2020-03-20 - Hospital Visits

Elazar visits Minerva in the hospital.

IC Date: 2020-03-20

OOC Date: 2019-10-28

Location: Park/Addington Memorial Hospital

Related Scenes:   2020-03-17 - Burning Down The Murray House   2020-03-17 - Skeletor Versus Irvriya

Plot: None

Scene Number: 4335


Minerva had a private room, which was probably good given the ability to sneak in and out at different hours. She wasn't going anywhere for a few days. She'd lost consciousness on the way to the hospital, but they got her bleeding to stop. Skeletor had nicked her carotid, so it was good that they had moved so quick. Unfortunately she had a number of lacerations, burns, and bruised ribs.

And the woman had been taking advantage of being able to sleep peacefully. Though the nurse had been in to check vitals and give her pain medication. She's currently looking out the window as the sky outside darkens into evening. The rain is falling steadily against the windows, making it a somewhat peaceful start to the night.

Elazar shows up with no flowers because it's a hospital and they might take them. No food because they try and control everything a patient eats. No instead he shows up with a book. Knocking on the doorframe as he passes through it the smell of the rain still on him to mix with the anti-septic smell of the hospital. "Hey. I heard you were awake and feeling better." and then he moves in towards her bed and the chair predictably close. "Everyone else is okay if you didn't already know."

Minerva's gaze goes to the door when it opens and there's a smile when she sees who it is, a soft smile quirks her pale lips up, "Hey there, handsome." she greets him. "You've not been sleeping in a chair somewhere, have you?" she asks as she looks a touch concerned. When he settles down she turns to his direction a bit, "I had no heard yet, no. So thank you for that." she tells him softly. Are you okay?" she asks him. That was the main concern for the moment.

"No I've been to enough hospitals I knew if they wouldn't let me sit in here it'd be better for me to just call every hour." Elazar admits perhaps not the most romantic of gestures but he offers her the book it looks like Paulo Coelho's 'The Alchemist' , "I got it for you after talking about our favourite books and stuff." then as to whether he's okay, "Yeah I got out just fine, Skeletor bowled me over but nothing but a bruise or two. We did it though the house burnt down, no one got arrested, you didn't die despite scaring us all."

"It's more comfortable at home really, so I don't blame you for that." Minerva tells him as she looks to him. There's a soft smile when the book is offered and she reaches out to take it, "Thank you. I needed something to read." she grins to him. "I felt that. Didn't realize what happened until the door was closed." she frowns. "I saw that the house burnt. And I didn't mean to scare anyone. In the end...we did what was needed and everyone got out alright." she admits.

"Heard on the news they started finding remains under it. That's going to be a hellish thing to sift through." she tells him.

"I haven't been watching the news or anything. How much longer do you think you'll be in the hospital, has anyone else visited yet?" Elazar wonders and judging by his tone he doesn't seem to invested in being the first one, it's clear he's making small talk while eyeing up Minerva himself making sure she's responding normally and the like.

Minerva gives a look to him, "Probably just a few more days. Need to make sure nothing clots or gets an infection. Then I'll go home." she tells him. "Mom and dad have been by. No one else at the present besides you." she states. "And if you've got other things to do you don't have to stick around here. I'll be alright." she explains as she looks to the book.

"I just moved into town, I don't have a job, it's still to cold to knock out the wall for the expansion. I don't have anything going on." Elazar assures Minerva as he puts his elbows on the edge of the mattress and watches her. "How do you feel, that it's over? I mean it is over right, house burnt dredging up bodies?"

"Yeah, but I know sitting in the hospital with your weirdo fiance is probably not what you had planned." Minerva muses as she looks to him. She leans a little closer when he rests his elbows on the bed and watches her, "I feel...exhausted? I guess I didn't realize how much I was putting on this." she explains. "It is over. I killed him and the house is gone. So nothing residual will happen." she states quietly.

"You don't seem very happy about it, are you really so worn out from the effort or does it not feel like you wish it would?" Elazar asks in a quiet but clearly prying manner, his hand reaching out to hold one of her hands, not holding the book he'd given her.

Minerva gives a soft smile to him, "I didn't know what it would feel like. I don't feel like I've had anything hanging over me, if that makes sense?" she asks him. She takes his hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. They were bandaged some, but that was from the burns. She settles the book down and there's a look to him, "I think he really wanted to take someone with him on the way out. But he'd already taken too much from me." she tells him.

"I'm glad he didn't end up getting you in the end. I would have hated to find your body under that burnt down house." Elazar admits as he stays leaned forward at Minerva's bedside with those dark eyes watching her expression. "It's going to be a few days before you get home and I know hospitals don't let me just bring in food or anything for you to eat. Did you want anything from the apartment when I go back between visiting you?" evidently he's not planning on spending every waking moment at her bedside!

"I told you I wasn't going anywhere. I'm just sorry that it turned out to be so bloody in the end." Minerva tells him with a bit of a frown. Then there's a look to him, "How are you? Are you doing alright besides the residual feelings?" she asks him. "And no, I don't need anything from home unless you can sneak in Azrael." she teases him softly. She gives his hand a gentle squeeze and then brings it to her lips to place a kiss to his knuckles, "Thank you for things." she whispers to him.

"I think I've been fine, no nightmares or anything." Elazar admits as he begins to stand up and kiss Minerva on the forehead, giving another squeeze. "Lets see if I can sneak the dog in here tonight for a few minutes. We'll just have to jam a chair under the door." he suggests conspiring to violate Hospital policy!

<FS3> Minerva rolls Composure: Good Success (7 6 6 5 3 2 2) (Rolled by: Minerva)

"I don't think we can sneak the dog in here." Minerva tells him with a bit of a chuckle. "I thank you for being so dedicated though." she whispers to him. The kiss to the forehead makes her close her eyes and there's a moment where she seems like she might break down and cry, but she manages not to and she gives a smile to him. "You be careful." she tells him.

"Be careful of what, is the apartment haunted too?" Elazar wonders seemingly unaware of what the danger may be, his eyes widening a bit as he stays leaned over Minerva. "Are you sure, I am -pretty- confident I could claim it's an emotional support animal or something."

Minerva gives him a bit of a droll look, "No, it's not haunted. I made sure anything I called up was out of the apartment." she muses to him. Then she leans up to kiss his cheek, rather close to his lips, "I will let you see if you can get him in. And I just meant be careful in general." she smiles to him. "I like you in one piece." she grins.

<FS3> Elazar rolls Stealth: Success (7 7 3 3) (Rolled by: Elazar)

<FS3> Elazar rolls Leadership: Good Success (8 6 6 6 5 3) (Rolled by: Elazar)

Elazar grins at that with his expressive face and then he's out. It's a couple hours before he's inside the room, door shutting behind him and a one year old mastiff in tow. The dog barks and the dark-haired miscreant looks around as if waiting for someone to break down the door and then lets the dog have the lead to jump up on the bed. "I almost got in, but I managed to quicktalk my way past the nurse that found me."

Minerva had fallen back to sleep when he'd left, so it's a startle when a dog launches itself onto the bed, but she brightens up instantly when she realizes it's not a hellhound, "There's my baby." she coos as she ruffles the dog gently. Then there's a few tears rolling down her cheeks as Azrael finds a spot to lay down next to her in the bed. She looks to Elazar and there's a soft smile to him, "Thank you for this." she tells him gently. "You can add that to your resume. Able to fast talk nurses to sneak fiance her puppy." she grins to that.

"I think the puppy had more to do with it than me." Elazar points out as he closes the distance from the door to the bed with Minerva and Azrael on it. The doggo gets a toulse of the fur on its head and ears even as he leans over to give Minerva a peck on the forehead. "She said fifteen minutes though then we have to scoot, were you sleeping?"

Azrael has himself splayed over Minerva's arm, "Well, you're both adorable so I'm sure that it helped." she smiles to that. The peck to her forehead makes her smile softly. "Fifteen minutes is more than enough time. Thank you for bringing him in." she tells him. "And yeah, but it's almost time for vitals and things again, so it's no problem being awake." she smiles.

"It'll only be a couple days and you're out right?" Elazar asks after about ten minutes of letting the pair play together and some idle chitchat about feeding the dog, making sure Azrael is walked, so on so forth.

Minerva gives a nod to that, "Yeah, just a few more days, then home. Should be on the way to being healed." she tells him. "We'll have to talk about plans for the office and stuff more once I'm out. I'm sure things will be fine going forward." she smiles to that.


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