2019-07-24 - At the Waffle Shoppe

Evening in the Waffle Shop.

IC Date: 2019-07-24

OOC Date: 2019-05-21

Location: Gray Harbor/The Waffle Shoppe

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 840


Some summer days are a delight. Everything goes right, the golden rays and warmth of the sun beam down, the smell of grass and barbecues add that perfect finishing touch.

Today is not one of those days, for Corey. No, he's had a -terrible- day, and so he's going to solve that with the one thing that never fails to perk him up; sugar. So it is he's made his way to the Waffle Shoppe, which is about half-full with a medium level of noise; conversations, clinking china and cutlary, bubbles blown in milkshakes. That sort of thing. He's in the queue, fidgeting, his mind already made up on what he wants, impatient with having to wait to order, wait to eat, wait to assuage his sweet tooth.

August is already in the shop, leaning against the counter and filling out what looks like an order form. The waitress swings by to bring him a cup of coffee, which he thanks her for; he keeps writing on the form. As he glances about the shop his eyes linger on Corey a moment longer then anyone else, then he goes back to his writing.

"I am pretty sure I - no, I left it at the front desk. It should be - are you sure you - well okay! I'll look for it tomorrow, of course! Sure thing! Yep! Yep! You too, have a great day!" That's Abby on her phone, sounding altogether too cheerful and sunny in contrast with the fingers slowly massaging her temples as if a headache's coming on. She's just crossing the threshold, and shortly after puts her phone away, draws a deep breath, and holds that sunny look on her face as she gets in the queue as well. "Hi." She greets the Waffle Shoppe at large with a friendly smile.

Minerva's double checking her phone for some reason. But that leads to the woman catching her foot as she comes through the door and she bumps into someone exiting. "Sorry about that." she murmurs to the man as she rights herself. Then she's giving a wave to one of the wait staff and then skittering down the aisle to find a seat. "Heya, August." she smiles to the man as she passes him. There's a dip of her head in greeting to Abby at her greeting. Then she's taking a seat and checking her phone again.

For some reason, the work day has gone very slow for Rick. That's because he's currently on desk duty, which is something he prefers not to be on. Off duty now, he steps into the Waffle Shoppe, looking around at the various people present, before he steps further in, over in the direction of the counter. His steps are rather slow, with one hand moving to his shoulder every now and then. Letting out a bit of an annoyed mutter in the process.

Getting pointed to a single seat at the bar, Corey settles onto it, placing his order as soon as waitstaff can accommodate. In the meantime, Abby's greeting to the room draws his attention and he flashes a smile at the woman. "Hey babe," he greets amiably, before looking around further, mostly at the other people enjoying their food. Envyyy.

August gives Abby a thoroughly amused look for her bright greeting. Other patrons glance, then go back to their food; a few who've had days on par with Corey's give her narrow-eyed looks. How dare she be cheerful when they're getting their brood on, those looks say.

August smiles a hello to Minerva. "Hey." He raises his eyebrows. "Sure has been one of those days," he says of her collision on the way in. "Had one of the saws kickback on me today. Don't think that's happened in five years." He shakes his head, finishes the order form and pushes it across the bar. The waitress snaps it up on her way by. "Tomorrow morning?" she asks, and August nods. He sips from his coffee, glances at Rick and then Corey again, back to Minerva. "Waitin' on a call?"

Abby also has to wait her turn, rocking slightly on the balls of her feet. There's some energy there that's not going anywhere. And on top of that she orders coffee to go with her waffles. She takes a seat right near Corey, once someone frees it up, and folds her hands in front of herself. "Hi again," she offers with a friendly smile, lowering her voice to add in an exaggerated stage whisper, "I'm not stalking you! They made me sit here." She reassures him, taps her fingers on the counter in front of herself and looks around to takes in the rest of the waffle crowd today.

"I bumped my head when I was feeding the boys this morning, so I can understand it's a day." Minerva frowns. "You alright? Didn't get cut or anything did you?" she asks August. Then there's a look to her phone and then back to August, "I...might be." she gives him a frown. "Or a text. Just have a feeling that somethings going to go horribly wrong. But it's probably just me overthinking things." she tells him.

Finding his seat at the counter, not far from where Abby and Corey are seated, Rick grimaces as he takes a few moments to get into the seat. He looks like he's about to say something angrily to himself, but he lets out a bit of a breath, slumping a bit into his seat. There's another brief break, before he looks to the others nearby. "Hey. Lovely day today, isn't it?" At least he says so, even if it's not quite convincing.

"Nah. Today is shit," Corey comments to Rick with a shake of his head, though most of his attention is taken by Abby when she settles next to him. "Stalk me all you want, babe," he invites, though the undertone of humour in his voice suggests he's joking. "I'll feel better when I've got some waffles in me," he adds, to the room a at large really.

August shakes his head. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Thanks though." He sighs, toys with his coffee mug. "It was weird, though--chain looks fine, just had it serviced..." He shrugs, has more coffee. His brow furrows at Minerva's mention of feeling like something bad will happen. He starts to say something, pauses, pulls out his phone and squints at a text. On a heavy sigh, he says to her, "What was that about something bad happening?" and slides off his seat. He yanks out a five, leaves it on the counter. "Catch ya later," he says to Minerva, bobbing his eyebrows. He's on the phone just as he opens the door to leave. "Hey, are you okay? Yeah, he messaged me--stop yelling at him, Jen--" The door swings shut behind him.

"It's been a pretty crappy day, the weather is nice though. I'll be happy when walking from the car to the door doesn't make me sweat like crazy." Minerva gives a smile. Then there's a look to August and a chuckle, "I'm sorry. Bad timing." she tells him. She gives him a wave on his way out. The waitress that stops by her table is given a smile and she gives her order quietly.

"The weather's nice, isn't it?" Abby replies to Rick's comment on the loveliness of the day with a smile, "I just I hope it stays that way tomorrow, it's my day off. Well, it was my day off, I'll probably have to go in to fix something, but the rest of the day's looking good. Pretty, at least!" She clenches a hand into a fist and swings it lightly in front of her face. That's a lot of only mildly strained optimism right there. "Ohh, yes, waffles would be lovely right about now. Or soon, no rush!" She reassures the waitress behind the counter.

"The weather's not bad. Which is the one thing I can say is good for right now," Rick replies, although he offers all the others a bit of a grin. "Would have been a great evening to head off somewhere, but I'm not sure if I should bring out my motorcycle right now." Hand once more going to his shoulder, poking at it very briefly.

"Try moving house in this weather, then you won't think it's so nice," Corey complains to Abby and Minerva both, raking a hand back through his hair, then looking sidelong at Rick and his shoulder. "Pulled something?" he wonders nosily, before being distracted by a delivery of syrup-drenched waffles. Taking up a fork, he begins to make short of work of them - hoovering up the gooey deliciousness with a speed that would be appalling, if he weren't also fairly neat about it.

Abby has a sympathetic look for people's woes. "I'd probably rather not, but hopefully you're moving somewhere nice?" She gives Corey a hopeful look, then eyes his waffles with envy for a moment or two, letting her attention drift elsewhere. The beat of her fingers on the counter just gets a smidge faster. She does look worried for Rick's gesture towards his shoulder, and finally, after a long pause, comments, "It feels like everyone's having a bit of a rough couple of days."

Minerva sips at her ice water and there's a look at the others that are talking. "Yeah, it would suck to move in this." she nods to Corey. Then there's a bit of look to Rick, "Did you jam something?" she asks him. Then there's a look to Abby, "Yeah, it's been a horrible week so far. Maybe it'll calm down soon though." the one eyed woman chuckles.

"Hmmm? Oh..." There's a brief pause as Rick considers what he should say. "It's... a work-related wound," he replies, after a few moments of pause. Looking between the others for a few moments, he shrugs a little. "Moving house, huh?" he offers to Corey, before he places an order, a bit quietly.

"Yeah, just out of my parents' place to somewhere on Oak," Corey confirms with a sigh after polishing off his syrup-soaked waffles in record time, sitting back and seeming to be in a much better mood. "Sharing with a couple other students. Should be fun, once all the boxes are moved and shit."

Abby gives Rick a curious look and a show of mild concern at the mention of a work-related wound. "There have been a lot of those at the hospital lately. And everything that could go wrong, I swear..." She shakes her head. "I'm just glad I didn't kill anyone today. Fingers crossed!" And she does cross her fingers. Then her waffles arrive. "I'm Abby," she decides to introduce herself as she picks up her fork. "That's good! Just don't pull anything. Lift with your legs!" And then, behind a bite of waffle, "Mostly."

It might've been nice to be able to chill for a bit longer, but there's a call on Corey's phone. A brief conversation, and he's standing, leaving money for his food, and then lifting a hand in silent goodbye to the room at large before hurrying out to do whatever it is he's been summoned away for.

"It's nice to meet you, Abby." Minerva gives a red lipped smile to that. Then, her phone also buzzes and there's a sigh, "Yeah...it's going to continue to be rough." she sighs. "Megan, can you cancel my order? I've got to go pick up a patient." she frowns at that as she stands. She leaves a nice tip on the table though before she heads out.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Abby. I'm Rick," Rick offers. Nodding at Corey's words, and as the man heads off. He also nods to Minerva as the woman prepares to head off. "Patient..." He trails off, before he shakes his head a little. "Why would you have killed anyone?" he asks as he looks to Abby again. "Looks to be some quite skilled people working at the hospital."

"Nice to meet you too, Rick!" Abby replies as she digs into her waffles and coffee, then blinks for a moment at the question. "Oh. I haven't! I mean, I work there. It's just been one of those days. We're getting a lot of workplace injuries, and everyone's rushing, and - suddenly the air conditioning stopped working? It just went pthbltltt... in this weather!" She gestures with her fork after making a sputtering, dying sound. For the air conditioning. "I'm just happy I have tomorrow off."

Rick winces as he hears that. "I'm sorry to hear about the air conditioning stopping. I'm also glad it was working while I was there, although I doubt I would have noticed then." He raises the hand in the direction of his shoulder again, but lowers it. "Can't these few weeks until my shoulder's healed just pass by? I hate desk duty, and it's driving me mad..." It's said mostly to himself.

"Oh, they got it running again! It's just - what's it called? There's a law. Is it Murray's Law? Marvin's Law?" Abby concentrates, then gives up with a small shrug and an unbothered smile. "It was just one of those days, I'm glad everything went okay for you! I mean, at the hospital. Obviously if everything had gone well you wouldn't even /be/ in the hospital in the first place, I guess!" She takes a sip of coffee and just sighs. "Paperwork is the worst."

"Murphy's Law?" Rick replies after a few moments of pause, before he smiles. "Doctor said I was lucky, and the bullet didn't hit bad," he replies. Geting his food, he eats some of the waffle, before he adds, "I wish I would have avoided getting shot, though."

"Okay! Getting shot is worse than paperwork." Abby corrects herself quickly and gives Rick a look of genuine concern before leaning in, very slightly. "I'd probably try to enjoy the desk duty for a little while. Look on the bright side, there are probably a lot fewer bullets flying around!" She smiles between bites of waffle, head shaking slowly. "Though I guess things are a bit crazy out there. At least that's what they say on the news."

"Less bullets flying, yes. But still... It's boring." Rick pauses a little as he hears the rest of what's said. "They are. And I suppose I worry a bit about the others being out there without me around to help." He shakes his head a little bit. "But aside from that, it's good..."

Abby looks at Rick and raises an eyebrow. "I still think I'd take boring over bullets," she says with a smile, but does grant him a slow nod of understanding. "But I guess I can imagine it must be hard not being able to do anything. But I guess it's doctor's orders? Doctors are the worst. Right after paperwork." Her tone is cheery and playful throughout, but she does sag slightly against the counter and rub her temples, leaning over her plate to eat.

Rick smiles, nodding a bit as he hears that. "Does that mean you're not a doctor, then?" he asks, after a few moments of pause.

Abby answers with a vigorous shake of her head, mouth full of waffle. She munches quickly, pointing the fork's handle towards herself once she finally swallows. "I'm a nurse. It's not my fault you're on desk duty! I'll just nag you about it." She has a small smile to go with the answer, and finishes off her coffee. Then she reaches into her bag, and - "Oh, are you kidding me? I don't believe this. It was right - where's that gosh-forsaken..."

Unable to hold back a chuckle as he hears that, Rick nods a bit. "I'm sure nagging is okay, if it's for my own good, right?" A pause as she looks for something in the bag. "Something's missing?" he asks, after a few moments of pause.

"My wallet? Oh boy. I already had a call about how I misplaced a chart at the hospital, which I /know/ I didn't, and now..." Abby flails one hand around, then secures her bag on her lap and draws a deep breath. There, she's smiling again, eyes rolling at herself as she shrugs. "Today will be over soon and I'm not working tomorrow! So, things are looking up."

Nodding a bit as he hears that, "Things looking up is always good." Eating a bit more, Rick smiles. "So, Abby. Are you from around here, then?" It's asked a bit lightly.

Abby searches her bag some more, but eventually seems to accept her wallet's disappearance, shoulders slumping. Fortunately there's still one piece of waffle left to enjoy, and she proceeds to do just so, covering it with exaggerated amounts of syrup for good measure. She looks at Rick and smiles at the question, then frowns for a moment, finishing her waffle before answering. "Kind of? I'm from Elma. So I'm from Gray Harbor county, if that counts? Just not actually here, here."

Rick nods a little as he hears that. "That's close enough, right? For those of us that come from far away, it's local, at least." It's offered a bit lightly as he eats some more of his food.

"Oh, for sure! It's all a matter of perspective. Where do you come from?" Abby asks with a curious smile for Rick. It's soon followed by an apologetic wince as she turns to signal the waitress. "Hi! I'm really, really sorry, but I kind of may have forgotten my wallet, a little bit. I mean I'm sure I know where it is, I'll just run and go fetch it and come back in a jiffy!"

"Grew up in New York City, and worked there for a while, before I sort of just drifted through the oountry," Rick replies, along with a brief shrug. "Took some time, saw some interesting places, and just..." He trails off, before he looks to the waitress. "I'll pay for both mine and her order," he offers.

Abby is already digging through her bag again, but interrupts this to glance Rick's way again. "New York? What brings... Oh, it's okay! I have to go back for my wallet anyway. Well, I should."

Looking between Abby and the waitress, Rick pauses for a few moments. "I was thinking that if they wanted the money now, it was easy enough for me to pay," he offers. Any questions about what brought him all the way across the continent.

Abby hesitates a moment, then gives in with another slump of her shoulders and a laugh. "Why, thank you, then! I'll - next time it's on me!" She offers in return.

Tags: august rick corey minerva abby social

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