2020-03-13 - Change is Bad

Gina and August discuss the recent changes in Glimmer.

IC Date: 2020-03-13

OOC Date: 2019-10-23

Location: Text

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 4261


(TXT to August) Gina : Hey Doc December. Interesting last few months?

(TXT to Gina) August : extremely. I assume you noticed when our abilities all shifted?

(TXT to August) Gina : Yup. Hate it when that happens. Confirmed it from Denmark to New Zealand it wasn't just a Gray Harbor Moment(tm)

(TXT to Gina) August : really. a friend said the same--she was in wales, confirmed it happened there too. so, a truly global effect.

(TXT to August) Gina : I've been a few places. My talent doesn't deal with plant shit. Never asked if yours did. Wondering if the changes were as big.

(TXT to Gina) August : not sure if you heard but gohl's grave disappeared. can't imagine that's not related.

(TXT to Gina) August : it does. some people call it mending, I call it shaping. since you can break shit as well as put it back together. can't move plants from where they were rooted without killing them, now. not clear on why, since you can usually do that without the ability just fine? kind of odd.

(TXT to August) Gina : didn't get involved in the gohl situation. Or any situation. as I've mentioned, I'm retired. big changes like this usually don't just end with the changes, though. something led to it, or something's starting, and that's always a shitshow.

(TXT to Gina) August : precisely. so. gotta keep an eye out. also thomas addington is, uh, missing. not sure if you know about their business at all, but that's another thing I expect is involved.

(TXT to August) Gina : Some things I can do are easier. Some of it seems missing or off. Know any suicidal strong veilwalkers dumb enough to have tested things out extensively in GH?

(TXT to Gina) August : I know a few, including myself. though, I can only go in, not out. we've tried a few things here and there. I know I can't direct fire anymore. what changed for you?

(TXT to August) Gina : (typing... not typing... typing... not typing... then nothing for like fourteen minutes) Electrical shit. My cats. Light's easier. Guarding's changed again.

(TXT to Gina) August : ah, yeah, I can...I guess it's not talking to animals. but I can make them do things more easily. I don't just have to emote at them and hope they get it. and I shocked the bejesus out of my girlfriend. she fried the coffee maker.

(TXT to Gina) August : guarding, that thing where we can sort of shield others? I don't know if I've tried it lately.

(TXT to August) Gina : Haven't done it on someone else in a while. Personal use of guard/shield's different for sure. The dolls and bears aren't chatty fucks anymore, either. They're quieter.

(TXT to Gina) August : hm. sounds like the mind art changed drastically. I almost feel like we need to compile a list, at this point, but recording stuff is such a pain in the ass. also anyone who was always stronger might not notice what got easier.

(TXT to August) Gina : Mind art? Seriously?

(TXT to Gina) August : it's just how I think of it. Art. you know, since art comes in a lot of forms and no one agrees on what it is even is or how to do it right.

(TXT to Gina) August : also heard it called Talent, Gift, Song, Glimmer. shorter than 'the weird shit I can seem to do with my brain'.

(TXT to August) Gina : There's names for the whole. 'Mind art' sounds like a modern art display. But w/e. Get what you mean. Bodysenser I know talks about three pools. But everybody's got a different tune. I can tell you veilwalking's too easy now, though. Even if I don't want to.

(TXT to Gina) August : hey whatever makes the most sense. and that sounds like a nice trap to fall into, for sure. I guess we need to warn anyone who can do it to not to hop through every hole they find just because it's there, though I also think that just encourages them.

(TXT to August) Gina : Never really tell anybody not to do whatever they want. They either learn better, hone their survival skills or become a nonissue. not something to worry about.

(TXT to Gina) August : sadly I'm somewhat incapable of that level of detachment. not that you're not right, really. it's just if I can help someone NOT lose a limb it seems like a good thing to do.

(TXT to August) Gina : If somebody's determined to fuck up their life via stupid and ego, they'll do it. I recommend saving yourself the stress. But I guess warn people if that makes you feel better. easier to drag other people in with you, too.

(TXT to Gina) August : eh, that's easier to say than to put into practice. well, again, for me. I've just accepted I'm like that. and that I noticed--I can take people across now. couldn't before.

(TXT to August) Gina : practice makes perfect, June. and like I said. it all got a little too much easier

(TXT to Gina) August : perfect, unless you die. this is definitely not a case of 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger'. it just gets you lost or crazy or both.

Tags: august gina text

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