2021-06-18 - Higgins' Note - A Vision

Ruiz uses the shine to replay the events of Officer Higgins' suicide note.

The details in this scene wouldn't be known IC unless Ruiz shares them.

IC Date: 2021-06-18

OOC Date: 2020-08-27

Location: Ruiz's Head

Related Scenes:   2021-06-14 - Something's Missing Pt 1   2021-06-18 - Something's Missing Pt 2

Plot: None

Scene Number: 5966


Officer Higgins was always there on the force. He seemed like part of the scenery for as long as Ruiz could remember. But he wasn't particularly 'one of the guys'. He mostly kept to himself.

And he certainly wasn't plugged in to anything. And he certainly never ran with Javier. And he definitely never ran with any of Javier's more questionable acquaintances.


Undoubtedly it takes its toll to read an object this deep. And as troubled as this scene is, there may even be a distinct sensation of Them taking notice for it's the sort of piece they crave.


Someone's been drinking.

Whether it's as if the paper has eyes or whether it's as a fly on the wall, or whether it's pictures or just concepts, it hardly matters. There is a dominating sense of confusion. There's intense terror. There's a prevailing sadness. A need for revenge. A sense of redemption. But under it all there is a faint doubt of reality.

Officer Higgins in a dimly lit study. Bourbon to his left. Service revolver to his right.

He owns his note - three copies - this particular one is the last. It disappears into his jacket.

Across town. To the precinct.

Out of the jacket. Into the evidence locker.

Higgins' voice, "What am I doing?"

Same voice, "He has to pay."

Officer Higgins removes an object from a case box. This letter is left in its place.

The box is closed. A door closes. Then nothing.


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