

Auto Repair and Maintenance


Jump Name:

Spruce/Body by Jack Auto

A three bay garage, with ceramic tiled floor of a white nature matching the walls. Classic and easy to maintain, a few chipped tiles but looks like the owner takes a little pride in the classy clean appearance of old mechanic tiles and replaces regularly. One bay does have a hydrolic lift and is close to the terminal for computer and electronic monitoring while the other two have classic beneath the floor pits. Tools line the back with old thick windows, some cracked, with cage wire on the outside. There is an office with a large window looking over the near a customer waiting area. This is all separated by an island counter, where customers could literally watch the mechanics work if they so preferred, or they could watch the fish in the large fresh water aquarium, with live plants, in the waiting area. There are magazines to look over, all oriented on cars and mechanics, have some old coffee from the same old pot that's probably been there for decades. Washed, it still has rings of coffee stains, along with the clean but stained mugs customers are welcome to.

Day Hours
Monday - Friday 😐 9:00 am - 5:00 pm



Somebody will probably pick up the phone during normal business hours. If not, leave a message for Jack. Se habla español.

Yo, should we hire someone to answer the phones?

Name Position Information OOC
Jack Wellington
Owner Bosses people around, will take on any car but complains if its not Ford. Habit of fixing up old cars on the side, will take a side project and sell it when done usually. Takes on crew if there is work to be had, garage is usable for own projects/moonlighting so long as real work is done during working hours. PC
Rekani Nazario
Mechanic Recent hire. Specializes in street mods. Tuning, hydraulics, suspensions, sound systems, in-dash HUDs. If you want special, this is your man. Not a half bad mechanic. PC
Lyric Bates
Part-time Help Mechanic, rebuilds engines, diagnoses issues, changes oil, brakes. Parts runner, floor sweeper, general maintenance. Lyric-of-all-trades. Also selects the music they work to when she feels like it! PC