2021-02-03 - Stranger Danger

It was as normal a day in winter as you could expect in Gray Harbor. Kailey went to Espresso Yourself and got turned into a guy by whoever is editing things. So coming home causes some...issues?

Content Warning: Nudity and Mild Sexual Content

IC Date: 2021-02-03

OOC Date: 2020-05-28

Location: Oak Residential/6 Oak Avenue

Related Scenes:   2021-03-03 - An Interesting Development

Plot: None

Scene Number: 5712


It was a normal winter day. The sky was gray and rain came and went as was its want. Kailey is often not fond of staying in one place. Keeping her in the house for more than a couple days makes her stir crazy. So she had offered to go grab everyone nice hot coffee drinks, or whatever, from Espresso Yourself. Maybe sneak in a stop at Vyv's pastry place for some sweet croissant goodness. No that isn't pastry flakes caught in the moby-wrap. But the day had stopped being normal the moment she walked into the cafe. It was a whole thing, with a group of them being gender swapped to the opposite. Only it seems Kailey is still male and his hair is different, but the same colors. If anything Kailey as a guy looks like he could be Grant, whose their neighbor's, brother. Maybe even twin. Either way the person who drives up in the VW camper van does not look like the person who left. Of course...right about this moment Everett gets a slew of delayed texts from Kailey's phone...

[ OMG! THE FUCK IS WITH THIS TOWN?!? ] And it is a media text. With a picture of a very startled male Kailey and a red-faced and angry Mew who...also looks a little different in the picture somehow. A broader chin and something isn't quite right.
[How the fuck do you walk right?!? ]
[On my way home. Mew is okay. I am...not?]
[Seriously, how the fuck do you walk? And really on the way home. I couldn't get coffee. Some idiot teen decided to get fiesty and point a gun at Grant. ]
[I now know how Jack Black's character in Jumanji felt...]

There's no sudden rush to the VW camper when it pulls in, to the front of the house, or into the garage. The television's on, broadcasting the regular season of the NHL. If Everett's had the remote, there's a good chance there was something sports-related on the flat screen. Until a redhead came by and provided a better distraction.

It's not until the door is opened that Everett suddenly pulls back from leaning, looming over the redhead, keeping his one arm around her shoulders while the other pulls back like it was bitten from cupping her chin and uplifting her head so their lips could meet. Making out like teenagers on the sofa, with an audience of pets and child, he isn't stopping, isn't aware they aren't alone until the door opens.

Bean is emerged in the kiss, who wouldnt be with a large man huskily leaning into them. She moves, her small body wriggles heatedly against him her breasts pressed into him, milk leaking from her shirt against his chest and she groans "Ev... now I need to change" she says softly as the door opens she expects someone that aught to be there and dose not turn around yet.

Kailey opens the door from the garage. Pushing it with a boot because her hands are full of baby bag, car seat in which Mew is strapped, and a drink carrier from Starbucks. It isn't as good as Espresso Yourself, but it's a stop gap. "Did you get my messages?" Asks a voice that is...not right. It's still fairly high, a masculine soprano and lilting, but that isn't Kailey. Morganna, on the other hand, lets out a delighted squeal when she sees her daddy and Red Mom. At least that is how Morganna refers to Bean at the moment. And of course she gets a hooting coo too, but her hands reach out and she leans against the car seats straps. It was a bad trip out and she is, for sure, a daddy's girl. "BAAAAaaaaa!" Calls the nearly 8 month old.

<FS3> Everett rolls Composure-1: Good Success (7 7 7 6 5 4 1) (Rolled by: Everett)

<FS3> Bean rolls Composure-1: Success (6 6 3) (Rolled by: Bean)

"I'll help you," he murmurs to Bean, hos normally deep voice made even more sultry for her benefit while he rolls from the push away to take his arm from around the redhead's shoulders, to tuck it into his pants pocket to gather the source of the belated text beeping. He looks down while thumbing the keypad to unlock his device, tosses a casual glance at the man helping himself into their house.

Not even a blink.

"Hey, dude. Wrong house," Everett offers, helpfully pointing eastward, further up Oak, clearly mistaking him for a Grant. Or Grant family member. His attention returns to his phone for a second even after the squeal that'll draw his attention back.

(TXT to Bean Kailey) Everett : right? whos the dude?

(TXT to Bean Kailey) Everett : three left turns

and finally

(TXT to Bean Kailey) Everett : ?

With the texts sent and presumably, coincidentally, this stranger beeping in reply, Everett's attention returns to the guy that hasn't left yet and all the things in his hands. The equipment, the drinks, the happy baby, the baby bag. A few blinks before Everett then stands to his full height and frowns darkly. His hands curl to fists while he levels his death-glare at this stranger and asks, "You better explain what the fuck you doing with my daughter and make it good."

<FS3> Everett rolls Menacing+Presence: Success (7 5 5 4 3 2 1 1 1) (Rolled by: Everett)

<FS3> Kailey rolls Composure-1: Success (7 3 2 2 1 1) (Rolled by: Kailey)

Bean hears Ev as he pulls away from her she yanks her shirt back over her massive breasts, as her eyes go wide... she scrambles to her own phone and she pushes a few buttons. (911) "Whoever the fuck you are, you best leave Ive called the emergancy number." Gods dose she even remember the last time the cops were over...oh yah wasnt someone searching for Everett?

This was the last thing that Kailey needed after what had just gone down at Espresso Yourself. So for a second he gives Everett a brave face and then out comes the lower lip. "Damnit you're so fucking dense!" He says in an upset lilt, setting Mew down in front of him with great care. "It's me, okay! Kailey! Just..." He waves a hand in the air frantically near his shorter purple hair. Tears are already falling as he goes on, "This stupid town and whoever is making all these changes. Or maybe something else. But...just...look...you ordered a caramel iced latter with extra extra drizzle. They also have the caramel bits so I had them throw that on too cause you like 'em," He says with a brief finger pointed at Bean on the couch. And then that finger points to Ev. "And you, coffee black with two splenda. I like a green tea frapp latte and chocolate covered espresso beans," All of which sits on the little drink tray in his hand. "Ta da!" A hand waves mockingly at the drinks.

There's a look over his shoulder and down to Bean, his expression. His expression difficult to read, but he's certainly not menacing anymore. His thick brows arched, it's almost like he'd rather not involve the police.
For any reason.

Wordlessly, Everett turns his focus back to the stranger, watching his daughter finished being gently lowered to the ground. He takes careful steps then, while Kai-him continues speaking, around the make out sofa towards Morganna, offering the stranger a few shooing gestures to have them back away from the baby. If Kailey does or not, Everett picks the child up by the car seat and brings her away from the strange man. Like a switch is thrown, Mew gets only smiles when the car seat is lifted up so the baby can see his face, "Hi, princess! Did you have an adventure?" As he often does, the back of his forefinger strokes her little chubby cheek affectionately while he brings his prize back to Red Mom and leaves the car seat on the sofa.
And away from the stranger.
That switch is thrown back, his brows arching with his frown. "You could have found that out when you got her phone," but still, Everett pauses, cants his head to his left, to level his right eye at Kai-dude, eyes narrowed.

Then he wanders back over, and unless halted, approaches within arms distance. Reaches out a hand, and pokes Kailey in the pec. What would have been her right boob. "You don't LOOK like Kailey. If you're reallly Kailey... what'd I call you when you squirted milk at me?"

Bean talks into the phone when someone answers. "Hello yes, this is Lillian Woods, over at 6 Oak ave.. I would like to report a Kidnaping and breaking and entering. Yes, can you please send a squad before my babies daddie shoots them? Thank you, yes I will hold."

Bean takes the carseat and she moves to get the baby out and check her over for any bruises or scrapes or... fingernail scratches she can blaime on this stranger

<FS3> Kailey rolls Wits: Success (6 5 1) (Rolled by: Kailey)

Kailey glowers a bit when Everett doesn't take the drinks. So instead takes his frappe out and takes a very unhappy slurp. "Can you PLEASE put the phone down, Lil? If I was really a kidnapped would I bring the baby back?" He says with a roll of his eyes. This is all a lot. Especially for Kai. And so he just sort of flumps against the wall and begins to rub his temples. Not for any brain freeze of course. This is an entirely different headache. A slow deliberate breath in and another one out.

Then the hand drops and those jade green eyes are staring hard at Everett. "You're asking me to remember something that happened months ago?" And with a sigh and roll of his eyes, and rubs at tear-smeared cheeks, the young man begins to think. It is the same pucker-lipped expression Kailey gets and then he starts nibbling on his lower lip. "Didn't you just call me Fucked? Well, no...you almost said that..." He frowns more at Everett and then a light appears. "OH! Dead-eye McGee?" Sounding a bit uncertain.

Isn't it weird that Dead-Eye McGee also rhymes with Open Sesame? Kinda. It isn't like Everett just throws his arms open or anything. There's still a moment of hesitation, of uncertainty. Then Everett murmurs, almost like he's rather unhappy he didn't get to hit someone, "Yeah. Ok." The poking finger falls to his side and he turns to the sofa, waving his left hand down at Bean, "Put the phone down, Bean. It's ... ok?" the last added, looking back to Kai and uncertain. "Ehh." He then points to former-female, "You explain this. I need something stiffer then caffeine all of a sudden."

Now his priority is the drinks, which are deliberately and systematically removed the tray before they're carried over to Bean. The one that's just coffee is placed on the coffee table, the other, handed off to Bean before his attention returns to his daughter. He gives her his left pinkie to hold on to while, with his right, he checks diaper for spoilage, then flicks his head back to keep his long hair momentarily in check.

Bean lets Ev have the girl back before she says to the phone "cancel the call... apparently....its not ...we are good, yes - yes I am sure.." she says before hanging up the phone and staring at Kailey "I am going to go check Q I swear if he has lost his penis someone will have hell to pay." she says as she moves upstairs to check on the sleeping baby

Kailey takes another sip of his icy green tea smoothie thing while looking at Everett. The expression on his face is somewhere between frustration and anger. "YOU need a drink? I have to figure out how to walk right in these yoga pants. And I really hurt myself getting into the van. I didn't know sitting down could be a chore," He says in a surly voice. Taking small sips off the drink throughout.

Mew lets out an unhappy yell for attention at that point. And her little eyes are pointed right at Everett. Being dirty or hungry has nothing to do with it. Instead the baby arches against the seat and grunts and whines unhappily before reaching her arms out to him. It is clear what she wants. She want OUT of this contraption. Kailey watches from across the room and says, "She got hit too. Only she reverted back, I'd give her some cuddles. She actually cried on the drive back and I couldn't get her to calm." That seems to bother the young parent more than anything. "I mean...she sort of accepts I'm still me...but clearly I'm not exactly..." That free hand waves to indicate his body.

Bean's confusion, or rather seeming lack of, finally hits Kailey. He blinks and raises his hands saying, "No no no. It was apparently only a few of us at the Cafe. Those of us who have the Glimmer." There is a brief pause as he bites his lower lip before plowing on. "Sooo...like...all the weird stuff in the world that people later look at and can write off or find science to explain away or what not? Well, those things are real. They may not be exactly what folks think they are, but they look it. Maybe act it. Because there's this other world and it is made of dreams and nightmares. And...well...Gray Harbor is an epicenter of whatever it is. Think Stranger Things?" Is she helping? Or just making it worse? "Anyway...there are powerful beings that live there and like to mess around with here."

Everett looks up from checking the little girl for necessities change, and uh. Definitely not checking to see if she too has an extra appendage when Bean gets up, he gives a long look in her direction, following the movements of the dwindling female population as she crawls up the stairs. Looking back down, Daddy gives his seal of approval, "Looks like you're ok, Princess," wiggling the finger she's got in her hand. He leans a little further down to plant a kiss on her forehead before unstrapping Morganna from her car seat and bringing her up, with a soft grunt, to the crook of his left arm, his attention turning to the other adult.

He's made a concerted effort not to look down, and that continues even after the mention of yoga pants and his own frustration. "You think that's a chore?", he asks, deadpan, "Just wait until you're with someone you like and you have your arm around their shoulder and all the blood has drained from that limb, it's tingling so bad you want to gnaw it off, but she'd rather have it there for the whole duration of the movie and you start marking plans about what your life is going to be like when they have to amputate that arm off."
"That's suffering right there," he adds under his breath.

The advice to give the baby extra attention doesn't fall on deaf ears. Everett turns his focus down to the bundle in his arm and shrugging that shoulder raises the baby up enough to lay a series of quick, loud kisses on her little baby nose. "Mmmawh, mawh, mawh. MAWH!" When he unshrugs his beefy shoulder, he's still looking down at Morganna, smiling. "Whose my princess? Yeah, you are." There's a quick look at the ceiling before he moves his hands under her arms and lifts her over his head. Little wiggles follow with random noises, "Ah-blagh-blagh-blagh," before she's tucked right back into the crook of his left arm and given his right pinkie to play with.

His attention lifts, his expression is curious, "So. Any idea how long this," he jerks his head to indicate Kailey's new body, "goes on for? 'Cuz, uh. I love you and all, but um." Awkward words left unspoken.

Bean has disappeared to get Quinten and make sure he is fully equipped with his baby parts he was born with. Despite what was said the thought of a female child inplace of her boy was disturbing. Upstairs... doing whatever is to be done before heading back down!

Kailey watches as Morganna clings to her daddy and babbles. Like she is trying to tell him all about what a horrible, no good, rotten, bad day it was. And while she is busy talking his ear off Kailey is staring up the stairs after Bean worriedly. "It's really all right!" He calls after her. "I haven't seen Quinten glimmer. Yet..." He adds that last bit quietly to himself before turning his attention back to Everett. Another sip of the frosty drink and he sighs, looking at the green thing in disappointment. "I'm grabbing a beer. You want a beer? You want a beer," And he turns to head into the kitchen. The frappe goes into the fridge and out comes two beers and without hesitation he is twisting the tops off and taking a long pull from his.

This is all to delay answering Everett's very important question. When he finally lets it fall from his lips, with a bit of a sigh, he says, "I have no fucking clue...when the universe decides it is no longer amusing?" His eyes were on the ceiling, avoiding the reaction of the big man in the other room. But slowly he turns his head and then takes the steps back to hand him that beer. "Bean is taking this surprisingly well..." He says with another glances to the stairs and back. It is at this time that Flerken graces them with her presence. The tortie trotting right up to Kailey and giving his shoe a sniff. Leaning down he picks up the cat who doesn't seem to notice or care about any changes. Instead going right into purring. And then talking back to Mew as the two have taken to doing. The cat will chatter and baby will coo and babble. And cat will counter. Kailey even caught it on video to treasure forever.

Bean seems to have gone totally ambilivent. Because. Ignoring the glimmering shit in this town has worked for her so far! She holds a newly dressed Quint and she is singing a little song to him as she focuses on the one sound thing in her life "hello my baby, my sweet baby mine...close your eyes, dont you cry..." she rocks him gently and simply decides that being in the room with her boy will simply make everything go right.. "Lalaladee my little stardreamer, here is a star for you, lalaladee" she keeps singing and dose not come down despite the calls to her. No. She closes the door. Click.

"If your happy and you know it clap your hands" she says and grins "yes thats right those are your hands!" she pets cinder who curls up into her lap and she sighs as she holds the baby and the dog... yup shes safe in here.

He does the right thing, pretending that each and every one of Morganna's little babbles is both a word and a coherent one at that. It makes Everett's head bob here and there, occasionally he encourages her to continue with a 'uh huh', or 'and then what happened?' which is followed by an 'oh, that sounds awful.' If he isn't careful, he'll raise a non-stop talker. Or maybe that's what he wants.

Waiting for a lull in Morganna's conversation, Everett sways while he walks around the living room, holding his hand out for the other beer. This situation calls for carbs. And when he receives it, Kai gets a thank you, "Thanks, brah," which causes a small smirk to appear on his lips. He waits for the other man to take a quaff before tapping beer bottles, and then wanders in a swaying pattern towards the kitchen island; where he can hold the baby and put beer bottle down for those moments when he needs his hand free.

"Yet," repeats the gorilla. "Just give it time with this house. Maybe you want to change from yoga pants to shorts or jeans or something that's not, uh. Constrictive and covered in panties. And if the universe is going to wait for this to not be funny, you're going to be stuck like this for a while." He pauses to just about take a pull from his peer and pauses, pointing with his bottle, "Like if you have to provide identification for your medication or your benefits?" He wiggles his brows once, "That'll be fun to explain, hey you think telling them you had a quick trip to Taiwan or you self-identify as a dude would work?" Question asked, Everett hides his chuckling behind another drink, he steals a look upwards not yet worried about how long Bean's been gone.

"You're not being very helpful Ev," Kailey says as he braces hands on counter, the one holding his beer less so. He didn't mean for his voice to raise either, but there it is. And while he turns red and scowls atlcross the kitchen island at Ev, takes another sip. "This isn't funny..and laughing about it won't help...not now anyway," He says as the bottle lowers.

At the sound of the door closing upstairs Kai frowns. Eyes going up as if he could see through the floor and into Bean's room. "I mean...I always wondered what it's like. But...if I was gonna find out I would have wanted it on my turns and..." Another sigh and his shoulders, still narrow despite gender, sag slowly. "You're right about one thing. I need to change...uhhh," He eyes the laundry room with distaste. There is laundry of hers waiting to be folded and probably some of Ev's stuff too. So in to forage among the two baskets of clean stuff he goes, beer in hand. "Go check on Bean while I change? I wanted to talk to her about stuff, but not this way!" How does the saying go? Sometimes you don't get what you ask for, you get what you need? Apparently this household needed a sucker punch.

\Oblivious to Bean slowly losing it upstairs, Everett smirks with deep amusement at the other boy, then he had with the simple thanks. Like a shark sensing clown blood in the water. Especially doesn't help when he's told it isn't funny. Oh. Oh, yes it is. His brows lift, "Helpful? You want me to be helpful?" He makes a nod towards the food prepping area behind Kai, "Fetch me a knife from the block and drop the goods on the counter. I'll help you out, buddy." Yeah, something about performing an at-home penectomy on his partner makes his eyes twinkle with a peculiar macabre glint. Or it's the effort to keep holding his daughter and not drop her while holding back laughter.

While Kailey looks up, Everett doesn't know when to stop, "Wh-do you even HAVE hair on your nuts? They're only a day old, I'll be pissed if they're bigger than mine." Grinning so wide, Everett turns to look up then and sniffs, murmuring, "Yeah, ok," weakly. He looks down at the bundle in his arms and gives her a kiss on her forehead, "Ah, pumpkin. Promise Daddy you won't turn into a boy until you're fifty." Leaving his beer, for a moment, Everett returns the baby to her car seat even if it's not what she wants. Returning to the counter, he collects his beer, then heads for the steps pausing after the second, hand holding banister to stop himself as he comes up with a parting shot for Kailey-turned-boy, "Hey, have any spontaneous hard-ons yet?" He up-nods his head, giving a toothy grin in the direction Kai left in, "Look forward to those; soon the breeze won't be the only thing stiff."
And with that, he clomps up the stairs, the noise concealing his light chuckling.

Kailey is various shades of red and irritated by the time Everett is done. But he is currently digging through the laundry basket. There is a dark glare shot at the man when he talks about knives and cutting things off. "I'm not in the mood for self mutilation today," He says tartly as he pulls out a green t-shirt and a pair of boxers that belong to Everett. His cheeks are already red with his rising irritation and now his ears are red because of other things. Like he doesn't actually -know- what he looks like? It makes him pause as he holds the garments in his hands. "Just...just...go check on Bean!" He replies even as the larger man is going to do just that. And only when he seems sure Everett is upstairs do those yoga pants come off.

You can't say there isn't an inspection that occurs. Which of course leads to the last thing Everett warned about and a startled yell of, "WILL ICE MAKE IT STOP?" Up the stairs as he wiggles his slimmer ass into boxers and then back into the yoga pants. His shoes he just drops by the door because they're a little small and that sucks. Because it is winter and all that is likely to fit are his summer sandals and house slippers. Everett's feet -are- still bigger, for which the man will probably be smug. But not that much bigger.

<FS3> Everett rolls Stealth (6 4 4 2 2 1) vs Kailey's Alertness (8 8 7 4 4 3 1)
<FS3> Victory for Kailey. (Rolled by: Everett)

Of course the clomping to go upstairs was, in fact, a ruse. He doesn't always climb stairs that loud, not even when taking them two at a time. But he does when he wants someone to think that he's climbing up the stairs and not fishing out his camera and creeping back down the stairs armed with his phone out, leading the way to the unfolded laundry. To sneak a peek and rise the phone getting ready for those yoga pants to come down and push too much of his head around the corner. Or maybe it's the snicker. Something gave him away.

"Nyaaah," Everett makes a disappointed vocal sound, turning around and pushing his phone back into his front pocket with a flash, or click sound. Not a picture taken. Under his breath, he sings a little of the song he's been singing lately, for no reason, pausing only to shout from the stairs, "Spoil sport!" as he returns to the lyrics of Sam Smith's To Die For.

<FS3> Bean rolls Mental: Embarrassing Failure (1) (Rolled by: Bean)

And then just as people start to climb the stairway - something strange occurs! All the lights in the house flicker off.. anything and everything that was plugged into an outlet is fried.. as Beans mental state finally merges with glimmer for the first time.. sounds of pop pop pop echo around the house as if the home recieved a strong power surge.

<FS3> Kailey rolls Alertness+Glimmer: Success (8 4 4 3 3 2 2) (Rolled by: Kailey)

<FS3> Kailey rolls Physical: Good Success (8 7 6 6 5 3 3 2) (Rolled by: Kailey)

Kailey is standing there with a, 'Really?' expression on his face when Everett reappears, holding the chosen clothing over his arm and yoga pants back up. That's the nice thing about them. They go up and down easy. Ev knows that only all too well. "Hmmph. You. Are. A. Brat. Now go check on her," He says and makes a shooing gesture with one hand before heading for the downstairs half bath. The door is closed when everything goes dark. Then there is a yelp from downstairs followed by quiet for a few seconds.

"Aw...fuck," He says before finishing wiggling into the boxers and adjusting bits. Which takes longer in the dark and so a light appears. Well, three actually. Little fairie lights of purple and yellow that float around her head, illuminating wherever she as well as any lightbulb might. New junk in place, sort of, he pushes the door open and runs up the stairs himself. Heading straight for Bean's room, the lights following her and turning the dark upstairs hallway light again. "DON'T PANIC!" He shouts as he goes up the stairs.

<FS3> Everett rolls Alertness+Glimmer: Success (6 5 4 3 3 1 1) (Rolled by: Everett)

<FS3> Everett rolls Composure -2: Success (8 4 2 2 1 1) (Rolled by: Everett)

Pausing his noise, Everett murmurs just a little bit of a sing-song, "Why does she always get embarrassing pics of me?" clearly thinking this one sided relationship is wholly unfair. When the lights sputter off, he pauses in the middle of the stairs, listening to the electronics popping like kernels in the microwave. Then he mutters under his breath a dark, sarcastic, "Great. Just fucking great." Without finger-wiggling tricks of his own, Everett does the next sensible thing: he reaches back into his pocket for his phone and turns the flashlight app on.

About to ascend the stairs once more, he's distracted again when globes of light appear from the bottom, following what once was Kailey. After the smaller man takes a few steps on the stairs, Everett makes an abrupt, halting noise, holding his empty hand out at Kailey. "Don't leave Mew alone in the dark." He momentarily turns as though to resume climbing stairs, and then turns back to add, "Or the cat might eat her." With this pearl of wisdom, Everett turns back and finishes climbing the stairs, "Bean!" shouting for the only other person he knows who could call back.

Kailey stops when Everett says that and glances back at the infant. Then nods and turns to go get the drowsing baby girl. Very gently he scoops her up and settles her on a shoulder. The faerie lights about her head dim even as Morganna rouses a bit to stare at them. Making happy cooing noises at the 'faeries' dancing around them. And yes, if one were to look closely at the little orbs they'd see miniature faeries dancing and flying. Their bodies more suggestions as they are made entirely of the light they emit. He resumes taking the stairs, but more slowly, and gives Everett a wan smile. "You know...I wondered if that wasn't gonna happen," He comments to his partner as they ascend the stairs to check on Bean and Qaw.

The woman is locked away in the sudden darkness. Holding the small red-haired boy, the child starts to cry his cry grows louder in the darkness. Why is it everything seems amplified in the dark. The call from Everett goes unanswered, as the pair ascended the stairs with the lights that they conjure or otherwise produce shine around them. Quinten is wailing as loud as his little lungs would allow him to cry, but there is no response from Bean, not one whisper.

\Waiting at the stairs for the baby to be gathered, mostly, he's made only a few stairs of progress when Kai returns. He, too, is looking at the lights, but unlike the baby girl, his expression isn't that of delight. If he were to blame something for the lights going out and his wide screen TV shorting out, he would be glaring at them right then.

"Yeah," he murmurs, glowering, "you blew more than the fuse box. What'd I tell you about this stuff?" he asks, flicking his empty hand from the banister to indicate one of the lights as though he were attempting to shoo a lightning bug. He takes another step up, then double-takes down, below Kailey's waist. His mouth opens, the sharp edges of his features as the shadows flicker on his face looks in disbelief, and mild revulsion, "Are those MY boxers?"

A sour look overtakes him after asking that rhetorical question: whose else's would they be, and he throws his attention undividedly into finishing the stairs and rushing to Bean's room.
He doesn't knock.

Everett's concern is checking the count of the amount of red-heads in the room as he shines his flashlight into the room. If his boy is unattended, the giant scoops him up and brings the boy to his shoulder while he starts to sway, letting his son cry into his hair. The room requiring Kai's lights to remain lit when Everett would use both hands to keep the baby secure.

The scowl that Kai gives Everett at his question is made only more stark by the eerie, and beaitiful, faerie lights. "-I- didn't do this," He says in a very quiet and cool voice. His finger points up and past to the closed bedroom door. "She did." And so the two of them bustle up and to the door. And, well, if the door was locked it isn't now.

Kailey barely registers his own mental flicking of locks as Everett reaches for the knob. Concern furrowing his brow as he opts to stand in the doorway to Bean's room. Holding a dozing Morganna on one shoulder as the purple, pink, and aqua lights swirl in a slow dance around her head. Those who don't glimmer probably would think she was wearing a silly light-up hat from the boardwalk. Or an LED scarf. But no, they do a slow and graceful swirling dance. Illuminating part of the hallway and spilling glimmering watercolor hues onto the floor and walls. "Bean, honey?" Kai's voice is worried and those two words hold many questions. Can he come in? Is she okay? How can I help? The younger babe earns his worried glance as his cries make Morganna lift her head, peering worriedly at her brother.

"Gaaa? GAa baa maa?" Morganna babbles at him in her own budding empathy. Realizing someone else is upset is a new thing, but of any of them it is Quintin's upset that get's Mew's attention the most. And she doesn't join in his crying, merely waves an arm at him and coos from her parent's shoulder.

Ahhh baby talk, whatever sister was cooing gets some level of communication across to the red-haired child. He quiets his crying and just comfort sobs as he is rocked by Daddie he smells a bit like smoke, he looks as if his hair is on end but no visible burns ... Lillian is curled up in a corner her clothes are singed. The door now hangs halfway off the hinge and sways a little as Everet won his door tackle attempt. Bean herself looked scared, her head was dipped into her arms and her own red hair was splayed out like a killer clown. She breathes... so there is that.. but she dose not reply.

But while she is not talking Quentin and sister continue little babby babble and its soon enough that the boy is calmed and his tramua from momma blowing up the house is forgotten.

<FS3> Everett rolls Spirit: Success (7 4 4 4) (Rolled by: Everett)

Kailey turned Kai-guy is given an incredulous look while Everett continues to cradle his boy. Clearly, the gorilla blames someone's unusual interruption for this. Even if they'd agreed, mostly, to tell Bean. That was months ago, Thanksgiving, and it's no wonder he's forgotten and reverted back to his previous stance: protection through ignorance. Pulling Qaw from his shoulder when the boy's cries begin to stifle, Everett's attention returns to the red-headed boy, moving him to the crook of his left arm while his right paw smooths the baby's head, to brush his bright red hair back, his cellphone's light returning with the motions of juggling the baby.

"She doesn't know how," he murmurs to the baby. Talking about her like she's not in the room. Then his gaze lifts, his brows as well as he look past Kai as he brings his petting hand up, and gestures with a shooing motion towards the fairy fire. With one defenseless charge seen to, Everett feels better about moving, drawing himself down on his knees beside Bean and puts his hand on her shoulder gingerly.

"Bean?" the Thug repeats Kailey's question, tenderly, questioningly before there's a pet of her shoulder where his mitt lays, his touch soothing like an icy-hot on a weary muscle during a chilly, blue day.

The lights do not go away, but they do stop their dancing at Everett's shooing motion. Moving to hang from the ceiling like some fancy party light and rendering the phone light a bright white beam in the colorful watercolor light infused room. It is very pretty.

"Bean honey? I'm real sorry...I have been telling Ev we needed to tell you things..." He bites his lower lip and is momentarily at a loss for words. They have always been able to do things like this and know of it's nature. "Before something big happened and took our ability to do it gently away," And Everett is given a very long look then. It's the, "I Told You," look. He may never heard the end of this one. As Quintin's cries die down she just turns to watch him and Daddy. Occasionally mumbling sleepy murmurs as she fights the sandman. Kailey even smiles a bit and moves closer so the two can still see one another and take comfort from it. All the family together. "It'll be okay...ish. We'll work it out. Just...show us that electric boom didn't fry your brain as well as the lights?" The humor may fall flat, but he tries it anyway.

<FS3> Bean rolls Composure: Success (8 6 3 1) (Rolled by: Bean)

It takes a good moment before the redhaid is willing to move.. she touches Everets cool touch and she sighs a bit as she feels his touch to her warm skin. She moves her eyes a little into his muscles and her nose... he can feel shes been crying and now is using him as a haky... she was not quite ready yet to speak but she inhales and blinks her blue eyes over at Ken. A shift in her hands as they come up and wrap around a large arm seeking to hold Everet close to her for a moment.

Its a bit... before shes ready to speak and when she dose she asks "Can I take.....a bath?" she sniffles and breathes, her body trying to process the changes.

Too distracted to notice the light, Everett's far too much in pain. In pain for having been thrown under that bus, Kai tossed him under, then drove over the big guy, going back and forth several times, cackling madly each time he heard a bone crunch.
Or at least that's how Everett's incredulous look to Kailey might read. Mouth slightly agape, head tilted to one side, both eyes wide with surprise. Then a shake from his chest, a gulp of air released, a hiccup of continued disbelief while Kailey has the testicular fortitude to then look at Everett with an air of superiority. But then he's got quite the pair on him now, doesn't he? All shiny and new.

It might even be awhile that he would be stuck like that, until Bean moves under his paw and touches him back, bringing his attention back down to her and his expression immediately softening. Right up until he's used as a snot collector.
"UuuGH," comes his quiet cry, his upper lip curling, initially grossed out but then smiling at the sign of life. "Next time a warning, babydoll," he rumbles softly. "I'd get you a diaper," he adds, looking at the mucus. "Is that a pea?"
Hit or miss with his dab of humor, the big guy nods twice gently with just the bobbing of his head. His arm flexing when he slithers it around her hip to pull her up. "C'mon, it's still dark, but there's hot water in the heater still. We'll start a bath, and then take a look at the fuse box next." His gaze down at the red-head softens with concern as he helps her to her feet, "Yyyou're ok?"

"I'll start the water running and grab some candles," Kai offers while nodding with encouragement to Bean. "Bath is definitely good. I'll put my lavender bubble bath in, that'll help," He's ta;king a little fast as he turns to head out the door. One light, the soft cyan one, remains to softly illuminate from the ceiling while the other two follow him. Morganna has finally fallen asleep and the sound of two doors opening can be heard. Bathroom and Kailey's as he gently settle Mew down to sleep in her bassinet. Then the sound of running water from the bathroom.

A second later he appears in the doorway and offers, "I can put Quin down with Mew if you like?" Coming closer to where Everett and Bean are cuddled together on the floor in the corner. Hands held out for the tiny red-headed bundle. "That way you can get her to the bath easier."

Scared and confused and just plain tired as the serge of mental glimmer just overtook her and transformed her. This blasted town... it was bound to happen. Bean looks up from Everett's arms "Don't let me touch him" she says afraid she might hurt the young child. Everett asks if she's ok and she shakes her head 'no' but she's not really sure how to fix it. Dipping her head back into his arms she trembles.. allowing the others to take control. The Pea... if it was one is not commented on.

When his little joke garners nary a chuckle or even a smile, Everett's expression turns solemn when it's leveled upwards to Kailey again. Nodding softly in agreement, he turns his head back down while using his empty hand to tuck Bean's feet in, while the other man whisks himself out of the room, leaving them a light along with Everett's phone. And Cue. "It's ok," the big man murmurs softly, "Cue's ok; the babies are going down for a nap. Kailey's going to watch after them. Ok?"

The question rhetorical, Everett begins to gently rock, moving mother and child with him there, on the floor, and just before Kai comes back in, he slips his cheek against hers with an affectionate gesture this time not interrupted by Kai's sudden appearance. At the question, Everett maneuvers as best as he can manage, lifting the little red bundle boy, with the one arm that holds him whilst trying not to disturb the infant's mother. Once he's taken from Everett's arms, he slips that hand under Bean's legs and stands, lifting her up as though she were as encumbrancing as a jacket. Pausing to collect his phone again, he carries her through the threshold of her bedroom, and then through his. To the bathroom with the tub large enough for him, before he lets Bean down, gently, to her feet.

<FS3> Kailey rolls Parenting: Success (8 6 3 1) (Rolled by: Kailey)

True to his word the tub is filling with bubbly water and the air smells of soothing lavender. The light follows after Everett and Bean while Kai takes care of settling the babies in her room. There is the sound of a baby giggle, but hard to tell whose from this distance. It's a sleepy kind of giggle too, so the tots are on their way to sleep. And when he does peek his head into the bathroom, it appears only the magenta light has followed her. "Babes are settling into sleep watching the fairy light. Can I make you some tea, Beany-bear?" He offers gently.

Who doesn't like to be carried. The large man's arms tightening around her and she sighs when she is set down. Her eyes far away and far off as she looks over to Kai-Man "Ok." she says quietly before she looks to Everett her eyes wide and shocked. "He's ok? I think I zapped him, he cried... and ... I ... I... dropped him onto the bed... Your sure he is ok? Can we call the midwife to be sure?" she asks him actually forming sentences now, though they are filled with anxiety and nervous energy. "I....." she struggles and then she pulls off her clothing.. sheading her shirt and pants without care of Kai-Man being there or not.

Nodding his head softly, Everett's expression is flat. Neither the private smile he provides for his family nor the death glare that occupies his face when he's outside. When she's released to her own feet, he doesn't let go, not right away, his big hands kept interlaced behind her back, looking down at her except for when Kai's light begins to push the shadows away and his head peeks in. Only Everett's green eyes tilt in that direction for the duration of Bean's reply. And then his hands slip from over her hips as he begins picking at Bean's clothes, slowly and taking care with buttons while she speaks to him, he doesn't get far before she takes over for him.

"He's ok," Everett murmurs. A strand of his long hair slips over his shoulder while he nods his head. "He was just a little spooked but we'll get him checked out. He's sleeping night now, took a little shock, but he's going to be ok. I promise," he adds, while his left brow arches at Bean's sudden and not unwelcomed nudity. And suddenly he remembers where they were before Kai came home. His tongue quickly wets his lips, "Um," he glances towards Kai, then back, nodding his head in that direction, "I'll go call her, now?"

"He just got a little shock, honey. Like picking up fresh laundry or having a balloon rubbed on wool put to his head. He is fine and dozing off now," Kai says gently and enters the room more fully. Then he stops and looks at Bean and then away and shifts his hips before glaring at Everett. Like it's his fault his current body is reacting to a naked woman. But it is also easier at the moment to look at him. "I can call the midwife if you want? Though...my voice is different so..." His nose wrinkles in the same way. "Let me get one of the big towels..." And he turns around to go root in the linen cupboard, cheeks red but thankfully hidden by the magenta light.

The whole thing was odd, a man Kailey, and...all this recent activity around her... she looks to Everett her eyes scared as she draws a little breath. A nod of her head is given to Kai before she sniffles a bit and trembles as the cool air surrounds her slightly, and her nipples were hard even though she is scared or perhaps because she was scared and a little turned on, the little freak. She lets him decide who is calling who or where people are going as she looks to the bath and slowly uses his arm to get herself into the water. Her large breasts dribble milk down her chest and it trails down her curves. "Ev" she whispers..I ... I am sorry."

Waiting long enough for Bean to get into the bath, to be used to sturdy herself into the slippery, warm water, Everett says nothing. At least not yet. It's not until she's released the muscular man that he glances Kai's way before heading over in that direction and opening the linen closet wider. To Kai's towel collection, Everett adds a face cloth. Terry cloth or Egyptian wool, one of life's mysteries when three households join to become one.
Also, nothing matches.

"Here," he rumbles down at Kailey, looking down at him dispassionately while he slides his big mitts to collect the towels from the other man. "I think you could watch the babies, and call the mid-wife. She might be a little used to strangers making calls on our behalf." He means Maya, of course, but that was all of eight months ago, nearly, when Morganna was looking forward to making her glorious debut. The taking of the towels appears to be a slow action, especially since he hasn't competed the process yet when he giant leans forward and down, to murmur in addition, "And no funny stuff."

The towels are swiped from Kailey's man hands before Everett pulls his gaze from Kai's, then he turns around and marches his pilfered gains closer to the bath only to drop them on the floor as he turns around and sits on the throne. His phone serving as a flashlight is moved to bring the dim light closer along with the other lights in the room and the face cloth picked up, then dunked into the water. While he squeezes the water out of it with his right hand, he gestures to Bean with his left, beckoning for her to come closer. His demeanor softening, along with his voice, with the request, "You got nothing to be sorry about, babydoll. C'mere, let me wash it all away."

Kailey doesn't quite jump as Everett comes to help him with the towels. Those green eyes going wide as they look up, he only gained an inch damnit, at him. His mouth hangs open for a second before closing and he nods. "Yeah, yeah...you're right. Though...maybe I should call the pediatrician? I'll call both," He says with a wave of one hand. His own vibrantly glittery purple and pink phone is slid out as he bites his lower lip. Turning to head out of the room, scrolling for number, he pauses and looks down at Bean safely immersed in lavender bubbles.

"Bean, you have nothing to apologize for. At all. I would have tried to talk to you sooner and all that, but this town always has other plans. The more...intense and in the negative the happier It is. You are a delight and a beauty and I'm gonna go call the medical people now," Kai begins to babble and realizes it this time. Cutting himself off and just shooting Bean a smile before turning to head back for his room. The door is left open so they can hear when he actually starts speaking to someone.

"Hey...this is, um, Kai. Kailey's brother. I'm watching the babies this weekend and, you know, is it okay if babies get a static shock?" Trust in Kai to have a smooth lie ready to throw down. Likely this means everyone will remember the week that Kailey's non-existent brother was visiting while she was out of town. Oh the wonders this little town weaves in the minds of mundanes.

<FS3> Everett rolls Alertness (8 8 5 4 1 1) vs Kailey's Stealth (8 7 6 5 4 3 2)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for Kailey. (Rolled by: Everett)

Bean looks up to the man Kai and she watches as he slips out of the door. She leans against Everett as she closes her eyes to his touch. "is it...always like that?" she whispers to him, "sudden changes...how...how are the children even safe here?" she asks as she draws a little breath "I don't want to...zap people every time I touch them." But apparently Ev wasn't people because Bean does not seem frightened to zap him..at least not right now. The idea of doctors being called gives the red-haired vet a tremble. Something about people docs also frightened her. She leans against the muscled Ev and simply relaxes in the bath, her breath soft and her eyes close as she takes in the scents of the tub.

Everett's head tilts down, glaring towards the open door, with an expression that slowly ebbs in self-satisfaction when Bean leans back and uses him to lean against, as something of a pillow. The right corner of his lip tugs, ever so slightly. While she begins to whisper, he wraps his large arms around her, hugging her, if unconventionally, from behind. First, the face cloth comes to her neck, his fist so broad so as to make her tilt her head up while he cups her throat tightly, possessively. All the better to have that neck bared at him. While his free hand slips into the purple water, he slowly tilts his head, keeping his green eyes glued to the open door for as long as possible, before they close and his mouth opens, and his lips are pressed against Bean's tender neck, just over her jugular. And softly, he begins to suckle, then closes his jaws to gently pinch her skin caught in his mouth.

As his free hand settles, palm open, below her belly button and pushes down delicately, the hand at her neck slips down, slowly following the curve of her neck, shoulder and then arm before skipping across to scrub the top of her large right breast, purposefully keeping a distance from her nipple. Then his lips break the gentle vacuum seal and his head lifts. He nuzzles her ear with his nose before whispering back, albeit with his deep voice, not because he doesn't want to be heard, but because he's so close to her ear. He's been referred to as a non-person many times, the implication here isn't even noticed while the criminal biker caresses her affectionately if not down-right erotically. "No, babe. Sometimes it's better. Sometimes it's worse." There's a long pause before he apologizes, "I'm sorry. She," he jerks his head towards the open door, "wanted to tell you sooner. But I know what happens when you tell people. And I didn't want to worry you unnecessarily. And," There he pauses, turning his eyes to his left, because his confession is difficult. "And because I liked coming home and you not knowing about the crazy things that happen in this town. I could pretend, for a while, like everything was normal." His exhale is warm, but not as warm as the bath, as he lets out a long, slow sigh. "As for the kids. They're safe as long as they don't present, as long as we keep an eye on them. But, ultimately. Babe. They aren't. None of us are."

Kailey can be heard softly talking in the other room with some nurse at the pediatrician's office. There are a lot of soft negatives heard from Kai. Then a, "Thanks for understanding. New parent jitters," Can be heard before some soft cooing. The kind she does with the younger Quinten. The pale lights keeping things illuminated, if in colorful manners. When he returns to the doorway he pauses and looks down and away from the intimacy before him. Even if it is just helping soap up Bean. That's what he is doing right? Kai clears his throat and reaches down to shift new bits uncomfortably while making a face. "Doctor's office says he is fine. He doesn't have any burns, just some super frizz. And he's dozing off next to Mew," He tells the both of them, looking at anything other than the two.

The kisses and touches were welcomed and the girl leans into them forgetting for a moment that the door was open, until Something that Everett admits in his confession startles her and she whispers worriedly back, her attention was on the large man for a moment and her eyes fill with sudden tears. She says something to him, her tears drip down her flushed cheeks and her eyes stare back up at him through flooded orbs. Kais voice brings her back from whatever she was talking about and she sweeps her tears away, now hiccuping because she tried to stifle them. She hiccups and then again and then again before the hiccups begin to become a side traction to her apparent sadness. "Yah..." hic.. "he" hic..."is always"hic" and now she looks annoyed with them.

When she turns his way, whispering what she does, Everett withdraws his hand from the bathwater and looks down to Bean's lips while his wet hand cradles her chin and cheek, his big hand-making her jaw seem small and doll-like. While his thumb strokes her lower mandible gently, his eyes lift to hers and he doesn't bother whispering back, although his voice remains at the lowered tone he had before, his expression softening, the affection open and clear.

"I loved you a little when you yelled at me about the sweetener trash. I loved you a little when you found yourself in my store. I loved you more when we," he pauses, his own lips pursing when looking down at Bean's quickly, "went upstairs. I loved you when you lived in that stupid A-frame. I loved you when you got that stupid dog. And I loved you when you gave me Cue." With his thick, wet thumb, he traces her lower lip back and then forth once in a slow stroke. "I'm not going to stop loving you just because of this, because you changed."

Leaning forward slowly, his thumb moves out of the way as he takes her lips with his and emits a throaty rumble. His head pushes forward, briefly kissing harder, his hand sliding back to cup the nape of her neck and keep her there, kissing him, another strand of his long hair falls free from over his shoulder and dips into the bathwater. When Kai returns, Everett pulls back, albeit a scantly, only to return and steal a quick peck. Nothing that Kai hadn't already stepped in on, but downstairs. Only this time, Everett looks like the cat that ate the canary when he pulls back and turns his attention to Kai, a smirk tugging on the right side of his mouth while looking up. He nods upwards, brows uplifting momentarily after a glance down at the subtle shifting. "Everything ok there?", he asks, his smirk widening to a smile, while his hands slip back into the bathwater, the face cloth resumes moving, caressing high on Bean's chest, "I'm glad he's going to be ok. Boy's going to be as tough as his old man," Everett murmurs with a little pride.

"Hey Bean, we're here for ya. It'll be okay. Ya didn't do anything wrong. I'm gonna go and keep an eye on them while you two," He waves a hand about in the air. "Talk or just relax. I need to put pants on..." And he shifts uncomfortably again and turns to head out of the bathroom. But pauses at the threshold and glances back at them, "I'll try to get back to being my normal self...not sure how...but these things don't usually last." She sounds so confident about that. The next five days will prove going female is harder than she thought.


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