2019-05-18 - Peacock Incident #551

Suriel is trying to catch the damn peacock. Alexander observes, then helps. The bird that is.

IC Date: 2019-05-18

OOC Date: 2019-04-06

Location: Zoo

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 109


The Peacock is being a dick again. Surprising no one on the staff at the zoo. But it's usually Suriel that gets to go out and get him. Whether he wants to go inside or not. He's already dodged her once and she went skidding across the grass, now she's going to have grass stains and a rip in her jeans. Damn bird, "Come on pretty bird, just give it up and go inside for me. Please." she tells it. It stops, looks at her like it might be debating it and then continues on. Like it never heard her.

And who should come at last, slouching his way towards Bethlehem - or, rather, through the zoo - except Alexander. He cocks his head as the peacock goes strutting across the grass like the king of all creation, watching it with that blank expression. He turns his attention to Suriel and says, "You two seem to be having a good time." A glance back to the peacock. "And yes, you are a very pretty bird."

Suriel almost falls, but she gives a look to the bird...and then Alexander. There's a moment taken to realize he is actually there and she's not having some weird mental breakdown. She laughs a touch, "Yeah...we're having a swell time. He doesn't want to go in." she shakes her head. Then there's a look between him and the bird, "Oh don't encourage him Alexander." she mutters.

"But look at him. He is, objectively speaking, a very pretty bird." Alexander ambles closer, and takes a seat on a nearby bench. If he had popcorn, he'd probably be eating it while he watches her face off with the peacock. "Besides, the exercise is a good thing, isn't it? For you and for him, probably." Is he enjoying himself? It's hard to tell with his habitually blank expression, but really, would he be saying these things to a woman who knows how to use a tranq rifle if he wasn't teasing her?

"I mean, yes, he is." Suriel tells him. With that said, the peacock perks up and fans out his tail. Which makes the woman laugh. "You're going to be cold and wet if you don't head inside." she tells him. He might be giving up the ghost now, but he saunters away from them. Then Suriel looks to Alexander and there's a smile, "So what brings you to the zoo today?" she asks him.

Alexander gestures towards the bird. There, see? Very pretty. He does say to the bird, "She's right, you know. And all your feathers will droop and drag in the dirt, and none of the lady birds will look at you anymore." It's very solemn, but there's no push of...whatever behind it. "It was here," he says, in answer to her question. "I find it soothing. Watching other people struggle futilely against the tides of existence and the wills of vain peacocks gives me an existential pleasure." Not a hint that he's joking. "Are you well? Other than that." A point to the rip in her jeans.

Suriel gives a chuckle to that, "I think he found himself a mate...or well...there's something there." she admits. But she watches as the bird starts to head for it's enclosure and there's a sigh of relief, "Thought I was going to be out here for another hour." she muses. Then she looks to Alexander, "Oh well if that's why you're here." she seems amused by it. Then she looks to her jeans, "Ah, yeah, I'll be fine. Just took a tumble. Nothing that won't sew up." she smiles. "And you? Everything okay?" she asks him.

Alexander watches the bird go. "You know that he just likes the attention. The more that you folk chase him around, the more fun he has. Perverse incentives." A glance back at her jeans. "Good. Bleeding is generally to be avoided. Not that the peacock will eat you. At least not usually." A frown. "What do you mean it found a mate?"

"Well in that case I'm just going to tranq him next time." Suriel states with a wide grin after the bird. "I'm joking, I wouldn't do that to a peacock." she tells him. Then there's a bit of a look around and then back to Alexander, "I saw something this morning. I don't know what it was." she admits. "But it's not here now." she frowns. "This morning, before the zoo officially opened, what's usually an elegant white peacock seemed to have found himself a black-feathered mate. Or at least something dark stirs at the edges of vision. It moves with a weird liquid grace." she whispers to him.

Alexander stiffens as Suriel whispers. His glance towards the peacock is a good deal more suspicious. "Perhaps it is reporting to its dark masters about the goings on here in the zoo. In which case, I would definitely advise against tranquilizing it. Who knows what it might say about you then." He does not appear to be joking. "Or there's a secret society of hidden ninja peacocks. Which I consider not outside the realm of possibility."

Suriel sighs softly, "Great, just what I need is the dark ones hanging around the zoo." she shakes her head at that. Then she looks around and back to him, "Yeah, I'll hold off on shooting him. For now." she looks to the peacock who is now safely in his enclosure. Then she smiles, "Hidden ninja peacocks. I'm suspecting if there were I'd be doomed." she points out. "Do you want to head inside or something? Where we aren't getting rained on?" she offers.

Alexander stares blankly at her. Then he tilts his head back and the rain patters on his face. "Oh. Yes. Certainly. You must be cold." He stands up. If he's NOT cold, it must be because of the oversized army jacket he's wearing that hangs nearly down to his knees. He could probably wade through snow in that fucking thing, and there's an old plaid button down with a missing button underneath, and a white undershirt under THAT. "Lead on. And I suspect you could fight off a ninja peacock or two, if pressed."

Suriel just stares back at him for the moment. Like it's a contest. But she smiles a touch, "Not cold, just don't want to catch my death really." she admits. She then starts to head for the building that the keepers gather in sometimes. There's a smile, "I might be able to fight off a couple of ninja peacocks. If they ever come after me." she chuckles. "So what are your big plans for Saturday night? Just wandering?" she asks him.

Alexander stands up and follows her, shoulders slouched and hands shoved deep in his pockets. Maybe he is cold, after all. "If you're not cold, then catching your death would be unlikely. Rain leading to illness is a myth." A pause at her question. "Wandering. Yes. Laundry, groceries, wandering. The usual. And yourself, Suriel? I am sure you must have many more interesting and social things to do once you are freed from the shackles of daily employment."

Suri gives a look to him and there's a chuckle, "I know I'm really not going to catch my death." she tells him. Then she leans against the wall of the building, glad to not have rain splattering her in the face, "I was just going to go home, cook dinner and watch a movie. Not really anything special." she shrugs. "I don't have an exciting life really." she tells him.

Alexander looks around the interior of the building for anything vaguely cloth-like. If something is found, he picks it up and offers it abruptly to her. "There is something to be said about the virtues of stability. It sounds nice. Especially after a long day." A pause. "Do you have any animals? It seems like you might. Considering." He gestures vaguely at the zoo around them.

Suriel looks to him and there's a smile when he's suddenly holding one of the small towels they keep around, "Thanks." she tells him as she wipes her face off and then drags it over her hair. "I have a cat right now. Self sufficient and doesn't really need me unless it's three in the morning and he's 'starving'." she finger quotes the last word. "I would like to get a dog though. I keep checking the shelter for one." she smiles a bit at that.

"Starvation is very important to address. Certainly more important than the paltry need of humans to sleep. He could be dead in three hours. You don't know." It's all said rather emotionlessly, but there is a spark of humor in Alexander's dark eyes, nonetheless. "Dogs are better than cats. Less likely to claw you, and they can track a scent for miles if you get the right one. Very useful in investigations."

Suriel looks to his eyes, noting the humor there and it makes her smile a bit, "I will let his lordship know that there is a human that understands his plight. He'll be overjoyed." she muses. "I've wanted a basset hound for so long, but I can never find one at the shelter. I think I might go for a hound mix if things don't pan out though." she admits. "And do you have a dog?" she asks him.

"It's rare to find a basset at the shelters around here - we've got enough hunters that anything that's got a good nose get snatched up pretty quick." Alexander shakes his head at the question. "I've never had a dog. I wanted one, when I was a child, but it never happened. I have a conure, but I didn't plan to have him."

"Maybe I'll have to get something else then." Suriel admits. Then there's a bit of a look to him, "A conure? Is it a green cheeked or do you know what type it is?" she asks him. "They are cute birds, how did you get him?" she asks with a smile.

"Green cheeked. Standard colors, not a variation. And if you want a hound, you should hold out for one. Just make friends with the people at the shelter so that you get the first call. I've been told that cookies are effective bribes." Alexander shifts from where he's been standing, and moves restlessly around the room, peering at things. "A client. I took the bird as payment. It was dying, and I didn't like listening to it hurt."

Suriel smiles at that, "I will keep that in mind. Cookies. Definitely something I can do." she nods to that. Then there's a look to him as he moves around the room, "That must have been horrible. I'm sorry. Glad you took the bird." she admits. Then she's moving, settling the towel into a laundry basket that's by a desk. "I'm going to grab my jacket and keys. Do you give your bird carrot tops?" she asks him.

"I have not regretted it so far. I am eighty percent certain that if the bird is spying on me, it is not for any of the really unfortunate possibilities." Alexander nods briefly at the question and the intention. "Yes. He enjoys them. Many vegetables, fruits. Pellets. The usual. Sometimes he steals my eggs when I make them." He goes to stand by the door to wait for her, almost like a dog himself, waiting patiently for walksies.

"They tend to be sweet birds most times." Suriel states as she goes about gathering things. Then she's heading back towards the door, "They like pumpkin and potatoes as well. So if it runs off with any don't be alarmed." she smiles to that. Though she stops at the door across from him, "Did you want a ride anywhere? I know the rain might not kill you but walking in it has to suck." she states quietly.

"I'll keep that in mind. Thank you, Suriel." To the offer of a ride, Alexander once again looks wary - more stray dog than loyal walking dog, now. He shakes his head. "No, that's fine." A long pause. "I appreciate the offer. I like to walk. Enjoy your Saturday evening." He offers her a brief, but at least a real, sort of smile.

Suriel gives a look to him and there's a moment her hand rises, like she might touch his arm, but she stops herself. Not thinking it's a good idea to spook him. "I don't blame you for liking the walking." she admits. Then there's a smile, "It was nice to see you again and to talk. Do you want my number, just in case anything happens?" she asks him.

Alexander eyes the hand with a frown. No touching was probably a good idea, as he takes a half step back by instinct. "I...yes?" A deeper frown, like he wonders if this was a test and he chose the wrong answer. But he reaches into another pocket of the jacket, and pulls out a cell phone. "Give it to me and I'll text you. Then you will have mine, as well. In case anything happens."

Suriel doesn't move for the moment, not wanting to spook him. She gives a look to him and there's a soft smile before she gives him her number once he's ready. "And if you need to text or call at weird hours I don't mind. Sometimes dreams wake me up and things of that nature." she states. Then her hand touches the door and she starts to push it open, "We'll have to have coffee again sometime." she smiles to that as she starts to head out.


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