2020-10-16 - A Fall Camping Trip

Zara and Devlin manage to take a few days off together to enjoy camping.

IC Date: 2020-10-16

OOC Date: 2020-03-16

Location: Camping

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 5381


It's difficult for these two to find time off from their rather hectic jobs, but on a chilly October mid-week morning it has finally come to fruition. A camping trip in the woods! How...dangerous?

Zara has dressed sensibly (boots, pants, sweater), her hair tied back out of the way, and a rather large bag that she loads up into Devlin's jeep. She will refuse any assistance for it with a smile and a friendly slapping away of hands. The doctor also has a backpack, and a separate sleeping bag. Hopefully, Devlin has a tent sorted out. No obvious glamping accessories - Zara seems to be the real deal, unafraid to live rough.

Once settled in the jeep there is a quick kiss for the driver before she does her best to relax. Please don't let there be a health emergency to drag her back. A wave of her hand towards the woods. "Take me away."

Devlin teases, "I thought about just living light with a knife, poncho, poncho liner, and a little dummy cord. But I had a feeling you might object to that. So.." as he points out there is a small tent, a cooler, and a few other items good for camping. "I upped my game from light fighter to.. National Guard Mech.." and he can't resist, "Leg edition." He grins a bit and returns the kiss with warm enthusiasm. "Found a nice area a couple hours away at a trail head. Easy enough to camp there and do a little day hiking.. may be some hunting." He then nods to the case with the bow. "I also have my tags.. just in case," he smiles. "And I did bring some fishing poles.. there is a nice stream about 2 miles from where I can take the jeep to."

"Don't get me wrong. I don't object to living it rough." Zara eyes off the huge bag she brought along. "That's a surprise, not a shower." A smirk at Mech and Leg before nodding to their planned destination. "Sounds good. Oh, I didn't bring anything to hunt with" she frowns before a snort of amusement. "I guess I'll be doing the cooking then. How horribly stereotypical" she teases. "Fishing sounds good though. Two miles? Nah, we can walk that." Zara reaches out to casually caress Devlin behind the ear as they drive...as long as it's not too distracting.

"I hope you didn't get into too much trouble having a few days off."

Devlin grins, "I made a few bets and won, got the days I wanted plus a few bonuses. Seems a few of the paramedics underestimate me." He does lean in to the caresses a few times, but attention on the road. The drive on the highway is pleasant as the Rubicon does have a few luxury items like Sirus XM and very comfortable seats. As to his attire, he's wearing digital tiger stripe cams and good field boots. "Plus.. an extra deer tag for another area." His grin is evil, "Like I would risk loosing my tag for Ft. Lewis.."

"I'd hate to think what you were betting on" Zara laughs, "But glad it worked out. I will warn you that one of the prerequisites for me getting the days off was to take my phone with me. So if there's another pandemic, I'll have to head back into town." Her caressing hand stays above the waist - at least while driving.

"You've camped where we're going before then? What's the poison ivy situation like?" A beat before she has to ask the question everyone has to ask in Gray Harbor. "Anything...odd...happen there? You know what I mean. Things have been rather crazy around here lately."

Devlin says, "Scouted the area before for deer hunting, fished out there over night a few times. Rabbit hunting isn't bad either. As to poison ivy, not bad at all. Well to me. As to weird things, once ran into a trapper that looked like he belonged in the early eighteen hundreds complete with a musket. We talked a bit.. went our separate ways. Never ran into him again, but I did look up his name. Might have died a little before the civil war if I got things right." He takes a breath, "right up there with the times that those dead musicians showed up for open mike nights...""

"Oh...ghosts...how wonderful." Zara's brow furrows. "Do you ever think how odd it is that we discuss ghosts as if they're a matter-of-fact. Around here, I guess they are. I guess those patients at the Asylum weren't as troubled as we thought they were." A slight frown at memories of that place - but this is not time for frowns! "Dead musicians? Were they...grateful dead?" She disgracefully laughs at her own bad joke before, "Sorry. This is what happens when I don't have to worry about work for a few days. Bad joke time. Shame I missed it. I need to get out more."

Devlin nods with a chuckle, "Yeah.. you should hear combat zone humor.. only works in .. yeah, combat." He shakes his head, "No, just some old blues guitar man from the 40's one time. The first one I ran into. Your right.. it's like we've become Rod Serling but we get to play in the Twilight Zone too."

"Unfortunately, it seems to be more the horrific episodes we end up in" Zara replies with a temporary frown. "You think we're at the stage where we exchange birthdays? That's not a threat of lifelong commitment or anything, is it?" A little giggle at that. "Okay, I'll go first. June 9. I won't mention which year because that doesn't matter. Right? So, I think we met after my birthday and you have a good seven months to dump me before you're up for a gift" she winks.

"Or further." Devlin grins. "Mine is July 24 and it was 88 when the world was inflicted with my annoying presence." As he slows for a turn, he sneaks a kiss to your drifting hand. "Some how.. I get this funny feeling dumping is the last thing on my mind. So, D-Day plus 3.. huh. I tend to skydive on my birthday. In fact it was a skydive that was how I won my bet." He smirks, "One of the guys used to be a smoke jumper. The big bet was that he would open his chute lower than I would. So before showing up.. talked to a Rigger friend at Lewis, and had him rig mine. Plus got some advice from guys that HALO." He winks, "Easy as taking candy from a probie."

Zara stares at you at the revelation of the bet. She could admonish him for almost killing himself but, instead, she swallows the nagging and raises her brow in surprise. "Glad you know what you're doing with that kind of thing. Not exactly a bet I would want to take part in, but you do what you do. Glad you survived." A nod about the birthdate, mental note made. And confirmation she is older than Devlin...by five years! At least she's still very fit and looks it.

"It's nice to know that my birthday can be linked to a major military event" Zara laughs. "I guess it won't be forgotten then." A wry smile for the dumping comment before looking out at the world going past. "So pretty. So dangerous. What music would you like on?"

Having picked up on your stare, "Yeah.. I know, crazy. But I did load the dice by getting expert assistance. Remember, paratrooper.. if you ain't cheating, you ain't trying. If you get caught, you didn't try hard enough." He smiles, "I won't pull something like that again for a long time. Because.. I don't want to see that look in your eyes again, I'm sorry dear." He hmms, "Music.. I love a little of every thing. Rock.. from the 60's on up. A little.. and we are talking a LITTLE country. Most of what I play is rock, but I do like folk too. Classical is hard on a guitar, do you know how silly Mozart sounds on guitar." A bit of a chuckle with that. "I do like broadway, even have gone to a couple of operas. So I am kind of all over, if I like it cool. If not, I leave it"

Zara now feels a little guilty at making you feel guilty. "No need to apologize. You did all the right things to ensure safety, and winning. If I knew about it beforehand, I would have had faith in your intelligence and experience, and made no attempt to stop you." A beat. "I would have looked the other way, but I wouldn't have stopped you. I'm not that kind of person. Now, if you ever did something stupid, that would be different."

"Some people have made a career out of playing classical on guitar. What was that band called...'Sky'? John Williams was the guitarist...not the one who does soundtracks. Not sure if they did Mozart, but definitely did classical. Let me see if I can find some." It's on her phone that she does her search. "Broadway? Nice. Well, at least I know you're not gay so nice to see a man unafraid of a showtune. Ah, here's some Sky." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgbgUrp1a70

Devlin says, "Well, lets say you get to tell me to dial it down some. I'll listen." He then chuckles, "Blame mom, she felt big tough guys needed culture in their lives. But not live it." Devlin laughs warmly as he turns off onto the trail. "Might be my skill level too.. that's Bach isn't it?" He then hmms as he notices another vehicle, "Lovely.. night drunks up a head.. seen the car before. Hope they are not going to the same trail head we are." He then lets them pull further ahead, so he can shift to four wheel drive. "Fire trails get rough a little further up, we'll pass them when they have to stop and manually lock their wheels. Daddy's hand me down pickups.. glad I have better.""

"The next time there is a hospital talent show on, I'm putting your name down for a showtune performance. Maybe 'All That Jazz'? 'Oklahoma'? 'Memories' from Cats? You'd have to dress up for that last one." Zara is being awfully deadpan as she elaborates on this 'joke'. Perhaps she means it! A nod about Bach. "Hey, for any Halloween party we get invited to, you can dress up as Mozart, and I'll be Bach. Get it?" Oh dear, it seems she knows a lot of bad jokes and doesn't mind laughing at them.

The warning about the other vehicle has her frowning. "Great. It's bad enough with all the spooky stuff, but now we have to deal with 'real' idiots too." She eyes off the other car for a moment. "Hopefully, the chill in the air will have them heading home before dark. With what I intend us to do tonight, I don't want anyone watching. Or listening." A wiggle of her eyebrows at you.

Devlin says, "Oh, I know a few other places up the trail.. just rougher than most like it. And I know the area from scouting. Plus I have the military maps for here. God's eye view on a map. And I have my compass." He hmms, "Showtunes.. really? Well, just something else than Cats please.. it's everyone's go to. And I'd rather a challenge.. like a duet.. All I Ask of You from Phantom. Yes.. saw it on Broadway.. Mom."

"I'm sure you could do a duet. Would be a bit odd doing it by yourself though." No way will Zara sing for others. She made a vow to heal others, not make them feel more sick. She nods about the roughness of other places on offer. "Let's go there. I'd rather be alone with you than have the threat of morons around." A curious look at you. "I'm pretty sure you're not a psycho killer, but I guess I'll find out over the next few days. I have a compass, maps, flares, shortwave if we lose phone reception. Though my maps may not be as good as yours" is admitted with a warm smile.

"Hey...you didn't scout this area because it's where you buried the other women you took up here, did you? Just asking..."

Devlin teases, "Just your clones.." He laughs a bit. He then hmms, "No duet.. bet you have a good voice. I'm no professional, but I have fun. Just have fun.. we can try it say, at home.." He then nods, "I even have a few that are one over pineapple as the grunts over in the 25th like to say. Grid squares big enough to measure tens of meters if you have the right protractor."

"Plan's for us.. interesting, I take it your not a psycho killer looking for an easy place to drop a body.. and have an intense love of irony."

"I'm a doctor, Devlin, I'm not allowed to kill people" Zara notes. "Though when I'm off duty... Just kidding. And if I was a psycho killer, I think I'd go after easier targets than a paratrooper that knows their way around a variety of weapons. I'd might like a challenge, but I wouldn't be suicidal." She gives your thigh a squeeze. "Don't worry, I won't kill you. As long as your heart holds out from all the exercise, you'll be fine."

Zara screws up her nose cutely at the thought of singing. "Umm...not sure if it would be fun for me, but we can give it a go." She's not shy in trying things. "Home? Which home?"

Devlin says, "Kind of your call, I want you to be comfortable. Granted.. I do admit waking up in the morning with you is a pleasure. Your face" He smiles with a bit of a far away look but still paying attention to the road. "It's beautiful in the morning light.. and I've noticed this sort of smile when your still asleep but have my arm around you.""

Zara is surprised, and touched, by your words. "Why, Devlin, such sweet words." There may even be a bit of a blush. "Careful, you're starting to sound serious" she tries to joke before looking out the window again as they drive deeper into the woods. "We should give ourselves a couple of day in the woods to see how well we can stand each other in non-comfortable surroundings. If we can get through that, we can get through anything."

Zara is still blushing, trying to find something interesting to look at outside and keep a smile off her face. "And it will be our call when we make it. Let's not jump ahead of ourselves. Let's have fun over the next few days. It goes where it goes."

There is a warm smile from Devlin, "That fun.. I am looking forward to." He teases a bit, "And I love being around a woman that knows what she wants." He then focuses on a rougher trail as he drives, maneuvering to take advantage of what his Jeep can do without getting it hung up. "Good thing is that there should be two small ridge lines between us and the party people." He winks, "Still, if I have to play.. well, for someone like me.. just a short hike in the darkness to say 'Hello' in a friendly wtf way.

"Two ridges? Hmm, I better keep the volume down then" Zara smirks in reply. She doesn't seem to mind the bouncing around that the jeep does. It's part of the fun after all.

"Hey...we're the party people" she points out with a laugh before looking around at the beautiful gloom of the woods. "At least they're aren't any hockey mask wearing killers in these woods." Oh no, she's tempted fate...and the Veil. "Don't frighten the neighbors, Devlin" she grins. "It seems I will have to figure out a way to keep your attention."

Devlin chuckles, "I have no fear that you will succeed there. As to hockey mask wearing killers, I bribed Jason to go on vacation to kill at Lake Tahoe." He smirks with that. "You should like this spot, it would take some serious flooding by the creak to reach us. Plenty of dead fall and the fishing is good. A lot of pan fish. Two make a meal usually."

"Then two is all we need" Zara nods with a smile before a dramatic shocked look. "Lake Tahoe? Oh no, that's where we were going next. Oh well, at least the cabin rental will be cheaper now. Just kidding...that place is never cheap." A shrug. "It's only money. How far away are we?"

Devlin says, "Oh, about ten minutes as the jeep bounces." He maneuvers around some tree fall, "That's new.. " And then you reach the area. It is a nice grove of trees that provide enough shelter for camping while allowing for sky. Light glints off the creek through the trees perhaps 20 yards away."So, what do you think?"

The fallen tree has Zara worried for a moment but that is quickly offset by the little paradise they end up in. "It's lovely" she sighs happily, quickly undoing her seatbelt to hop on out of the jeep. She takes a slow wander around the edge of the clearing, occasionally offering an excited grin Devlin's way. "And how many people have you taken up here?" she teases before finding a place to look over at the creak. "Beautiful." Another sigh before a sudden clap of her hands. "No time to stand around. We have a camp to set up."

A short pause by Devlin, perhaps to tease, "Let me see.." He starts counting fingers and then says, "Nope.. " His brow furrows, "Well, looks like your the first." as he grins a bit. He gets out of the Jeep and starts unpacking the back of the jeep. It is very clear now that he is very organized when it comes to packing. Essentials are the easiest and first to come out. Also you can see a clear fire pit that has seen usage. From under the tarp cover on the roof, Devlin pulls out several 5 galloon water cans that he sets at a place you can tell was dug to hold them up. "I've been here may be four times.. the other spot about a dozen."

"I'm honored" Zara bows slightly at being the first before unloading her own gear from the jeep - backpack, sleeping bag, and really large bag that she won't let Devlin go near. Since it is obviously some place he has prepared, Zara asks, "Where is the bathroom?" Best to know in case of emergency - like after eating her cooking. "Do we need to fill the cans with creek water or did you bring a starting supply?" Her 'luggage' piled against a tree as she awaits direction on where the tent is going.

Devlin says, "Creek is in good shape. Definitely should boil the water first. I still like to have good water with me. Even have a filter if needed and plenty of cheese cloth." He points to a nice open area with some sheltering pines to flank, "Tent should go there." He continues to pull things out. "As to the bathroom.. pick your trees.. Not sure which ones are pink or blue. But if you wish.. there is a spare tarp and a field seat in that can be set up. Oh and the creek water is cold."

"You haven't picked a spot for a latrine?" Zara shrugs at this before shaking her head at the offer of a field seat. "It's okay, I can squat. Good for the thighs and buttocks. And I'm sure we can manage a unisex tree. I think you've seen everything by now" she smirks with amusement. A glance down at the creek. "So, early morning bathing will be...invigorating, to say the least." She seeks out the tent, dragging it clear to begin setting it up. "When do I get to meet this cousin of yours?"

"Well, when your alone.. and moving about as a guy." there is a slight chuckle on Devlin's part. "And I think you have seen about everything yourself. Hopefully, I passed the physical," he teases. He steps over to you and wraps his arms about you, "I believe that I can substitute for a fire at times." He looks into your eyes, "going to be difficult to get camp set up, those eyes are amazing." He then sneaks in a quick kiss to your cheek, clearly wishing for more as he releases you.

"You pass with flying colors" Zara blushes, wrapping her arms around you in turn. "Oh yes, heat from friction can be very invigorating to the human body. Releases all kinds of healthy endorphins...frequently if it's done right." Another blush at the comment on her eyes before a smile at the chaste kiss. She grabs you before you get too far away. "Are you in such a hurry? Maybe we should...um...warm up before the exercise of erecting the tent. Being in the right mood for erection is very important."

"That sounds amazing." There is a bit of a flush to Devlin's cheeks. "But as I used to run with the grunts.. you know if we start having fun, it will start raining." He chuckles a bit, "Lets get the tents set up and then you can have all the time you to warm up and make sure things are just right for erecting a few things." Just as you think he is about to break away, he dives in for a bold full passionate kiss.

Just as well that kiss came. For a moment, Zara thought she was being rejected! The kiss hungrily returned, arms tight around you once more. Sure, it is logical to set the tent up first but...she has needs. Right now. When the kiss breaks, eventually, she offers a little pout. "Fine. We put the tent up first. Let's work on this erection." Turning away...with a little grinding against his body...she starts organising the poles.

"Keep that up.." Devlin teases, "And we may never get a tent pitched for all the erecting going on." He winks, "But you are a hell of an engineer, dear." As the two of you get the tent and other things set up, easy for you to catch Devlin checking you out, especially when bending over. It perhaps would not be to difficult for you to change his course with a bit of persuasion on your part.

Based on what's in the cooler, seems Devlin figured not a lot of hunting or fishing might happen on one day at least. Plus he did bring important things like yes.. TP!. The site is coming together as Devlin is familiar with the ground and it seems motivated.

Devlin better be motivated. Zara is making sure to bend over at every opportunity. Swaying her buttocks from side to side. Or stretching out to arc her back and thrust out her impressive chest. It may be the slowest tent erection in history.

With the tent up, she fans herself. "Gosh, all that exercise has got me hot and bothered. I might have to take off my sweater. Do you mind?" An innocent look at you, eyelashes fluttering. "Want to get some tea or coffee going?"

"Hot water.. or a hot woman.. damn you make things difficult Zara. Don't mind if you do, just remember the fire you start.. you may have to handle." He grins, " Now for the hot water and hot woman, I'll take both, Alex, in campfires for five hundred.." He grabs some dead wood and reasonable kindling to get a fire started. "We'll have coals for cooking and heating water in about 30ish.."

"Thirty? What will we do while waiting for that?" Zara asks sweetly. "I mean, we're good campers. We can't leave the fire unattended." She pulls off her sweater...slowly...revealing a tight white t-shirt beneath that seems a couple of sizes too small. it hugs her body most scandalously. And despite her claims of being hot, it also betrays that parts of her are a little chilly. The sweater carefully folded up before she squats provocatively to put it in her pack.

A collapsible seat for two is pulled out of one of the duffel bags and set up rather swiftly a few feet from the fire." Devlin waggles a brow as he takes your hand, "Well.. perhaps we stoke the fire." He grins a bit as he checks you out as you slip out of the sweater and put it away. "Of course.. it is my duty to keep you warm.." He then stage whispers, "Just because I can rough it hard.. doesn't mean I don't appreciate a few creature comforts."

"And I don't mind rough...when it's fun" Zara purrs in reply, taking the offered hand as they wander over to the 'love seat'. "New seat too?" She settles down upon it before pulling you in for another heated kiss. Her tongue searching out yours within their locked mouths, to dance and play. The kiss breaks. "How strong is this seat?" she laughs, wanting to know before they get too active.

Devlin returns the kiss with passion as his tongue entwines with yours to play. He answers after you ask, "Lets just say, it could handle other one of me with us and have capacity to spare.." He grins, "I also plan ahead.. or try to. See, there is this amazing woman I am hoping to impress."

And with a smile, Devlin pulls you into his lap and whispers breathlessly to your ear, "Hope she is impressed."

"So far...very" Zara purrs, straddling your lap to grind seductively. "Though I think we should test it again..." Just as well they put the tent up first.

Morning. Zara stretches out her arms as she yawns, knowing better than to sit up in a small tent before making sure she knows where everything is. It seems safe. A smile for the man beside her before leaning over to kiss his forehead. Then it's time for a bathroom run. Quietly as she can, Zara rises to dash out into the woods. Though she does grab a long t-shirt to pull on. Naked in the woods is never a good look until you're sure there is no one around.

Mmmmm, is the sound Devlin makes once he is kissed before you bail for your pink tree dash. He reaches for his shirt and then laughs quietly, "Well, it is a big shirt." He slides his shorts on and gets up carefully to leave the tent. Knowing you will be returning soonish. He works on getting the fire going again to start heating water for coffee. He waits for your return before going to locate a spot himself.

Zara won't be long. She returns after a few minutes, toilet paper in hand which she places on a log so it is easy to get to in a hurry. "Good morning" she greets properly now , as she places hand sanitser alongside the toilet paper. "Pleasant night in the woods" she blushes. "A few times."

The fire is coming back to life as the coals were blanked well. Devlin smiles, "Just amazing.. a night like that and you still look incredible." He sets the pot on the fire. "Shouldn't take to long to heat up." He stands up to slip his arms about you, "I'll need a blue tree.. but to hold you over." He kisses your lips gently. "Plenty in the cooler. If you want to get something started." He then heads off for that pit stop he needs.

Zara happily returns the kiss and hug. "You smoothie, you" she teases about his compliment. "Don't take too long, I have a present for you." A pat to his backside to send him on his way before she checks out what is in the cooler to cook up some breakfast; lots of expended energy needs replacing.

On the way out, he grabs the e-tool and roll to head out from the camp into a copse of trees. It is a few minutes before Devlin returns to the camp, "Some ladies make it easy to be smooth." He puts roll and e-tool up before he takes a seat on a stump next to the fire. "I hope the water will be ready soon for coffee." He winks to you, "And I am rather hungry.. amazed the tent is still up after all that," he teases back, "Nothing like a woman that knows what she wants."

"I did think I hit the tent pole at one point" Zara notes, "But it wasn't the tent pole." A wicked smile and wiggling of her eyebrows to you. Once the pans are safe, laden with bacon and eggs, she goes to get the big bad he wasn't allowed to touch. "Nothing like a man who gives a woman want she wants. He gets what he wants in return" she purrs, pulling down the zip of the bag. A deep breath. "I hope this is okay" she offers nervously, revealing a brand new, top of the line acoustic guitar. "Now you have no excuse not to play."

Stunned.. that would be an understatement in the moment. A few of those long awkward types of pauses pass in their own small parade. Devlin then speaks, "I don't know what to say Zara.." He takes it slowly from you, "A Martin.. " He looks right at you as he holds it, "Your sure.. these are like the Rolls Royce of guitars.." He hasn't even dared to strum it yet. After all, this is guitar that starts around three grand.

"You don't have to say anything" Zara shrugs, blushing a little at his enthusiasm. "Of course I'm sure. I wouldn't have got it for you otherwise." A beat. "It's an okay one, yes? The guy at the shop told me it is the best you can get. If not, I can take it back to the store and kick him in the nuts." Her smile is back. "Play it. It's pointless just sitting there."

"Keep this up and you'll never get rid of me.. " Devlin teases. He takes a breath and starts to check the tuning of the guitar followed by a few finger exercises to get the feel. "Well, sounds good." The guitar sounds great with a full sound. "Only way it could be better would be a twelve string.. if I was good with one. May be some day." He then starts to play opening chords for an old Beatle's song.. "Rather appropriate in a way," Devlin teases again as the Norwegian Wood begins and he starts to sing. "I once had a girl, Or should I say she one had me.." and the song continues.

"Never get rid of me?" Zara laughs at that. "I don't think you need to suffer that badly." She nods to his words. "I'll make a mental note. Twelve string." A smirk at Norwegian Wood starts up. A softer smile at the words. Zara cooking up breakfast as Devlin plays and sings. Could it be more romantic? Though Zara does realise she is still lacking something. "I better get some panties on." A quick trip to the tent is in order.

There is a smirk that almost breaks Devlin from singing as you mention the lacking. Once the song ends, "I effect you that much.." Devlin teases you, "though.. I have to say love seeing the way you walk." He then makes a rough change.. yeah practice would be good.. and the chords for Night Moves begin, "Yup.. we sure did try some night moves.." Devlin teases before starting the song.

Zara laughs at the new choice of song as she wriggles her panties on. "I guess the next song is going to be flat out pornographic?" Returning to the fire, she decides the food is cooked enough and finds some plates to dish up on. "Singing while dining? Very nice. Though I guess you have to stop playing to eat." The sound of morning birds make her smile even more. "It's lovely out here. Nice find, Devlin."

Devlin carefully sets the guitar back onto the box you had it in, "I'll need to find a nice case for it.. or did you manage to hide one without my noticing." He grins a bit, "Yeah.. this place and a couple others are nice. Few people come out this far. And last night..." as he gets his plate, "somebody had my full attention, so no idea if the frat rats a few miles out were acting out. Just Heaven.."

"I didn't really know which case to get, so happy to leave that to you" Zara smiles sweetly. Coffee is next to get organised. "So, no, I didn't get to hide a case. I think you looked pretty much everywhere." A beat. "Which was nice." A nod about the frat rats. "I doubt we would have heard them anyway. They'd have heard us though." Another blush at the evening being called Heaven. She has to agree with him on that. The food'd not bad either, even if she says so herself. "Go down and bathe in the stream later?"

Devlin eats and smiles a bit, a hint of a flush on his cheeks. "That sounds like a plan. There are a couple of good spots for bathing at one of the feeder creeks. Just need to make sure the fishermen are not near by." He slips an arm around you as he eats with his free hand. "I do have to say, the fishing is good in the stream. I don't think the spot to bathe will spook the fish."

"Hey, I'm gorgeous. I don't spook fish, I attract them" Zara laughs, nudging you playfully with a shoulder. "You can choose the spot. You know the places. It seems pretty quiet. No sound of trucks or anything, which is good. I enjoy skinny dipping...and whatever else may happen in the water."


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