2019-07-25 - Beware Punks Armed With Glimmer and Beer Bottles

August and Itzhak's contemplative walk on the beach is interrupted by punks with more beer in them than sense. Chaos ensues.

IC Date: 2019-07-25

OOC Date: 2019-05-22

Location: Rocky Beach

Related Scenes:   2019-07-24 - Itzhak's Veil-cation

Plot: None

Scene Number: 854


Around one AM, the beach is pleasantly cool. The weather is clear, although fog will rise when it's closer to dawn. It's a lovely night. A bonfire burns further along the beach from the road, lit by a group of partying high schoolers/college students. They're busy drinking and whooping it up. Away from that, a thin, lone figure sits atop one of the picnic benches, smoking. Anybody who knows him can feel it's Itzhak. The glimmer in him is so strong now, it's like sunlight glinting off broken glass.

When August can't sleep, he takes walks. He knows more that it's not the smartest thing to do, but old habits die hard. And when you live in an area with perfect nights and a beach ripe for it, well, it's hard to say no.

He's in black and purple sweats and a hoodie, with his urban hikers. Nothing fancy. As Itzhak is easy to see from a distance, so August is easy to see in approach. "I like how we both no it's a bad idea to be out here at night," once he's closer, "and yet, here we are."

The cherry of the cigarette glows as Itzhak inhales. "What's so bad about it?" he says, glancing over, eyebrows curved up. He blows out smoke. "If you mean Manbearpig, it could show up anywhere. Just 'cause we saw it here doesn't mean here's the only place it can reach."

His phone is on the table, playing 'Dancing in the Moonlight'. Romantic, for a guy sitting around by himself.

August's attention turns briefly to the partying kids in the distance. He grunts. "Fair enough. If it can walk in and out of the," he gestures, no doubt meaning the Veil, "it could be half way to Canada by now, I guess." He's still struggling to take it all in, wrap his head around it. It was one thing to be weird in isolation; it was another to know there was more on the other side of the mirror.

He moves to the table, leans against it. "Out here avoiding sleep, or thinking," he looks out at the water, "both?"

Itzhak tips his head and one shoulder, in a classic New Yorker 'ehh'. "Can't sleep, more like. Hell of a thing, yannow? Everything that happened to me. Felt like not sleeping deserved better than playing Overwatch until the sun rises." He picks up his phone, switching to another playlist, this one all classical violin music. The first one is 'Vocalise, Op. 34'. Itzhak slides off the picnic table, phone in hand. "C'mon."

August laughs, low and soft, nods. "Yeah at some point I figured, if I was going to be awake, might as well get more out of it than a few extra books read." He falls in step next to Itzhak, looks at him sidelong. "I know Finch and Ignacio don't have a way to sense how you're feeling like I do, so maybe that's why they were so freaked out at first. But what happened changed you." He doesn't mean just emotionally, either. "You think that was a you thing, or a..." He makes a face. "A Veil thing." There. He said it. 'Veil'. This is his life now: manbearpigs, unicorns, 'the Veil', walks on the beach at one in the morning discussing them in total seriousness.

"Across the border." Itzhak pronounces it 'da bowhduh.' "That's what she called it." 'She', meaning his unicorn. The one he slightly can't stop talking about. Like a man in love. He looks sidelong right back at August. "Maybe a both thing. A me thing, a There thing." A her thing, but he doesn't say that. "Is it too weird to say, I feel like I...dunno how to put it...like I passed some test? Prison didn't make me feel like this. Just made me feel beat to shit, all messed up. I don't feel messed up from this. I feel...more like me."

August is some time in thinking about how to answer that. "Yeah, I think that makes sense. Bosnia, that definitely didn't make me feel changed in any kind of good way. More like," he grimaces, "going though the ringer. But this sounds more like...something you got through that wasn't just out to break you." Unlike, say, wars and prisons. "It could have, maybe, but you weren't railroaded into something you had no way out of, like before." Another sideways look. "More like a refining fire than a smeltery."

<FS3> August rolls Alertness-2: Great Success (8 7 7 6 6 )

Itzhak lifts his face to the night sky, smiling. The gibbous moon silvers that profile of his. "Yeah. Something like that. Like this was my real bar mitzvah. Today, I am a man." He laughs quietly.

Coming up behind them, as they're walking along the beach in the opposite direction of the bonfire, a few young people have mitosised off from the main group. They're meandering with drunken purpose towards the two men. Itzhak doesn't seem to notice, but August does.

<FS3> August rolls Mental-2: Success (8 5 2 2 1 1)

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Alertness -2: Success (7 7 5 5)

"Not a half bad way to think of it," August muses. "You were given a chance to prove something to yourself, and you did."

August has never actually tried to talk to anyone with the same ability he uses to suss out their emotions, but when he realizes they're being not only followed, but well and properly stalked, he does it on instinct alone. <<Behind us.>> It's almost more of a nudge for Itzhak to notice and look, so unpracticed is August at this sort of thing. On the other hand, what are the chances Itzhak's never been jumped? Zero.

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Athletics-2 (8 6 1 1) vs Douchebag's Bottle Throwing (a NPC)'s 6 (4 4 3 2 2 2 1 1)
<FS3> Victory for Itzhak.

"Devil's Trill" is up next, and Itzhak is a little lost in both that and his own thoughts of what happened on the other side of the border between the worlds. The violin music wends along, accompanied by the gentle low-tide surf. He blinks, though, when August nudges him. <<Oh,>> he sends back, his mental 'voice' as clean and bright as a violin itself. He twists to glance over his shoulder, expression souring. <<Fuggin' kids.>>

The kids could be juniors or seniors in high school. They could be in the first year or so of college. Almost impossible to tell. There's three guys and a girl. One of the guys whoops something at August and Itzhak that's unintelligible from the distance, drowned in the surf.

"Ya mama," Itzhak says, snorting, and turns to face forward again. Then a bottle comes twirling for them, thrown by the same guy. Itzhak catches sight of it in the corner of his eye and jumps aside as the glass blows apart on the rocky ground.

August blinks at Itzhak's response. So, this is new.

But they have to deal with something else first.

August's mental agreement couldn't be more apparent. He turns for a step or two, gives the kids an exasperated look they probably can't see, huffs a laugh at Itzhak's response. Then they're dodging bottles.

Two reactions: the first one, which says, 'That can't go unanswered'; the second one, which says, 'This isn't Bosnia or the railyard, don't act like it is'. One of his hands forms a fist. No injury on Itzhak, though. "Well if you're on the football team we're fucked this year," he calls over his shoulder.

<FS3> August rolls Athletics-2 (8 7 6 2) vs Another Bottle Throwing Douchebag (a NPC)'s 6 (8 7 7 7 6 4 2 1)
<FS3> Victory for Another Bottle Throwing Douchebag.

<FS3> August rolls Composure-2: Success (8 7 3 3 2)

A surge of fury bursts across the mental connection from Itzhak, as he whips around to glare at the kids. His anger tastes like rust. There's a sense of calculation from him, staccato bursts, and he's almost certainly gauging how long it'd take him to make the idiots regret provoking him. The reaction feels well worn; this is his go-to when faced with a situation like this. He doesn't keep walking, he doesn't try to charm or schmooze. He starts considering how to hurt someone.

The guys hoot and holler and applaud. The girl laughs, high pitched and squealy. Dude number two catches what August says, gets pissed off, and lobs his bottle. This one comes in too hot for August to dodge. Bad luck loosens a rock underfoot.

<FS3> August rolls Spirit-2: Success (8 4 4 3 3 1 1 1)

August reaches out to Itzhak on the link the same way he'd do it physically; a gentle restraint, encouraging him not to. They could dismantle these kids, but they shouldn't.

The second bottle comes flying, and his foot gives at the wrong moment. *SMASH* right against his head. Lucky for him, he's like Itzhak; his glimmer keeps the damage from being significant. Mostly the hit just causes him to fall to his knees. His anger is another matter.

Almost without thinking about it, he reaches out, finds the one still holding a bottle. There. Through the extra weight in one arm which says it has the bottle, to the wrist, to the hand--

He hesitates. The finger bones, they're no stronger than a carrot. He could break them easily. More easily than the bottle, really, which is heat resistant glass.


He swallows, feels past the fingers to the bottle. Shape, structure, glass fused neat and tight. He takes hold of that nice, perfect arrangement, and crushes it.

Almost it seems like it'll work. Itzhak doesn't take his eyes off the guys, but something in him responds, grudgingly.

And then that bottle smashes August in the head. "Roen!" Itzhak grabs him, trying to steady him as he goes to his knees. He steps in between August and the group of guys, his face tensing into a snarl. The mental link whites out with rage.

The first dude is hollering, more audibly now as they get closer. "The fuck...gonna...faggot!" He's opening his arms in invitation. He is not real bright.

Two bottles remain, one with the girl, one with dipshit number three. That bottle judders in his grasp, then--KSSH! it pops into shards. The guy yells in surprise, stumbling.

"It's fine," August says, wincing as tinnitus sets into his left ear. And it is, mostly. He'd need stitches except he'll probably just bandage it and ply Finch in the morning. People not either of them would be worse off.

<<Another bottle. The girl.>> It's harder for him to think it, with his head throbbing and ringing, but he tries anyways. He's not sure he'll be able to knock it out of her hand

<FS3> Itzhak rolls 4 (6 5 4 2 2 1) vs Douchebag (a NPC)'s 4 (7 7 6 5 2 1)
<FS3> Victory for Douchebag.

<FS3> August rolls Alertness+Glimmer-2 (8 8 5 4 3 3) vs Some Guy (a NPC)'s 5 (7 6 5 5 4 4 3)

<FS3> August rolls Alertness+Glimmer-2 (8 8 7 7 2 1) vs Some Guy (a NPC)'s 5 (8 6 5 5 3 3 3)
<FS3> Victory for August.

In a fast, fluid motion that proves he probably is on the football team, or at least some kind of team, the first guy snatches the bottle from the girl. She makes a dully surprised little squeak, wavering, as the dude throws. The bottle whirls end over end, straight for Itzhak.

It shatters six inches from his nose, as he stands with his weight poised forward, his fists clenched ('STAY DOWN' in faded blue ink) and his teeth bared. Glass shards and beer rain past him. Meanwhile, Bach's 'Concerto for Two Violins' plays from his pocket.

The girl. She glimmers. She's stoking the front guy's desire to fuck with Itzhak, despite what an obviously bad idea it is. Right now, she's pouting because he took her beer away, folding her arms across her chest. Her nasty little trick is working all too well.

"Guuuyyyyys," she whines, twisting back and forth in a petulant protest. "Stop it okayyyy?" She looks at Itzhak and smiles shyly at him.

"Get the fuck outta here," Itzhak growls, ignoring her completely.

<FS3> August rolls Spirit-2 (8 8 8 6 6 5 5 3) vs Some Gal (a NPC)'s 4 (8 4 4 1 1 1)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for August.

August wipes the blood from his eyes, slowly climbs to his feet. <<It's her.>> He's having a little too much trouble thinking to get explicit. He's never tried to interrupt someone else before, but it's probably not unlike interrupting anything else. Or, so he hopes.

Simplest methods are the best way to go. It takes him a few attempts to find her along the life forces on the beach, then get a grip on what he's wanting to do. He loses the thread the first time and has to try again.

There. Her sense of balance, the fluid in her inner ear and the hairs that control it. He gives that a nice, solid, whack.

The other two dudes were following the first guy's lead, but neither of them seem to have the stomach for how far their game has gone. Now they have a bleeding old guy and a furious younger guy who, up close, turns out to look like someone they absolutely should not have troubled. He seemed so thin and harmless from far away, in the dark.

"Hey, c'mon, forget it," one of them says, and tries to pull the first guy away, but he's riding high on emotions that he didn't start out with.

He shrugs him off and gets right up in Itzhak's face. "Or what? Huh? Or fucking wh--"

Itzhak pops him in the nose. Simultaneously, the girl shrieks and falls over. The guy stumbles backwards, utterly shocked at the pain. The girl paws at the rocks with all four limbs, swimming around on her side. She's screaming and crying and throwing up.

"Oh fuck, what's wrong with her!" cries the third dude, terrified. Everything's gone badly, creepily wrong.

Even Itzhak is startled, his flinch more felt along the kythe than seen. He glances swiftly at August, then glares at the guys. "She's having a seizure, ya fuckin' morons! Call a goddamn ambulance!"

<FS3> August rolls Spirit-2 (8 6 6 6 5 4 4 3) vs Some Gal (a NPC)'s 2 (8 8 8 2)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for August.

<<She'll be fine,>> August assures Itzhak. He's a bit dizzy and disoriented, now that there's injuries (his own and someone else's), and oh boy is his head going to hurt until Finch can get a look at it.

He hadn't, of course, meant to set the young woman's equilibrium off quite that hard, but it makes for a nice distraction. The guys have been rocked off their power highs. And maybe he can make a point to her, now.

He reaches to the chaos he created and calms it, setting it back to rights. Otoconia re-oriented, ear fluid normalized. Mostly; she could stand to be dizzy and nauseated, considering. He has to fight his own nausea in the process--no mean feat--but manages amidst the guys all panicking.

<<They don't need to know that.>> Itzhak's mental voice is amped, ringing like a bell in August's head.

The guy he punched is watching the girl flail around in horror, his hand cupped over his gushing nose. One of the other guys takes off in a run towards the bonfire, there to surely panic and alarm everyone and bring them rushing over to do nobody any good whatsoever. The third guy, proving he has a candlewatt or two to rub together, fumbles out his phone and dials 911.

As August repairs some of the damage he did, the girl sags, finally stilling. She's a mess of tears and snot and vomit, gasping in great big breaths, clinging to the ground.

Even Itzhak's menace is muted by the immediate disaster, and he realizes it. He grabs August by the arm. "C'mon."

<FS3> August rolls Athletics-2: Success (6 5 4 2)

<<There. Fixed it some.>> Who knows if the girl noticed it was August that did that; it won't matter that there's no way to tell. Not to a bunch of drunk kids partying around a bonfire.

He grunts and, with Itzhak's help, gets moving without falling over. He wills his nausea to settle down, manages to get it under control. <<Might have to use a lighter hand next time.>> The thought's vague and indistinct. Trust August to feel bad about flicking someone in the ear for nailing him in the head with a beer bottle.

Itzhak, with his newly opened channels of power, feels like he could hold up August forever, or if not forever, a darn long time. It's not a muscular strength (though he's pretty good at that), it's the glimmer singing in his bones. The sensation of him as bioluminescent waves crashing on tall, jagged rocks is hard to shake.

<<Don't worry about it.>> Itzhak gets an arm around August's waist and guides him away from the mess. <<You did good. It didn't hurt her, just make her fuckin' miserable.>>

<<Thanks. Just, not used to using it for...that.>> Injuring people. Breaking things, or even plants, sure. People, no. August isn't sure how he feels about it, given his aversion to injuries in general. He gets lost in that thought process, finds himself examining Itzhak's glimmer again. <<Boy you really did get reoriented in there, didn't you.>> He realizes the second he's thought that he's doing something he normally doesn't do, which is sense someone's glimmer without asking about it. He stops, focuses on walking instead.

<<This is kind of nice though. The not needing to actually talk.>> Not the least because it means they can move more quietly. <<My car or yours.>>

<<It is nice. Lets me kinda feel you, too.>> Itzhak kythes that thoughtlessly, not realizing all the potential meaning there. He laughs wryly, out loud but soft, as they make their way off the beach. Behind them there's rapidly growing chaos as the twenty or so other young people flood over to make everything worse. Meanwhile, two survivors slip away into the night. Well, limp away. Who's counting? <<Yours has more room.>>

August isn't exactly oblivious to the obvious reads there, but he's hurting a bit too much to be concerned by them. Anyways, no need to ruin potential benefits by cracking jokes about them.

<<Okay but you're driving. I'd better not hear you grinding my damned clutch.>> Without thinking about it he steers Itzhak that way using the link, gentle nudges and the occasional hazy image of the black Outback GT sitting under a parking lot light, alone in one corner. Is he a little more careful this late at night since their run in with manbearpig? ...maybe. (Yes.)

<<Roen, the day I grind a clutch is the day they put me in the ground.>> Itzhak's kythe flares on 'Roen', really less a name and more the feeling he assigns to August. Something spicy like pine sap, low and mournful like a cello, the flickers of fireflies. A feeling like thickly-glazed pottery, smooth and cool as ice cream under fingertips.

He gets them both to the Outback as an ambulance races wailing into the parking lot. Itzhak flinches, hand going to his ear. The kythe twinges with aural overload.

August is puzzling over the way his name comes across when the ambulance shows up. Between its siren and Itzhak's reaction, his left ear registers its own complaint and sets to ringing loudly. He takes a deep, shuddering breath, sets a hand on Itzhak's arm.

<<It's fine. It's fine. Don't listen to it. Listen to something else. Hear that? The ocean.>> The ocean they'd been listening to right before getting jumped.

No, another ocean. Cape Perpetua, high, craggy rocks and forest headland sticking out into the Pacific. Hemlock, fir, and spruce a dark, heady green carpet. You could put a hand on one of those trees and look back ages, he suspects, if you were strong enough. The Silent Sentinel is there, ageless giant, maybe 500 years old at the high end. The water roaring in and out of Thor's Well, draining into who knew where--the Veil, maybe. What a thought...what did Thor's Well look like where Itzhak had been?

<<Just listen to the ocean,>> he repeats. He hadn't been down there in a while. He needed to go again. But first, they needed to get in his car, and leave.

Itzhak grits his teeth. The kythe mostly statics out, except for a little aperture through which August can keep feeding those memories. He gets them both in the car as fire engines and police cars show up. Itzhak ferociously ignores them, all the shrieking sirens and flashing lights, so he can start the Subaru and get them out of there.

He does not send the car into a burnout, only from an effort of will.

August just keeps up along those lines until they're well out of the parking lot. He was six when Mt. St. Helens erupted. He remembers the ash, falling for days and days, the sky looking like the end of the world had come. Sometimes he thinks he felt it. He couldn't have, of course. How could that be. But he'll wake up from a dream with his heart hammering and the sight of the mountain collapsing and then exploding into rock and mud and steam and ash burned into the back of his mind. He wasn't there, and his powers aren't so strong as to feel a volcano erupt from fifty miles away. Are they?

Three decades later he was assigned to it as a ranger. It was surreal, the remaining devastation alongside new life punching through the remains of what had been. The new dome forming in the grave of the old volcano. She wasn't asleep, she was just taking her rest. She'd be back for more, in her own time.

It becomes like a litany, these memories, until they're out on the empty roads. No one's going to pay attention to a ten year old Outback with a bog standard Washington license plate, even a fancier one like August's. <<How you doing,>> he sends after his ear's done with its business.

Itzhak doesn't go too far. With August's soothing kythe in his head, he follows his nose, turning off on a little-used side road that dips into the trees. He pulls over and parks. The advantages of being in a town this small is that there aren't houses everywhere. They may as well be alone in the forest.

He kills the engine. Without that sound, the silence of the forested night closes in. Silent at first--then after a moment, peepers and crickets and the entire night chorus start back up.

"Sorry," he rasps, shoving the heels of his hands against his eyes.

August reaches into the glove box, pulls out a handful of Kleenex to hold against the nice, long split in his head. "It's fine," he says, breathless against the pain in his head. Can't let himself doze off now, not like this. God what a night it's going to keep being. What a week. He sighs.

"Thanks. For getting us out of there." He sighs, leans back in the seat. "We can go back and get your car in a bit. Just need to let the craziness settle down." He winces, checks the Kleenex. "Feel like driving us to the shop? At least there's drinks and somewhere quiet to sit."

<FS3> Itzhak rolls Spirit-2: Failure (5 4 3)

Itzhak answers in a long low growl, both through his throat and through the kythe. He sucks in a breath and holds it. "...Hope nobody puts a rock through my windshield," he says after a moment, his voice hoarse.

He drops his hands, looks at August. Reaches out, slow, to touch his head. "Maybe I can..."

Nothing happens.

"Maybe I can't."

"I can take care of it if they do," August says. Well, as long as they don't remove the whole windshield, but he doesn't say that. No need to will more bad shit into happening. The world has it on lockdown right now.

He pauses, waiting, nods when nothing happens. "It's okay. I don't think you're that strong with it yet." He considers Itzhak a second. "We could try something, though. There's a way people like Finch and I can make someone stronger. Might try that. If you want." He sighs, thinking over how things have been going. Maybe it's not a good idea, of course. He briefly wonders if they reverse is possible.

"You kiddin'?" There go the eyebrows hoisting upwards. "You can make me stronger?" He considers. "Part of me wants to say maybe we shouldn't fuck with it. The rest of me says, put the pedal to the metal and see where she bottoms out." A flicker of a grin crosses Itzhak's narrow face. "C'mon, do me, chief."

<FS3> August rolls Spirit-2: Success (7 7 5 5 3 2 2 1)

"I think we're going to have to, me and Finch, if we want to get that Murray House cleaned up. We need to get Minerva and Mickey strong enough to do that thing they wanted to try. This is probably the best way. And in order for Finch and I to do it reliably, we need to try on other people first." Like Ignacio and Itzhak. People they know well enough to gauge if it's worked.

August laughs at Itzhak's decision, winces as it makes his head throb. "Okay. Here goes nothing." He rests a hand on Itzhak's arm, stares at a spot on the dashboard. That same sensation from earlier in the day steals over Itzhak, like the places where his power dwells are being checked. If August is being honest with himself, it probably does feel like being felt up, but there is no way he's asking Finch to try on him so he can find out. (Once she and Ignacio are done being mad about him knowing they slept together he can tell her to try with Ignacio.)

This time, though, when August comes to one of Itzhak's lesser powers, he gives it a nice solid push. To Itzhak, it's a little like taking a drink from a particularly strong cup of coffee. Among other things.

This ability of Itzhak's is like a sapling just setting root on the shore of his main power. Like a year-old volunteer maple, maybe. He probably thinks of it in some car analogy, but that's what it feels like to August.

His arm is all tendon and hard, lean muscle and the sparkplug tattoo on his upper arm, with the two wrenches crossed below it like a mechanic's Jolly Roger. Itzhak twitches a little, then breathes out slow. There's a real sensation that he's letting August in--which has unavoidable parallels with certain other lettings-in. Even the way he's breathing is like he's focusing on relaxing for a very specific penetration.

The nodes of his power light up one by one as August investigates them. Growing tension makes Itzhak shift around in the driver's seat. He drapes his other hand over August's where it rests on his arm. ('DOWN' on that one.) He lets his head loll against the headrest.

Then, August pushes. Itzhak gasps. Within, that sapling grows 5 or so years. Without, Itzhak looks at August, dazed, licking his bottom lip. His fingers tighten on August's, and...the tinnitus recedes. The nausea settles, the vertigo lightens. The cut in his scalp scabs over.

"That's, uh." Itzhak swallows, dry. "A helluva thing."

August isn't particularly surprised at what the entire process feels like. Well, he'd been expecting this. It was why he wanted to try things out with the three of them first, to see if they could sort a way for it to be a little less intimate. But at least it's Itzhak he's confirming this with, and not Finch (talk about awkward on so many levels) or Ignacio (awkward doesn't begin to cover it).

He's distracted from the everything as the pain recedes, and sighs heavily with relief. The injuries heal up enough that he won't need to spend the entire damned night awake and bleeding. It'll be less work for Finch to finish up in the morning. "Thanks," he says. It takes him a second to realize Itzhak's holding his hand.

This is awkward in a very different way, considering he has another date with Eleanor. Still, he gives Itzhak's hand a squeeze. "You okay?" he asks, unable to keep the amusement out of his voice.

Itzhak blushes. He grunts, and looks away, ears bright red. "Yeah. Except now you know how hard up I am." He snorts in reluctant laughter and unwinds his hand from August's. "Sorry, buddy. Wouldn't want that to get awkward or anything. Okay, to the shop."

Before he turns the engine over, though, he slides August a sidelong admiring look. "You must have to fend 'em off with a stick."

August snorts, laughs. "Look, don't think you're the only guy feeling that way." On the other hand, his isolation's self-inflicted. Or, had been, except then someone asked him out and he said yes. "But also I'm kind of in the middle of something, so." He shrugs. It's almost an apology.

He smiles in response to that look, more than a little smug. "I have no idea what you mean, I'm just an old, glorified landscaper who lives in the woods," he says, faux innocent in the extreme.

Tags: august itzhak social

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