2020-06-10 - Cell phone tango

Ruiz texts Olivia the day after the police happy hour. Just why is less clear. Distinctions are made.

IC Date: 2020-06-10

OOC Date: 2019-12-26

Location: There and here

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 4765


(TXT to Olivia) Ruiz : This is Dr. Kincaid?

(TXT to Ruiz) Olivia : It depends who is asking.

(TXT to Olivia) Ruiz : (after a minute) Captain de la Vega. You gave me your number. I think. I'd had a fair bit to drink, so.

(TXT to Ruiz) Olivia : I did. And you had.

(TXT to Olivia) Ruiz : Right, glad I didn't imagine that. I hope I wasn't too inappropriate. You got home all right, I assume?

(TXT to Ruiz) Olivia : I did. And Moretti got you home in one piece it appears.

(TXT to Olivia) Ruiz : His driving aside, yeah.

(TXT to Ruiz) Olivia : I'm not so sure tequila drinkers can be choosers, Captain.

(TXT to Olivia) Ruiz : Just doing the best I can right now, under the circumstances, Doctor. You got a better suggestion, I'm all fucking ears.

(TXT to Ruiz) Olivia : I'll buy you a coffee if you would like to discuss the circumstances. You'll find my fucking ears attentive and interested.

(TXT to Olivia) Ruiz : It's almost like you're trying to trick me into having the talk with a shrink I'm mandated to have after being first on scene to a homicide.

(TXT to Ruiz) Olivia : You'd have me there, de la Vega. If I'd initiated the texting.

(TXT to Ruiz) Olivia : My office is really quite pleasant. If you like alley views.

(TXT to Olivia) Ruiz : Your office, now. what happened to coffee.

(TXT to Ruiz) Olivia : You brought it up. Though I think I should distinguish something for you.

(TXT to Olivia) Ruiz : Distinguish away.

(TXT to Ruiz) Olivia : There is a noteworthy line between the official 'fit for duty' appointment that is required in cases such as these and more confidential conversations. I tend to get the official portions over with so that the latter can happen in good time. And coffee? Coffee is its own beast entirely.

(TXT to Olivia) Ruiz : (a few dots, then nothing for a minute)

(TXT to Olivia) Ruiz : Okay. So this isn't a convoluted attempt to get your paperwork done. Are you asking me on a coffee date?

(TXT to Ruiz) Olivia : I don't know you well enough to ask for a date, Captain.

(TXT to Olivia) Ruiz : Isn't that kind of the point of a date, Doctor?

(TXT to Ruiz) Olivia : I do, however, believe I would enjoy talking with you over a cup of coffee.

(TXT to Ruiz) Olivia : Intention is the key to the beast.

(TXT to Olivia) Ruiz : Perhaps you would enlighten me then as to your intentions.

(TXT to Ruiz) Olivia : My intention is always to understand the minds I work with. It's why I went to happy hour. However ...

(TXT to Olivia) Ruiz : I see.

(TXT to Ruiz) Olivia : I did not expect to enjoy myself nearly as much as I did.

(TXT to Olivia) Ruiz : I'm glad we exceeded your expectations, then.

(TXT to Olivia) Ruiz : Anyway, I'm going to have to decline on the coffee. But I'll try to make time to stop by your office soon, Doctor.

(TXT to Ruiz) Olivia : You, captain, are your own sample set.

(TXT to Olivia) Ruiz : And what the fuck is that supposed to mean.

(TXT to Ruiz) Olivia : I wasn't speaking to the collective 'we'.

(TXT to Olivia) Ruiz : That's not helping.

(TXT to Ruiz) Olivia : I never promised to be helpful.

(TXT to Olivia) Ruiz : You have a good night, then. I'll see you tomorrow.

(TXT to Ruiz) Olivia : And yourself.


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