2020-04-18 - Apologies

Lucas Apologizes to Katy for trying to plan her wedding while drunk

IC Date: 2020-04-18

OOC Date: 2019-11-16

Location: Cyberspace

Related Scenes:   2020-04-12 - Look After You   2020-04-15 - Goodnight Kisses

Plot: None

Scene Number: 4501


(TXT to Katy) Lucas : Hey....

(TXT to Lucas) Katy : Hey, haven't heard from you in a while. Please tell me you had your head checked for a concussion.

(TXT to Katy) Lucas : Yeah I am good, I.. only had some minor brain damage, and apparently I acted like an ass when you were taking care of me.

(TXT to Lucas) Katy : What part do you feel bad about?

(TXT to Katy) Lucas : Atli in purple

(TXT to Lucas) Katy : Oh. That. Yeah.

(TXT to Katy) Lucas : so couple things, first I have no place telling you who your bridesmaids are, bet or not, you need people who will support you on that day. second, I do in fact have the legs for that dress and it is a crime for you to imply otherwise. How about we compromise on the bet and have you invite her TO the wedding instead of TO BE IN the wedding?

(TXT to Lucas) Katy : Whether I like it or not, she's going to be involved, especially if she wants to force traditions down my throat by throwing the engagement party and whatever else. I'm going shopping with her and Erin too. She'll likely be invited to the wedding, either as your plus one or by virtue of her last name.

(TXT to Lucas) Katy : You have nothing to worry about.

(TXT to Katy) Lucas : She wants to help, and to treat you like a cousin for once. Unfortunately you might have been happier to have her as a arch enemy then an ally

(TXT to Lucas) Katy : You said your breakup because you weren't good enough for an Addington. I know for a fact that's wrong. You were more than enough for me.

(TXT to Lucas) Katy : You don't know what it's like in a me against them environment with people who are supposed to be your family.

(TXT to Katy) Lucas : your right, I don't, and I can only do what I can do. So I guess you have to decide would you prefer to be friends with her, which comes with her sticking her nose in your life because she wants to....."help" … or just keep up the cold war ?

(TXT to Lucas) Katy : It's not that I was happier. It's just so...it doesn't feel sincere. It feels like she's just looking down at me the entire time and doesn't genuinely care.

(TXT to Lucas) Katy : I'm always nice when we interact, or at least I try to be. I even accepted to go on a shopping trip with her.

(TXT to Katy) Lucas : I /think/ she actually does care, she's not /trying/ to be insincere, its just the only way she knows to interact with people

(TXT to Katy) Lucas : and I appreciate that!

(TXT to Lucas) Katy : Don't worry, I'm not about to offer her a spot on Team Purple, but she is allowed to come to the wedding. And hey, I might even let her throw that party she wants to throw.

(TXT to Katy) Lucas : I would appreciate that... especially since we are kinda dating now, I think

(TXT to Lucas) Katy : Hey you finally grew a pair. 😛 So...what about that whole not good enough mess? You sorted that out?

(TXT to Katy) Lucas : technically she asked me out, I think, to dinner at my place

(TXT to Lucas) Katy : That's great, I guess. I hope it works out for you, I really do.

(TXT to Lucas) Katy : I'm happy for you, Luke. Really. I just hope she realises how much of a good thing she has now.

(TXT to Katy) Lucas : I had her over for Thai food and we talked about high school

(TXT to Lucas) Katy : And how did it go?

(TXT to Katy) Lucas : Well, really well, we talked about things...kind of dtred a little, and then had a nice long conversation

(TXT to Lucas) Katy : Really?

(TXT to Katy) Lucas : I gave her a choice of serious or fun and she didn't ask for fun...so that's …. good.... right?

(TXT to Lucas) Katy : Are you guys back together?

(TXT to Katy) Lucas : I would say yes, yes, we are

(TXT to Lucas) Katy : I'm happy for you, I really am.

(TXT to Katy) Lucas : Thank you for being willing to giving her another chance

(TXT to Lucas) Katy : She's family. As long as you're happy, I'll deal.

(TXT to Katy) Lucas : I appreciate it

(TXT to Lucas) Katy : I always knew you were still in love with her, Luke. You could never hide it from me.

(TXT to Katy) Lucas : I have no idea what you are talking about 😉

(TXT to Lucas) Katy : Dork. Anyway, you and I should catch up soon. I want ALL the details.

(TXT to Katy) Lucas : no you dont

(TXT to Lucas) Katy : OH SHIT. That serious? Never mind then.

(TXT to Lucas) Katy : Don't need to hear about your sex life.

(TXT to Katy) Lucas : Did I say anything about sex? Maybe I am just protecting you from details of my Brittany spears karaoke

(TXT to Lucas) Katy : It's literally the only thing I don't want to hear about. Everything else is fair game.

(TXT to Katy) Lucas : there are some things you don't want to know, trust me, but I won't tell you what they are, because if I did then you would know

(TXT to Lucas) Katy : Okay dude, whatever.

(TXT to Lucas) Katy : Okay whatever dude. I'm just glad you're happy now.

(TXT to Katy) Lucas : I am dork, thank you


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