2020-04-12 - Look After You

After sobering up a little, Katy drives Lucas back to his place.

IC Date: 2020-04-12

OOC Date: 2019-11-13

Location: Lucas' Apartment

Related Scenes:   2020-04-12 - Cowboy Up   2020-04-18 - Apologies

Plot: None

Scene Number: 4476


Katy finally gets Lucas settled into the passenger seat of her car, before she gets into the driver's seat and starts driving off. She figures it's about a twenty minute drive to his apartment, from what she could recall. When she finally gets the car moving, she says, "All right, Luke, let's get you home."

The bump on his head that's forming gives her a bit of cause for concern. She wonders if she shouldn't maybe take him to the hospital instead, but figures that it's something that could wait until the morning. But for now, she needs to keep him talking, keep him awake. She's not entirely sure what the deal is about concussions and sleep, but he seemed to be walking on his own okay so it's not nearly as serious as it could be.

"How are you feeling, Bud?" she asks as she drives.

Lucas settles into the passenger seat and rubs his head, "Did I just see a Cow drinking a beer?" He shakes his head a little, and winces, "I am ok...its not that bad, I had worse in High School"

Katy chuckles. "I know what a serious concussion is like, Jon's last one ended his hockey career. I know you'll be fine but I'd feel a lot better if you were to get checked out in the morning."

""I'll make sure to jog by the gym shirtless during my morning run tomorrow, that always gets me checked out" He smiles weakly and looks over at Katy. "I think you owe me a wish now"

"Ugh, I guess I'll have to do your laundry at some point," Katy quips with feigned annoyance. She's clearly not bothered by the idea. "But seriously, Luke, what is it that you want? One question or one thing for me to do."

He chuckles, "Oh your gonna ask me while I an concussed? Figure if you get me at my weakest you will get off easy?" He shakes his head, slowly and carefully, "You don't get off that easy, I am going to contemplate my question or wish." He grins "Plot even...you know, when I know what 2 plus 2 is again'

"Well it's good that a bump to the head doesn't change your personality," Katy comments playfully, "It's such a typical move from you to leave me hanging."

He nods in agreement, "That's me, always with the wind up, no follow through" He chuckles and stretches in the car seat, his arms scraping the roof as he does, "So how is it going with John-boy" he asks lazily.

"It's more or less settled, we haven't had anything too exciting happen for the last month or so, let's been busy, but we're settling into our new normal. The fact that he had to stop playing hockey because of his concussion was a huge wake up call for both of us. Life's too short and all that."

He nods, "Ellie and August getting hitched threw me at first, I just never really saw my sister as the kind of girl any guy would ever be interested in, you know what I mean?"

"You say that 'coz she's your sister and you think she's crazy with her whole conspiracy theorist thing," Katy points out, recalling one of the things he's told her in the past.

"Hey now being a conspiracy theorist doesn't make you romantically unviable, in her defense, just being Ellie does that even without adding the conspiracy theorist part to it."

"Hey, cut your sister some slack. You're still single, Mister." Katy teases Lucas playfully.

"I mean is something wrong here, can you imagine anyone finding that goofy smile, or those freckles, or that carrot top, or those long ass ostrich legs attractive?" He sighs, "Well maybe I just haven't found the one"

"You're waiting for someone specific. You don't fool me," Katy points out semi-teasingly, "You've had heart eyes for Atli for years."

"Atli who? I have no idea who your talking about. Is there someone named Atli? I mean what kind of name is that...so silly sounding, its like Addie but with a tuh-luh sound in the middle."

As Katy pulls up to the parking lot of Lucas' building, she stops speaking. She isn't going to get anywhere with him right now. Particularly when he's doing that whole denial thing and pretending everything's funny. She helps him out of car if he needs it before following him into the building.

"Two-la, thu-luh, two la" He singsongs, as she helps him up the stairs. He gets them pretty well on his own, not leaning on her too much.

It's a rather quiet walk on Katy's end until they finally arrive to Lucas' apartment. "You know you've been doing that thing where you act like a goofball and ignore what I say when you don't want to hear it," she points out quietly.

Lucas actively tries to "sober up' He turns to look at Katy, "For the record, I am not acting like a goof ball, I am a goof ball, a goof ball with a head injury, and I am not ignoring you, I never ignore you Kit-Kat, I hear every word, I just don't acknowledge it all the time, for my own sanity. " He pulls out his pocket knife, flips open the blade and slides it into the keyhole, then looks confused as it wont turn.

"Key, not pocket knife. Try again," Katy points out playfully when Lucas is unable to open the door with his pocket knife.

He blinks and nods, closing the knife carefully he turns to the emergency elevator key on his ring instead and tries it.

"Here, let me try." And Katy takes the keychain with all the keys in and tries a couple of them before she get the door open and returns the keys to Lucas. "Go on Champ." And she follows him into the apartment.

He lets her get the door open, and he makes it through the threshold to the small living area. There is a couch and kitchenette and a short hall that leads toward the bed and bath. He nods toward the couch, "Look at what we have here, a nice soft bed"

Katy chuckles as she hears Lucas' comment while closing the door behind her. She then follows him over to the couch and sits down. "You know, tonight was nice while it lasted. I missed hanging out with you. Although, next time, no mechanical bulls."

Lucas spreads out lying on the couch, legs hanging off one end, head in Katy's lap, "Nope just my normal one hundred percent natural all organic bull next time"

When Lucas rests his head on her lap, Katy muses, "The last time you did this was...oh my gosh, like five years ago? I was usually the one with my head in your lap."

"And I would rub your forehead and play with your hair and you would be out like a baby in no time"

"Yeah," Katy says, remembering fondly with a smile as she starts running her fingers through Lucas' hair, "We got through a lot together back then." "

"mmmhmmm" He mumbles, "I've missed you lately. I am glad you're back, things just seem right now"

<FS3> Katy rolls Mental (8 7 6 3 3 3 2) vs Lucas's Alertness (7 6 6 3 2 1 1)
<FS3> DRAW! (Rolled by: Katy)

<FS3> Katy rolls Mental (6 6 6 5 4 2 2) vs Lucas's Alertness (7 5 5 4 4 3 3)
<FS3> Victory for Katy. (Rolled by: Katy)

As Katy plays with Lucas' hair, she concentrates on him, trying to get a sense of where he's coming from emotionally, using her supernatural empathy. "I've missed you too. I hope you'll be involved in the wedding in some way. Maybe as a groomsman or something. It wouldn't feel right without you."

Lucas is relaxed, he is a little jumbled emotionally, especially given the concussion, but he is generally relaxed currently. He does actually miss hanging out with her, and spending time with her, and is enjoying doing so. When talk of the wedding comes up he is very happy for her. "Isn't that Johnny-boys call? I know! Maybe I can be a bridesmaid? I've never been a bridesmaid before. I hear bridesmaid are super easy though, I am not sure if I want to be considered easy"

Katy just smiles. She's a little disappointed she isn't able to really decipher the jumbled mix of emotions but she is glad he is feeling relaxed. "It's our call together. I can always put a good word in for you. Besides, I don't think you'd look good in the purple I want to put the bridesmaids in."

"Are you kidding, I look great in Purple, I bet you I could rock that bridesmaid dress better then any of your cousins"

There is a part of Katy that is worried about Lucas after the dinner at the Firehouse. He doesn't seem to know what he's doing or the dangers he might run into as a result. But she just continues to banter with him, because it's fun. "I'm sorry, Lukey, but you wouldn't have the legs for the dress," she quips.

"You know who has legs for a dress like that? Atli, " he seems to have an epiphany, a horrible tragic disastrous epiphany, "you should ask Atli to be a bridesmaid, like as a peace offering....,there you go...that's my wish...you have to ask Atli to be a bridesmaid, she doesn't have to accept but you have to offer, and be genuine and nice about it when you do....your not allowed to use her own sarcasm back on her" He smiles looking proud of himself.

Lucas can feel Katy tense up from his position as soon as he mentions Atli. "You mean the cousin who thinks I'm unworthy of being an Addington? You really did hit your head hard," she says through gritted teeth.

"I am sure you two are going to be friends some day, once you actually get to know each other, she really is a good person at heart, you just have to chisel through all the layers of bitch to get there. Besides if me and Atli are going to get married some day, my best friend has to be able to sit in a room with her for at least five minutes without stabbing her or what is the point?" and with that he rolls over, buries his head in Katy's stomach and begins snoring.

<FS3> Katy rolls Physical: Good Success (6 6 6 5 5 2 2) (Rolled by: Katy)

Lucas' words do nothing to relieve the tension radiating from Katy at this point but then as she figures it's the concussion talking and makes a point to check in with him in the morning. When he falls asleep, Katy kisses his forehead and takes the opportunity to slip out, even using her abilities to make sure the door is locked.


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