2019-05-25 - Couch Lock

Lilith brings the spoils of a bet over to Geoff's trailer for delivery in a thunderstorm. They play a conversational game of couch lock while she visits and waits out the rain.

IC Date: 2019-05-25

OOC Date: 2019-04-11

Location: Key-Lime Trailer

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 175


It's raining, surprise surprise. But this isn't just rain. At some point while Lilith was out running errands and packages to the mail for web sales, it starts raining very hard with booming thunder and wild gusts of wind. Naturally, her last delivery could wait, but it's a pretty prime piece of delivery. The brunette is sitting in the long-term lease Nissan SUV she's been using since coming back to the area last month, waiting for some kind of hole in the downpour to dart through. Of course, there's no real signs of it letting up, so after zipping the delivery into her leather jacket to hold like precious cargo against her slender frame... she darts.

There's a knock at the door of Geoff's trailer, then a yell that announced exactly who it is before he gets there to answer, assuming he can hear her over the storm, "Hurricane, el capitan!"

Geoff grumbles as he hears that knock, opening the door with a grin once he hears that voice "Why is it that you're accompanied by a storm Lily?" heading back towards the couch where he'd been sitting he just assumes Lilith will make herself at home. Pulling a beer from the pack that rests on the table he cracks it open and asks "Did you know Hank is trying to start fighting chickens? He says it'll be just like they have it down in Tijuana then nudges me and winks." gesturing with the still faintly chilly beer he says dryly "I told the old bastard that if he even attempt it I'll kick his ass."

"I am the one that makes the skies weep and tempest." Lilith tells Geoff a bit dramatically like she's still full goth. Granted, she would have had to, y'know, actually have said ridiculous things like that to him at the time. She unzips her wet leather jacket and rolls her eyes suddenly after greeting grin, hair partially wet with rain as she pushes it out of her face just before the reveal, "I told him under Gina's advising that chickens are herd animals and that he'll get his eyes pecked out. Between that and the asskicking threat from you the chickens might be safe enough. Or he just needs a good punch and an eye peck, who knows."

When her jacket is unzipped, she gives birth to a gnome from against her stomach where she was keeping it safe and dry. It's been restored from nick and scrape and still has the original paint with some signature in Sharpie marker on the hat. It's kind of scribbly, but eventually, someone could work it out as having been autographed by Bill Murray. How genuine it is, or why he would sign a gnome that someone sold is anyone's guess. However, it's also been embellished on the face, impish features grinning garish with a zombifying paint job. Zombie Bill Murray Gnome. And he's also wearing a little dry erase board on a rope around his neck, presumably for messages. Precious cargo, indeed.

"Do you remember when Hank got stuck in a tree trying to chase a cat and the fire department came? All because he got drunk and decided to branch the shop out as a pet store?" Wiping her feet, she steps further in and comes to flop down next to Geoff on the couch, handing the bounty over for admiration. "Also, ta-freaking-da!"

Geoff accepts the gnome and turns it to look it over with a broad grin, "Oh this son of a bitch is absolutely beautiful, you really went all out with him didn't you?" He look about to say something when thunder so rudely cuts him off "It's a shame that the sky is constantly trying to drown us or this bastard would be sitting out on my deck all the time."

Passing over the beer he'd just opened without actually having sipped it yet he tells her somberly "I hate to break it to you, but I don't think your dad was actually wanting to open a pet store. Earlier that day I heard him mention wanting Chinese food but I think he knew you'd cut him off if you knew what he was really going for there."

Lilith sits up and squirms out of her jacket the rest of the way before reaching to take the beer with a groan, "That's basically cannibalism. The man's a human example of a stray dirty tomcat with brain damage. Just showing up whenever, wherever, spraying Hank on everything. It's entirely possible he thought taking cats to a Chinese food restaurant as a 'distributor' would get him free buffets or money. He damn sure wasn't going to cook them himself... probably." She adds the automatic disclaimer that goes to all things Hank because nothing is ever really ruled out. Probably.

She grins lopsided at the compliment on the gnome before getting settled back again in her purple henley layering tank and jeans/slouch boot outfit, crossing one leg over the other to idly bounce foot around. After drinking from the beer, she suggests, "You could get a sidecar for the Harley and ride him around in it with goggles. But he'll probably tell you sidecars are for bitches. What's your first sign message going to be?"

Lilith was also probably talking about the gnome with the sidecar-- no one really wants to drive Hank around anywhere.

Geoff pose 's eyes dance with mischief at that disclaimer about Hank "I don't know, I've been trying to think of something witty to put on there but all I've been coming up with is that the bathrooms are for paying customers only." It's here that a dark frown creases at his features, the man clearly all too familiar with his own stunning lack of creativity in this arena "Side cars are for bitches but so is riding bitch, so I'm not sure where the gnome really has legs to stand on right now if it wants a ride."

"He admittedly doesn't have much in the way of legs." Lilith eyes the gnome speculatively, like it's actually going to bitch about something and takes another drink from the beer before passing it over to share with Geoff. It totally facilitates couch lazing instead of either of them getting up to get another. Yet, anyway. After sweeping some of her damp and drying hair to the side, she supposes, "Maybe he'll write his own message. But I think mostly, it'll just come to you. My first message to break him in was going to say 'I BITE' if you want to steal that one. Because he's a zombie, see. It's a fair-frickin' warning."

Another boom of thunder follows a crack of lightning in the rain outside, which makes Lilith snap her fingers, "Oh. Rain. Right. So I ran into Gina at her diner trying to sober Hank up with coffee out of terrible cockfighting ideas... after picking up all the Spam in the yard he was trying to use as bait... and Frankie came in too. And I had to go to work not long after, but I was there long enough for us to decide we need some drinking shenanigans as a team somewhere. So I... being the social butterfly I am..." Lilith pauses here on the recounting story to look at Geoff with a shifty side slant of eyes for show and a twitch of her lips. She was no such thing at any point after the age of fourteen, quite the opposite.

"I said I'd round a good chunk of team up for old times sake and we'd all have at cutting loose and catching up. And whatever else. The thing is, we go into a bar or club as a group, that's not near as personal and exciting as say... a bonfire. But it's -always- wet. You think we'd have some luck posting up in the trees somewhere as a kind of drizzle shelter just in case if I go planning that? Hell, we could get one of those beach canopy tent things too to put our chairs under in a pinch."

Geoff takes the beer and sips from it as he listens to Lilith recount being a social butterfly a hint of a grin pulling at his lips as it become clear that old her is making a come back and Elvira is buried in the closed "So that sounds like a good fucking idea to me, I think if we make a big enough fuck you sized bon fire we'll be fine, or at least at risk of a forest fire." motioning with the bottle and making a pointing gesture at the same time he says "We can't go with tents, because then people will just fuck and mess up the tents. We need to erect a tarp....Also talking about tents maybe a group camping trip."

Falling oh so easily into full on mischief planning mode now that his partner in crime is back he carries on "Yeah, we definitely need to go camping, but for this I can grab one of those enclosures big enough to keep us all dry while we chat and get wasted."

A group camping trip. What could possibly go wrong in that scenario? Lilith sure doesn't think about that. She's on it immediately with a few quick nods of her head like it's a brilliant idea that Geoff's had, "When we can catch a dry spell for that, I'm all about it. But we should probably make sure we can actually stand each other as drunk adults with this trial run, first. So now we have two sets of plans. I haven't had this much social planning since... uh. Huh." The brunette squints some, then gives up thinking about it, "Anyway, maybe Saturday if we can swing it. But I guess none of us are really going anywhere in the meantime, so no need to play hard and fast with the calendar right now."

Then, after a beat, when Lilith's eyes catch on Geoff's tattooed arm with the lift of beer, she seems to be reminded of yet another thing to talk about with him that she's apparently been holding to bring up, the way it pops out of her. Chatty chatty. But the nature of this is a little different, because she hesitates for a beat before turning with leg curl to look at him more directly, "Hey... do you think dreamcatchers work? Weird question, I know. But I was looking at ink ideas for a tiny piece that might matter to me in some way."

Geoff grins his famous shit eating grin as Lilith just falls in line with his magnum opus idea "Yeah we're going to need to make sure we can stand each other as drunk adults." voice lowering as if sharing a secret, he murmurs "Not sure about Tobin, I think if we get him drunk he'll just evolve into a colossal jack ass or something like that."

Offering the beer back to Lilith Geoff muses "I'm not sure if dreamcatchers work, I've thought about hanging one but then realized it would instantly kill the mood with any chick I managed to trick into thinking I was a gentleman for a night and I'd be back to square one." Extending his arm along the back of the couch in the opposite direction of his companion he says "I don't think it matters whether it works or not, more so whether you believe you're safe and not going to have any nightmares...At least when it comes to mundane ones."

"You know, the hell of the matter is... if he does that, I'll still want to pet him and call him cute or something. But that's how you get cold-cocked. I'd personally still take the risk." Lilith speculates on the idea of Tobin raging drunk after a sudden huff of laughter, reaching to take the beer down a few more notches to leave Geoff with the butt end of things to drain like a brat. But then her eyes are turning speculative and thoughtful too as he answers with his opinion on dream catchers, head tilting a bit with the considering.

"That's maybe the operating method, huh. I mean, it makes sense." Lilith says to company as she leans her head back against the couch to look at the ceiling of the trailer, steady hard slog of rain faintly audible on the roof. With her fine features free of any cosmetics at all, it's much easier to see and track her general expression these days and she's clearly a level of reflective there for a time with comment and lull. After wetting her lips, she ventures while looking up with a vague cut of her lashes, "The things we can do, we can't rationally explain how they work or why they work. And it shouldn't be real, the way life tells us, but it is. That's why I started wondering when I saw a picture of a dreamcatcher. And then I started wondering how much power I could give it by not only having one, but inking it on myself like a filter for sleep."

Her lips twitch a little as she tacks on, "I sound kind of stoned, huh. I'm not and wasn't at the time." Lilith hitches her shoulders, head turning to look at Geoff instead of the ceiling, drawing in a breath, "Anyway, I think if you could maybe kind of get a mental picture of a small, delicate and wispy kind of feather-hung dreamcatcher to suit me, I think that's exactly what it will be. But now I have to agonize where to have it. I've got it mostly narrowed down to three places." One hand goes to her side up against her ribs, right below the braline, "Here. Or..." Her wrist turns out to the inner thin skin with hand lifted just so for pose of consideration, "Here? Or..." Her leg lifts in brief as she considers a boot, "The inside part of ankle, y'know the sexy part where it goes hollow a little? But that might be more for flowers or something."

"If Tobin turns into a shit, I'll have to punch him and then I'll just want to fight more and it'll either be a great time or bad time." Geoff replies easily enough, being completely open and honest about his violent tendencies "So first I'm going to say I don't believe for a moment that you weren't a little bit stone, and that you're not coming off a buzz now. Second I think I have a good idea for the dream catcher tattoo we'll be tramp stamping on you." It seem he's already decided for her where the tat will be "It's a simple but common design so I've been thinking about a way I could do one and make it entirely unique and one of a kind while still not being out there.'

"Ballroom Blitz, baby. And I really haven't smoked in two days! Maybe I just like having people to talk to again and it's all spilling out today." Lilith dryly tells Geoff through a quiet full laugh instead of one of her signature huffs, her head pulling up entirely as her boot drops back down. And she squints as if she's trying to figure out whether or not he's serious about tramp stamping her, "I have super-faith in your vision, but... are you trying to brand me with the trailer park so I can't run away again?"

"You can take the girl out of the trailer park, but you can't take the trailer park out of the girl." Geoff says in a manner he must imagine sounds rather wise before he is leaning over to bump his shoulder to hers and polishing off the last of the bottle "It sounds dirty and probably is, but I figure branding you will make it easier to track you down next time. Your next tat can be classy and I'll do it on the house." taking the bottle he tosses it over into thetrash can with a grin

"Oh, it's totally dirty. And I..." Lilith draws out the 'I' here for a good two seconds, still somewhere between amused and mildly concerned with indecision, "Think this needs to go to the board for poll review or something when we all hang out."

Speaking of hanging out, that's what Geoff and Lilith do, drinking their own beers this time around while watching some man versus nature show on the tv, waiting for the rain to die down to tolerable. And it fascinates the woman a little bit, thinking about the familiar feel of old comforts in the people she's suddenly surrounded herself with again.


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