2020-02-15 - Check Ins And Talks

Yule stops by to check in and brainstorm about future experiments.

IC Date: 2020-02-15

OOC Date: 2019-10-05

Location: Outskirts/Seraphim Acquisitions

Related Scenes:   2020-01-26 - There Will Be Blood

Plot: None

Scene Number: 3969


It's snowing steadily outside and it's the day after Valentine's. Minerva isn't expecting much to go on this afternoon, but the door to Seraphim is unlocked just in case anyone wants to wander in. She is behind the long wooden counter that has all kinds of occult paraphernalia on it. But today she has one of her friends with her. A large black and white tarantula about the size of a plate is wandering over the book that Minerva is trying to look at, "Come on Beetlejuice. I'm trying to work here." she murmurs with a smile as she picks the spider up.

Into this particular place of the occult and interesting comes a familiar sight, though one that seems to be well on the mend. No crutches, and there is only the barest of stiffness to his left leg as Yule comes in, dressed in a pair of dark gray slacks and a bright blue sweater that wards off the gloomy winter outside. Despite it all, with the snow and everything, he doesn't wear anything further as the bell of the door goes off, and the portal is closed behind him. "Hey," Comes the familiar greeting as a ghost of a smile curls against the corners of his mouth, looking the woman over, "Am I interrupting anything? Figured you might be in, but also thought you might have a rather busy plate of things to deal with."

Minerva gives a look up with her one pale eye as she hears the door and then there is ruby lipped smile to Yule, "You look like you're doing better." she tells him as she gives a nod to him. Then there's a look to Beetlejuice, "You're going to have to go in the play pen my darling." she tells the huge spider. It's little legs droop, almost as if it's a toddler that's fighting a nap. "No, not interrupting anything. What can I do for you, Yule?" she asks him as she places the large spider in its downstairs terrarium.

There's another tarantula in there, but it's just chilling for the moment.

Those spiders are given a cautious look, not exactly the sort that borders on phobia, but certainly a skitterishness that normally isn't in the good doctor's nature. "Do I need a reason to come visit you?" Comes his first question as he heads towards the counter to lean up against it, and those brown eyes drop down to his leg briefly. "Yeah. It is nearly all healed up. Good as new in a day or two, I think." A hand lifts, and two fingers extend to show there is more than one reason he's come, "First? I just wanted to check up on you. I know you said you were fine after our text exchange, but..." It's a meaningful look the woman is given, before the second digit waggles, "Then, I wanted to get your thoughts on what you think happened, and if we can improve upon our attempts."

Spiders put away, Minerva looks to Yule with a smile as she leans on the counter a little and takes a sip of her coffee, "No, you don't need a reason to come visit. But people don't really do it regularly." she shrugs to that. "Anywho." she smiles. "I'm glad it's healing up good. I was worried that if you were healed via powers that it might go badly." she frowns. Then she gives a look to him, "I am doing alright. I don't tend to be dramatic on things." she chuckles to him. "And things so far are going smoothly. If I moved a serial killer in it's probably far down the list of my concerns." she muses.

"As for what went wrong? I'm still trying to figure out what did. We might have tried to focus too much on things. They might have blocked us...there is so so much that could be wrong." she sighs softly. "I think we might need to start smaller." she admits. "If there is even a smaller way." she frowns to that.

"Yeah. After what we felt," There is a small shiver that goes through him at the thought of what that might have felt like, his brown eyes drifting away and then back towards her, one dark brow arching upwards. "You moved a serial killer in?" He asks with a touch of innocence, his eyes going wide, "Your fiance, is it?" That draws a blossom of a smile, a brief thing that lingers on his mouth, his head dipping one way and then another as he considers. "Maybe we try for a smaller time frame. Or only a dampening of powers, than a full on thing. Those might be ways we can attempt it again, with an... easier time?"

He doesn't sound certain, but his focus turns back on upon her, eyes narrowing just a touch. "But. While you tend not to be dramatic, it doesn't mean it didn't affect you. If you did want to talk about things? I'll be happy to listen, just so you know."

"It was rough for all three of us. I wish you guys didn't have to go through that though. Isabella has been through so much already." Minerva frowns at that. "No, I don't think he's a serial killer." she laughs at that. "Former golden gloves boxer, yes. Serial killer...I don't think so. And yes, the fiance." she nods to that with a chuckle. It was weird to say it still. "Maybe if we didn't aim for overpower we could achieve it. I could try to dial back the power as well." she nods to that. "And something shifted recently. Don't know what...but that might effect stuff as well." she frowns.

Then there's a soft smile, "Thank you, Yule. That's very kind of you." she tells him. "If I need to talk on things I will. And thank you for that." she smiles to that.

"So you haven't chased him off after all yet then." Comes Yule's tease about the man, his head tipping to one side as he leans in a touch closer to whisper conspiratorially, "I guess you'll have to dial up your attempts, then." That mirthful mischief fades a bit at the more serious conversation, his eyes watching her closely. "Yeah. I felt it as well, the change. Not sure the cause, or what it means. Just that..." Down one corner tucks into a small frown, but it doesn't manage to hold onto the ME's features for long, "Yeah. I think if we build up to it. Or maybe it takes repetition on the item to get it to that power, anyway. I... reversed engineered this toy thing that makes people better disguised, from FCN corporation. Groucho Marx glasses, you know the sort?"

"One thing I figured out," He explains, watching the woman to see if it jives with what she knows, "is that we should always start with something. We don't make it from scratch. And maybe the intention needs to be there, too, yeah? Like the disguise was based on... well, a toy disguise. Maybe we should use a room air purifier or something, with the intention it is purifying the room of glimmer usage."

"Not yet, though I think he might be as stubborn as I am really." Minerva tells him. Then there's a chuckle at his whisper, "If I chase him off my parents are going to be SUPER pissed. Not to mention other things." she muses. "I think it'll be fine. We set a date for the wedding and everything. I might die before the Spring settles in so I'm just taking it day by day for the moment." she admits to that.

"Maybe that is a good trick, using already made things...things that might already hold a resonance." she murmurs to that. "And I mean, all we can do is try. Science and all of that is a lot of experimenting until you find what works, right?" she offers.

"You are a big girl. I think you've earned the right to make them mad now and again," His head dips into a faint nod when she mentions a date set, however, and his voice murmurs, "I'm glad you are getting along well then. And try not to die, yeah? I've only just started to drop by randomly and unexpectedly."

"Just like the soup," Yule points out, putting those dots together, "Soup is already the commonly held concept of how you fight off an illness, so the fact that is the means they used to produce it? It would give the thought more credibility. I'll think about something we could use to try it out with that would fit the mold."

Minerva gives a look to Yule, "He's been an alright guy so far and I don't think my parents would make a match that was completely wrong for me, so I'm just going to see how things play out. While I am a big girl, they've done a lot for me and I respect their opinions." she states with a smile. "And I'm not planning on dying. Just need to burn down a house and end it's reign of terror." she nods to that. Then there's a quirk of her eyebrow, "The soup?" she asks him. "And what about one of those baby monitors or something like that? I could get my nieces old one." she offers.

"Burn down a house." A beat of a pause comes to that as Yule just stares blankly at the woman, before up his eyes lift towards the ceiling. "Only in this town does that not sound horrifically out of line," A breath is pushed out at that, a grunt coming before the question about the soup is had. "It was just before I moved here, but apparently there was something about a flu? And afterwards, soup packets that were given out that heals any ailment you have... it, too, is from this FCN corporation." He offers up, to see if that registers anything with the woman. "And maybe? Might as well grab them if they are spare. Imagine we will need to tinker a few times with it, just to see what works and what doesn't."

"Yeah, the Murray House has been a thorn in a lot of peoples side for a long time. I would not be surprised if there were remains under it...or in it. So don't be surprised if you get a call." Minerva tells him. "It is necessary to do. And I'm going to make sure it works." she states. Then there's a shudder at the mention of the flu, "Ugh. The flu was horrible. I wanted to die." she chuckles softly. "But I never knew there were any soups or anything made for it. That's new information to me." she nods.

Then she gives a smile, "I'll see what I can find. Shouldn't be too much trouble on that." she admits.

"That's what I need, more work," Comes his quip about the house, but his head dips into a faint nod of understanding, "Well, if you do it, then I guess do it right and burn it all down?" It's the talk of the flu that has his curiosity, listening to her own take on it all. "Yeah. Sorta glad I missed it from everything I've heard. And Isabella is the one who gave me the packets... imagine she can tell you more about how she got them, if you are interested." It's one last glance over the woman, his brow furrowing, and then his hand reaches out to give a gentle squeeze to her shoulder, "All right. If you are sure you are fine? I'll leave it at that. I should get back to things, but wanted to make sure everything was good."

"Job security is a good thing though." Minerva tells him with a smile. "There's always going to be the dead to be looked into." she admits. Then there's a nod, "Yeah, we're going to burn it to ashes. I need to let Captain Ruiz know we're performing a little arson for a good cause." she states. "The flu I'm pretty sure was something veil based. I had to go to Tel Aviv right after I got over it, but I ended up in the hospital after I had part of a serial killer in me and I was just starting to have the effects of the flu. Woke up in my own blood with a busted mirror." she shows the scars up and down her arms.

Then she heads around the counter, "I'm fine, I promise." she tells him. "I'll let you get back to what you had going on today, but thank you for coming over and to check in on me. It's really appreciated." she tells him as she offers a hug.


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