2019-07-18 - Uncle Monty

Alexander and Easton chat about family, asylums, and other terrible things.

IC Date: 2019-07-18

OOC Date: 2019-05-17

Location: Text

Related Scenes:   2019-07-15 - Good News, Bad News Situation

Plot: None

Scene Number: 734


(TXT to Alexander) Easton: Uncle Monty. I haven't thought about him in years, but you said mental health guy? He practiced here in Washington. Weird old dude.

(TXT to Easton) Alexander: Hello, Easton. Are you well? And Montgomery Marshall? What era was this, if I can ask?

(TXT to Alexander) Easton: I'm good. Yeah I would guess Montgomery? I only met him a few times. Dad never about him. I would guess 60's to at least 2000s? Maybe still practicing? He was old when I was a kid but kids don't have the best sense of what that means?

(TXT to Easton) Alexander: It would not surprise me if he had a contentious relationship with more sane family members. It seems likely that he was experimenting on people and encouraging them to feed the Dark. He probably wasn't very good at family relationships.

(TXT to Alexander) Easton: You don't know my family.

(TXT to Easton) Alexander: My condolences. Thank you for letting me know - I don't suppose he has a house nearby that you know of?

(TXT to Alexander) Easton: No, sorry. He only came to our condo for a dinner or two. Smoked like a chimney and scared the shit out of me. ... fuuuuck.

(TXT to Alexander) Easton: I just realized a nightmare I had as a kid was probably my first Dream.

(TXT to Easton) Alexander: Oh? What was it?

(TXT to Alexander) Easton: Monty loved to tell stories about how the institution was haunted by a dead patient. I dreamt I was locked in a cell and I could hear people being killed by something. Monty was there telling me I was crazy and it was all in my head as he strapped me into.. something.

(TXT to Easton) Alexander: Fuck.

(TXT to Easton) Alexander: He's dead now. If it helps. Very dead.

(TXT to Alexander) Easton : Monty? What? How do you know?

(TXT to Byron) Alexander : Dr. Glass ran into him in a mirror of a hospital office. He told her a bit about the asylum, and one of its former residents - William Gohl. A murderer from the 1900s. When he started to talk about William, he apparently spouted blood from his mouth and chest, and died.

(TXT to Easton) Alexander : Dr. Glass ran into him in a mirror of a hospital office. He told her a bit about the asylum, and one of its former residents - William Gohl. A murderer from the 1900s. When he started to talk about William, he apparently spouted blood from his mouth and chest, and died. (Scene 734)

(TXT to Alexander) Easton : Billy. Fuck.

(TXT to Alexander) Easton : Billy. Fuck.

(TXT to Easton) Alexander : ???

(TXT to Alexander) Easton : I'll give you one guess who was supposedly haunting the institution.

(TXT to Easton) Alexander : Billy the Ghoul. Interesting. Dr. Marshall indicated that the asylum had 'business' with William but that he died before they could finish.

(TXT to Easton) Alexander : I have some of his bones. They were found in the lost places and brought back.

(TXT to Alexander) Easton : He died there. His bones? But his family requested the remains? They had to dig him up

(TXT to Alexander) Easton : WTF why do you have his bones?!?

(TXT to Easton) Alexander : Because, apparently, when people stumble into a place where the city has turned to gelatin and flesh and they find a box of human bones and bring it back with them, someone thinks 'Hey, I bet Alexander Clayton has some idea what to do with these fucking things'. And things proceed from there. I only have about a fourth of the skeleton, though. Something horrible is looking for Billy, and the bones want to be buried. Where were they dug up from?

(TXT to Alexander) Easton : That's fair. I probably would agree with that thought.

(TXT to Easton) Alexander : No one ever says that about cake. Or a spare Mustang. It makes me question my life choices.

(TXT to Alexander) Easton : He was originally buried at the institution I believe. Maybe a cover up? The 'Carr' family demanded his remains though and so they had to dig him up.

(TXT to Alexander) Easton : Mustang? I wouldn't have picked you for a sports car guy. Huh.

(TXT to Easton) Alexander : Carr? Who the hell is the Carr family? I'm instituting mandatory genograms for everyone in this fucking town.

(TXT to Easton) Alexander : I can't actually do that. But it would make my life easier. Who doesn't like a shiny, fast car?

(TXT to Alexander) Easton : I don't know who they are. I assumed family didn't exactly want to be associated with the besmirched Gohl family name? But I specifically remember Monty getting all worked about the damn Carr family.

(TXT to Easton) Alexander : I'll see if I can't get someone to look into it. Although it leaves a very big question of how the bones, presumably delivered to the Carrs, ended up back in the lost places. And how the people who found them could bring them out. Maybe a tomb exists on this side, even if it was never filled.

(TXT to Alexander) Easton : Pretty sure the haunting stopped after the bones were removed. So heads up? Billy might be pissed you have those.

(TXT to Easton) Alexander : Already aware. Dr. Faust had a portion of the skeleton as well. I've sent Isolde to a lavender farm until we resolve this or something tries to kill me.

(TXT to Easton) Alexander : A murderous ghost would make a great deal of sense for the recent murders, though. I know Thorne must be frustrated with the lack of progress on the murder in his apartment complex, but the police's ability to do with spectral incursions would be limited.

(TXT to Alexander) Easton : Do you think it murders people here, or takes them to the other place and just returns the body?

(TXT to Easton) Alexander : I don't know. If I could look at the crime scenes, I might be able to tell based on blood splatter. Maybe. Pulling people into the lost places and murdering the fuck out of them in a deliberate sort of way is a new idea for me. Still adjusting.

(TXT to Alexander) Easton : I doubt it's straight forward. Dreams seem to affect this reality. I don't know how it works but things here line up to explain what happened elsewhere. It's a thought, but I feel like it's a hundred steps ahead of us.

(TXT to Easton) Alexander : Yes. Metaphysical. A bit beyond me at the moment - I mostly have thought of it as the horrible place where horrible things happen, and have learned...just enough to stay alive. Catching up has become a priority.

(TXT to Alexander) Easton : ::shrug emoji:: I got not clue man.

(TXT to Easton) Alexander : I know. I'm just venting. Ignore me when I start to ramble. Thank you. And I'm sorry he was your uncle.

(TXT to Alexander) Easton : I'm sorry he was my uncle too.

(TXT to Easton) Alexander : One day. Soon. Perhaps we could sit down with some beers and not talk about anything that involves skeletons, ghosts, or murder. I'm told that's a thing friends do.

(TXT to Alexander) Easton : Agreed

(TXT to Easton) Alexander : ::smiley emoji:: I owe you a favor. Is there anything I can help you with?

(TXT to Alexander) Easton : Oh. I have a favor. And I'm going to ask for it, and officially use up this favor. You ready?

(TXT to Alexander) Easton : The name of the vet we met on the boardwalk. I'm getting a dog.

(TXT to Easton) Alexander : You realize that those two requests are in no way equivalent. You're bad at favors. But it's Gideon Hughes. He's good.

(TXT to Easton) Alexander : What kind of dog? I would guess large and playful. Lab?

(TXT to Alexander) Easton : Thank you. And don't know what yet, some rescue mutt. But probably something along those lines.

(TXT to Easton) Alexander : That sounds wonderful. Does Thorne allow pets?

(TXT to Alexander) Easton : Yea. Most are of the teacup rodent sized dog variety or cat.

(TXT to Easton) Alexander : I say go mastiff. Stack the teacup dogs on its back. It can be the dog bus of the building.

(TXT to Alexander) Easton : I'd be afraid it'd eat one of them and I'd get sued into oblivion.

(TXT to Easton) Alexander : Fine. Deny me my dog bus pictures. If you insist.

(TXT to Alexander) Easton : https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=imgres&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjK3bvBmKPiAhUDpFkKHSurBOIQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.costume-works.com%2Fdog-school-bus.html&psig=AOvVaw2_PJteiIz2ydli4AwcPrOA&ust=1558204035048201

(TXT to Easton) Alexander : Well. That just made my day. Thank you.

(TXT to Alexander) Easton : Or: http://dogdaysofgreenwood.com/dogbus is also solid.

(TXT to Easton) Alexander : I will look at this many times as I walk to my date.

(TXT to Alexander) Easton : If she doesn't aw at those photos just walk away, you don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

(TXT to Easton) Alexander : No dog bus, no friendship. I will remember. For now, I should go. It's a long walk, and I'm meeting Miss Whitehouse first. Don't die, Easton.


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