2021-06-18 - Something's Missing Pt 2

ADA Bower comes to Ruiz with some news about the McNeely case. Little does anyone know just how bad the news really is.

This scene happens concurrent to the events in 'Something's Missing Pt 1'.

IC Date: 2021-06-18

OOC Date: 2020-08-26

Location: Police & Fire Department

Related Scenes:   2021-06-14 - Something's Missing Pt 1   2021-06-18 - Death of a Police Officer   2021-06-18 - Higgins' Note - A Vision

Plot: None

Scene Number: 5963


With the exception of looming, ominous weather, the day is fairly mild here at the police station. There are less than the usual drunk and disorderly being booked. Things are calm.

Coming in and walking through the bullpen toward the chief's (Ruiz's) office is a leggy brunette (5'10) who has been around for a few months. She's gorgeous. Like, walk out of a magazine gorgeous. And she's nice. Very nice. The cops just love her.

She's ADA Bower and she's been working the McNeely case as prosecutor and has been this close to a signed confession and plea deal.

She appears today dressed to kill - but in that 'courtroom professional' way. She's smiley as ever and gives some of the officers and detectives a wave as she walks by.

Having just entered, Rick is sipping from a cup of coffee as he moves to take care of some of his work. There's a nod and a brief smile offered to the ADA as he sees her walk by, before he turns to speak a bit quietly to one of the other officers present. Looking relatively relaxed today.

The Chief (still acting, despite that actual promotion they keep threatening him with) is just getting off a call when he spots the ADA on the warpath toward his office. He's dressed in uniform like an actual honest to god cop today, with captain's pins on his collar, and his badge and gun not playing hide and seek for once.

There's a glance over his shoulder, and a slight squint at Bower. Like, have I fucked her? And, if I did, how high was I at the time?

ADA Bower's 'warpath' might be more aptly described as a gentle stroll. She smiles and waves to the officer in the bullpen, "Hey Rick. Seen Javi?" Her voice is friendly kind of like a song.

When she reaches the captain's office she leans against the doorframe and knocks, "Busy Javi? Got a moment?" She wears a gentle smile and has the air of ultimate patience. And oh how nice and respectful she's been of Ruiz this last month since she's had the McNeely case.

"Ran into an unexpected hiccup today," she bites her lower lip and frowns.

"Should be in his office," Rick replies, taking another sip from his coffee as he turns to watch Bower head over towards the office. After a few moments, he turns back to speak with that other officer, words kept relatively quiet for now.

Way to fail at running a diversion there, Rick. Javier shoots the other cop a look through his open door, and sinks into his chair. He digs his thumb and forefinger into his temples as the ADA takes up a lean against his doorframe, eyes on his closed laptop. "Nope," seems to be his answer to got a moment. Which, of course, she carries on anyway. His dark eyes flit up to her, then away again. "That so."

"Yeah.." Bower says softly. She takes a couple of steps forward and stands before Ruiz's desk. She places three slender fingers on top if it as she leans forward just a touch.
%"Yeah...It's strange..." she looks behind her, then back to Ruiz. "Benjamin McNeely's attorney today just up and told me no dice on a plea. I had him right there just yesterday." she looks around, "Who worked that case after we got the tip about the body anyway?"

He was looking up, and thus caught the look from Ruiz. At least Rick offers a look in return that seems to say he's sorry. Draining the right of his coffee, he looks to some paperwork. After all, that's important things to get done.

Wait... Did they say McNeely? Rick pauses for a few moments as he overhears that particular name. Looking back towards the office, Rick starts heading over in that direction. "Did you say McNeely?" he asks, before he adds, "I was there when the body was found."

Javier's hand drops to his lap, and laces with the other, thumbs tapping together a couple of times as he contemplates the ADA leaning against his desk. A hitch of his chin to the officer wandering over from the bullpen. "Carlson did. Couple of other guys, I can pull up the file if you want." He touches his tonguetip to a canine, then shifts forward to tug out one of the drawers of his filing cabinet. "Maybe he breached the bargain," murmurs the captain as he thumbs through file folders. "What do you want me to do about it?"

"Oh ok...Well you should probably give them a heads up then. We'll need more evidence." ADA Bower says with a soft sigh. She smiles favorably upon the old police captain.

The moment of peace and comfort doesn't last long. Ruiz's cell starts blowing up. His landline starts ringing. And Officer Jonesy runs his fat ass into the door frame, breathing heavily. "Boss...Hey - uhh. You need to see this." He thumbs behind him. "...the evidence locker..."

Old? It's called middle-aged. He's not even greying yet. Okay, his beard doesn't count.

When his cell phone goes off, the captain pauses in his rifling through files. Then his landline starts up, and his eyes cut to the ADA. Her smile isn't returned. "I'll be down in a minute," he tells Jonesy without looking over. To Bower, "What the fuck is your game?"

Bower looks over to Jonesy and stands up fully. Then her deep green eyes - pools of perfection - look back to Ruiz. She's even undisturbed by the question, "Oh come on Javi. Save that attitude for Cassidy. You know I'm on your side." She smiles and then turns to follow Jonesy to the evidence locker.

<FS3> Ruiz rolls Composure: Good Success (8 7 6 5 5 5 5) (Rolled by: Ruiz)

There's a little twitch in the muscle of his jaw, but he doesn't say a word when I'm on your side is trotted out. Maybe he does let his gaze trail a little lower though when she walks away. Because who wouldn't?

Then he scrapes his hand over his face, pinches the bridge of his nose, and pushes to his feet. The ringing phone is ignored, his cell switched off, and he prowls off after the brunette.

The trio make their way to the evidence locker with Officer Jonesy in the lead. When they get there, they need to manuever around curious beat cops and desk jockeys. It's quite the scene.

There at the center of the commotion is Sargeant Thompson. He's holding a slip of paper with a clear 'To: De La Vega' written on it. He looks up, his face a bit long and he takes a deep, nervous breath. "S-sir...the Ben McNeely D-DNA evidence is...is missing...and...a suicide note..." he shakily offers up the paper.

"Missing?" ADA Bower sighs. "Well even if you find it the chain of custody is broken." She takes a deep breath. "I'm going to have to drop charges." Suicide note? Like she cares. Woman's all business: her business.

She turns and puts a hand on Javier's shoulder. Her face says 'sorry'. "Hey, call me, ok?" she winks and then she's off, walking back down the hall.

<FS3> Ruiz rolls Mental+2: Great Success (8 7 7 7 6 5 3 3 3 3 2) (Rolled by: Ruiz)

If those cops don't scatter fast enough, they're going to get the look from de la Vega. The one that suggests they might have some extra paperwork coming their way, unless they fuck off and pretend to look busy somewhere else.

Bower's flatly ignored. Her wink, her hand on his shoulder, her empty apology. Javier's only got eyes for that suicide note, which he accepts with furrowed brows, and turns over in his hand. "Get Fontana on the line." His thumb grazes over the ink, and if Jonesy had a whit of the Gift, he'd know what the captain was doing. But he doesn't. "We're going to need to do some damage control. And get this locked up, and an armed guard posted until further notice." A sigh's blown out his nose, and then he turns to head back out.

The note reads:

'Javier - I can't do it any more. I won't let you ruin this man's life. His family's been through enough. I regret ever meeting you, Seth, Joey. The other times? Fine. Planting evidence on that missing girl's body? No. It's too far. You've broken me. I'm done and I'm taking myself out before you and the others can get to me. At least I can save one innocent. - Higgins'

The other officers are confused but scramble when the order is given to get Fontana.

Then, echoing through the halls like a got damned banshee, is an unmistakable wail tinged with unmistakable fury. It's Cassidy's voice: "JAVIER?!"


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