2020-04-02 - Boomerang

When the remains of a relationship come back home.

IC Date: 2020-04-02

OOC Date: 2019-11-06

Location: Bayside Apt/Apartment 400

Related Scenes:   2020-03-31 - The Purge

Plot: None

Scene Number: 4412


Easton turns the key in the door of the bar and thinks back to Katherine's texts earlier about returning some things. Stuff. He stands facing the door of the bar, considering it. And with a sigh he fishes his keys back out of his pocket and with a determined step walks through the bar and grabs a bottle of Knob Creek. He moves quickly as if worried someone's going to stop him, but no one does. He locks the bar back up and hops in the jeep.

The box is sitting outside his apartment, not attached to an ex-fiance, just by itself on the floor. Easton heaves another sigh after glancing into it before opening his door and kicking it in with his good foot.

Thankfully he has Gunner to distract him, and a terrible smoothie to make in lieu of dinner. And so he manages to ignore the box for a good hour between those distractions but eventually it's time to just deal with it. He sits down on the couch and takes a look at the ring box and note on the top which he promptly ignores to dig into the clothes. These at least bring a smile to his face. A tee shirt from some fraternity event in college. A pair of baggy sweatpants that nearly worn through around the bottom hems. A hoodie that he completely forgot about but upon seeing it he can't help but think of Katherine wearing it. Things from their early college relationship still feel sweet in some ways, far more innocent days and all that. But eventually those things run out and he's left with just the ring box and the note.

He picks it up and reads...

This belongs to the girl who completes your heart. That girl isn’t me anymore. I’m not sure she ever was. - Kate

Easton frowns at the part about her not ever having his heart, letting out an annoyed grunt. His frustration is short lived though because of course the part about the girl who completes his heart makes him think of Bennie. And slowly a smile creeps over his face, at first just pulling his lips tight then slowly spreading into a grin ... and then a 'pffft' escapes his lip as he starts to slowly shake with laughter. It grows until he's straight gafawing, loudly, obnoxiously. Gunner tilts his head at his food and scritch source in confusion but Easton only laughs harder. Tears actually streaming from his eyes at the thought of re-purposing the ring. It's not the thought of spending his life with Bennie he finds so hilarious, but just how poorly it would go over to give her a ring that belonged to someone else, that held the promise of a life that never materialized.

It's a good few minutes of picturing it and laughing before Easton picks up the ring box and looks at it sternly. "Yea, sorry to say but you're not exactly wanted buddy." Easton obviously understands why Kate wouldn't want to keep it. But it's not like he's about to put it to use, again. He looks at it and says, "What do you think, should I pawn you and buy a grenade launcher?"

Easton uses the box to mime talking in a high squeaky voice, "Yes, that's an excellent idea. Regrets are dumb and explosions are awesome."

"You're right failed engagement ring! I should do that."

At this point Gunner has plopped his head on Easton's lap and burrowed against him, obviously concerned.

The ring box is tossed back into the box with a rueful shake of his head, and the bottle of whiskey is opened. He lifts it up points at the box and shakes his head, quoting Roen he toasts, "The only way out is through!"

And he takes a good long drink.

And then he caps the bottle and gets up to put it back on the counter, where he'll take it back to the bar without another sip.


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