2020-03-19 - Gray Harbor, Meet Fiona

Everett has news for Kailey. It triggers her D.I.D. and Everett has to deal with Fiona. Who steals his phone and starts a horrible cascade in his love life.

IC Date: 2020-03-19

OOC Date: 2019-10-27

Location: Sweet Retreat - Apartment

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 4322


The Talk has happened. Among other things. The next day while Everett is out, Kailey is in and out. Seeing to a task that was given to her and apparently happily. The local and nearby Olympic thrift store and garage sales have been raided by a keen-eyed and frugal Kailey.

The last hour has seen her doing laundry and bringing things in. Small as she is it takes a bit of time. And giving Ian the pouty lip and pleases for the heavier items. Because there are some. She found a heavy black metal bedframe for that king mattress. And more bedding. There's a small wooden table that was painted white ten years ago and shows it. Two wooden dining chairs with cushions on their seats. And something in shades of sage green and cream folded up and leaning off in a corner. Safari animals rampage across it and on closure inspection is a bassinet.

Kailey is currently trying to put together the frame for the bed by herself. Hair pulled up into a messy-bun and back, dressed in jeans and boots and a short sleeved shirt. Melanie Martinez K-12 is coming from little speakers attached to her phone. Her sweet alto is singing with.
~Show and tell~
~I'm on display for all you fuckers to see~
~Show and tell~
~Harsh words if you don't get a pic with me~

<FS3> Everett rolls Composure: Success (6 5 4 4 3 3 2 2) (Rolled by: Everett)

Everett's presence is announced by the loud mutterings of a gullible, but annoyed cook, trying to make his feelings heard upstairs in that passive aggressive way, but all that comes through the floor separation is a muted sound like Charlie Brown's teacher. Then footsteps up the steps, heavy and skipping every other step before the door opens and Everett pauses before the short doorjamb which cloaks the last two inches of his head. Stupefaction written on Everett's face, he looks around at everything that's been added.

It's like.
Like she's moved in.

"Haaa," the sound that escapes his mouth is long and disbelieving. So this is what it looks like when your personal space, that you said could be, is violated so quickly. He takes a step forward and forgets to duck, where he's learned to always dodge under door frames. Wincing, Everett grabs his forehead, his eyes clenching as he ducks this time and comes inside, "Mmmotherfuckin', maggot ass munching, pussy..." He staggers towards the fridge and holds on to it with his other hand, collecting his thoughts.

Kailey hears those steps even over the song and turns from where she sits on the floor. One side is already attached to the foot board. Now she's working on the other and boy does she seem handy in this thing. There is a smile on her face that turns into a grin at the look on his face.

Everett then has to go and bump his head. She brings her one free hand up to cover her mouth. Because the smile doesn't go away and her voice is filled with giggling that she keeps trying to tamp down. "Oh! ehehe, are you heh okay? I'm sorry," That last said as she can't stop the mirth. Well, except by biting her lower lip. But she obviously looks concerned as well as amused. Melanie Martinez doesn't give a crap and sings on.

"Yeah," he murmurs, rubbing his forehead a little more before he opens his eyes to find her. Her smile, the bitten bottom lip. He smiles, finding hers infectious, before his smile turns wicked. "Don't worry, I think I just increased my intelligence. I see you've been busy." When he pulls his paw from his forehead there's a red mark where the building won. With his hands free, Everett uses them to peel his jacket off and folders it over the fridge, since he's there, before he heads over. Rubbernecking quickly, he pulls at the knees of his jeans and sinks down next to her, "I see you've been busy. So we're not going to be sleeping on the floor anymore? Are you sure you're ok with that?"

"I know in a few months I will be very thankful for still-spry Kailey doing this," Kailey replies as she watches him come over. The worry fading as she lets the joy at his presence take precadent. "And yes. I have been. A few hours running around yielded good results. And I can repaint the table when we get a few days in a row of sun. It was only $5 cause of the paint," She sounds proud of that. Turning back she picks her screwdriver back up and says, "Since you're here...help me with this side? It's easier with someone to hold it up."

With an expression of appreciation, Everett nods his head, "So will I." He then glances over at the table, and slants his head softly, pouting his lips for a moment, "I dunno. Kinda looks like it has character like that. But I trust your judgement," he adds, turning his gaze back to her. Breasts. Then back to her. He's an animal. "I was just about to ask. I'm told that while I might not be able to keep my head from getting smashed in, I can at least hold or carry stuff like a pro. But first," he glances at the item in her hand and puts her hands in his, then pulls his hands back, sliding the screwdriver from her hold unless she wants to keep it, "I've been shopping too. And I have something to tell you."

"One sec, this screw is almost done," Kailey says, fighting just enough to finish tightening down. Then lets her hands be fully capture. Glancing up at him with an amused smirk on her lips. But something about his face has her taking more notice. One brow rise and she shifts to sit facing him with legs curled loosely under and beside her. "That sounds ominous," She says still smiling, but it's become warry.

In which order does he do this, this is new to him. He lets the screw be tightened, and cants his head slightly to scratch his scalp, "Aaah. Naw. It's good, well, happy news?" His eyes dart to the left before returning. "Anyways," he holds up his forefinger of his left hand to signal he needs a second, and then rises to his knees, before reaching into his jean pocket with his right. "You know I was at the mall 'cuz I had to get a new phone after all that water got on my other one?" His pulls out his closed fist, and holds it out to her before opening it and a small object falls, no dangles out from the ring he's holding on to. Pink. Heart shaped. There's wording on it, but it's swaying too much. "I saw this and I thought of you. And you needed something for the keys to go on to, right?" The keychain slows its swaying, behind it the spare keys he promised. Everett smiles expectantly.

Kailey's eyes follow him as he gets up and moves about to find whatever it is. That one brow remains raised and her smile growing less worried. When he reveals the prize there's a delighted gasp and squeel. "OOOooooh!" The smile splits her face and color touches her cheeks. Slowly, for all her excitement, she reaches out to take it. Holding it with a certain tenderness as she traces the words on the keyring. "This is...thank you!" And she looks from it and back up to him, sliding forward to give him a warm kiss.

All too eagerly, Everett's welcoming and returning the kiss, emitting a soft ardent sound in his throat while his arms wrap around still slender hips and tuck paws into her back pockets. His head pulls back, then forward again for a second taste of her lower lip, not at all afraid it might be his last. Not at all. "There's more," he says with trepidation. Now that he knows, he can't not tell her. Licking his lips nervously Everett clears his throat and pulls the Band-Aid off. Slowly. "You know I'm seeing other people, we talked about that. And I have been thinking about making that number. Less. Like. Zero. But I found out something that's going to make that. Impossible."

He pushes the anxious pill down, realizing he's been delaying, takes a breath and tells her of the other woman. "I just found out I have another baby."

Kailey enjoys that kiss, letting it linger, before she withdraws. But then her smile starts to fade. Kailey has seen Everett angry. Worried. Annoyed. And several others. Nervous though? That makes her draw back slowly. The corner or her lips twitch as he draws it out. Her head nods slowly and for a moment there is a little smile when he says zero.

That smile vanishes in the next two sentances. Where she was sitting, tightly wound, now her body just kind of goes limp. She falls back against the partly constructed bed and her eyes just stare. There is a blankness to her expression and a tonelessness in the one word that follows, "What?"

Everett's glad he was there. Glad he had his arms around her. Glad he hand his hands in her back pockets. He wasn't expecting going limp, but he was there to make sure she didn't hurt herself. In some ways. The expression on her face tells him in others he's failed and failed so hard. He has nothing, no means to defend himself, except the truth. His shoulders shrug while he sinks down to kneel in front of her, exchanging holding her for her hand and perhaps feeling privileged he still gets to hold that. But she's surprised him before. He looks down for a second and then back up, collecting his thoughts, trying to do one thing: don't blame her.

"I. I'm sorry. I found solace in the arms of another woman so I wouldn't be lonely and. I guess we were careless. I can tell you're disappointed."

Kailey is just continuing to stare with pupils that are pin points. Wide and a little misty, but also somehow blank. Lifting up her hands makes her look down at them robotically. His words wash over her without even a blink and she doesn't seem to even be breathing.

He's acting like they've gotten married already, like he apologizing for an affair. ... and, that's sort of how it feels. God. That's it. Everett tilts his head away for a second, his green eyes darting before he brings them back to Kailey and searches hers. Her small pupils for any sign of her. "Kiki? Kiki, talk to me. Are you ok?" The concern, the distress it's there on his countenance. And he hasn't even and likely won't ever tell her the rest. Reaching behind her he tries to sooth with a soft petting, running his fingers through the nape of her neck and pulling his fingertips against her neck and the hairs there that were missed in her bun. "Baby?"

<FS3> Kailey rolls Mental: Good Success (6 6 6 5 5 4 2 1) (Rolled by: Kailey)

The air in the room changes flavor. Focusing in around the young woman staring off into space. The soft crackling of static cling, ling their clothes just came from the dryer, start up at movement. The hair on her arms and the back of the neck stand up. The sloppy bun making her hair easily halo in subtle pink and purple hair. Kailey finally blinks and her pupils dialate. Everett touches the back of her head and is met with though a charge strong enough to sting. Current coursing to make a person, that isn't Kailey, jerk away. Lithe she is and suddenly rolling and squirming away. Lips are thin and her eyes are narrowed. The way she holds her jaws is tight and there is the slightest hunch to her shoulders.

"Don't. Touch. Me." Says a low voice that is both Kailey and isn't. There's only anger and hate in that voice. And then she is on her feet, hair standing on end, small arcs dancing along her skin warningly.

<FS3> Everett rolls Wits: Failure (5 3 2 1) (Rolled by: Everett)

Her sudden demeanor causes shock, surprise, as one would expect. There's the ask. No, not an ask, is it? Even if it was still Kailey that wasn't a tone one asks for a second scoop of Rocky Road. While his head turns to watch her shift to get out of his grasp, there's a slow movement to shift to his feet and his hands rising to his shoulders. Palms out. Fingers relaxed. It's his first time meeting this one and he doesn't want to get it wrong.
Licking his lips, Everett nods his head towards her without taking a step forward, keeping his hands up, "Are you... Fiona?" he asks with deep uncertainty.

Real electric green eyes glare at Everett. Thinned lips turned into a dark scowl. Small arcs dance from her hair to her shoulders. From hands to her legs. At least when she moves and they get close enough. She is crouched over in a defensive stance now, as if ready to run. The keychain lies on the floor between them. Having slipped from dead hands seconds earlier. "You're a pig," She all but spits, taking a step away and in the vague direction of the door. It is in time to his step towards her. One hand comes up, finger extended warningly, and ever so slightly she shakes her head. "Nu'uh. Don't even come -close- to me! This is all -your- fault," The voice isn't right. It's her but it isn't and it is consistant. Filled with growls rather than laughter. "Now I have to try and fix things. Again."

The pig tilts his head down, his expression-turning stoic while he looks at her. His paws lower down, perhaps it's clear that he's not going to touch, maybe. Nevertheless, he does take another step, this time towards the door. Calculating. Remembering everything she's said to him.

He smiles, albeit softly, barely a hint. "What, you worried I'm going to love you too?" He upnods his head at her, "Look at you," then turns his head to his left, and lifts his head again at the room before turning his gaze to this wolf-in-sheep's-clothing. "She came back. You left with her and you had cash on the table. But she broke through. Isn't that what happened? Before you could stop it and now it's too late. Even if you think you can fix it, she'll come back again."

Kailey continues to take a step for every one of his. Keeping herself directly opposed as she goes. Reaching up she smoothes down hair that pops right back up. Snorting and giving him a look up and down at his suggestion she love him. "Not gonna happen," She says looking smug. As she moves she bends to scoop up her phone. Not taking eyes off the big man. Slowly the smug look grows as does that smirk.

"Oh. Poor boy. That what you think? Didn't ask details did ya, big guy?" The tone is mocking and without any playfulness as she looks away briefly enough to open the phone up. Then she is blindly typing something in, eyes back on him. There is a cruel expectancy in those eyes. "Didn't ask what kind of clinic...I mean...why would there be ultrasounds?" A finger reaching up to tap her chin.

(TXT to Everett) Kailey : Ping

If the revelation was meant to be surprising, Fiona's in for a disappointment. Everett gasps, and covers his mouth and his faint smile, widens. "Oh no! Yeah, I know what was going on. She didn't have to tell me what it was you tried to do. All she had to tell me was that she woke up. Was that she was strong enough to beat you back into the cage you belong in before it was too late."

He continues to side step, his purpose clear -- to get between her and the only non-window out. Then he mocks her, taping his chin the way she does, "I wonder what you're going to look like, bloated with my baby. Just as adorable as she does, I guess," he supposes, lowering his hand, "except for that," he says, not finishing the sentence as he gestures a finger to her sneer. "She's got the power. The power to fight you. And she doesn't need you anymore. So," and he delivers this with venom, "fuck off." From his front right pocket, a single ting is heard, but he's ALSO happy to see her.

<FS3> Kailey rolls Physical (8 7 7 5 4 3) vs Everett's Athletics (8 7 6 5 5 4 3 1)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: Kailey)

<FS3> Kailey rolls Physical (8 6 5 4 4 2) vs Everett's Athletics (6 6 5 5 2 1 1 1)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: Kailey)

<FS3> Kailey rolls Physical (5 5 3 2 1 1) vs Everett's Athletics (8 7 6 4 3 3 3 1)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Everett. (Rolled by: Kailey)

Kailey spent two Luck Points on an auto-success.

<FS3> Kailey rolls Mental: Great Success (8 7 6 6 6 5 4 2) (Rolled by: Kailey)

<FS3> What's In The Box? (a NPC) rolls 4 (8 6 6 4 4 3) vs Show Me The Code (a NPC)'s 4 (6 6 4 3 2 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for What's In The Box?. (Rolled by: Everett)

Kailey just smiles triumphantly when that ting occurs. His words seeming to do no damage or even hurt the woman before him. All she does is cluck her tongue when she rips that pocket pulling his phone from it's confines in her hand. The other phone is slipped away and she turns her attention briefly to the screen. Her lip curls in distaste as she swipes his password. "Good thing she won't remember these residues like -I- will. Pig," She says again. What is she doing? Almost blindly navigating.

"Hey! I like those jeans more than I like you," the gorilla exclaims, looking down at his lap and then back up. "What, just one tug and you're done?" he asks, before his voice lowers, "no wonder you don't have a boyfriend." But now she's distracted! The brute lowers himself down a little, and sucks a little air between his front teeth and.

And what are you going to do, Everett. Tackle a pregnant woman to the ground? Fuck. "What. What the fuck are you doing with my phone? I like, JUST, got that. Don't. Run up my minutes calling Daddy dearest, I don't think Hell is in my network." His eyes dart around at a loss. And when the man who's used to punching things can't he makes a soft, frustrated grunt, as he uncrouches by stays by the door. Don't give up the only way out. "Kailey. Kailey?" his tone becomes pleading the second time and continue. "Kiki. I know you're in there. Come back." He pouts, "I miss you."

Tap Tap Tatatatap tap tap Goes those fingers even as Fiona half-watches Everett. Only briefly glancing at the screen to make sure she's doing what she thinks. "Like I give a fuck about a tear in your pants. Be a man and sew em up," She drawls sounding exactly as caring as she states. "BEEEP. Sorry, Kailey isn't here right now, fuck-up. I am until we get this little problem you made fixed. Aaaand...there," And she presses a button with her thumb decisively.

(TXT to Bean) Everett : hey she wants tro meet you 🙂 come over now pls?

"Like I know how to sew," Everett says as though he's falling into a normal conversation with the demon possessing Kailey. And then he shakes his head when realizing this. "Fuck. You're a liar." He jabs an accusatory finger at her, with an apathetic expression. "I don't know what you're planning on doing, but I just know that it's not going to work. Kailey's in there and she's not going to let you hurt her. And she's not going to let you hurt me," maybe. He pauses. His eyes narrow, "Who the fuck did you text?" He turns his head, sees the door behind him and opens it a crack. Enough to shout down whilst keeping his eye on Regan MacNeil. "Ian! IAN! LEND ME YOUR PHONE!"

There's a pause and the reply comes from downstairs. First the girlfriend moving in asking for favors. That he didn't mind. But now his boss? "FUCK YOU!"

Kailey presses another few buttons and hits send again before she powers off Everett's phone. The phone is then slipped into her braw, out of the way more than a pocket. Still she keeps her distance as she walks over to the table by the open window. Where she perches with her arms very loosely crossing over her chest. "Uuugh, that's gonna get old fast," She says with a sigh and roll of her eyes. But then she barks a laugh as the 'Fuck you' echoes up those stairs. "Such loyalty you inspire," The sarcasm drips from her words. "Why are you scared, Pig? Decisions catching up with you?" She sighs and shakes her head. "Kailey should have just kept away. Then you could have your replacement piece. We'd be rid of our burden in a few months, someone elses problem. You're right, about one thing. I won't hurt myself. Or this thing, as little as I want it," And one hand falls to slap at her stomach.

(TXT to Bean) Everett : bttery dying. just come over

The small intimation that he envies that his smartphone is telegraphed by the way he keeps his eyes focused where it disappeared, then his eyes trail down; conflicted feelings swelling up while he's ogling this woman who is but isn't his. Down to the pink heart on the floor. He stares for a second, and then up at the figure resting. Waiting really and he frowns. Drawing a large breath, he's about to say something while turning his head but then thinks better of it. Instead, he peels his way from guarding the door and heads towards the frame. "I'm not scared of my choices. I'm scared you're going to hurt a baby that hasn't done anything. To anyone, which is weird because you won't hurt the one in you right now. It's like Kailey is there and she cares enough." He drops down to a knee and imitates as though tying his shoelace, then palms the keys in his left hand Because He's So CRAFTY.

Making a U-turn, Everett walks back to the door, slowly, "Kailey can't keep away. You tried that already. She like likes me," he replies, smirking triumphantly like that's the only thing that matters. This time when he turns his head, he shouts something different, "FUCK YOU TOO, DUDE. WHY DON'T YOU AND SALLY LEAVE SUPER EARLY. I'LL DO CLEAN IT." His smirk widens while he looks at Fiona and adds, "AND LOCK UP BEHIND YOU!"

Kailey seems relaxed enough and she watches him. Over minutes she relaxes slightly. Moving from sitting on the table to the chair. Pulling the sketchbook that was on it over to her. "I don't care about anyone else but me. Let's get that straight right now," She drawls as she slides a pen from the spiral spine and flips open to a blank page.

"There is no accounting for taste I guess. But I'll give her this, you can protect her from anything physical. Unfortunately you're batting average on mental and emotional is shit," Fiona talks as she begins to start drawing. There is a second or two pause when Everett is screaming downstairs. "Oh good. While you're down there you can make and bring up a salad. Or maybe whatever soup is on," She waves her free hand absently at him in a 'shoo' gesture after he is done shouting orders.

"Yeah, I'm not going anywhere," he murmurs, folding his arms over his chest. There isn't even a reply from downstairs. They might even be dead or just puffy cloud outlines as they raced to get out of there. If this happened any sooner into Spring when the weather was better, there might be actual customers downstairs and it might be a problem. "So, since whoever you called for isn't coming, maybe you want to tell me how to banish you back to whichever layer you come from so I can have my Kiki back. Otherwise, I can just keep annoying you." He glances from Fiona to the sketchbook, "If I could," he untucks his hands and fingers his fingers, exposing the keychain, "maybe I could protect her from that other stuff too. But you know, I think she's actually strong enough to protect herself. I just think you're a figment. I think that thing that happened to her Mom made you. And that's. Sad. She's not a broken little girl to me."

Kailey smirks when he tells her whoever it is isn't coming. Like the Sweet Retreats being closed would deter. Not to mention it doesn't take much to open a locked door with a clever mind like hers. But it's that other stuff that has the pen slowing to a stop. The smug smirk fading to a faint frown of distaste. And she regards him for a long few seconds. Slowly her face seems to soften and she says, "That's actually kind of swe-UCK!"

And then Fiona makes a gagging sound and snorts. All an act. With a roll of her eyes she turns to the page and her drawing. "Have you ever heard of kintsugi?" Then she scoffs and smacks her forehead lightly, "What am I doing, look who I'm asking."

She makes a mockery, but Everett smiles, pleased with himself at her uck. "God, you did think that was sweet. I could feel it get moist in here all the way over here." But he nods softly, staying at his post, while shaking his head, "No," he admits, "I don't. but I do know what wabi-sabi means," he counters, using a more recognizable word. "Japanese culture and language isn't my thing. But I also know saudade. Like the longing I get when I see my Kailey, using your words. And I know, Te adore Kailey." Everett takes a deep breath, looking softly down. "Regresa a mi, Kiki."

Kailey at least deigns to listen to what he has to say. Snorting very faintly that scowl remaining. Then she starts speaking in slightly halting Spanish. "Kiki se Perdido en la sombra. I couldn't let her out, as you seem to think I can, if I wanted. She'll come back when she is able. But that brings me back to the kintsugi. It is the art of repairing something broken with gold. Giving it strength again. She is whole. I am but a glittery shine to help keep the deeper dark of the abyss from swallowing her up," And now she looks up and those green eyes are also gray now. Washed out and empty.

"You're a part of her. And that I can accept. But you seem to think that she needs protecting where I'm pretty sure she's fully capable of protecting herself." He glances down where his smartphone is while up nodding, "you've already proved you're deceitful, so why should I believe anything about what you say?" He holds out his right hand and holds out his thumb, "Either she only just made it in time to save our baby and that's the biggest coincidence ever or," his forefinger extends, "you're a liar and telling me whatever you want for reasons all your own. And I already know you're a liar." Everett tucks his fist back across his broad chest. "She doesn't need you. You need her. And maybe one day she'll realize that and you'll get caged and stay caged. You and," he untucks his hand momentarily to swirl it in the air in her vague direction, "whatever other menagerie is in that adorable brain of hers."

<FS3> Kailey rolls Mental: Good Success (8 8 6 5 4 3 2 1) (Rolled by: Kailey)

Kailey snorts again. "Aye, protects herself by retreating so much she needs us. Trust me, no one else is any better by your ever so esteemed judgement."

And she seems to finish with whatever it was she was sketching. It is very dark and seems to be in the shape of a crow. Which it probably is because outside on a lamp is a crow. A white crow. Looking inside the window. CAW CAW COLLEEN CAW

That snaps Fiona's head to the window. She frowns and stares at the bird as it sits there. When it caws again it is just normal old crow noise. "Okay, creepy bird, you can -go- away now," And she flicks her finger and an arc of electricity arcs through the air and out the window. Hitting the pole. The light flickers on briefly and the bird takes flight.

Following the snap of her head towards the window, Everett peers curiously out of it before the arc appears and jumps out the open window. His army green eyes widen some. Then shift towards the kitchenette before returning to Fiona. What do you say to that. "Like crows," he says, with a nod, his eyes closing for a moment with the nod as an example of the menagerie that might occupy her head. "Or. Uh. Fluffy kittens, maybe?" he offers as a suggestion. Fuckin' finger wigglers. Self-soothing, Everett raises his right hand to run through his silky hair, pulling the long strands over his shoulders again, where they belong. "Hey, Kailey? You're closer to the fridge, float me over a beer?"

Kailey smirks at the request and she gives it a second before she says, "Nice try. Get it yourself, Pig." And she flips the page to a clean one and begins to do something else. "I'm not going anywhere. We're waiting for someone. Of course, I probably could do something if I wanted too. It'd be too easy to just...make myself disappear and then hide my opening the door and heading out. I've been running a long time," She almost sounds bored as she speaks. It seems like she is drawing out the wording. Uncertain what it says yet. But it starts with a 'P'.

"Yeah, no shit we're waiting for someone. Who," he asks, up nodding his head. "'Cuz the doors are locked, and it's only," Everett glances at his bare wrist, "like what, four?" He holds out his right hand defensively, "No, don't check, let me reach down there." He pantomimes pulling his hands up forearms, left then right, and then wriggles the fingers on his right hand while pulling it back. The tip of his tongue peeks from the left side of his lips.

And that's as far as his theatrics get, especially when he doesn't move from his spot. He's not plunging his hand into Fiona's top. Crackling electricity or not. "I mean you could. But whoever you're expecting is coming here already. So you want them here. And you haven't hurt me yet. Or tried. I'll buy an I, Vanna. So what's the plan. Fix what. Are you going to go around and hurt everybody I've slept with? That's not very polyamorous of you, or her. You keep calling me a pig, but you aren't hurting me. I'm the one that did this. So why aren't you hurting me, you know. While we've got all this time."

<FS3> Kailey rolls Phsyical (8 5 3) vs Smack Everett Up (a NPC)'s 5 (7 4 3 3 1 1 1)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: Everett)

<FS3> Kailey rolls Physical: Good Success (8 8 6 6 5 3) (Rolled by: Kailey)

Kailey rolls her eyes and doesn't respond to his theatrics regarding his tucked away phone or her breasts where it lies. Continuing to outline another letter. And I it is indeed. Good guess, Everett. "Nope! No point in that. It doesn't bother," She says dismissively as she draws. Quiet for a few seconds and then she stops and stands. Moving over to the fridge with a sudden and agressive movement. Daring him to try and touch her or stop her and she does. "Oh, but I am hurting you. Every moment I'm here. Every second you don't know who I asked over. Not knowing what I'm going to do. And then when I do it?" She gives a little shiver as she reaches into the fridge and pulls out one of those odwalla juice smoothies. There's...a lot of them and groceries in the fridge now. Those weren't there earlier either. Twisting off the cap she moves back to her sketch with the smile of someone who is anticipating something. Not quite hungry and darker. As she sits down the door into the apartment slams open with surprising force. Enough to hurt anyone in front of it. Maybe even knock them back a bit. "Get your own fucking beer!" Is what Fiona snarls as she moves suddenly. Yep. Exit is her goal.

The sudden movement gets the ape to unfold his thick arms from over his chest, and bring his attention squarely on her. But when he replies, it's with a disappointed tone. "Oh honey," he says, "That's not hurting me. That's just making me inquizitive. I'm interested to know who it is too. And your tits haven't buzzed, so I know they haven't replied back yet ei-- hey, you shopped."

He's so distracted that the door opening knocks him over and causes Everett to stumble forward. Spying her sprint for the open door though, Everett's green eyes widen and he lunges.

For her.

<FS3> Everett rolls Brawn+Melee-2 (8 7 7 4 3 3 3 1) vs Kailey's Reflexes+Athletics (6 5 4 4)
<FS3> Victory for Everett. (Rolled by: Everett)

<FS3> Kailey rolls Mental (8 7 6 6 5 4 1 1) vs Everett's Alertness (6 6 4 3 2 1)
<FS3> Victory for Kailey. (Rolled by: Kailey)

It wasn't enough. The door knocked the big lug back. It distracted him. But as Fiona tries to get past and down the stairs strong arms grabs hold of her. Sometimes being small and fine-boned is a detriment.

~I said don't touch me!~ Comes rocketing between his temples instead of speech. Along with a goodly chunk of emotions. Anger, betrayal, fear, loss. Emotions with a hint of a giggle and lip-bite in them. They could be lies, they could be real, but they're meant to startle and get him to let her go.

<FS3> Everett rolls Composure: Good Success (8 7 7 5 4 4 3 2) (Rolled by: Everett)

And let go he does.
But it isn't for the reason she's thinking. Or maybe. Maybe it's in addition too.

Hunching over, Everett grabs his temples with the flats of his palms, and grits his teeth, pulling his lips back. His recovery takes a second, letting her get further away when released. Behind her, in the dark stairwell, thunders his voice.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HEAD!" Hands curl into hammers, tightly so to turn knuckles white. Right lip twitches while he thunders down the stairs after his prey, his forehead deeply creesed.

Kailey slips free with a laugh and down the stairs. "Don't fucking touch me and I won't have too, Pig!" Comes the call from the foot of the stairs. Then she turns back to the kitchen of the Sweet Retreats. It is empty and that is just fine by her. It isn't like she is planning on running out of the place. There is company that should be coming. Of course it could be awhile and Fiona is happy to wait. She goes straight for behind the ice cream counter. Grabbing up a bowl and banana, she quickly begins the process of...making a banana split.

(TXT to Everett) Bean : No, I told you I do not want to share you, why would I want to meet this other woman?

Finishing bounding down the stairs, Everett pauses at the door way that leads into the kitchen and watches her in the dining area. The kitchen is for the hot food, and food prep. His view of her obscured with the swaying of the swinging doors that separates the kitchen from the dining. When he ducks under the door jamb, still sporting the bruise from the last time he forgot, he moves lackadaisical, opening the swinging door with a fist, not a palm. When he comes to a stop, he stares at her, his expression down from a snarl to a grimace, through his nostrils flare with each exhale while he watches her rather than what she's doing or making. Or that her breasts have tinged.

Kailey pauses in her making of her ice cream treat when Everett strides through the door. She turns to shoot and almost coquetish look over her shoulder. But those eyes are not right. So devoid of color as they are right now. "MMmmm...did you like that?" She asks as she licks a bit of banana from a fingertip. Slowly. As there's the ting her hand slides in to retrieve the phone. And then she reads it and one brow raises. "Interesting. Very interesting," She muses before glancing up. "We may not have company after all. No matter though..." And then she is typing on the screen again. tap tap tap she goes before hitting send. Keeping a half-eye on the big lug, moving to keep herself out of easy arms reach if he gets closer. "Let's see...Grace, Lyric and Bean and...I wonder who else..." She begins to scroll through his texts with a cold playfulness. "Why don't I just enlighten myself..."

(TXT to Bean) Everett : it needs to happen. all of you.

(TXT to Everett) Bean : All of who? and Why?

(TXT to Bean) Everett : you lyric kiki grace...to apologize and get everything in the open. let you all kick me in the ballz if yu wanna

(TXT to Everett) Bean : You are such a fucken lier... first telling me I was the only one you were fucking, then to find out of this mystery girl, Now your telling me there are more out there who might have your baby? You need to GROW the fuck up and quit leading these women on. I am burning all your leather you left here.

(TXT to Everett) Bean : dont even try to come over

A smirk grows across Kailey-Fiona's lips as she texts back and forth. Ting. Ting. Ting. Those gray-green eyes flicking back and forth until she finally goes, "Tut, tut, tut. Liar, liar! Pants on fire. Leather pants it would seem," She says and finally tosses the phone back to him. "There. Fixed it. Well...it's a start anyway. Time to watch the dominos fall," She says with satisfaction. He was waiting for the pain she was going to inflict? It wasn't the door hitting him, or throwing words and emotions into his head, it was this. Those texts and reveals. And she reaches to pick up the scoop and is eyeing the varieties of vanilla next. As if she'd just finished paying the bills.

That's new.
The beast pauses at the look he's given, his features slipping into surprise for a moment before a frown forces its way to the surface. Confusion. Then upset returns. "No," he says, hoping he sounds more believable to her then he does himself while he leans at the counter, tucking his fists into his armpits, once against crossing his arms. Time to pout, brute. "No," this time he's sure of its conviction. The trick with the banana, and his eyes open. His body perks and then he remembers who's at the steering wheel. It bears repeating: "No!" A firm negative. Everett's untucked his right hand, his left clenching hard enough to feel the keys digging into his palm, and pointed down to the floor. "Don't," comes the soft keen to follow, "You're not allowed to do that with her body." Setting down ground rules they're both going to follow. Right? ... right?

With the check of the messages, Everett pulls up from leaning on the counter, and takes a curious step forward, but still out of reach, "Who is it?" Then his attitude changes, "See? I told you it wouldn't work. You can't protect her, not from this. This is a her and me thing. So get out of her body and give me Kiki back." He starts to protest the further intrusion into his phone, but his mouth just closes, rolling his jaw instead.

Kailey drops vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate into her bowl. "Do what?" She asks as she runs a finger along the scoop, catching stray sweet cream. Which then goes into her mouth where she sucks it clean of her finger, turning to look at him. Then she is reaching for the whipped cream and chocolate sauce. "Find out for yourself, Pig," She says and shoves the phone across the counter at him. "I've done my bit. And it is all the truth, unlike what you've been peddling," She says with dark cheer. The hiss of the whipped cream fills the air after a liberal drizzling of chocolate and caramel sauces. "Where are the cherries..." She's looking around, paying less attention to the giant now.

Yeah. That.
Everett's head slants ever so slightly while he forces his eyes closed. Kinda. At the finger running over the scoop, he knows where its going, but his eyes won't close until her mouth opens. In slow motion. Until the finger is pointed inside. In slow motion. Until those lips start to close around her own finger, especially that lower lip. In slow motion.

Think of old ladies. Think of old ladies. Puppies, dead puppies. Dead puppies and old ladies. Nnnghh. "Nnnghh." Then he hears more, and something sliding across the counter, and his green eyes flash open. Phone. PHONE! The jolly green giant never moved so quick. What'd she do, what happened. There was typing, look through the messages. ... oh my god. "Oh my god. What the fuck did you do?" He looks up to the other person with shock and disbelief, "THAT'S who you were trying to get over here? Lilith's never done anything to you. Or to her. Why... because I got her pregnant? What were you going to do if she showed up?"

Damage control. Send another text or billion, Everett starts typing. Well, hunt and pecking with both hands.

(TXT to Bean) Everett : hey, sorry about that. the um girlfriend got my phone sorta.

(TXT to everett) Bean : nice to know you made a choice, be happy

Kailey tilts her head back and inserts nozzle of whipped cream can. Filling her mouth with sweet cream. Keeping an eye on Everett as he goes through and sees what she did. "Mmmmm? You mean make an honest man out of you?" She replies around the mouthful, some on her lips. A dribble on her chin. Swallowing the mouthful she slowly licks her lips and reaches for cherries and nuts. "There were numerous options when she showed up. Depending. But a good stair fall wasn't off the menu," She says it so casually. Like something asking you to pass pepper. Sundae complete she picks it up and sets it so she can face Everett as she eats it. Leaning bent forward on the counter as she dips the spoon in for the first bite. "Why did you lie?" This time there is no mocking. No cruelty. It could almost be Kailey, but those dead eyes say otherwise. As she licks the spoon clean of chocolate before it's next dive.

Staring at the reply, Everett turns the phone in confusion, "What?" And then it dawns on him. This poly stuff. It's totally new and the subtleties are lost on him. "Fuck." He looks up, because it's Fiona's fault what he typed and points a fat finger at her, "I hate you" and this time he's certain in his conviction. His big body stays at the mouth of the counter as he leans back and resumes typing. "I didn't lie. I never lied. Also, fuck you," he adds, punctuating his sentence without looking up.

(TXT to Bean) Everett : what? no, not like that! damn it, bean. listen to me, please. she's not herself. i swear and i still care for you and the life we made together. i never lied to you.

(TXT to Everett) Bean : We had a talk after you strip danced for me do you remember? You said you were not with other woman as you were me, you basically have been living with me.. you tell me you love me and yet, your telling me /now/ that you have a girlfriend... and possible more then two of your side fucks landed with babies, you dont deserve to be a father to this child. What are you going to teach it that cheating is legit?

(TXT to Everett) Bean : how do you even envision having us both?

Kailey slips another small spoonful in her mouth, letting it hang there as she watches him frantically text. "Mmmmm...I hate you too! We finally have something in common. BuuUUUUUUuuuut.. you did lie big man. Told her she was the only one and all that," She tilts her head to the side coyly and looking deeply satisfied. She doesn't stop eating, pausing only to eat the tiny bites she gives herself. "Boy is she mad and rightly so. You asked me how I was going to hurt you..." And she gestures to the phone before sticking another bite in her mouth. Whipped cream at the corner of her lips lingering for now.

He dares to look up, for just a moment. Instantly regrets it. That's an awful lot of cleavage. Everett's gaze goes up to the ceiling, down the wall and back to his phone, the longest route to follow to get there rather than just blinking. "I did tell her she was the only one. Because at the time she was the only one. And when that changed, I told her that too." Thank it. Don't say it. Frickin'... emotional... women... Grimacing deeply, his thumbs return to typing, while he purses his lips. "You took Kailey and fucked off with her. For the fat lot of good that did you. Just like this'll blow up in your face too." His thumbs fly for a moment before he thinks of a come-back, or switches gears, "And this doesn't hurt me either... so there." Hi, I'm twelve.

(TXT to Bean) Everett : i remember telling you you were the only one. and at the time that was true. and i remember telling you when that wasn't true anymore either. i didn't tell you when kailey came back. and i didn't tell you right away that she was pregnant either, but i did tell you within a week of me knowing. i'm sorry about that. she's a friend who is a girl, just like you're my girlfriend, babydoll. i don't think cheating is right, no and i don't want to be a cheater that's why i told you most things. but i don't know what i envision, i want us to be happy. i want us to rise our children. i want us to get along if not friends then at least friendly for the sake of the kids. but i most of all i want to know what you want and i want you to know that i hear you and that i do care about you and for you. i wouldn't be intimite with you if i didn't feel intimate for you, bean

Kailey digs into the split to snag a bit of banana and chocolate. The best combo of the split sundae. Especially when followed up with strawberry. "MMmmmhmmmm. Then why is she so upset?" She asks with utter innocence, shaking her head ever so slightly. "I didn't do anything with Kailey. You're the one who lost her, Pig. And now I am the consequences. You're right. Kailey is strong. She'll come back, she'll figure out all that I did, and she'll drop you like a lead balloon. And go with my original plan. The agency gets all kinds of wishy washy girls," And there goes the cherry. Lingeringly held as she pulls it from the cherry between her teeth.

(TXT to Everett) Bean : Your other woman is obviously there with you, go be with her.

"Because you're a cun--" Everett starts to say, looking up, but stops himself just in time. The look he feeds Fiona is one swirling with pure malice. "Because of the shit you stirred." When his phone tings again, he looks at the reply like it's Martian, and shrugs his other hand at his phone, the keys jiggling in his hand. "What the fuck am I supposed to do with this?" He sighs aloud and resumes pecking at his screen. "See, you're lying again. Kailey said she came too at the clinic, money in hand. Or words to that effect. With no idea how she got there. And if was me telling her about this," he lifts the phone, "that brought you out. But you know that, or should, if you have all her memories. Like you SAY you do."

(TXT to Bean) Everett : yeah i think i told you she was here that's how she got my phone. i'm at mine, whatever you do, don't come over. not that i don't think there's any likelihood of you doing that right now but i just want to make sure that you don't do that. i don't know what she'll do. but that doesn't mean i don't want to be with you or our child either. when there were others i was always with you too. i might not haven been in bed with you that night but you always had the lions share of your bear

(TXT to Everett) Bean : Grow up, pick one. You can be a dad but be done with dicking round womans hearts eay? I loved you I really did. (Snap photos of his leathers and other clothes on fire)

(TXT to Bean) Everett : i can't force you to be in a relationship with me, bean. that picture shows me what you want. i don't have to pick, you already decided.

(TXT to Everett) Bean : What do you want Ev? you want her me and you under one roof? What about any others? I am so damned confused, do you even get that?

With the last text message, Everett lifts his head and exhales a long, pained sigh. He casually flicks the phone over to his right onto the counter before it gives the ting of a new message which he ignores. A silent glance is given to the harpy enjoying ice cream. He probably doesn't have to tell her she's own. It's probably written on his face. Pushing from the counter, he walks around the counter and uses the keys un his hand to unlock the front doors walking sans jacket out into Boardwalk.

The door closes, with a jingle from the bell over the door, swaying from the lockpad a key, and a pink heart with gold script.

Kailey lifts a hand and wiggles it back and forth. "Eehhh. The brain is weird and memories too. Sometimes she remember more. She remembers what she wants too, what she can bare too. I remember more because, well, I don't give a shit. I get shit down, I take care of me," She says cheerfully. "You hear what you want too. That much is clear. She said she was at a clinic filling out papers. Didn't say what kind. Didn't go into details. Didn't even ask. Tsk." Another bite as she draws it out, plays with him, watching the back and forth of texts. She just smiles at him. It's a small thing. Triumphant. And she continues to eat her sundae, watching him walk out the door.


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