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Bayside/Addington House

The original home of the Addington family has long-since been converted to Gray Harbor's City Hall. The family's second home, whose construction began around 1905, is now known as Addington House. A sprawling Queen Anne style home situated on a hill off of Bayside Road. The Addington family lived in the home until the 1970s, when a desire for more modern accommodations lead Margaret Addington to make the decision to secure the house as a historical landmark.

Despite rumors of it being haunted by the ghosts of several family members that met untimely and gruesome demises over the years, Addington House serves several functions:

  • The exterior grounds; foyer, parlor, library, ball room, and dining room on the ground floor; and master bedroom and bathroom upstairs are part of a museum tour.
  • Upstairs, spanning several floors, what used to be bedrooms have been converted to a half-dozen large offices. Key players in the family business vie for access to these office spaces.
  • Excepting the offices, the house is available for rent for events, and is often used as the site for charity events (at a premium).

Grounds & Exterior

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Items of Interest

The house is filled with antiques, most of which were the belongings of the Addington family over the years. It's a Mentalist's ultimate fantasy or worst nightmare with as many things in there have memories attached to them. Feel free to invent theme-appropriate items. 🙂

A piano in the ballroom that, when checked for emotional residue, plays "a flood of music - ragtime, jazz, orchestral, doo-wop, blues, it all swirls into an unpleasant cacophony accompanied by the swirl of fashions changing around him, people dressed from different eras, sweeping fancily around a romantically-lit ball room... Beneath it all, there's a melody picked out on the piano, tying all the themes with its haunting plunk of the keys. As if this piano created all those memories, the wonderful ones and the crushing ones."

A box of Christmas tree ornaments uncovered in the attic. They look like cherubs (or possibly fairies), made of white porcelain. If they touch someone that failed a roll, they will come to life, kiss that person on the nose, and allow them to succeed the previously failed roll. They were removed from the attic and put into a vacuum bag in Patrick's office, then found and put on the Christmas tree. Most of them got either caught and used or destroyed at the Addington House tree-trimming party, but a few may wind up stored with the other ornaments and put back in the attic at the end of the holiday season.

A lamp in the upstairs master bedroom that locks people in the room and grabs them with icy cold hands, choking and freezing them. To escape the hands, you have to step into the shadows. Once everyone is in shadows, the room will unlock.


Private Museum - Open for tour guides and groundskeepers.

Name Position RP Notes OOC Notes
Atli Restoration Work
Matthew Handyman
Patrick Curator
Tyrone Tour Guide