2019-07-17 - Carry the Sun

A raccoon steals Itzhak's bow. And then things get really interesting...

IC Date: 2019-07-17

OOC Date: 2019-05-12

Location: Spruce/Steelhead Service Center

Related Scenes:   2019-07-24 - Itzhak's Veil-cation   2019-07-26 - Lasagna   2019-07-29 - Unbowed

Plot: None

Scene Number: 600


A grey, cool morning in the middle of July. Itzhak would be lying if he said he hated it, but it makes him feel like it's fall already. He finds himself going over in his head what he needs to do to prep Lemondrop and Iris for brumation. No, that won't be for months! Anyway, the shop isn't busy. A few more people came around, so he had something to do besides brood.

The green Cutlass is disseminated around the Pacific Northwest by now, transformed into parts and thereby into cash. The evidence Joey Lee Kelly brought him for disposal is at the dump. Itzhak had done his old prison trick, with a flimsy plastic grocery bag. He'd thrown in several bricks for good measure, and then just tossed it out with the trash.

The whole thing bothers him, on a physics level. What happens to that extra mass? Is he somehow robbing the planet one blood-stained shirt at a time? Eventually, will the Earth's orbit shift, the moon's? What about the nutrients that went into the cotton to weave fabric for the shirt? Can he tell Stephen Hawking to suck it, he personally can destroy information forever?

Ugh, he tries not to think about these things.

So ANYWAY, on this cool, grey July morning, Itzhak's sweeping out the shop. Lemondrop climbs around in her enclosure, tongue flickering.

There's a rustling, rattling sound from somewhere in the shop. Like someone is working at something. A lock, or a latch. Random noise is common in a town like Gray Harbor; it's nowhere near urban enough to scare off a lot of animals that would avoid a city, but juuuuust enough to attract the ones who do. Like, say, raccoons.

For example, the rather large one, which is even now popping open his violin case. How can a raccoon work those latches? A good question, and this one is doing it.

Not only latches, but zippers and Velcro too! Ziiip, riiiiip, that sure sounds like my violin case being opened...

"HEY!" Itzhak goes charging across the shop, armed with the broom. "You get your fat stripey ass outta my garage!" That raccoon is taking a facefull of bristles if it cares to stick around.

Velcro the raccoon knows. The zipper takes work, but it's come across those too. This is a storied raccoon; what tales she could tell Itzhak if she could speak. She knows that the second he speaks above a certain level, she needs to grab anything she can and book, without looking back. So she does: she grabs his bow in her mouth and barrels across and off the workbench, knocking things hither and yon. She leaps gracelessly to the shop floor, little claws ticktickticking as she heads for the open garage doors.

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Athletics: Success (6 4 3 2 2 1)

"Oh you MAMZER!" Izthak makes the tool hooks rattle with that roar. He dashes after the raccoon, absolutely furious. "You can't even EAT THAT!" He flings the broom at the critter. Maybe if he scores a hit, she'll drop his bow! Ugh, he's going to need to rehair it.

August rolls Raccoon Shuffle: Good Success (8 8 7 5 4 4 1)

The raccoon has to work to keep hold of the bow; it's long and unwieldy, and large as she is, she's still just a raccoon. She makes for the heavy undergrowth of fears and smokebush which represents her escape to the open field beyond. The tall grass and rampant wildflowers should give her enough cover to lose Itzhak. Or, so her little raccoon mind says.

Itzhak's anger gives him some accuracy--the broom clips the bow, knocking it out of the raccoon's mouth. She doesn't run off without it, though; she spins around, growls at Itzhak, and grabs up the bow again in her mouth again.

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Physical: Amazing Success (8 8 8 7 7 7 6 6 4 4 2)

Itzhak just makes an incoherent sputter of rage. Definitely the poor bow needs rehairing now. This podunk town has to have a violin shop, right?? He probably should have thought of that before a raccoon chewed on his bow!

He doesn't mean to reach out through another layer of reality, to seize the molecules of his bow. Long-loved companion, he knows it as well as he knows his own hand. It just happens, as natural as if he picked up a cup of water. All the atoms of the ebony wood, the fine keratin of the horsehair, the mother-of-pearl inlay on the frog--he wants them back so bad--

and the bow wriggles out of the raccoon's mouth and sails towards him.

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Physical: Great Success (8 7 6 6 6 4 2 1 1 1 1)

The bow flies towards Itzhak, swift and sure as he's commanded it. It lands in his hand--

--and he feels like he's been hit by a panicked horse. The blow doesn't land on just his arm or hand (thankfully), it's more like a shockwave, hurtling him back a good ten feet right into the back wall. There should have been tool chests or a workbench to break his bones against, but somehow, there aren't. He smacks into something soft and spongey over old concrete, leaving an Itzhak-shaped dent and causing craks to spiderweb out from the impact point. It knocks the wind out of him, but he's not injured. And hey, he still has his bow! There are some small dents in the wood from the raccoon's mouth, and it'll definitely need to be rehaired. It's otherwise okay, though.

...but he is absolutely, postively, not in his shop anymore. Or, he is, just not as he's ever known it. The interior's been emptied of all the trappings of a service center and colonized by...plants. A lot of plants. A lot of very big plants. To his right is a clump of pitcher plants, their throats the size of organ pipes. Overhead, huge clusters of wisteria hang down like dusky violet chandeliers. The shop floor under his feet is cracked apart and carpeted with twinflower and wooly thyme. Shelf mushrooms are growing out of the walls.

The building seems to be the same one--same dimenions of his shop, same view out the garage doors--but it looks much older, like a century has come and gone. The brick and concrete of the walls (what's visible) are chipped and flaking, with pieces missing.

And a gray, white, and black striped gecko the size of a large dog is sticking to one wall, peering sideways at him with it's large, lustrous eyes.

Itzhak hits the...uh, whatever it is...with a whoof of escaping breath. He sprawls on the weird soft surface, instinctively clutching the bow to his chest to shield it. Yes! He got his bow back! ...what. The. Fuck. The ceiling is hung with vines. There's mushrooms growing out of the walls. The scent of crushed flowers and thyme rises all around him.

He says a single, stunned sentence in Yiddish, his eyes huge.

Sitting up, Itzhak looks around. Thyme and twinflower are in his black hair.

That's a gecko, but there's something wrong with it. In fact there's something wrong with everything--scale. He realizes it with a shock. Everything's enormous. Including the gecko. It's as big as Lemondrop when she's coiled up.

Itzhak scrambles to his feet. Okay, he's had some fucked up dreams, but this, this is a new one!

"Don't you try anything," he snaps at the gecko, pointing the bow at it.

The gecko blinks at him. If a giant gecko can look amused, this one does. It studies him a few more seconds, then looks away, turning it's attention to a patch of moss in the far corner. It begins negotiating the wall's mushroom shelving to head that way, perhaps on the hunt for a huge bug.

Beyond the garage doors (their remains, really, rusted and damaged, dangling like jagged, rotted teeth) the area looks similar to how Itzhak knows it. The right size, too; the strange case of gigantism is limited to the interior of the shop. It's far more overgrown, though, almost wild. There's the sense that people haven't touched this shop for some time. Human influence is missing, and some other influences have taken its place.

In the silence (for that's another thing this version of his garage is, very quiet), he starts to hear sounds. Familiar ones, from his years in prison: a struggle. Someone shouting, something snarling in response.

On second thoughts, if he could get a hold of a pair of those geckos, Itzhak'd be a millionaire. And he'd have to be, because they must eat a fortune's worth of regular sized bugs.

He ventures out, ducking under the rusting hanging carcass of the bay door. The silence is oppressive to a city boy born and raised, almost pressing on his ears like he's at the bottom of a diving pool. Things seem muted.

That's when he hears the all-too-familiar sound of a fight. Adrenaline jets through him, the old reflex, and he's running for the sound of the struggle before he even knows he means to do it.

If he was sensible he'd put down the bow, but literally nothing is sensible now.

The sounds of fighting are coming from the direction of the small meadow beyond the trees behind Steelhead, the one the raccoon had been running towards. Itzhak bursts through the brush and is met with a sight no more sensical than the giant gecko in its odd habitat of equally giant plants had been: a young woman with fiery orange, coily hair and pale brown skin dusted with freckles fending off two large, slavering dogs in the tall grass and wildflowers. There's blood all over her forehead from some kind of injury, and she's dressed in a simple outfit of leather breeches, an embroidered, white, linen top, and heavy, leather boots. All finely made, and yet, none of it modern.

The dogs are wolf-sized, and seem to be some kind of shepherd breed. Their for is mangy and matted with dirt, blood, and who knows what else. The young woman is wielding a stout staff, landing numerous hits on their muzzles and heads and dodging their attempts to bite her, but it's only a matter of time before one of them catches that staff in its teeth and wrests it from her. She's cursing at them just the same, and though clearly tired, keeping up her end of the fight.

The dogs don't notice Itzhak, or don't care, and the young woman can't risk taking her eyes off them.

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Physical: Good Success (8 8 6 6 5 4 3 2 2 1 1)

It's funny, the things prison teaches you. Izthak's actually relieved there's merely huge wolf dogs hungry for human flesh.

If there were men, the situation would be much worse.

He dips to scoop a rock off the meadow's ground. He's got his eyes on his target, one of the dogs, and he doesn't exactly realize it but a good stone pops out of the dirt into his hand. The second it hits his palm he whips a hard fast southpaw pitch across the grass. Zing! The rock whistles as it flies. When it hits the dog in the hindquarter it slices open a gouge across the muscle.

The cut draws a whining howl from the dog, and he shies away from the young woman. That distracts the other dog, and gives the young woman the opening she needs; she brings her staff down on its head with a resounding crack, and the dog howls and staggers back. She does the same to the one Itzhak cut (crunch) and now both dogs have had enough. They turn tail and flee, barking and howling their misfortune as they flee across the meadow in the direction of Gray Harbor proper.

The young woman takes in a few ragged breaths, then turns to face Itzhak, staff at the ready. "Who are you," she demands, voice trembling with exertion and adrenaline in equal measure.

"Yeah you BETTER run!" Itzhak yells after the dogs, and throws another rock at them just to really drive the point home.

He looks at the woman, turns his hands out to show her he's unarmed except for rocks and a fiddle bow (now with new added raccoon tooth marks). "Name's Itzhak. You okay?"

Itzhak doesn't bother to tell her he's not going to hurt her or she can lower the staff. That's not his call to make. She's perfectly capable of deciding if she wants to whack him one or not.

Keeping his distance, he goes on, "I don't know where the hell I am or what the hell's going on."

Blood from the injury on the young woman's head runs down her nose, around her eyes. She ignores it, keeps her fierce, gold brown eyes trained on Itzhak. Now that she's not constantly in motion with the swinging staff, he can see that the wound is curiously shaped. It sweeps down to a point between her brows, arcs back under her hair.

A few more seconds of vigilance, then her expression relaxes just the slightest bit. "You don't know where you are?" She frowns, winces as this pulls on her injury. Her attention moves to his bow. "You're a musician?"

Itzhak realizes the blood isn't from the dogs. It looks like a headband? Maybe even a crown. "Hey. You're hurt." But he doesn't get any closer. Nope, not with that staff between them. He glances down at his bow and huffs a laugh. "Yeah, I'm a musician. Among some other stuff. No, I don't know where I am." He fakes meeting her eyes, looking her in the bloody forehead just above her nose. It'll make him seem trustworthy, and this way he doesn't have to force himself to squint into too-intense eye contact. Neurotypicals love that shit. "As far as I know, this is a street with my garage on it. Now it's," he waves the bow. "All this."

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Alertness: Success (7 7 5 5 3 1)

The young woman watches Itzhak's eyes move with unnerving accuracy, almost as if she's not used to how she should be doing this whole eye contact thing. Slowly, inch by inch, she lowers the staff. She reaches up, touches at the injury, checking its extent. She makes a face, sags, finally displaying her exhaustion to him in full honesty. "Yes. I was attacked, and robbed." There's something about how she says this which suggests she's not being particularly forthright, Itzhak can be certain of that.

Her eyes narrow at his discription. "A street and a garage." The words come out like she knows them, but as foreign words from another language. She blinks. "You're from the other side." She tenses, like a horse about to bolt. "How many of there are you, that can pass through the border so easily?"

"I don't know how many..." Itzhak pauses. "Wait, easily? Hey! Hey don't go." Pleading, he tries to hold her in place by gestures alone. "Look, lady, I don't know anything here, okay? All I know is I can do some weird shit sometimes and this is the weirdest shit that's happened to me so far. And that's saying a lot!"

"You're uninjured, unharried. Your crossing hasn't attracted Their attention yet." There's no mistaking how she capitalizes 'Their'. She licks her lips, considers him for some time. Finally, she says, "You're new to your power." A more frank assessment, then, "And young." She sighs, tips her head back. "Ah, but maybe you can help me, young and untried as you are."

She looks askance at him, straightens her head. "What was taken from me is sacred to me. If you help me retrieve it, I can show you how to get back across the border."

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Alertness: Great Success (8 7 6 6 6 5)

"I wouldn't say new," Itzhak says, realizing even as he says it that he sounds like a virgin claiming he's totally boned before. "...Kind of new? Ish? ...hey, I'm not that young, c'mon, you're like twelve. Forget I said that. Sorry about the twelve thing."

Pretending to consider the offer--he already knows he'll do it, it's not exactly like he has better options--he looks her over. She's beautiful, and proud, and so, so vulnerable. Honest. Exhausted. Weird in a way he feels like he recognizes, like she's on the spectrum and has to figure out how to hold herself. Itzhak's heart does a little leap without any of his permission whatsoever. Knock it off, Itzil, you pick the worst crushes!

"Okay," he says, folding his arms to activate tough-guy mode. "You want to trade, then let's trade. First I gotta know what you're missing." He's guessing it's whatever went on her head, but he spent too long in prison to make assumptions like that cold.

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Alertness: Success (7 6 5 3 3 3)

As he thinks over the offer the young woman watches him, as if she could determine his decision just from studying his body language. When he finally agrees she doesn't bother trying to hide her relief, even manages a small smile.

Until he asks that question. She stiffens. Her jaw sets. "My..." She struggles. "My diadem. It wasn't simply a crown, as they assumed." As he can see by the injury left behind by its forced removal. She seems to be telling the truth, but might not be telling all of it. She's hesitant to fully trust him, and it shows. On the other hand, what choice does she have?

Maybe because she wants him to focus on something other than her partial-truth, or maybe because she suspects it will help, she adds, "My name is Zayith."

She'd had part of her ripped away. And her name. Itzhak's expression softens. He can't help it. "Zayith. Olive tree." Why does she have a name in Hebrew? One more mystery to add to them all. "Okay, Zayith. I'll help you find your crown. Then you'll help me get back across, and--" he holds up a finger, "you'll explain my, uh, powers to me. Deal?"

"Deal," Zayith agrees. She dabs some of the blood on get face, peers at it, sighs. "Let me clean and bandage this, then we will seek the robbers." She pauses to look Itzhak over, scrutinizing him in a way that feels familiar. "Yes," she decides, "together we can do this."

She turns to head towards where the road would be, not bothering to see if he's actually following her. Perhaps she intends to use the gulley stream that runs alongside the road and into a culvert?

Her posture and gait are confidant; now that she has help, she's hit her second wind. "How did you come here, Itzhak?" she asks, assuming he's close enough to hear her.

Itzhak catches up, long strides on long slim legs. "I'm gonna sound like a broken record, but I dunno. A raccoon stole my bow if you can believe it. I was chasin' it down, grabbed my bow. Not with my hand, you know. With," he gestures to his temple. "It worked, then I'm here. Ridiculous, right?" He shows her the bow, with raccoon drool and delicate toothmarks.

Zayith's pace slows as Itzhak holds up the bow. Her eyes flit from it to Itzhak's face and back. "May I touch it?" she asks. "It'll help, if I can see what happened." She actually stops walking then, and that sensation steals over him once more, the sense that he's being looked over in some ephemeral, internal way. "That's not something you can do, is it? See the history of a thing, find whom it belongs to?"

Itzhak shivers. That sensation makes him feel...well, it makes him feel things, okay? He stops, too, and offers over the bow. "Nah, I can't do that. Sure be useful if I could."

Zayith sighs, wipes more blood from her eyes. "It's very useful. Watch." She's careful to wipe off her hand on her breeches, then rests a single finger on the wood of the bow. Her gaze becomes distracted, her eyes moving like she's flipping through a book. She reaches some point where she takes several long pauses, staring hard. Then she blinks, refocuses on Itzhak, and smiles wide enough to show her teeth. "You wanted it back so badly you pulled hard enough to cross the border! Not bad for a colt. Were you one of mine I'd be absurdly proud, and crow about you at every gathering for years. My sisters would tire of my bragging." She blinks as more blood runs down her nose, makes a face. "I can show you a way back, I think. Returning is harder, but you seem strong enough to do it." She jerks her head towards the road, resumes her walking.

"Tell me what you do know," she says. "It's not done among my people, to interfere with another people's teachings, but," she makes a face, "it pains me to see one so confused and this close to the Dreamscape. All manner of things might find you." She glances up at her injury, rolls her eyes. "Even if you are well versed."

Itzhak snorts, even as his face heats up. "Colt." And yet inside he's crowing, too. She said I did good! His heart is definitely performing unapproved maneuvers. He can't help smiling back at her, basking in her pride.

When was the last time someone was proud of him?

He pulls out his clean hanky, almost, ALMOST wipes her face--but stops himself in time, and just offers it over. "Here, uh, until we get where we're goin'. So, yeah, well you're in luck because I don't have any teachings. As far as I'm concerned, you're it. Okay, so what do I know." Itzhak tucks his bow under his arm, scrubs his palms together. "I can move things. Move 'em a lot, sometimes. I was in a fight a little while ago. Nearly tore the place down, I was so scared."

Ordinarily he would never admit to fear, not if dragged by wild horses. That's how you get shanked. But here, to her, it comes natural.

"I can, I dunno, do stuff with stuff. Matter, right? I got one trick, I can take any bag or box or whatevah and cram a crazy amount of stuff into it. Got through prison doing that, and lifting things for trade. I could steal anything from anyone, and hide anything, too."

"Thank you," Zayith says, accepting the handkerchief. She wipes at her face, carefully dabbing up the blood but careful not to touch the wound itself. "Matter is a way to describe it, yes. The energies of matter and," she makes a broad gesture with her free hand, "expanse. The distance between points means less to you, as does their mass. That's why you crossed the border--you merged where you were with where you could be, and when they separated, had traded one for the other." She looks askance at him. "There are other plenary forces like this, to my people's thinking. Perhaps to yours as well." She hesitates, says, "This is something your people must define for themselves, because the plenary forces aren't the same for us all. I'm sure I can do things you can't, simply because of how I see it. The same will be true for you."

As she talks they've begin to approach the road. It's still here, if odder, somehow, to Itzhak's eyes. Indeed, all of this place is strange to him compared to what he knows of Gray Harbor: unfamiliar colors lurk in his peripheral vision, different sounds (birds, insects, even the wind) tease his ears, different smells distract his nose. He's there, but he's not there, like a veil has been pulled over him, or maybe lifted away.

The stream next to the road's a bit deeper and broader than it is in Itzhak's Gray Harbor, but it still runs under the culvert to cross Spruce Street. The little blue collar houses are there, but many of them seem strange. A few are downright odd. Is that one actually a tent?

Zayith kneels to the water and splashes it vigorously over her face, cleaning the wound. "The ones who robbed me, they're," she nods towards the end of Spruce, "hiding out in a house down there. I suspect they plan to sell my diadem."

"Like a tesseract," Itzhak says, not even trying to hide how fascinated he is. "A four-dimensional cube. You can slide from one corner to the other by changing planes." This is the kind of stuff he never talks about. Nobody wants to listen to an ex-con mechanic rhapsodize about tesseracts. "My people don't understand that, not in any kinda depth. We just got to the point of hypothesizing about it."

There's houses here, a tent, and there's thieves, too. "So there's people here. A lot of people?" He squints down the street at the house Zayith indicates. "What do you figure those guys can do?"

Zayith tears several strips off the bottom of her blouse, leaving it ragged. She paws around among the plants along the stream until she finds something in particular, crushes it up, and layers it in the fabric. She ties this around her forehead; it's an odd-looking bandage, yet she sighs with relief. "Much better," she says. She rinses Itzhak's handkerchief in the gulley stream, offers it back to him as she stands.

"A tesseract," she says, trying out the word. "That's good, though. It all begins with theories, ideas. Now," she gestures at him, her finger not quite touching his chest, "you're trying them out. Next you will codify them, and then you will disseminate them. Language is the beginning, always. Expression of thought, in whatever shape it takes."

She turns to squint at the house (a dark, indistinct blot at the end of the road), puts her hands on her hips, bites her lip. "There were four of them. One was as you are. Another was able to control plants, and animals. The dogs were his, though, I think we scared them badly enough they won't return to him. He may have others, though. The other two, they didn't have control of these forces as you and I do. They were hired muscle--if we can deal with the other two, they'll be scared off. If nothing else," she makes for the culvert, where they'll be able to walk across the stream to the street proper, "we can distract one or two, overpower the rest, grab my diadem, and flee. They'll lose interest in following us, where we're going."

Itzhak watches Zayith put together her bandage with eyebrows up. "That's how my great-grandma used to do things, in the old country." He takes back his hanky, wrings it mostly dry.

She almost touches his chest. He fights the nigh-overwhelming desire to cup his hand around hers and bring her to actually touch him. The almost-contact sparks butterflies under his ribcage.

Christ, he's pathetic. Are you really that lonely, Itzil?

Yeah. He's really that lonely.

So it's a relief and a disappointment when she turns away. Itzhak makes a horrible face at himself while she can't see.

Okay, down to business. The house at the end of the road. He grunts at the news that the dogs belonged to one of the thieves. "Them dogs were in awful shape. Hope they don't go back." Striding alongside Zayith, he keeps his head turned in the direction of trouble. "Distraction, I can do."

"Then your great grandmother was well-versed in how to tend a wound with little to hand, and if you're her get then she was a wise and lovely woman as well," Zayith says, following it with a nod of approval. She doesn't seem to have noticed his reaction, or if she has she's hiding it well. There's a soft slope leading up to the roadway, and in short order they're on good ol' Spruce Street. Or this version of it, at any rate.

The same oddness Itzhak's been sensing redoubles here. In part because there are things he recognizes, except they're wrong in various ways, and in part because there aren't. His eyes weren't deceiving him; where one house should be is instead a great, complex tent pavillion made of lucious white, ivory, and yellow silks and brocades. Music drifts from it, and Itzhak sees a deer-legged shape pass by the half-open main flap. Other houses look about the same, though one has gorgeous stained glass which can't possibly be present on Itzhak's Spruce Street (he'd remember it--a great black owl, its wings forming an up-turned moon shape, dominates the window looking out onto the lane), while another is painted, top to bottom, including the stonework, a deep shade of black cherry, with leaded black glass windows.

They pass a truly enormous snail with a tiny...something, riding it; the being is mushroom pale, with too-large, orange eyes in a scrunched up face. Zayith makes no note of any of this, seems to find none of it out of place. She begins to steer them towards one side of the street, probably intending to duck between the alley separating two houses to approach their destination from the back.

Itzhak's attention is drawn irresistibly by these weird flourishes of beauty. They remind him of something; he can't remember what. Some echo of something he's never actually known, a feeling as slippery as a peeled fruit. It hurts. He doesn't know why it hurts. Only that it does, and that the hurting is wondrous in itself.

At the same time, he's good at keeping his eyes to himself. Important life skill in prison.

"These people, your people?" he asks Zayith in a murmur. He follows her step for step.

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Alertness: Success (8 8 3 1 1 1)

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Mental: Success (8 5 4 4 2)

Zayith looks askance at Itzhak, shakes her head. "No--my people live within the Dreamlands. We come out here, though, for a variety of reasons." She makes a face. "Some of them not well-considered," she admits in a rueful aside. "Many of those you see here are drawn because this place is closer to your world. Even though it also means being closer to Them, there are benefits to being in these places where the barriers are weaker." Again, that odd capitalization referencing some nebulous group.

They pass a brightly colored turret-house surrounded by a fleur-de-lis wrought iron gate and attendant fence. A mad tangle of rose bushes inhabits the house's yard; Itzhak sees, for a moment, some manner of ruby red snake slinking between the thorns, unperturbed by them as its covered with thorny scales of its own.

Zayith sinks down and begins to crouch along the rotting, wooden fence that neighbors the turret house; she gestures for Itzhak to do the same. Looking up, he can see they've reached their destination: a house he knows isn't there on Spruce Street, made of night-black brick with a red tile roof, almost Spanish style in its shape. The windows, visible just above the edge of the delapidated fence, are a deep, bronze, beveled-cut glass. They can't make out the porch or front yard from this angle.

A lilting voice drifts into Itzhak's mind. <<Hm, there is a fifth now...>> It sounds just like Zayith's, but she's not speaking to him. Her eyes are unfocused and distracted, staring at a point somewhere past Itzhak's feet. <<No sign of the dogs, though. That's good.>>

So. Many. Questions. Itzhak's burning up with them.

Dreamlands? Them?

He slinks after Zayith, awkward what with folding up all his long limbs, but oonching along. The touch of her mind on his makes him twitch in a way he hadn't done since he was a kid. Immediately he understands she's sending to him, transmitting like a radio. Experimentally he tries a sending back. <<...can ...hear...>> but it's not much. Like the sound of a voice while you turn the radio dial, there then faded.

The thorned snake makes his sending come bright and loud, abrupt with delight. <<Look at that! Aw, she's beautiful!>>

Zayith squints at him. Her eyes travel to the snake, and she brightens. <<Ah! You're unpracticed.>> She considers the snake. <<You may not be strong enough to sense those beyond in the house. I feel five now. The new one is odd...>> She frowns, shakes her head. <<We'll see once we're in. Come--the back gate should be easy to open.>>

She slinks along the old fence, which is interrupted by a plain wooden gate with a latch that's locked via a simple pin on the other side. <<Have you done this before? Used your power to unlock something?>>

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Athletics: Good Success (8 8 6 6 5 1)

Itzhak has to smother a laugh against his hand. <<You bet I have.>> His sending rapidly firms up. <<No need here. I can climb that in a second.>>

The reverberation of his mind hasn't quite faded when he's jumping for the top of the gate. Catching his weight braced on his arms, he swings over the gate and drops quick and quiet on the other side. He's grinning like an idiot as he unlatches the gate for Zayith and beckons her in.

Zayith watches him vault the gate with surprise; by the time he's unlatched it she's standing and ready to slip through. <<Show off,>> she says, grins at him as she moves past.

The gate opens onto a small side-yard that wraps around to the front and back of the house. There's a window here, probably to a kitchen, but its shut and the curtains appear drawn. She leads him along the house's length towards the backyard, which is a large mosaic of tiles with a tall, burbling fountain in blue, gray, and white. There's no grass, no plants in the ground; everything is in pots. A large amount of it is towering black bamboo, within which colorful lilies have been place at sporadic intervals. The back of the house is a large, stone porch that steps down to this mosaic yard; two pairs of French doors open onto the porch, one set open and one closed with the curtains drawn. Through the open pair of doors they can hear voices arguing.

"Ridiculous, I won't pay even half that much," a low, smooth voice says, a woman's.

The second voice is higher pitched, though masculine sounding. Whiney. "You'd have paid three times this much just last week--"

"That was before you became so...popular. Even the Ochorim can't afford to be caught doing business with you now."

"They've no idea I had anything to do with that."

"Regardless. My offer is final, Kor. Take it or leave it." The first speaker stands and moves within the back room, letting them see her: she's tall, easily Itzhak's own height, graceful in a way that turns the eye, and her skin is nearly translucsent, the veins showing easily. Her hair reaches to her hips in a long, heavy, herringbone braid of iron gray, and she's dressed in a smart, dark red and white suit. Her form's so indistinct it'd be easy to argue she might not be, in the strictest sense, a woman, though there are hints. It's almost like the body she wears is convincing Itzhak she looks a certain way.

Itzhak can feel the weight of Zayith's displeasure. <<An Ochorim. That little toad, I should've known he was selling to them.>>

Quirking a saucy eyebrow at Zayith, Itzhak silently agrees, with that cocksure smile. Oh yeah. Showing off, big time.

Sneaking close, he crouches among the big pots. All this black bamboo is very handy for spying through. All this telepathy, too! Man, it would have made his brief career as a thief so much easier.

The strikingly handsome woman inside makes Itzhak uneasy when he catches sight of her. <<...What's an Ochorim? Sounds Hebrew, but don't recognize it.>>

<<Changers,>> Zayith explains, peering through the stand of bamboo they've chosen as their cover. <<No one can know for sure what their true shape is. Some say even they no longer know. You can always tell them, though, by that empty skin of theirs.>> A little emotion colors her words; she's kind of creeped out by it. <<They can't be trusted--their loyalty is only ever to themselves.>>

A little more movement inside the house, and something that looks similar to the snail-rider they saw before walks into view, holding a broad, flat jewelry box, the kind meant for tiaras and necklaces. "Fine! You're a ruthless customer, Jaqine." That's the voice of the one the Ochorim called 'Kor'. He's a little bigger than the snail rider, about the size of a toddler, and has that similar mushroom-gray shade of skin, scrunched up face, and too-big orange eyes. He's wearing a black stocking cap, so it's not possible to see if he has any hair, and he's dressed into a simple set of linens.

Jaqine accepts the box, opens it. Itzhak catches a glimpse of a broad-banded piece in fiery copper with a large, golden obsidian cabachon at the center. Jaqine offers over a small velvet bag. Kor grabs it from her, obviously furious, and she smiles, light and teasing. "Now now, An-Kor. You know I'm your favorite."

An-Kor's pinched face becomes even more furrowed. "Hmph."

<<My diadem,>> Zayith's mind-voice growls. <<She'll change into a flying creature the second she's outside. Come.>> She begins to make her way to the door, staying parallel to the entrance to avoid being easily seen. She seems to intend to just go in there and take it back.

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Physical: Good Success (8 7 6 6 5 5 4 3 3 1 1)

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Athletics: Good Success (7 6 6 6 4 2)

<<She's not takin' it with her. I'm gonna get in front.>>

Itzhak is itching for action. No more planning. Doing now, now, now!

He bounds out of the cluster of potted bamboo and skids to a stop in front of the doors. Just like Tom Cruise in Risky Business, at least in Itzhak's opinion. Instead of lip synching, he's got challenging to do.

"Hey!" He barks the word and jerks his chin up at Jaqine. "That ain't yours. Drop it!"

And as if she's obeyed him, the diadem becomes gravity's very favorite thing.

Zayith watches Itzhak launch forward in surprise, but is right behind him. Good thing, too, because several things happen in rapid succession:

The diadem box plumets to the floor with a solid THUD.

Jaqine shouts in surprise, spins and pulls out a small metallic baton that rapidly becomes a staff.

Kor shouts, "Pwill! Get down here right now!" at the top of his shrill voice, and in response they hear the thumping of someone upstairs. He dives under a divan, calls out, "Jessan! Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessan!" like he's summoning an animal. And he is: a colorful cockatrice appears flapping at one of the windows, screams, makes to come around the house and enter through the open door.

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Physical: Good Success (8 7 6 5 5 5 4 3 2 2 2)

Itzhak grabs a big pot by the lip, braces against it, and shoves it at the doors. A heavy ceramic thing filled with soil, water, and towering bamboo, the pot seems like he should be able to tip it over or push it with some effort, but nope! It leaves his hand like its base is greased with silicon lube. The pot shoots over to the open doors and sticks in place, right on the threshold. Itzhak does it again with another pot to the other set of doors for good measure. This one doesn't go as clean and shatters against the doors. All the sherds tack themselves in place though, to form a barrier of razor caltrops.

"Shoulda done that with the first one too," Itzhak mutters, impressed.

None of this blocks any other egresses, of course.

<<Grab it! Run!>> he sends to Zayith. Hard and fast, he lunges at Jaqine, fists up. He wants to drive her off as fast as possible, so he and Zayith can escape.

Itzhak rolls Alertness (7 5 3 2 2 1) vs Pwill's Total Indignation At Having His Nap Interrupted (a NPC)'s 8 (8 7 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1)
Marginal Victory for Pwill's Total Indignation At Having His Nap Interrupted.

Itzhak rolls Melee (8 8 7 6 4 4 3 2) vs Jaqine's Badassery (a NPC)'s 10 (8 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 2 2 1)
Victory for Itzhak.

The pots land on the doors none too soon--the cockatrice flies up just as the first one is blocking its way in, and it cries out in agitation, flapping furoiously. "Find a window or something!" Kor yells from under the divan, and the bird trills in response and flies away from the doors to seek another entrance. For his part, Kor is happy to command others from the safety of the divan. He's a l--a peddler of 'found' items, not a fighter.

Jaqine is nowhere near so helpless. She kicks at the jewelry box to see if she can make it move, snarls when it refuses to comply. Then Itzhak is up in her face. She bears her teeth--they gleam golden and sharp in the house's interior lighting--and brings that staff of hers to bear. She's fast and agile for someone so tall, and makes good use of the staff. Itzhak feels it strike him in the inner thigh hard and sharp, a few inches short of its intended target. Zayith dives for the box, but so does Kor. He doesn't try to pick it up, just open it. Zayith grabs for him, and he bites her arm; she yells and flings him across the room.

'Pwill' isn't in sight yet, but he can be heard coming down the stairs. He can also be 'heard': a sense of indignation and 'oh my god what is going on' teases at Itzhak, seeking inclinations to not embarrass himself as a guest. It doesn't hit him very hard, though, and Jaqine's near miss on the family inheritance is a bit of a wake up call.

Itzhak can't help the yelp of anticipatory dismay that jerks out of him when that staff comes for his crotch. Bad move! Bad bad move! Reassessing internal biases!

Rising fast on his toes to avoid the real damage, he really does yelp when the staff connects with his adductor. OH that SMARTS.

Simultaneously he gets the most ridiculous feeling, like he's cutting up in synagogue and everyone is glaring at him. The feeling has way too much competition, though, what with Jaqine playing batter-up with his favorite parts--he can't take it seriously. It even makes him laugh.

"I been way worse than this!" And he grabs the staff and yanks. All the molecules in this staff are going to be HIS.

Itzhak rolls Physical (8 8 8 7 5 4 3 3 2 1 1) vs Jaqine's Favorite Staff (a NPC)'s 10 (7 7 6 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 1 1)

Itzhak rolls Physical (8 7 7 6 6 4 4 3 2 1 1) vs Jaqine's Favorite Staff (a NPC)'s 10 (7 7 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 1 1)
Marginal Victory for Itzhak.

Kor wails as he goes flying through the air, manages to reach out and snag a hanging light fixture as he comes close to it and grab on. "You damned nag!" he shouts at Zayith. "Pwill! Hurry the fuck up!!"

'Pwill' comes thumping into the room--thumping, because he's a satyr. And he has definitely been rudely awakened, because he's naked. His lower half is goat-like; his heavy, curly black fur leaves nothing to the imagination, and his hooves gleam black with pale gray stripes. His horns are narrow and arc back from his head in a pair of broad circles that almost reach his chin. He's got a head of wild, black, curly hair with a big white stripe in it, high cheekbones, olive-toned skin, and green, caprinae eyes.

"I was just getting some fucking sleep," Pwill growls, voice gravely. Electricity flickers along his hooves and horns, and he stamps. The flickering light jumps from his hoof towards Itzhak, only to be intercepted by Zayith, who leaves off trying to get the diadem out of the box to block it. She grunts, soaking up the lightning with an fierce grin. It gathers along her hands.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," Pwill grouses.

Jaqine grins at Itzhak's reactions to her near hit. She's aiming to do the same thing a few more times--she's sorted out what's important to him, it would seem--when he grabs for her staff. She clings to it with more than just her hands; Itzhak can feel the Ochorim's own Glimmering grip on the staff. They struggle back and forth, until Pwill's lightning comes right for them, at which point Jaqine give sup and lets go. ...sending Itzhak flying backwards.

Kor makes a frustrated noise, shouts, "Don't let her get the diadem!"

There's a scrabbling noise from the chimney. Jessan has found a way in, and is worming his way there. Of course, the glass and bronze doors covering the fireplace are shut.

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Athletics: Good Success (8 7 6 5 3 1)

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Composure: Good Success (8 7 6 2 1)

Itzhak skids backwards, fighting for balance. One knee hits the ground and shreds his jeans, and the skin beneath. He's too pumped to feel it much, and the only reaction anybody gets out of him is a triumphant yell. "Hah! Mine now!" He's grinning like a maniac.

A staff expert he isn't, and his real impulse is to dissolve the thing into slag. It quivers in his hand, but--nothing happens, dammit.

Nothing happens except a stunningly hot man appears. Okay, so he's part animal, somehow that only makes him hotter! All that curly black fur and horns and what is an amazingly alluring stripe of white in his hair and WHEW look at what's hangin' out in the breeze... Itzhak blinks at Pwill.

Then he wolf-whistles at him and gives him a raking once-over. "Where YOU been hidin' all my life!" he calls to him, laughing. <<C'mon, let's get the hell out of here!>> he sends to Zayith.

Itzhak rolls Physical (8 8 7 7 6 5 5 5 3 2 1) vs Jaqine Wants Her Damned Staff Back (a NPC)'s 8 (8 6 6 5 5 4 4 4 3 2)
Victory for Itzhak.

Pwill grunts at Itzhak, tosses his hair. Oh yeah, that hit home, he's distracted. Hot guy presumptuously hitting on him in the middle of a fight? He can't let that go, he'll never hear the end of it. "You little brat, you couldn't possibly handle--"

"NOT RIGHT NOW!" Kor all but screams at Pwill.

Itzhak feels Jaqine try to reclaim her staff, but it refuses to budge. She makes a sort of high pitched grolwing sound, seems about to charge him, except then Zayith lets loose that eletricity she'd obtained from Pwill. It crackles around Jaqine, who shouts in surprise, stumbling back from Itzhak.

Jessan has wriggled his way to the fireplace, but finds it barred. He pecks at the screen, cracking it. He'll be inside soon.

<<Not without my diadem,>> Zayith says, and yanks open the box. She wastes no time in pulling off her bandage and slapping the diadem into place. Her eyes flare brilliant gold, and then all of her does, like she's been consumed by fire.

"You oughta see what I can handle!" Itzhak's teeth are bared in a battle grin. He gets between Zayith and Kor's crew, staff held ready although he only has a general idea of how to use it. Smack the other person with the end, right?

Then Zayith lights up like fireworks and he can't not glance over his shoulder at her. Oh, she's beautiful! Beauty and power and her inner strength blazing forth like a star--he laughs in sheer delight to see her. Turning back to the gang, he tells them, "Youse guys fucked up. Don't you ever put hands on her again."

Pwill's horns and hooves crackle with energy. "We'll see about that, you l--shit." His curse is for Zayith goes up in flames. "Wonderful," he says, and starts taking steps back towards the front door.

Behind Itzhak, Zayith's fiery shape elongates and grows taller, then settles...into that of a fairly large equine. Her coat's liver red roan, her tail and mane shimmering like live fire. More of that same fiery hair feathers her legs clear to her barrel. Her horn's a jagged sickle of golden obsidian, and her eyes are shining golden brown. She throws her head, muzzle almost reaching the ceiling, and whinnies in defiance.

"This can't be happening to me," Kor moans.

The fireplace screen cracks and shatters, and Jessan bursts out of it, heading right for Itzhak. Jaqine gestures with her hand, and a large, heavy-framed painting comes flying off the wall at Itzhak's head.

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Physical: Amazing Success (8 8 8 8 7 7 6 5 4 3 3)

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Athletics: Success (8 6 5 3 1 1)

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Athletics: Success (7 6 2 2 2 1)

Itzhak reacts fast to the cockatrice boiling out of the fireplace. He flings the staff at it like a javelin, and like a javelin, it pierces the creature and pins it to the wall. Which actually makes Itzhak flinch; he didn't expect that. Power just grabbed the staff and ran away to do his will. "Jesus," he says, startled--then the painting's flying through the air at him and he hits the deck to avoid it. One carved oak leaf grazes his scalp. Blood sheets into his face.

Wiping at his eyes frantically with the back of his hand, Itzhak looks up, and there's Zayith. Rearing over him, screaming defiance.

She's a unicorn. Not like any unicorn he ever heard of! Way better. The chaos around them fades into the background as Itzhak stares at her from where he's sprawled.

<<Sheynkayat.>> He thinks the word in Yiddish without intending to send it, but it sends to her anyway. Beautiful.

Pwill and Jaqine are frankly surpised by Itzhak's impaling of Jessan. Kor is horrified, expressing it with a high pitched shriek that is Jessan's name and second only in volume to the sound the cockatrice itself makes. It's a truly ear-splitting noise that fades into a gurgling howl as it tries to free itself, thrashing.

Kor launches off the light fixture and runs towards the cockatrice. "No! No! Not my baby!" Kor's a fast little guy, and it turns out a lot stronger than he looks. He yanks the staff from the wall, freeing Jessan, who collapses to the floor in a whining heap. "It's okay, sweetie, I've got you," he croons, taking the creature's brilliantly colored head into his lap and petting it.

Pwill flings up his hands at the scene, turns and stomps out the front door. So what if he's naked; the whole damned neighborhood gets a show. Jaqine continues to edge towards the pot, trying to stay unobtrusive.

Zayith lands on her hooves just shy of Itzhak. The sight of him injured infuriates her, but she calms when she sees the injured cockatrice and the sobbing Kor trying to calm it. "Kor," she says. Her voice is much the same in her true shape as it had been when she was human, but it's stronger and broader somehow, more imperious.

He waves a hand at her. "Just get out. You've done enough."

"Swear to me you'll never again lay a hand on another Dreamrunner, nor hire those who do, and I will heal him."

Itzhak wheezes half a winded laugh when Kor runs to baby the monster. Kor's just like every asshole thug with a mean dog trained to bite. Some things don't change.

He gets up, ignoring his shaking legs. Adrenaline's a drug like any other. He's a veteran at riding its waves. "Better swear to the lady, before your trouble gets worse," he tells Kor, grinning a little crazily. "She's bein' awful nice, don't you think?"

Catching Jaqine's movement, he points at her, snapping, "SIT your ass DOWN." He sees you, Jaqine!

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Alertness: Success (8 8 5 4 3 2)

Kor growls at Itzhak--it's a reasonably impressive growl from a guy his size--turns an orange-eyed glare on him. "You've got no idea what y--" Jessan whines and writhes, and Kor turns his attention back to the cockatrice. "Oh, it's okay, baby, it'll be alright." He huffs out a breath, little body shaking. "Fine! Fine." He reaches under his hat, yanks out a fine, golden hair, offers it to Zayith without looking at her. "I swear."

Jaqine freezes in place, slowly raises her hands to show they're empty. In a voice as smooth as velvet, she says, "Of course," and sinks onto a wingback chair in a slow, graceful motion. Her easy compliance feels off to Itzhak; she's planning something.

"Itzhak. Take his offering, please," Zayith says. She steps towards Kor and Jessan, dips her head to the cockatrice's long coiled body. She doesn't, as some stories might say, touch the creature with her horn. Instead, she breathes on him, a soft huff of breath that dusts him with an orange gold sheen. The wound shines, seals. Jessan's breathing eases, and he stops making those whining noises. Kor sags with relief.

Itzhak bares his teeth right back at Kor. "You're the one put him in this position, ya prick!" He plucks the golden hair out of Kor's hand.

He means to keep his eyes on Jaqine, he really does. He doesn't trust her further than he can spit her. When Zayith bows her head to heal the cockatrice, though, he's distracted by her in the way only a newcomer to these lands can be distracted. Curiosity shoulders its way to the fore, making Itzhak turns to watch Zayith's healing.

"I saved his egg from those peddlers who were gonna sell him to the likes of her," Kor gestures at Jaqine, who sniffs and looks away, "for fancy fucking omlettes! Stop trying to talk about shit you don't understand!"

Zayith stamps a hoof. Jessan's feathers, shining metallic bronze and blue and green, fluff up, and the cockatrice coils around Kor protectively, but Kor's mouth snaps shut. He sighs, looks at Zayith directly. "You know how it is, they've been pressuring all of us more and more. Gotta be a couple hundred of," he flings a hand at Itzhak, "these yahoos running around across the border. Everyone's stirred up. I needed some insurance."

Zayith snorts. "And you," she says, turning to Jaqine. "Who were you purchasing this for? My horn's less than useless to you."

"To me, yes. To others, it's quite the item." Her pale gray eyes shift to Kor. "Harder to move, when They're watching, of course." Kor grunts, folds his arms. Jaqine shifts in her seat, takes to examining Itzhak. "As they no doubt are right now, thanks to this one."

It's stupid, but Itzhak actually feels a pang of empthy when Kor bitches him out. Jessan the cockatrice isn't that different from Lemondrop, when you get right down to it. Huge and scary, loathed by most, but he loves her. And Kor loves Jessan. On the other hand, he'd also never sic Lemondrop on anyone. And even if he did, she wouldn't do anything, just find a nice sunbeam. So this analogy doesn't stretch too far.

"Yeah, you'd be surprised what I understand." Itzhak eyes Jaqine eyeing him. His instincts are pricking him--they've got to get out of here, they're lingering too long in enemy territory. But he has to know. "Who's 'them'?"

Zayith's fiery tail lashes. Like Itzhak she's getting restless, staying in this place. Pwill can be relied to go get drunk and not do much, but their actions have already sent ripples in the area that are spreading with each minute. Soon enough Their agents will come.

Jaqine arches an iron gray brow at Itzhak's question. "Oh my, an untried one wandering these Veiled Lands," her eyes shift to Zayith. "How many more are out there even now, I wonder."

Zayith blows out a breath. "I'll tell you once we're away from here," she promises Itzhak. The wind picks up outside, sets the bamboo to sighing in the mosaic courtyard. Zayith and Jaqine both turn to watch. Nothing else happens, yet their shared reaction is meaningful on its own. Jaqine says, without looking at Zayith, "I had no buyer. I was simply told to obtain as many as I could. Yours was the only one on offer." She looks at Itzhak and Zayith. "We should all leave."

Kor has untangled himself from Jessan, who's following him around dutifully. "Yes, you should, because I'm about to go on vacation." Zayith snorts and tosses her head; a second later Itzhak can feel it too: the sensation that somehow, the house is twisting and warping. The walls shiver and shudder, setting the furniture to rattling. "Which means unless you plan on riding inside a suitcase, you should get out."

Itzhak shivers in harmony with the house and the walls. "Yeah. C'mon." He sets a hand on Zayith's neck, then takes it away hastily with a muttered apology. She's not really an animal, or she's more than an animal, and in either case he oughtn't get handsy with her. To avoid further awkwardness he heads outside.

Zayith's withers shudder at Itzhak's touch, her tail flips up to brush against him. It's not a chastisement, but a reassurance, which bleeds from her to him in a gentle mental nudge.

Jaqine, perhaps still attempting to keep Zayith's good will, gestures Itzhak's pot blockade aside. It makes a most horrendous sound as it moves over the tiles, drawing complaint from a stocky, tawny-skinned, dark-haired individual on a balcony next door. "Really! Some of us are relaxing!" the woman (she has a beard...possibly she's a dwarf?) shouts.

Zayith slips through the opening. The wind gusts again. In the distance a thunderhead is forming. "Hm, they're up to something," Jaqine observes.

"So they are," Zayith murmurs. "Do not attempt to molest one of my kind again, Ochorim."

In response, Jaqine's form shifts and blurs, rendering her into a transluscent crow. She caws, and despite that it's a caw, Itzhak can hear words in the sound. "I'll not--but others of my people may, Dreamrunner. You know our ways." With that, she's gone, taking a few hops to catch a breeze.

Behind them, the house continues to warp and twitst. With a sudden groan and shriek, it collapses...into a large trunk, with Kor sitting on top and Jessan coiled nearby. Kor is speaking to a glowing chunk of unpolished gemstone.

"Come," Zayith says, nudging Itzhak. "Get up. I can show you a safe place to cross."

The house collapses into a suitcase and leaves Itzhak, if we're to be honest, burning with envy. "That is a damn nice trick," he mutters, neck craned around to watch. "Man. Wish I could do that."

He wasn't rebuffed, in fact Zayith is reassuring him, so he dares greatly and slips his arm around her neck. He's telling himself it's just for a second, when they get underway he'll stop. On some level he recognizes he's being pathetic, making excuses so he can spend another moment in contact with her.

"Yeah. Show me." Itzhak looks into one of Zayith's eyes. "Tell me what you can. I gotta get out of here before I make worse trouble for you."

Kor glances over his shoulder at Itzhak, glares. "You mind? I'm having a conversation here." Jessan's crest goes up at Kor's annoyance, and he quickly reaches out to reassure the cockatrice. "It's okay, just gotta get us a ride, baby."

Across the street, various denizens have poked their heads out to see what's up. The gossip is beginning.

Zayith whickers, a unicorn-like chuckle. "He paid a fortune for that, no doubt. An artifact, imbued with power. The same way you or I might make a space to hold things, but more potent and complex. A truck you may learn, given enough time." She pushes against Itzhak. "On my back. We're not called Dreamrunners for nothing. When we arrive, I'll tell you what l may."

"Uh, okay! I never done this before." Itzhak's blushing. He can feel that he's blushing. He hates that he's blushing. "Go easy on me, huh? I'm a city boy."

For lack of better options, he sets his hands on Zayith's withers, then hoists himself up like he hopped the fence. Slinging one leg over her is easy once he's got his weight shifting. He's trying not to think that he's literally riding a unicorn, but it keeps happening. I'm literally riding a unicorn!

God is probably laughing His ass off.

Zayith snorts, amused, and holds still while Itzhak gets settled. As soon as he's in place, he can feel a sense of being held in a gentle, reassuring grip. <<Fear not, I'll not let you fall.>> For all that her voice as a unicorn is More than her human one was, her mind remains the same.

And it's a good thing she holding him, because when she launches forward, it feels like putting his car's pedal to the floor. The buildings and trees fly past him and ridiculous speeds. Yet he's in no danger of falling, can even sense that, short of dismounting on his own, he'll stay where he is. Her mane rises up around him, shielding him from the worst of the wind whistling past. They're heading roughly in the direction of the Addington Mill.

<<You are quite strong, but it's easier to cross at the thinnest points. Safer, as well.>>

Itzhak yelps "Gevalt!" as Zayith leaps into motion. Just like opening the throttle of his car, he's got the distinct sensation of his stomach left behind while everything else races ahead. And just like racing his car, it's so. Damn. Fun. He whoops in glee, grinning like a lunatic, getting Zayith's mane in his face and just not caring.

Everything is beautiful and for a few precious moments, nothing hurts. Not being away from his sister and his niece when they need him. Not being in hock to Felix Monaghan up to his eyeballs. Not the lingering nightmares of dead birds and dead girls. Not the way he can't ever seem to say the right thing to the people he wants to say it to.

Somewhere in his bruised and battered heart, this moment can live forever: racing across a strange otherland on the back of a unicorn.

It's possible Zayith can sense some of that pain, has been since they first encountered one another in the meadow. A dull ache deep inside him, like a broken bone that's still healing and may never properly set. She takes a longer route than she might otherwise, threatening thunderstorm or no, to lengthen this small time for him.

<<Language defines how we shape the world. This is why it's risky for me to teach you. I would teach you my people's ways, which not match with the ways needed by your own kind. But just like there's no risk in returning a fledgling to the nest, I can show you how to leave again.>> A note of humor creeps into her mind-voice. <<You may wish to find a less sudden manner of entry. The place we're going to will suffice.>>

They're rapidly passing out of the town proper and into the forest that surrounds it. The further they get from the town's shadow, the wilder things seem. Itzhak can feel it, even though they're moving so fast; in the corner of his eyes he sees strange eyes watching them from the trees and bushes, hears odd animal calls he can't recognize.

Hell with my people, I'm staying here. It's in Itzhak's throat to say, it's trembling in his mind to send.

Then he can't.

Ma and Naomi are on the other side. Pop's grave. Finch and Roen and de Santos and Minerva and Isolde are on the other side. Iris and Lemondrop, even, they'd never understand why he didn't come back.

A lot of people who need him. A lot of people he made promises to.

A lot of people who will need the knowledge he's bringing back.

<<Yeah,>> he sends instead. <<Don't wanna cause a major disruption every time I gotta cross, right?>>

There's that, at least. He knows he'll be crossing again.

Perhaps Zayith senses some of what goes unshared, because her mind brushes against his in a gentle gesture of comfort, like a animal nosing him.

The unicorn's pace slows as they approach their destiation. Itzhak's heard of it, might know what it is even if he's never personally visited: the old, abandonned, Addington Sawmill.

Here, across what Zayith has called the border, in the Veil, it doesn't look old and rundown at all. It looks new, simply closed for the moment. The blades are clean and sharp, the building in decent repair. But the forest surrounding the clearing seems to lean in at the edges of their vision, like the trees are waiting for just the right moment to strike, tear down this place that's been used to cut them.

Itzhak can feel, even see the closeness of his own reality. It dances in and out of his vision, tantalizingly close. Sometimes the saw blades look old and rusted. He sees a chain link fence, meant to keep out tresspassers, and then he doesn't. The sky overhead teases clouds and blue sky, now formless gray expanse.

Zayith stops a distance from the building, a few yards out of the looming foest. <<I will teach you the sensing and finding, and the opening, as much as I may. You'll have to decide some of it for yourself. You're discovering it as much as I'm showing you.>>

The forest is full of mystery, reality is quivering like a violin string, and all Itzhak can think about is Zayith's warmth and strength underneath him, between his legs. Oh Christ. She can probably feel his reaction, mental and physical. This is weird, he's weird, everything is weird. Shame burns his face. He doesn't want to feel like this about an animal! ...not that Zayith is an animal. She's a person. A person who happens to be snuggled up against his crotch. Maybe it makes sense when he thinks about it like that. Maybe he's just making excuses. Oy vey iz mir, like today wasn't difficult ENOUGH.

Sitting up as Zayith slows, he instinctively counterbalances his weight against reducing velocity. Is he glad he doesn't have to endure any more embarrassing arousal, or sad? Some of both.

He slides off her, discreetly tugging things into a less noticeable arrangement on the way down. "Okay," he says, and flinches a little at how loud and human his voice sounds. <<...Okay.>> Back to kything, that's better. <<So why is this place different on this side? Why's it new, when on my side it's abandoned?>>

Zayith's mind ripples with warm humor at his reaction. <<Ah, colts from most peoples are the same, aren't they,>> she muses. Which probably says a lot of things about unicorns. She flicks her tails, brushing him with it.

<<To my people, this is the world. It's what we know. But to you, it's might-be. The other side of a still pond's perfect reflection. The back of a mirror. An idea, a suggestion made by your world's emotion and will. There are may words for this place--you should find your people's. Some among you are sure to have it already.>>

She begins to approach the sawmill, wary, as it is still a sawmill, and so antithetical to her kind in its way. A force of industry, a symbol of the removal of the natural for the synthesized. <<The events that have come and gone in this place anchor it here against the tides of the Dream's wilder energies. Normally they might wear it down like the sea reclaiming the shore. Not so if your kind hold it in place.>> She pauses, still some yards from the building, snorts. <<It is dangerous here, because the border is so weak and traversal is easier. They are aware of this as well, and will send Their agents here. Be wary.>>

Itzhak's blush doesn't cool. Ugh.

It'd be so easy to be irritated at her, yank down a cloak of snappishness to cover up his true reactions, the way he always does. The way he got through being a kid and through juvie and through prison. Better to put up a wall of spikes than get caught vulnerable. That's how you get hurt, bad.


Through the kythe, it's different. He doesn't have to make a bad guess at what Zayith really thinks. He knows. He can feel her truth under his breastbone. She doesn't mind, even thinks he's kind of cute in an awkward-adolescent way. A colt, in her own people's terms. (He's a long way from adolescence, but that doesn't seem to matter to her, at least not in years.)

So Itzhak finds himself grinning sheepishly, laughing with her over his unruly reaction. She doesn't think there's anything to be ashamed of, and it's easy to agree. He rests a hand on her neck as they walk towards the sawmill.

That's his territory, the work and hunger of humankind. When Zayith pauses, he keeps walking, letting the strands of her mane fall from his fingers. The kythe pulses between them with his intention: this is his job, now. Standing between her and humanity's need to tame all that's wild. He'll go first.

<<It's Them who wanted your horn, isn't it?>> he sends to her, not looking back. No need to look back, he can feel her presence. It's like a sun-baked stone peeking out of a cool stream. <<All the horns of your people they can find.>>

Zayith continues to be a gentle, patient presence. There's no expectation of his behavior from her; he's not a being she knows, and so doesn't apply standards he can't hope to adhere to. Besides, he's aided her when she was in dire need of it. That alone bought him a measure of compassion. The rest, though, is simply her. Perhaps this is just how unicorns are; no matter their age, they're wise beyond their years to the needs of the heart.

Her attention turns to the thunderstorm. It's a ways off, churning in the distance. <<In all likelihood. Or Their agents--but that distinction is often meaningless. They feast on pain and suffering, and what greater suffering is there than the robbing of one's true self?>> She drifts behind him, wary as a deer come out from cover on the sawmill's grounds. <<They also call this world home. We all have our own names for Them. To my people, They're the Unshaped Ones. Your kind may have one already. Because the thinner places on the border are formed by pain as much as triumph, They know They can find sustenance here.>>

Thunder booms in the distance; a lightning bolt touchea down, though the storm's still not approaching. Zayith snorts. <<You can see it, yes? How your world lies close. But can you feel it too? Like the membrane inside an eggshell. The world awaits on the other side. You merely need apply your eggtooth.>>

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Composure: Success (6 5 4 2 1)

<<I can feel it.>> The border really does feel exactly like a snake's egg, yielding and warm and alive. Itzhak thinks of the first time he saw a candled retic egg: the red veins and the shadow of the embryo inside thrummed with life. A universe of potential he could feel with his fingertips.

Weeks later, the clutch had slit their eggs, poking their tiny noses out. He could have cried for the miracle. He had cried when one of them drowned in the egg. No eggtooth had developed. It happened sometimes. A toss of the genetic dice meant a little snakelet never took its first breath of air.

Itzhak didn't come here to die in the egg. He spreads his fingers against the membrane and pushes.

Itzhak rolls Physical-5 (8 8 5 2 2 1) vs The Veil (a NPC)'s 8 (8 8 7 7 4 4 2 2 1 1)
Victory for The Veil.

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Alertness: Success (7 6 5 4 3 3)

The air feels thick in Itzhak's throat as he pushes. It's not just humidity from the thunderstorm (has it come closer? maybe that's just his imagination, or the warped distances so far from Gray Harbor proper) though it has the same quality; there's more in the air than just air. His fingers tingle as though they're falling alseep. The membrane is heavy, a triple-thick performance curtain against his power. It's resisting him--but he can tell it's there, feels its substance.

<<There, yes?>> Zayith is next to him now. She dips her head, bringing her horn to a level with his eyes. Along the jagged, curved edge the air warps and shivers, like a finger pressed into surface tension. <<Your power is your eggtooth. You must use it to find the thinnest place, and then, part it just enough to pass. Just here is still heavy. Keep seeking.>>

Itzhak's spine prickles. That thunderstorm--he can feel it in every single hair. It's coming.

The membrane is thick, heavy, slippery, as he explores it with calloused fingertips. He can only see it when it lights up in little flashes under the pressure of his hands, like a bioluminescent wave. He can sure feel it, though! It's lush and slick, like between a woman's legs. It smells something like egg fluid and blood. As he searches it, he can hear it too, a theremin whine on the very edge of his hearing, changing in pitch as his fingers glide around.

He even wants to taste it. Long training makes him bury the urge, but then he reconsiders. Why not? Does he think it'll make him look stupid? Is it "inappropriate self-stimulation?" Fuck all those special education counselors. They never understood anything, and they wouldn't understand this.

Closing his eyes, he opens his mouth to the membrane and licks it.

Itzhak rolls Physical-3 (6 5 4 3 3 2 2 1) vs The Veil (a NPC)'s 8 (8 8 8 7 4 4 3 2 1 1)
Crushing Victory for The Veil.

Zayith isn't the least bit put out by Itzhak trying to lick at the border, but then, why would she be? Plenty of unicorn foals have done the same. Kicked, chewed, licked, prodded, body-checked. There are no correct ways to wield such power, except that it does as the wielder desires.

There's no taste, as first. Just more of that same undefinable something. It starts to sneak up on him, though, a bitter, metallic sensation. He has the distinct impression the membrane is heavier in the direction (in as much as one may call such an exploration directional) he's chosen. Then suddenly his teeth ache and his ears start to ring, like he's bit into a piece of foil.

Feel free to composure for that if you want, heh.

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Composure: Good Success (8 8 6 5 1)

OH that's painful. Itzhak winces back, licking his teeth. <<Wrong direction.>> This is how a real colt must feel biting an electric fence.

Direction is a vague concept at best here, anyway. There's only 'what won't do what I want' and 'what will do what I want' on a metaphysical, four-dimensional axis. Itzhak marks this spot with a Cartesian coordinate, so he doesn't have to run into it again, and keeps searching.

Itzhak rolls Physical-1 (5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1) vs The Veil (a NPC)'s 8 (8 8 8 7 7 6 4 4 3 1)
Crushing Victory for The Veil.

The membrane continues to be heavy to Itzhak's senses, sometimes thinning only to thicken, other times remaining the same, steady weight.

Zayith blows out a breath. <<Perhaps we should use something which will help you focus your concentration.>> She moves so she's properly in his view. <<Is there a way you connect to your power now? Words you speak, a dance, something of this manner? Many shape and direct power in this way.>> She thinks back to the struggle in the house. <<Unfortunately, Jaqine and Pwill both use subtle means to guy their powers. Though Pwill less so than Jaqine--he's a faun, nothing they do is subtle.>>

She tilts her head, running her horn along a surface that puckers in its wake. <<For me, it's my horn. Specific gestures and angles of attack.>> She looks him up and down. <<A poem, or a song, might make more sense for you.>>

<<If I had my fiddle...>> Itzhak has even lost the bow he went through so much trouble for, at this point. There had BETTER be a string shop in this damn town.

He rests a minute, turns to Zayith and wraps an arm around her withers, leaning his forehead against her satiny neck. His frustration simmers in the kythe, but he's not done, not by a long way.

<<This is tough,>> he admits, anyway. <<Even here, where it's thin. It don't feel so thin to me.>>

What was it he did to coax that boulder to fling itself at the bear monster thing? He wasn't thinking about it much, only doing. He thinks...he was whistling to it? Making it dance, like a fairy fiddler in a book his sister liked?

<<Okay.>> Itzhak pulls away. A beat is rising up in him and he lets it.

The song that shows up isn't meaningful or profound or anything. It's Istanbul, TMBG version. What it has going for it is that it's catchy as hell. The quavering violin fills his head. He snaps in time, a stim that nobody's caught onto yet. ONE-two-ONE-two-ONE-two-THREE...

It might work, it might not work, whatever! Istanbul was once Constantinople!

Itzhak rolls Physical (8 8 7 6 6 5 5 2 2 2 1) vs The Veil (a NPC)'s 6 (7 4 3 3 2 2 1 1)
Crushing Victory for Itzhak.

<<It is,>> Zayith agrees. She whuffles his hair in reassurance. <<And you're among the first of your kind to try this, at least that I've known. Blazing a new trail is always difficult work.>> No judgment for his frustration, no minimizing of the struggle.

As the song rises inside him, Itzhak hears Zayith murmur, <<Ah...see now...>> Maybe it's that the music makes it easier to feel the small ripple in the membrane, this Veil, or maybe it's that the music has called it up. Whichever it is, as Itzhak follows it, he feels the Veil become thinner, and thinner, until it's simply not there.

It's a good thing he's holding onto Zayith, because he just about falls right through it. Like a needle breaking through surface tension, it tries to simply swallow him up, but she pulls back, yanking him clear before it can.

<<Yes!>> Her excitement reverberates between them. She whinnies, swishes her tail. <<There. Just so.>>

The music roars in Itzhak's head, filling him up. They say you can't simulate volume mentally, but just watch him! He's snapping and stamping to the beat in his head and there's nothing but music.

So if you've a date in Constantinople she'll be waiting in Istanbul!

And then he's got to grab Zayith before he's slurped across the boundary between worlds like a water drop. "Shit!" Then he laughs, wild. Happy like he hasn't been since before Pop died.

If Zayith was in her human form he would kiss her, so maybe better for everyone that she's not.

"It happened! Holy shit, it happened!"

<<It did!>> Zayith can't laugh in this shape, but her voice in his mind is full of it. <<Perhaps music is your guide. You should practice with it more.>> She lips at his hair, quite proud. <<Finer control will come with time. Be patient with yourself.>>

She blows out a breath. The wind stirs, sharp with the smell of rain. The thunderstorm is finally beginning to come closer. Zayith grunts, stamps a foot. <<Unfortunately, we must now part.>> She looks him over with a gleaming, golden brown eye. <<You've aided me in regaining myself. Your bow was part of your music, which is also yourself. A way you relate to your power. Let me help you retain that.>> She eyes the saw blade, huffs a breath. <<Come. We will cut some of my tail. Perhaps you can use it for a new bow.>>

<<Music's always been my guide. Why not here too?>> Itzhak can't quite bring himself, even now, to call it magic. Magic is something wizards do. What he's doing, it's not magic. An ex-con from the Lower East Side (pre-gentrification) does not get to do magic.

But Zayith offers him hairs from her tail. His eyebrows go up, tilting in the way that gives him a wistful, yearning expression. "Oh, Zayil. You mean it? You'll give me a new bow, from, you? A unicorn-hair bow, my God."

A tiny voice whispers, Maybe, just sometimes, a guy like me gets to do magic.

Itzhak swallows, sets that thought aside for later. It's a thought he needs to savor and roll around in like catnip. Right now, practical issues are at the fore.

He has his pocketknife, but he follows Zayith's glance to the sawblade. <<Let's use that.>> He knows they're thinking the same thing even as he sends it. <<It'll be...better. Somehow. I don't know how I know that, but I know.>>

<<If music is your guide, then it's no wonder your bow brought you here. You should leave with the makings of a new one.>> Zayith lips at him again. <<That was my horn they stole from me. To them, a thing to trade and sell as a commodity. To me, my nature. As you restored me to my nature, let me restore this to you.>>

She doesn't lead the way to the cutting platform, but she does keep pace with him. <<There is symmetry in these things,>> she agrees. Her steps continue to be careful and wary, her movements that of a creature that suspects a trap. Nothing stirs in this place, though. Either Their attention is elsewhere, or things are too nervous of a unicorn in turn. Perhaps there are aspects of both at place.

Zayith plainly hates being this close to the blade, but doesn't hesitate to move next to it and flip her tail onto the table. <<No need to do anything more them pull them against it, I think.>> The thick, silky hairs separate from the bone a little less than half a foot down, leaving plenty to cut for a bow. Their lustrous, fiery orange and red color reflects against the blade, making it look hot.

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Composure: Success (6 6 5 4 4)

Itzhak strokes Zayith's muzzle, under her jaw, getting his hands all over her shamelessly. Shamelessly for now, at least. <<Thank you. I mean...I'm honored.>> He has to blink.

She clearly hates the mill and the blade, when they go to it. <<I'll have you out of here in a second,>> Itzhak promises in a low murmur. <<I've got you, sweetheart.>> He has to work fast, and has no time to luxuriate in the way Zayith's silky tail lights up the reflective steel. Oh, but it's gorgeous in a way he has no words for, a collision between a dream and a machine.

He badly wants his fiddle now. He could make this feeling into music.

This wasn't part of their bargain. This is something she's doing for him and him alone. Itzhak takes in a shivery breath, but his hands are steady.

A hundred and fifty gleaming hairs, like sunset spun into silk. Another thing that could happen in that fairy tale book. He braids them swiftly, then taps the little bundle to the sawblade, and the strands part. As easy as that, a rope of braided unicorn hair is his. Itzhak closes his rough palm around it.

It's riches beyond any earthly wealth, but suddenly it's so little, too little, knowing he has to tell Zayith goodbye.

<<Done,>> he says, to let her know she can get away from the machine thing.

Zayith whickers happily at the attention. <<Ah, now I hope there are many more of you who will come through, if you're an example of them. Such affection!>> A teasing lilt winds through the link; it's possible to imagine her in winking at him in her human shape.

She makes a little squealing sound when he says 'done', shies away, getting clear of the mill and its blade as quickly as she can in a handful of high steps. She was possibly much more tense about being this close than she let on. She shakes herself out, tossing her mane. The missing portion of her tail's nearly impossible to see, so good is Itzhak's work. <<I'm honored, to help you find even this small part of your way.>>

The thunderstorms' approach has stalled. Whatever it's up to, its handling in the distance. Zayith blows out a breath. <<Their emmissary is occupied, it seems,>> she muses. <<Come here, laughing one. I want to smell your hair once more, before I see you on your way.>>

He doesn't blame her for being nervous. Itzhak hops off the platform and follows Zayith--and then blushes. Laughing one? Is that how she translates his name?

Whatever her reasons, her calling him that plucks a chord in his heart. <<Aww, c'mere, you.>> He wraps his arms around her sleek neck, a little desperate. <<Christ, I'm gonna miss you. And there's so much I don't know about you, I can't hardly stand it.>> Itzhak kisses the bridge of her nose, trying not to let himself cry. His throat goes all hot and clogged. Good thing he can kythe instead of talk.

Zayith nuzzles Itzhak's face, turns her head so he's wrapped by her neck, smothered in her mane. <<I shall miss you as well, fierce brilliant colt. I wish we had more time to trade our tales. So many you can tell me, and I you.>> She breathes in his hair for several seconds, then, <<Listen now. The most important warning I can give you is this: They feed on suffering, on cruelty, on selfishness, on fear. I don't charge you with perfection, to never do wrong by another, to never misstep. I only warn you of Their influence, Their ways. I feel that in your heart you bear a heavy burden, but you carry it with grace. Surround yourself with those who can help you with it, even as you help them with theirs. That's your true weapon against Them: one another. You'll never win against Their machinations alone, but you shouldn't have to. Guard those you love, and call family and friend, and they'll guard you in turn.>>

She doesn't make to move clear of him, even though she should. <<Time and space warp strangely between the Dreamways and here. I can't be sure when I'll come this way again, or if we'll cross paths should I do so. But I'll keep watch for you, listen for word of your comings and goings, and leave word here as I may.>>

Itzhak grimaces, eyes shut. <<I'm not carrying it with grace.>> He knows that. The fight he picked with Iggy is the first thing that comes to mind. Was he jealous? He can't tease out the Gordian knot of emotions that had hit him when he'd seen Ignacio covered in scars and delicate scratches. The scars were old. The scratches were very fresh. He didn't know how he felt. All he knew was he wanted to start shit, and so he did, until Roen had to intervene.

Don't lie to yourself, Itzil. You know damn well how you felt. You felt like nothing in the world was going right. So you created a problem you could solve with your fists.

Yeah. No grace there.

He sighs, both hands under Zayith's jaw. <<I hear ya. Thank you, Zayil. I can't thank you enough.>>

Zayith nudges him. She feels the stir of his emotions, and though she doesn't know the story (ah, so many stories to tell one another--well, they'll have to wait), she senses the overall thrust of his shame.

<<Grace isn't lack of fault or mistake. It's accepting that you've done such. It's atoning for your actions when they've brought harm. It's resolving to improve, and carrying through with it. I think these are things you know, and strive to do. That's all anyone can ask for.>>

She lips his nose. <<Nor can I thank you enough, laughing one. But we may both begin: you, by making new music on a new bow. Me, by returning to my people, and telling them of you and yours.>> One last rub against his shoulder, her horn brushing his head. That rub becomes the gentlest push. <<Again, now, with your song--and this time, let it pull you through. Don't hesitate; embrace it.>>

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Physical: Success (6 6 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 2)

Indulging himself one moment more, Itzhak cups her muzzle in his palms, his forehead pressed to hers. <<Zayith. Shalom.>>

He steps back from her, wipes his eyes. The song that comes to him now is Hebrew, inspired by the farewell. Itzhak never considered himself much of a singer, he'd rather let an instrument do his singing for him, and right now his throat is all thick from weeping. But it doesn't matter. All that matters is that he sing what comes.

So he sings to Zayith a low, sweet, winding melody.

"//Shalom aleichem,
malachei hashareit,
malachei elyon,
mimelech mal'chei ham'lachim,
hakadosh baruch hu..."//

This time, when the membrane kisses him, he lets it pull him through.

<<Run well, Itzhak, laughing one.>> Zayith swishes her tail, blows out a breath. She watches him the entire time, listening to his song with a turned ear.

The Veil parts more reluctantly this time; he's not found a spot that's quite so thin. But part is does, and he slides through, slowly at first. As his perception shifts, he hears millworkers calling to one another, the scream of the blade; he smells the heady scent of pine split open. But Zayith is still there, a gleaming point among the chaos of his confused senses.

The slow movement through the Veil yanks him the rest of the way through all at once. The jarring motion deposits him in the same place: the Addington Mill. But this is the old mill, long since shut down, its blades rusted and still, surrounded by a chain link fence with a gaping hole in it. There's no sense that workers might come at any time to fire it up, no evidence of trees newly felled. It's not unlike finding oneself in a graveyard.

Not much time has passed since he first yanked his bow back from that raccoon. It's still broad daylight. Heavy clouds are forming on the horizon. There'll be a thunderstorm later. It'd be easy to think he imagined it, that he got drunk and turned around on his walk home and had one hell of a dream.

It'd be easy to think that, except in his hand is a long strand of braided hair the color of fire, a lustrous burning gold and red, silky soft and thick, perfect for making a bow.

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Athletics: Good Success (8 7 6 3 3 1)

Itzhak's boots land with a crunch in cinders and gravel. He doesn't even stumble, just hits the ground with the puissance of a cat.

Superhero landing. Nailed it.

He laughs, sounding a little crazy to his own ears. The day's the same, the weather, the sensation of home (as opposed to There; he'd thought prison was 'there', he'd thought Washington was 'there', oh boy was he wrong!)--but everything is different. Everything.

Including him. Him, most of all.

He grabs for his phone, then remembers it's sitting on the counter at Steelhead. Itzhak's fingers twitch. He could reach it. The taste of power is so intoxicating, he almost goes ahead and does it, order the thing to come flying to him like a real long-range Jedi. It's the glint of fire-colored silk in his hand that stops him.

Well. Why do that, when it's faster, safer, and easier to accost a millworker?

A second later he's climbed the rusting fence and sauntered off to the operational mill. Shortly, he's confused several workers, and worried them too, with his nigh-lunatic grin.

Shortly after that, August gets a call.

Tags: itzhak veil

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