2021-12-31 - Ok. So, I've called.

The chief of police wanted Seth to call, so Seth calls.

IC Date: 2021-12-31

OOC Date: 2020-12-31

Location: Elm Residential/26 Elm Street (Monaghan)

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 6291


(TXT to Ruiz) Seth : Ok. You wanted me to call, so I am 'calling'. What do you need?

(TXT to Seth) Ruiz : This isn't calling, cabrón, it's texting me. Pretty sure I asked you to call.

Rolling his eyes, Seth pulls out the card that was shoved into his pocket and dials the number on it, letting it ring on the other end. If/when it is answered Seth mumbles out an "Ok. Fine...I have now called. What do you want?"

He picks up after the second ring, and there's a sound of clinking glasses like he's rifling through the cupboard in his kitchen. "Thought we might do some catching up. How'd things go with, uh, Big John?" He says the name like it has quotes around it.

"Well enough. John got the message loud and clear after there was a bit of a show that can only happen in a place like Gray Harbor. Ever see that X-Men movie with Dark Phoenix? Think something like that, the special effects were amazing. Our mutual blonde friend played the role well," Seth replies with a little bit of a snicker. "John had so much fun he passed out and pissed himself. I have pictures. That being said, he got the message about how much fun we are over here and took that home to his friends. Let's just hope his friends are as impressed with the show and don't end up shooting the messenger."

"X-Men? Nope, can't say I have." More clinking, then the sound of the faucet running as he pours himself a glass of water. There's a chuckle when their mutual blonde friend is thusly named, and then he leans against the counter and drinks as he listens to the rest of it.

Once Seth's done, "Well, I'd say the message got delivered. Had a little trouble at the Safeway the other night, were you aware of that?"

"Ravn mentioned something about Safeway, but I was only half paying attention. I think he mentioned something about a guy with a shotgun or something? " Seth comments into the phone, the familiar sound of the top of a bottle being removed in the background. "I think he did mention my name was being used in there somewhere though...but I don't know details. Fill me in?

There's a thump and a scrape as the glass is set down on the counter. "Yeah," de la Vega murmurs, "Handful of guys waltzed into the Safeway with shotguns. Had a few things to say about Monaghan, though my guess is it was your cousin they were unhappy about. Look, these guys aren't exactly professionals. The Serbs. But you piss them off enough, and they'll still cause plenty of damage."

He blows a breath out his nose, turns the glass once. "I need you to keep a tighter lid on this shit. Unless you want this conversation to be down at the station next time."

"Christ," mutters Seth into the phone, the sounds of a swallow of liquid following close after. "John must not have delivered the message well enough. Fuck, I don't want to have to go back to Spokane, and Vic is going to be pissed. She hates that place. Once was enough. If we have to go back, well...it's going to make the news" There is a finality to that statement. "I'll see if I can't get ahold of Coach, though he seems to be scarce right now, and see what our next move is. What happened with the Serbs? Are they alive? Dead? In custody? Escaped?"

"You know how I feel about this making the news," de la Vega replies, collecting his glass and finishing off the contents before setting it in the sink. "And I think it'd be best for you to talk to Kelly, yeah. Unless you want me to." It's not an offer; it's a threat. Seth's more than smart enough to hear that wolfish grin, even over the phone.

As for the Serbs, "We've got one of them in custody. Going to be having a few words with him soon. The other two fled the scene, I've got a detective working on tracking them down." He snorts softly. "They're just cannon fodder. Disposable messengers. I'm not going to get anything useful out of them."

"I don't like it any more than you do," Seth comments about the news, "but if we go back there, we are going to raise it to the ground to get the point across. Trust me, I don't want to go that route, but the subtle way didn't seem to have its desired effect."

Seth sighs, the sound of him taking a pull from the bottle he opened easily audible over the phone. "I'll send a message to Coach. See what he says. I'm not going to make a decision myself, not my place. If you have opinions, I know you will share them with him. He may even listen to them. You two have a rapport."

There's a chuckle from the cop, gruff and scratchy, but amused. "You and I have a different definition of subtle, cabrón. Talk to Kelly before you touch another fucking hair on the head of one of those gringos, yeah? You let him know I'm not fucking happy, too. He wants to talk, he knows how to find me."

"Fair enough." Seth retorts, "I won't make a move till I talk to him. I wouldn't anyway, not my place to make those decisions. I'm sure he will be in touch."

"Looking forward to it," de la Vega replies. "Nos vemos, Monaghan." Then he hangs up abruptly.


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