2020-03-17 - Behold, the charring of meat

Having gotten everything together, Wayne kept his promise and called Dahlia

IC Date: 2020-03-17

OOC Date: 2019-10-26

Location: Spruce Residential/27 Spruce Street

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 4297


Wayne had been soaking chicken in a brine all day when he reached out to Dahlia to let her know that the house was ready for guests. Why ready, he meant the grill was heading up and he had a side dish made. He was in the driveway with the grill going in black jeans and a grey hoodie, sipping from a colorful can while watching for Dahlia to show up.

Dahlia had been working on one of her side craft projects when Wayne contacted her. Declan was busy working so he couldn't come this time but Dahlia arrived with a small tray of brownies because they were quick to make and also delicious for dessert. She was clad in a pair of black jeans with a blue t-shirt and black windbreaker of her own. She didn't drive for a variety of reasons so it was an uber that pulled up to let her out. Dahlia thanked the driver with a grin and then headed up to where Wayne was. "Hey you." Looping an arm around him in a hug as she gave the outside of the house a once over. "Place looks good!"

He hugs her back and laughs. "Wait until you see my creepy desk. Picked it up at Momento Mori. You can set the brownies inside, we have some local craft beers, cans of coke, these swedish hard ciders which are way to tasty, and a bottle of white wine. Me casa and all that." He grins.

"We?" Dahlia raised a brow, addressing that first and then, "Nope, wait until I get back. I totally can't wait to see the creepy desk. I'll be right back." She went inside to set the brownies on the counter, taking a brief look around and then came back with one of the hard ciders because why not? It was different. Then she was back outside, eyeing Wayne. "Alright, what's this 'We' you mentioned?"

"Well you and I for starters. Also I may have someone I am seeing seriously. But pump the brakes there superstar, this is my home." He closed the lid on the chicken after flipping them with his tongs. He hangs the utensil from the grill and turns with a laugh. "So the garage is full of the crap you expect, including my car. Come on I'll show you the living room."

"Already? Damn, Wayne. You move fast." Dahlia laughed. "Well, at least you haven't moved in with her yet. Or him?" half-asked. Things could have changed! She didn't judge. "Clifford gave me shit for moving in with Declan after 6 months. I can only imagine what kind of grief he'd give you." She mused. "That chicken looks great." She took a sip of the cider. "Also this cider is amazing - you were right." Turning to follow him back in to the house. "Alright, let me get a full taste of the Wayne Evergreen feng shui."

"If Cliff gets that bug up his butt I will remind him to check the address. This isn't the family trailer. She is a corporate lawyer and we are taking it slow... kinda." He laughs. The hardwood floors look restored with throw rugs under the couches and a tv in the corner. He described the appliances in the kitchen, which really meant he talked about the smart brew Keurig. Heading back to the living room he shows Dahlia where the small half bath is and then they are up the stairs. He points to the door for the master suite then goes over the other three. "That's the second bathroom there, this one here is the spare room." He opens the door to show a full bed and mismatch furniture. "Hey it's what I had." With a laugh he opens the last door that contains large black oak bookcases, a dark walnut drawing table, and black walnut desk with a newer looking alien ware pc on it. The table and red lights from the gaming pc give the corner by the window an aura of menace, that table definitely from local wood.

"Ooh la la, a lawwwwwyer." Dahlia teased him with a grin. "And what do you and a lawyer have in common?" She chuckled, following him around as he gave her the tour of the place. "We'll have to do a double date some time." She offers at some point too. Obviously it's important she meet this lady in her brother's life and he hasn't gotten to meet Declan yet anyhow. When they reach the office, Dahlia's eyes widen a bit. "Ohh I like what's happening here." Walking over to the shelves and then the drawing table. Finally to the desk, inspecting it briefly. "Lemme guess - this is the thing we're gonna have to burn when you start claiming your house is haunted?" Laying her hand on the computer table ad chuckling as she looked back to Wayne.

"Candles, incense, yeah that will be the thing. Might have to leave the computer behind and let it burn too." He laughs then gave Dee a serious expression. "The comics call to her. She is like us from what I can put together, a shock in our lovely community, I know. But we started talking about the comic and got to know each other. She had a bad break up and my free spirit nature seems to be just what she needs. What about me you ask, well she is hot." He shrugs then laughs prepared to defend himself. "Kidding, kinda. She is grounded and it helps me focus. The house was my idea, she lives in Bayside. Nice apartment and cool views in the twilight hours." He sips his drink. "Only problem with these, they taste so much like a carbonated juice, you get into the third one and all the alcohol seems to hit at once."

Dahlia considered him for a moment, the info about his new beau. "She sounds interesting at least? Something about opposites attracting huh?" She grinned. "Declan's like that for me. He's got all these plans and he's really responsible and works hard but knows how to have a good time. And-" She pauses for a moment. "Well, he stuck with me through a pretty rough patch I had in the summer. And that showed a lot. He can put up with my crazy too so that's a plus." A soft laugh as she drank some more of her cider. "Good thing you're not out and about yeah? Means when it hits - you can just pass out anywhere you like."

"Almost wrote my mantra for the day on my hand. Do not burn the chicken." He laughed then showed Dee his palm. "Started to write it and the can washed it off." He nods. "I look forward to meeting him. I can call you gaming since your D and D." He stuck his tongue out. "I'm going to show you the combo for the back door, if either of you need it. Just text me so I know to expect someone. It's not all sunshine and rainbows, she will keep her apartment for a while so we have that downtime space.. you know what I mean?"

"Speaking of the chicken - should we check on it?' Dahlia asked, looking at the blurred ink and then laughed again. Her eyes rolled at the D&D comment. "You start that up I'm gonna change my name - for real." She took another drink of the cider and gave him a nudge. "Oh, thanks. I mean -you don't gotta do that really. But I won't stop you. We don't have any fancy locks or anything at our place. So, you know, just call or text. But seriously - same offer extends to you - you're welcome over any time." Dahlia gave him a grin. "And yeah I get that. I was splitting time between his place and Justin's before so we wouldn't drive each other insane. And when the weather gets a bit better he's going to build me a craft room. Basically something so we can still have our own personal space and breathing room if we need. It's important."

He gave her a hug before heading back outside. At the back door he shows that there is no deadbolt, just the push button lock. Doing it twice he makes his way over and flips the chicken. "I kept it low so they stay juicy. " His stomach growled to agree. "See what I mean!" The smell from the brine and whatever he was basting the meal with was divine.

Dahlia made a note about the push button lock and followed him back out to the chicken. "Ughh that looks so good. And smells good." She agreed. "How long till it's done. I may or may not be starving to death over here."

<FS3> Wayne rolls Physical: Good Success (8 8 7 6 5 3 2 1 1) (Rolled by: Wayne)

"The first batch should be ready. Just need plates." He opened the lid to the grill and grabbed the tongs. It was time for the other reason he invited his sister over alone. "Don't worry Dee, I will get them."
Wayne reached out with his left hand and not one but two plates hover a moment then fly to his out stretched hand. Not breaking stride, he plates a chicken breast on the first one. "Here you go Dahlia."

Dahlia was totally about to offer when Wayne spoke up about getting them. And then...well. The plates are floating out and over to him. Her eyes widened a bit. "...Shit." Is all she says at first. Then shook her head some. "Justin can do stuff like that too. The...floating things." She elaborated as she accepted the plate. "How do you do that?"

"A bit of will, lighter things do not require concentration. It's some of the other things that make the comics seem real." He smiled after handing the plate over and put chicken on his. He turned the grill off, leaving the rest of the chicken to set while they ate. "Another cider? Yeah I will actually open the cooler to get it." He chuckles as he walks to the table to sit.

"Huh...I don't know if I can really do anything like that. I have a hard time trying to figure out how to even...start figuring it out." Dahlia settled in at the table. "Yeah, I'll take another one." A smile is flashed. "On the other hand, I feel like maybe I should just let it lie you know? Don't mess with it and maybe the weird stuff will leave me alone,you know?"

"Yes. I absolutely agree. Work on building walls in your head to make it harder to be read, and the other things won't look for you. With the way Atli acts ahe wants to attract the attention.. and no, not her. The lady in my like is Katherine I go by Kate." He grins and passes a cider over while opening another for himself. "Its a double edged sword, the more we use, the better our control, but the more likely they are to notice."

Dahlia eats and listens, curious. A brow raises briefly until he clarifies between the two women. "Who's Atli then?" She asks curiously. Nodding along a bit. "Yeah...I can see that." About it being a double edged sword. "How did you practice? You just....think about it and it happens?"

"Atli Addington, town busybody but a sweetheart. Ran into her when I was getting the desk. She actually used her gift to restore it... in the shop, with a bunch of people present." He shook his head and cut a chuck of meat off to taste. "So good." He waved at his mouth because it was so hot as well. He scooped some whipped mash potatoes onto his plate and Dahlia's plate. "For me, the dreams were the first place, then came trial and error. I had encountered the strange, I needed to know more, more of the gift and how it works. Sometimes I woke to things floating. If you are going to try things, please do it here. If something is drawn, at least I can help or it might come for me and not you." He nods

"She just...fixed it in front of everyone?" Dahlia's eyes widened. "That's crazy. " A shake of her head before eating some of the mashed potatoes. "Yeah...maybe I'll try some things. I still don't know if I even wanna mess with it. But maybe it'd be good to at least know what I'm capable of?" A shrug of her shoulders and then grinned again. "Maybe after dessert we can experiment some?" Because obviously brownies were the real super food here.

"I.might have gotten older, debatable if I got wiser, but I have never been good at telling you no sis." He laughs and eats some potato. "Sounds good, I should be able to fix it." He nods.


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