his left leg, that smile blossoming back, "A bit stiff still. A bit of the wound still to heal. But I don't need the crutches anymore, the stitches are out. All good... and no, no more scooter."

"New?" Alexander grins. "I've actually always preferred fruit slices. Not quite as processed tasting and holds up better under body heat just in case you don't get to one of them right away. Whipped cream is, by the way, not a great idea, whatever you might have heard." He starts looking thoughtful, so whatever happens next to poor Isabella is definitely going to be Yule's fault. A slow nod. "I think so. I feel like I could change something inside people, if I wanted. August says it wouldn't stick, but...I think it might." He's speaking slowly, eyes narrowed as if tempted to reach for something right now. Then he shakes his head and refocuses. "Also, Isabella and I dreamed of having our bones crunched and maybe sawed apart? That's odd. I'm glad you're healing, though. I talked to Itzhak. He's interested in the experiments."

Up Yule's hands come in an offer of mock surrender to those first words, and up those brown eyes lift towards the heavens as he doesn't dare poke more down that potential rabbit hole. "Maybe. That sounds like experiments I wouldn't want to even consider, however. Something far more like what the Vivisectionist would do, Alexander." A small frown curls to his features, casting a warning glance towards the man as he points out, "I won't repeat to you what you always tell me. Which is be careful, and don't do anything dangerous." The dream has his head tipping to the side, one hand lifting to rake through his hair as he considers, "She also mentioned something about a talking bird. It feels like /things/ are changing. More than just an isolated issue with your head. And good. He hasn't reached out to me yet... hopefully soon. My list of things I'd like to talk with him about is growing exponentially, it feels."

Alexander just stares at Yule with dark, impassive eyes for a long moment before conceding, "Maybe." He frowns. "Isabella said that, too. That she feels like something changed. It's hard for me to tell; my head hurts and things are different, but I think they were different before other people felt they became different, if that makes sense?" There's a pained grimace and he rubs at his temple. "It may not make sense. I've been a little loopy. But I can give you his number. If you want. And the bird...yes. Javier saw one. A crow. And then I saw one, too. And then a gull tried to get into the room here. It didn't feel right. I reached out for it, but it wasn't really a bird. And then I threw up, because apparently that's one of the things you shouldn't be doing while concussed." His voice is dry.

"It does, yes. Not an instant change, perhaps. And then there is time to recognize the differences, especially when we already know so little about it. I wonder if They tried to stop it, or if They were responsible." It's a small shake of his head at all the conjecturing, instead letting his focus go on the more immediate and concrete things that had been seen. "That makes sense. The throwing up part, and not using your powers while you are concussed." It's all pointed out like this should be obvious, another pointed look cast towards Alexander before he offers the man a reassuring smile, "Did they do an MRI on you? Cat scan? I wonder if the concussion altered something in your brain. Pathways, activity, whatever. What do you think the bird was? And yes, Itzhak's number would be great. I can reach out to him."

Since Alexander's still holding his phone, he quickly sends off a text to Yule with Itzhak's number. "The last time something changed, our abilities had their ranges reduced. Like it was harder to push through...whatever the world is." A hesitation, then a shake of his head at the rest. "Not that I'm aware of. I don't have insurance. As long as I wasn't, y'know, bleeding out of my ears, they try not to use the expensive stuff on me." A rueful little shrug. "Either way, I'd rather not have that Veil corp having maps of my brain. I feel like that's a bad thing. And I don't know - it's solid, it felt solid. So not an illusion. I didn't feel a mind behind it, exactly. Maybe some weird shit escaped from the other side?"

Yule's mouth opens, and then closes, and then opens again. Oh, it is so clear he has Things To Say to Alexander about the fac the doesn't have insurance, but the stern frown that he casts towards the man speaks everything that he'd have said regardless. "I feel like, if they wanted such things? They'd get it one way or another, regardless." He points out, after having seen first hand now just what their reach and ability to make things happen seems to be. "When did that change happen? Keep in mind, I haven't been here that long, or touched this stuff until... well, not that long ago either." It's the fact that there wasn't a mind behind it that has his brows furrowing, considering the implications, fingers thrumming on the arm of his chair, "Weird. Almost like a drone? Except... a bird?"

Alexander meets that look with a raised eyebrow. "What?" It's just shy of challenging, although he doesn't argue with the idea of FCN's reach, just makes a face. "The range? When we buried Gohl. He said something about 'closing this on the way out' and then things changed. Since he's not here, it's hard to say what exactly he closed, or whether it could - or should - be opened again." A pause. "I don't think this change is my fault. I haven't done anything but get smashed on the head, and I'm not that important." A brief nod at the comparison. "A lot like that. It just said names at us. Some missing people. Some dead. Some that are important and hurtful in some way." A pause. "And then the Baxter kid, and I don't know why him."

"If you are doing what you are doing? You should have insurance. I mean, you are /required/ to have insurance these days, aren't you? But, especially with what we do," Of course the ME is going to be all about accessibility to health care, but up a hand lifts, waving the thought away without too much of a challenge towards Alexander, clearly of the belief he surely knows better and won't be convincing him anytime soon. "Some dead? Isabella had just mentioned missing. Seems to be taunting you. Take it Javier had the same experience with his crow? Could just be one of those Weird Things that go on around here... without knowing how it all works, it is impossible to grasp what is really related, versus what isn't. And no, I don't think any of this is your fault." He murmurs, a reassuring smile curling to the corners of his mouth. "But once you are well - and not before - I did find a few items for you to do your thing with so I can watch and observe."

"I can't afford insurance," Alexander mutters. "And never you mind it. But yes. Some dead, for sure. And Grant, for some reason. Who is neither dead, nor missing." He shrugs. "And you're right. I've been trying not to worry too much about it; I assume something's just trying to hurt us." He perks up at the last. "Why not now? If you have anything. I'm very bored, and I want to make sure nothing's broken inside my head anyway."

"There are plenty of low cost ways for those who need help," Points out Yule ever so innocently, all to see just how much Alexander had looked into it. "Grant. But he /is/ a Baxter, which based upon what you said of their history in this town... lack thereof and everything, yeah?" It's his last questions that get a point blank stare at him, as he recalls his friends own words, "Apparently, trying this sort of stuff while you have a concussion isn't a smart idea. Besides, I promised Isabella I wouldn't have you do anything while you were still in the hospital." That draws a brief smile from the man, "And 'being bored' isn't a good enough reason, which we both know."

"Charity." Alexander makes a grimace. "Other people need it more than I do. I'm fine. And I can absolutely read things, and Isabella needs to not worry so much. I'm feeling much better." And is clearly mentally revising his checkout time to be Very Soon Now. "Being bored is a good reason for a lot of things," he adds, with a sniff. "But you're right. About Grant. Maybe the Baxterness has something to do with it. I should have asked him while he was here."

"It isn't only the first five people served, Alexander. And /clearly/, given the fact you are in the hospital points to the fact of what you really need. I bet Isabella wouldn't worry nearly as much if you had insurance." A hrmph comes from the doctor, before his head dips into a faint nod of agreement about Baxter, not letting the conversation steer back towards experiments and that particular temptation. "Yeah. I'll keep my eyes open, let you know if I see anything super weird that appears related. Though, I should be getting back to my own job here shortly. You'll let me know when you are out, yeah?"

"Don't try to use Isabella against me," Alexander says, quietly. "We don't discuss our respective financial situations, and I intend to keep it that way." His jaw sets in a stubborn sort of line, even as he inclines his head. "I will, and I appreciate it. I spoke to Patrick Addington. He remembers the dream. He got all smirky about it, though, so I don't know if he always remembered it and just decided to never bring it up, or whether he forgot like you and I did." He shrugs. "He's an Addington. But we should maybe try to do dinner, if we can stop getting hospitalized, and talk about it?"

"It isn't about financials, it's about knowing you will be able to be healthy." Yule points out, "And it isn't just Isabella who'd be worried about you. What if this had been something worse than just a concussion? What we look into is very dangerous." It's concern more than anything else in those words, but after that, it is all let go, focusing instead on his discussion with Patrick. "Yeah. That'd be good. Though I'm not sure what we'll learn from it... it makes sense why I forgot it, but I don't know why you would have. Maybe those memories coming back are interconnected with whatever has changed recently." Slowly he begins to rise, stretching out that left leg with its stiffness, before he offers a smile towards the fellow. "I need to get back to work, however. I'll check back in on you if you are still in here," Though something in that thought shows he doubts Alexander will be staying any longer than necessary.

Alexander sighs, and rubs at his bandage. "I'm sorry. It's kind of you to be concerned, Yule. Although I think that if it was worse than this, I'd be more directly under your care," he adds with a flash of gallows humor. "Have a good day at work. And I'll text you when they release me from this purgatorial hellpit." Yes, it's no surprise why Alexander isn't popular with the nurses when he does end up in the hospital.


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