2020-11-12 - One Quirky Family

Kailey had a dream. Now she's at the hospital. But don't worry. She's fine! Just really fuckin' stoned man!

IC Date: 2020-11-12

OOC Date: 2020-04-03

Location: Texting and Transit

Related Scenes:   2020-11-11 - Escape from Gilligan's Island

Plot: None

Scene Number: 5452


(TXT to ) Kailey : Hey.

(TXT to ) Kailey : Hey

(TXT to ) Kailey : You awake yet? (It IS 5:30am)

(TXT to ) Kailey : Sorry guys. I'm kinda sorta stuck. At the hospital without my wallet or keys....

(TXT to ) Kailey : But they gave me a lollypop!

(TXT to ) Kailey : And some scrubs bottoms.

(TXT to ) Kailey : I have your shirt Ev. It smells like jasmine. Are you using my shampoo?

(TXT to ) Kailey : Man I need a shower. I have Ginger all over me.

(TXT to ) Kailey : Fuck that show dude. So stupid even a 7 year old could see how stupid it was.

(TXT to ) Kailey : Can you bring my shoes? And one of my cherry cokes? Babies ok? My boobs were killing me but they let me borrow a pump. I'm okay by the way!

(TXT to ) Kailey : Aidan was beat up so I made sure he got here safe.

(TXT to ) Kailey : Can you bring me a sausage muffin when you come?

(TXT to ) Kailey : You guys probably aren't awake...

(TXT to Everett, Bean) Kailey : Fuck

(TXT to Kailey) Everett : what the...
so like ur at the hospital

(TXT to Everett, Bean) Kailey : Yeah. But I'm okay!

(TXT to Everett, Bean) Kailey : Very hungry and wishing this dude in the lobby would stop staring at me.

(TXT to ) Kailey : Fuck. He's staring cause I leaked. Bring a shirt too please.

(TXT to ) Kailey : Bring my jacket.

Alright, we should go....get her her things, ev... she pokes him in the side

(TXT to Kailey) Everett : uh fuck why sleep gawd.

(TXT to Kailey) Everett : ok yeah shirt food. you want mew too?

Everett sends two short(ish) messages back from his beeping phone. The poke to his side calls his attention, rolling over and throwing his large arm over Bean. "She can wait five minutes?" he says with a questioning tone before nuzzling his head into the nook of Bean's neck to warm it with his warm exhale.

(TXT to Everett, Bean) Kailey : sowwy. Yes bring Mew. She's probably hungry if I'm leaking. Watch out for exploding Gingers.

(TXT to ) Bean : I got him moving, we are on our way to see you.

(TXT to Everett, Bean) Kailey : Oh. Okay. I'm sorry. Ugh this is not how I wanted to spend today. These dreams gotta stahp!

(TXT to Kailey Bean) Everett : don't worry we just gotta get the babies up and then we'll be over. and wallet and keys and shoes and shirt and jacket and cherry coke and sausage and muffin when we come

(TXT to Kailey Bean) Everett : is there anything else in the whole wide world of things you want

(TXT to Everett, Bean) Kailey : Not to be pulled into fucking dreams every other night would be nice. Aidan's okay. I think the pina coladas were healing potions.

(TXT to Bean Kailey) Everett : hey. hey.
watch the language. there are sensitive eyes reading these texts and so is bean.

(TXT to ) Kailey : Huh?

(TXT to Kailey Bean) Everett : we'll be there in a few try not to mess with any gingers that's my job

(TXT to ) Kailey : Oh. I would like to not be pulled into any fricking dreams every other night. Better?

(TXT to Bean Kailey) Everett : yup right so much better
we'll be on our way
try not to let any other pervs oogle your bawbs

(TXT to Bean Everett) Kailey : Fuck you I'm not letting anyone do anything! Hrumph!

(TXT to Bean Kailey) Everett : [...] hey, how's about i just not type anymore while i get these things ready for you

(TXT to Bean Everett) Kailey : Man...what I wouldn't give for a Star Trek communicator badge. Bean, sorry. I'm not supposed to talk about the ooky spooky shit that happens in this town with you. 😛

Looking up from the phone after his attempt at trying to shift the phone conversation from that very topic to other things, anything; the other ginger, the list of things Kailey wants, Kailey's boobs, Kailey puts the conversation right back on track again like a suicidal train engineer, heading right for a thick wall at full speed. "Ahh. Man. She must be SO high right now."

From the bed, he slips picking up te brunette baby cautiously after a pause to get somewhat decent and he, his phone, and a grumpy roused baby slide from the bedroom, feet on the hallway floor and then down the stairs, a baby's whiney, sleepy protests following him.

jabs Ev in the side as he texts about boobs and she huffs a little "what about MY boobs!?" she asks then she frowns as Ev says shes high.. "Being on drugs is no way to raise a baby ev" she says as she looks to the child he picks up. She gets Q as well and she looks to Ev, "what the hell is she talking about, are you certian we should get her from the hospital? It sounds like she should be in there... you know....for....treatment?

"Some of her drugs are necessary, you know that," replies Everett, raising his voice to be heard from walking around the house with a baby slung over a shoulder, cranky, drooling on his bare flesh while trying to go back to sleep. "And she's got you and me around when she wants to blow off steam, we'll be around to take care of the spawnlings. Besides," he adds, leaving the cherry coke on the kitchen counter to warm, where he's sure to forget it as he turns and heads back upstairs, to carry the conversation in lower tones, even though he heads to Kailey's room for the spare clothing and a diaper check, "you know if you wanted an evening off, without the babies around, just you or maybe you and I, you think Ki-ki would mind?"

There's a pause for a second while he rummages through drawers, "You know what? I know you just got back from your Aunt's, but if you want to have a day without the babies. Go out and be an adult, that's fine with me." He lays Morganna down on Kailey's bed gently while he hangs only the drowsy baby and shakes his long hair at her fussing face, "I don't mind spending more time with my baby girl and boy. No, I don't. No, Daddy doesn't." He leans down and gives a light kiss to the infant's plush tummy before stripping off the diaper.

Lifting his head while he reaches for baby cleaning products, Everett adds, "It sounds like they did treat her, like she's in the waiting room, leaking and getting stared at by some creeper who hasn't seen milking boobs before." Which brings it back to: Everett leans back, his tone with all seriousness, "And honey. Trust me. You boobs? ... oh my god."

(TXT to Bean) Kailey : Is he actually getting ready of just oggling you? Not that I blame him! But he is pretty single minded.

(TXT to ) Bean : To Kailey - I dont mind his singleminded ness, its cute, besidses not many men have his stamina

Looking to Everett she nods her head "I hate it when your right." she says as she dresses Q and lifts him into her arms before checking on Everett "Are you /still/ dressing her?

(TXT to Bean) Kailey : Fair points! lol

(TXT to ) Bean : Kailey - He is taking a long time dressing the babies, one of these days they are going to pee all over him

(TXT to Bean) Kailey : I think Quinten already did the other day? At least from the sound of his screaming. lol

(TXT to Bean) Kailey : I think you were in the shower or at the store?

(TXT to ) Bean : Kailey Everett - I do love my showers, we are on our way dont worry i wont let him get sidetracted by breasts.

(TXT to Bean) Kailey : By too much anywa. 😆

Leaning up from making the cutes at his daughter, Everett raises his voice, "I'm making sure she's as pampered as all my Princesses!" before he doubles over again, and tickles baby belly with his fingertips. Then, because he's under a clock, he changes the diaper quickly which is still not earning him any trophies. And Kailey's shirt, one of his favorites, maybe a little sheer, muttering under his breath with his hands full, "I'd be faster without all this messaging," he adds when finding Bean again. Mew's gently placed down while he gives Bean a playful swat on her rump and he starts looking for and putting his own clothes on. An eye is squinted at Bean, "Why are you grinning?" he asks suspiciously, before rising his own phone to read messages.

(TXT to Bean Kailey) Everett : so i'm a boob-man. but more so then that i'm a you-man

(TXT to Bean Everett) Kailey : Yep. You are. And we love you for it.

Bean looks over to Ev, "come on you can kiss the babies like a king later.....you know Kailey dose not like hospitals." She was going dressed in her pj's and has only dressed Q in his jacket and booties.. and... hat because shes that kind of parent... oh and a little baby scarf that looks like Dr who

Kailey awaits their arrival in the lobby of the ER. She has been given a hospital gown and one of those big white blanket-towel things is draped around her shoulders. She also has the paper-slippers on her feet. It appears as if she somehow wound up in the ER dressed in her own sleepwear. She is staring hard at her phone when they do arrive playing some game or another on her phone. There are no apparent injuries to the young woman, though she looks a touch grimy. Like she'd been rolling in sand or something.

Approaching Bean, Everett uses his size to dwarf Bean for just a moment while he clothes the muscles that he's had less of a chance to exercise with the children's arrival and moving his schedule to accommodate his family and then his business. Poking his head through his tight green tee-shirt, he looks down at Bean, and then down further, stealing a long, unabashed gander at Bean's sweater puppies. "Mm," he makes a thoughtful noise in the back of his throat before, suddenly and after a minute of consideration, he realizes Bean's been speaking.
His gaze lifts and with a sheepish expression, he asks, "What?" then grins earnestly that causes his dimple to appear.

His head shakes to clear the breast induced fog, as he recalls the words she'd been saying. "Right. Right! Hospitals, she hates them. Text her that we're on our way, and I'll start to shuttle the kids into their seats," he says, picking up one baby gingerly, and opening his other arm for the other, ginger, baby before latching them to the car. A short detour, a lot of hand-holding, and when they find a place to park it's just as difficult remvoving tired babies from the car without starting a crying choir as it was getting them in.

(TXT to Bean Everett) Kailey : You guys almost here?

(TXT to ) Bean : everett Kailey - getting the babies out of the seats is hard but yes we are here

(TXT to Bean Everett) Kailey : Noooo! Just stay there I'll come out. No need to come in.

Bean looks to Ev... "put the babies back in the seats, she says she is coming out... but.. now Q is awake..." she frowns as she struggles with the carseat...

Taking a look at his phone after the beeps, he shakes his head to Bean, "Tell her I wanna get a look at this guy that's giving her the creeps." And he has something else to do. So he better move quickly, giving Bean a hand with the car seat too. It's not like he formulated this plan on the drive here or anything.

Everett, having a small pause to make at the water fountain, 'accidentally'-like spills some on his tee-shirt. Not just once, but twice. Over both pec. How clumsy of him. A hand is freed so he can brush the wet spot to suitably make it seem like he's lactating like a boss too, before picking up the baby bag and shouldering it again.

Kailey pops to her feet and is quickly heading for the exit. Edging around the leering guy and tugging the blanket tighter. "My ride is here now. Thanks!" She says, waving to the reception staff as she ducks out into the cool morning air. "Oh yeah," She takes a deep breath of the air outside. Then there is Everett and she beams up at him. "Baby! Hiiii...we don't have to go inside..." She says, wrinkling her nose and glancing back at the hospital with distaste.

bean looks over and she frowns a little shaking her head to Ev, but she dose not try to get in his way when he chooses to chase after and browbeat a stranger. She holds the baby and moves a little back into the car holding the baby She nervously watches the door.

"Aww," Everett pouts and playfully so while he turns to get a glance at Bean, then down at the baby girl in his arm. "I was hoping to get a look at the guy that was being so." Chasing and brow-beating, it's the only thing he has left in the whole-wide world. Everett pauses and glances upwards while he thinks of the word. He settles on, "... attentive." There's a glance down before he pulls on his green tee-shirt, "and give him something to look at."

The shirt material is released then Everett smirks in a superior way, holding the baby girl that's tiredly clinging to shirt and hair. Mostly hair, while she tries to get more sleeping in. "I-we. We brought just about everything from the house. Your sister-wife and I." To that, Everett sucks in his lips and glances his green eyes towards Bean, trying to hide his faint smile.

<FS3> Kailey rolls Mental (8 8 6 6 5 4 3 2 2) vs Mew (a NPC)'s 3 (8 8 3 1 1)
<FS3> Victory for Kailey. (Rolled by: Kailey)

Kailey reaches out to take Morganna from Everett, "Hiiii baby girl. You hungry?" She coos to the infant as Everett all-but pouts. The babe is suddenly a lot more awake because mom and milk are here. There is a lot of rooting and Kailey smirks as she begins to head for the car. "Let 'im be. I coulda been mistaking staring creepy as checking out?" She shrugs and then turns to Bean. "I'm sorry. You didn't need to come too. I wasn't thinking. I am totally going to take the babies for a day to let you both get all the sleep." She was about to give Bean a one-armed hug when Ev pops off with sister-wife. And she turns and gives him a look, one brow raised, lips parted ever so slightly. "Ohhhh we are -not- using that word. Nope." She shakes her head and then laughs. "I'm not Mormon and that's just weird." She moves to settle into the car's front seat, clearly intent on nursing the increasingly distraught four month old in her arms. "Yes, yes, patience boo." And just like that Morganna is calm and cooing happily as her mother gets comfortable and settled. Ev, of course, sees the purpley shimmer in the air around her and Mew.

Bean shrugs "I mean, we all live together and share him and share his babies, so... I mean... it sounded right in my head." she says quietly as she is ejected from the front. Her eyes look to Kailey then to Ev with a roll of her shoulders softly looking a bit, sad then. She wanted titles, something that she could attach her mind to and she was just not getting it; so she looks to her child and she tries to strap her child back into the carseat. She was not really saying anymore tho, now withdrawn.

If there's any protest from the baby girl being switched from parent to parent, it's from Everett. A throaty sound of disappointment to go with the momentary sad pout. But the baby is handed over, his pouting over quickly, "I could eat," he interjects, supposing Kailey's greeting to Morganna is actually for him. With his baby-holding hand free, he uses it to fan open the collar of his tight tee-shirt. A glance is thrown towards the hospital, quickly scanning over the ground floor windows and when no creep presents himself, body pressed against the window, trying to steal one last peek, Everett shrugs his right shoulder, hefting the baby bag a little, and follows Kailey back to the car, making his own creeping discreet.

The glance he's given by Kailey makes Everett smirk broadly and shrug his shoulders defensively while offering his palms. Shrugging like he doesn't know, Everett offers, "I thought it was cute," before he turns and nods at Bean. How you doing? After listening to Bean, Everett offers, "I always think of you guys as my pride." He opens the car door, returning the baby accessories bag to the back of the car. Before closing the door, he reaches in, stoking the cheek of both people in the back before he continues, "Both because of what it means for lions, but also because of what it literally means." He slides into the driver's seat and eases the car door closed behind him while looking at Morganna, his gauge if he closes the door to hard and what he sees makes him frown, then look up at Kailey inquisitively. "You're both a source of pride for me. I don't know we do this, and I know it's unconventional. But I know how I feel about you both, my babies and my babies babies. And I wouldn't change that for the world." The rear-view mirror is shifted ever so slightly to frame Bean's eyes in it while he asks back to her, "Yeah?"

Kailey is an emotionally perceptive person. You can't twiddle with peoples emotions without being aware of them. So when Bean is awash with that sadness and dejected feeling, the other woman frowns. "I'm sorry, Lil. I didn't mean...it...My mom and I spent a little too much time in Utah one summer. It was -weird- in a not-here way," She explains awkwardly. "What about Partner? It's a good term and doesn't have any religious hangings on?" She smiles hopefully, glancing at Everett with affection. "I don't mind being a lioness." She -is- one sometimes...well...a tiny calico once. She has yet to be a full blown lioness, but that would be cool. It is clear at this point her mind has totally wandered cause she has this far away stare and goofy grin on her face as she nurses Morganna.

Looking up a small shift of emotions overcome Bean and she nods her head to Kailey "Partner.... that works." she says quietly as she tries the word on her lips for a bit. Perhaps the explanation of the religious meaning to sister-wife did make sense to her and she smiles softly to them both.. "we should not drive while your nursing.." she says though she relaxes in the back with Quinten

"Not that there's anything weird going on here," Everett is very quick to add, "Thought partner works. Probably means less explaining too. I just thought," he smiles broadly, "Sister-wife was cute, and definitely wouldn't fly," he says to the Bean-reflection in his rear-view mirror. The engine rumbles back to life, as Everett cautiously pulls the vehicle from its parking space.

"That's also why I liked it, why it works. You're both very," he pauses, traffic and not just because he's thinking of how to artfully say what's next, "fiery and passionate. Especially if you mess with their coffee litter." Everett shoots a look behind him; he still remembers how Bean and he met. "That lions seemed to fit. He injects a little humor, brushing his long hair back, "Besides, I've got the mane." He's seen it a thousand times, but it doesn't stop him from stroking the baby girl's cheek when the car is at a red light, then looks over his shoulder at Bean, before looking to Kailey. "She's right, you know. You're likely to distract me, whipping boobs out like that."

Kailey only takes about five minutes to nurse Morganna. The sleepy baby gets a few mouthfuls before passing out. Which leaves Kailey leaking again. But she is a smart one and the bag she had Everett grab has her pump. So once Mew and Qaw are secured, she slips back in and begins setting up to pump as they drive. Her shirt is definitely going to need a wash.

She plugs the pump into the car's 8v port and turns it on. The shirt is pulled down and she has that blanket over her shoukders. But Ev can still see and hear. The device hisses and Kailey lets out a relieved sigh. "I hate veing overfull." She turns to look back at Bean. "Don't you? The leaking is bad enough, but they get so big and firm." Is she teasing Everett? Yes, she totally is. Bean sees the sly sideways glance she shoots the driver. And the mischievous cant to her smile.

"Yah and they hurt when they get overly full too, barely even want them touched... and forget sex..." Bean eyes Ev, "milk everywhere." she chuckles and shakes her head bemused.. Teasing seems to put the spark back into her eyes as she looks over them both, "How did you end up in the hospital anyway?"

<FS3> Everett rolls Driving-1: Failure (5 4 3 3 2 1 1) (Rolled by: Everett)

Not that all the passing babies, pumps or leaking is all that missed by Everett.
Though he doesn't gawk, perse, there are occasional side-ways glances. Blankets or not. He has a vivid imagination and finds himself looking longer and longer into the passenger seat, rather than keeping his eyes ahead and on the road. Even with such precious cargo on board.

That's how the incident happened.
Glancing sideways and down, at another red light, just blocks from home. Where most accidents happen, incidentally. The light turns green. Oak Street, their street, just two blocks ahead. The vehicle ahead of them, a maroon Honda Civic a couple of years old, accelerates. The vehicles in the left lane, they accelerate.

Everett's blue Grand Prix?
It stays perfectly still.

"Fuckin' tell me about it," Everett mutters darkly, under his breath while his right-hand slips from the steering wheel to cup his crotch, and make an adjustment to his own manual stick shift, rather than the vehicle's.
Then. While he's leering after Bean's asked her second question and the light ahead of them flicker's too yellow, an obnoxious sound comes from behind.

<center><font size=+1>HHHHAAAAAAAAAWWWNNK!!!</font></center>

It's enough to startle Everett back to putting both his attention back on the road and his hand back on the steering wheel. Foot meets petal and the manual car jets forward in first gear, proving this vehicle has more under its hood then it would appear. Ugly. But fast.

Everett continues to glower after the intersection is behind them, this time, both his eyes are forward, speed returning to normal.

"EV!" Kailey jumps as the horn honks and she glances back at the car that honked and back to Ev. Her brow is furrowed and she looks tense. But of course that isn't much surprise is it? Morganna, on the other hand, opens her eyes at the honk and promptly closes them again as the car moves. Ah the bliss of a baby, except when they aren't. "More attention on the road, doofus," Kailey says, taking a hand off one of the bottles to thwap him in the upper arm. As she peers back at Bean she asks, "You okay? How is Q?" While Everett might call him Qaw, she has a fondness for calling Quinten 'Q'. She claims it is a Star Trek reference and that 'Q' was one of her favorite character.

The question Bean asked about the hospital only gets put off so long. Kailey leans back in her seat and blows out a breath. She eyes Everett out of the corner of her eyes and he can tell, if he dared look away from the road again, that she is deliberating something. "I was in a Dream. When I woke up I was at the harbor in my pajamas. Thought it best to get checked out," She clearly doesn't look happy about what she is saying. But she isn't exactly telling a lie either. Something feels like it is missing.

Bean accepts this as she knows Kai has a condition and so it makes sense to her. She, however, holds onto the car seats as the cars dance between each other. "Oy!" she says as she checks on Quinten "Hey baby its ok, its ok" she coos a little as he cries. Its more from being startled then anything. "Ev is everything ok?" she did not see what had happened, but her heart was racing now. "We are alright .. the baby just got scared."

Continuing to glower, Everett says nothing. Not for awhile, stuck in the self-reflection of his distraction causing a vehicular near-miss and beating himself up over it. Until Kailey uses the D-word. No, not that D-word, the other one. She's given a sideways glance, mostly from the corner of his eye, while he noisily clears his throat, his expression not changing from his scowl.

Then he changes his expression, to repentant. "Sorry, everybody," his deep voice carries the tone of his remorse before there's a note of sarcarsm added, "I let myself get distracted. Everybody's ok? We're almost home."

Kailey gives Everett a scowl back when he clears his throat. A challenging look more than anything. She'd cross her arms, but there are bottles and flanges and pump stuff in the way. "I'm fine. Morganna's full and sleeping as deep as her papa does," She says with certainty and Bean can see that she is right. The infant barely opened her eyes at the loud honk. "I'm making bacon when we get home. Do you want some bacon?" She turns slightly to ask Bean with a smile. Trying to change the subject. "OH! Ev! Did you know pina coladas are currently healing people?" There goes that mouth before brain thing she sometimes has. The thought comes to her and she doesn't think about Bean in the backseat in that instant of blurting apparent silliness.

The statement causes Lillian's eyes to go up and she shakes her head as she tries to comfort Quinten as much as she can without taking him out of the carseat. "Poor boy, its alright baby." she coos as the child still cries from being startled. "Wonder if they help with crying babies.... " she teases as she rubs her nose on the babys nose "is that what you need a pina colada? Oh I bet it is!" she coos softly .. eventually her quiet talking calms the child back down.

"And everybody knows I sleep like a rock when I have a baby belly full of breast milk," Everett mutters, rolling his eyes upwards and to his right while he smirks out of the right side of his mouth. Before they turn on to Oak, Everett slips his right hand from the wheel and pats Kailey's knee with it twice, before leaving it there. Right until he has to downshift for the turn and he has to use that hand for the stick.

Kailey's mmmmarvellous of changing the subject for all of three seconds has him rolling his eyes with exuberance. Someone's going to get a talking to, but for now, Everett focuses on driving up the driveway and coming to a stop. He rolls his head over to Kailey, and doesn't stare so much as glares as he turns the rumbling engine of his totally not a family car off. Then he looks behind him to the only other male in the car, currently being soothed. "It's ok, little man. We're home now. We can all have a stiff drink," he adds, muttering to himself when his attention drifts back and he climbs out of the car. The backdoor is opened for Bean, then he starts unloading all the equipment that comes with moving two babies and slinging the baby bags over his broad, muscular shoulders. Papa, turned pack mule.

"What?!?" Kailey replies to Everett's glare with wide-eyed innocence. "It's not like -I- can heal people so it must have been the pina coladas on the dingy." With that she hops out of the car and opened the back. Fetching out Morganna's carseat and heading for the house. "Who wants bacon and waffles?" She chimes with far too mych hyper energy.

A night in the life of One Quirky Family.

I think this is a good place to fade. They can have food and go fall back asleep for awhile. Hehehe.


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