2019-08-10 - Lamps, Jewellery, And Terrible Pickup Lines

The Jones twins browse for things to decorate their home. Kelsey buys a snowglobe, and Corey flirts with zero shame.

IC Date: 2019-08-10

OOC Date: 2019-06-01

Location: Harbor Mist Pawn

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 1090


It is a little after 3 on a horribly sweaty Saturday. And yet, instead of doing the sensible thing and staying indoors and/or at least somewhere with air conditioning, Corey has dragged his twin out into the day, down to Harbor Mist Pawn. As they're entering, he's saying, "Swear to god, Phil. This lamp totally trumps the white messiah one." Into the shop, down an aisle, and he points, very proudly, at what he saw on his last visit. Yes, that's taxidermy.

[ The Lamp! https://tinyurl.com/y69rrz2g ]

"I love him!" Sparrow--or Phil, depeding on your point of view--declares as she rushes toward the indicated duck-slash-lamp with wide-eyed excitement. To beat the heat, she's got on cut-off shorts that almost disappear beneath her white tee shirt with its blue ringer color, the words I HAVE SEEN THE FUTURE in blue block letters across the front. She tentatively reaches a hand toward its feathered back, not quite touching. "Rave Jesus needs a familiar. We can dye his feathers. Or not. Maybe just paint his feet." Looking back to her brother, she tells him very seriously, "We're adopting him."

Kelsey liked dropping in to the pawn shop now and then to see if anything new and creepy exciting had popped up. Her long blonde hair is left down, falling to her mid-back. She's in a pair of ripped, dark blue jeans and an Aerosmith shirt that hangs off one shoulder, exposing a bright blue bra strap underneath. She's carefully walking the aisles of the store, meticulously looking at everything. Her notebook is with her, as per usual, pen tucked atop her ear just in case she finds something worth taking notes about.

Hearing the new voices, she peered towards the opening door. Gaze lingering on the new faces for a beat before returning to the old timey radio she was inspecting.

There's practically some chest-puffing going on over there, Corey is so proud of his find. "Totally," he confirms to Sparrow. "Maybe change out the lamp cover for something blingy. Or paint it up or something." He reaches up, carefully lifting the lamp down, cradling it against his torso like it's his new baby or something. Making sure to support the base, obviously. "Gotta check it works, but I figure they'll have a bulb at the counter for that sorta thing."

Throughout the shop, there's some heavy bass hitting dance club mix music coming from the back office doors. There's two doors separating whoever is in there, though, given layout, and it mutes some of that with shop size. But Lilith Winslow can see from surveillance that there's customers in the shop from the office computer, so eventually, she opens the actual office door and then the door out onto the shop floor from the gap of loft stairs to pop out, mercifully turning the music down a good few degrees beforehand.

Today it's frickin' hot and humid and she starts to step out, then detours again to thump up the adjacent loft apartment staircase. Eventually she comes back down dragging a stand fan because sure, there's AC but it's the weekend and there's people wandering in and out of the front doors with a little more shopping and pawn traffic than usual. She's wearing a pair of little cutoffs and flowered Roxy sneakers with a semi-cropped black little Joan Jett and the Runaways t-shirt and appears to have been cleaning or something, she's flushed with exertion of some level.

After setting up the fan, she sidesteps to just let it blow on her and gathers her hair up to look at the shoppers with a little tick of amiable upnod, "Hey. Need help with anything lemme know, yeah?"

"At some point, we're gonna need tables to put all our lamps on," Sparrow points out airily, her tone leaving it very vague and someday. "And maybe some places to sit..." But that's a tomorrow problem. Today, there is headless ducklamp. She gives an excited look-what-we-found brow-waggle to Kelsey when she looks over, but is quick to follow Corey once he's got their prize carefully cradled and starts toward the counter. With a wide smile for Lilith, she says, "We'd like to test Howard here out, make sure that the wiring's still alright?" She can't manage to stand still, her hips and shoulders absently shifting to the bass. She probably doesn't even notice she's doing it.

"You should paint it back and orange and call it Daffy." Kelsey comments to the siblings about the lamp as she sets the radio down and gets her notebook situated to make a note or two on it. Looking up when Lillith appears, a hint of a smile is offered. "Afternoon Lillith." She's been in here a few times.Enough to know Lillith's name at least. Then she's picking up a snowglobe that has a little fairytale castle inside it. Cute. A thoughtful noise made and she hangs on to it for now. Like she may just end up getting it. "Howard works too though." When she hear's Sparrow.

"Howard, hah. I see what you did there. I forget what my friend named the demonic black rooster taxidermy I ran by her shop, but man. Nothing gets names like taxidermy, I have yet to hear someone naming their dead-stuffed-thing something lame." Lilith says with a little twitch of her lips with vague slant into humored smile at Sparrow's request, apparently not quite catching it was actually Corey that dubbed the original name that's now getting approval from her and Kelsey too. The latter gets a bit more smile with the greeting and a 'hey' as she steps away from the fan and drops her hair back free to tousle and tumble in the breeze blown off of the fan.

Then she holds up a finger to the twins and steps over behind and around the glass counter to lean and dig in a box of multiple test bulbs for different kinds of lamps she probably has just for moments like this to prove something is in working order. After leaning, she makes a little fingercurl gesture there at the edge of the counter for them to set it down over on a far edge near where she has a power strip for plug-in ready.

"I actually got that as a throw in bonus to some other taxidermy thing I traded out on a pawn-broker site. I kneeeew someone would buy it, eventually, because really. What the hell. And everything in my shop should be in working order, but... occasionally people touch or drop things or other things happen even if I tested them before I put them out. Let's see ducky shine."

<FS3> Corey rolls Corey=Physical: Good Success (8 6 6 3 1)

<FS3> Corey rolls Physical: Good Success (7 6 6 3 3 2 2)

<FS3> Lilith rolls Alertness+Glimmer (7 6 6 5 3 2 1 1) vs Corey's Stealth+Glimmer (8 7 4 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for lilith.

<FS3> Sparrow rolls Alertness+Glimmer (8 6 5 5) vs Corey's Stealth+Glimmer (8 7 4 2)

"It's a great taxidermy job," Corey chirps, very carefully setting the lamp down for Lilith to plug in and test, adding, "Half expect him to quack or peck for grain or something." Because clearly this lamp is a 'him'. And also, the neck tilts down a good half-inch or so, as if the duck were indeed going to forage on the countertop. Boytwin freezes in place, staring at it. Clearly he hadn't expected that to happen.

<FS3> Kelsey rolls Alertness+Glimmer (7 5 4 4 1 1) vs Corey's Stealth+Glimmer (4 4 2 1)
<FS3> Marginal Victory for kelsey.

Envy. Sparrow's eyes go wide with envy at the mention of demonic black rooster taxidermy. Gods only know what she'd do with a monster like that, but you can be certain she'll be thinking about it all afternoon now. As Lilith moves to go get a lightbulb and Corey marvels at the duck's mechanical neck functioning of its own accord, she turns to Kelsey to assure, "He will be a duck of many names. And possibly many colors. And many hats. He will live a full and rich life." As if it were a solemn vow, a promise to let the strange live a strange existence.

Oh, Lilith sees that response about black dead roosters so she flits her eyes at Sparrow after grabbing the cord and plugging things up to power source, taking a moment to check the length and connection at the base just in case like a meticulous little secondhand dealer, "I took the eyes out and put in red glass bead stones to make it extra exciting." Her little vague slant of smile she had stays while she screws in the proper bulb to suit the lamp fixture, but there's a beat where she kind of eyes Corey after the neck of the piece bends down some with his own mention and... maybe a little then some as a result.

Mostly, she seems to be taking in his expression after a bat of her lashes and senses spur the look, but it's a momentary thing. Once she has the bulb in and Howard the Ducklamp is all plugged in, she flips the switch and it shines with lamp glow, "Ta-da. Glory." After a little toss of her hair back, she explains with offering, "Really, I don't always have taxidermy neatness in that people bring for trade or anything, but.. I do a lot of online orders and trading between specialty shops through a broker site that's all dealers with shops countrywide. Sometimes we do bulk trades or fulfill shopper requests for each other, give alternate appraisals, all that stuff. So!"

She puts her hands down on her hips and hooks thumbs in the pockets of her little denim cutoffs while rocking back on her heels and amiably concluding, "Anything you can think of you actually want, I might be able to find at some point."

"Yeah, heh." Corey seems keen to act as if nothing happened. Maybe nothing did happen and his eyes were playing tricks on him. Yeah, that's totally it. "Oh, I don't think.. orders, nah. It's all about finding this random stuff, you know?" Because he sure as hell has no idea what he wants to put in the house, and Sparrow probably doesn't have much more of a thought either.

Sparrow barks a bright laugh for Lilith's addendum to the demon-rooster's makeover. She turns back to grin at Lilith, playfully stating, "I would love to learn more about your big black red-eyed monster cock, but my little brother here is still too innocent to be present for such discussions." Oblivious to what may or may not have happened, she claps happily at what does happen, when (what is ostensibly) Howard's face erupts in warm, incandescent light. "Terrifying!" Sounds like she means enchanting. With a flicker of a look toward Corey then back to Lilith, she says, "What I want is a bass player and a big squooshy couch on the cheap. And at least one of those big beanbag chairs that are big enough to sleep on. Maybe a good set of folding trays?" She squints, thinking about what else might be on her list. In the end, she just adds, "We've got a big house to fill."

Lilith nods her understanding at Corey and unplugs the lamp after switching it off, briefly putting a hand at the hinge after seeing it lower. Just in case. It's all fine, though, and suddenly she snort laughs at Sparrow's 'monster cock' commentary from the nose and throat alike, huffing out air of open amusement afterwards, "Yeeeeah, it's a job perk, finding and coming into things I don't expect and some of those things are pretty funny or interesting and unique. Sometimes they suck, too, but eh. Everything has... a certain value."

Some of Lilith's amusement that was sparking in the blue of her eyes just moments before kind of dampens for a distracted moment of reverie at mention of one thing or another on her own part, but she rebounds to knock a hand back through her hair. She leaves the bulb in the lamp instead of pulling it back out to put in the box of collective, apparently the purchase will be coming equipped fully to provide light. The woman probably has a ton of bulbs around, to be fair, somewhere, considering.

After listening to what else Sparrow has in mind for furnishing a house, she tilts her head with thought and teases, "So when you say bass player, do you mean the music-electronic kind, or the hot kind that mooches off of you for a while until you figure out bass players are only good for one or two things?" She's apparently spurred by the suggestions, though, and has something in mind, because she walks around the counter down one of the aisles that has a good few antique and novelty side tables, etc.

After surveying a moment, she tugs out a rack of TV trays that are from the eighties-- they're black solid wood with that kind of gold swirl pattern edging that was common back when, and they were probably an old lady set at one time to be decorative like that. But now given time's passage, it's almost a quirky semi-vintage with appearance, "Anyway, I don't have a bass player unless you want speakers, but look..."

Well, apparently Sparrow has more ideas than Corey does; this is not unusual. He seems more than happy to let his three-minutes-older big sister list off some things for the house, though Lilith's comment about bass players draws a grin from Corey. "Both actually," he comments, glancing to his twin, letting her fill out the detail on that one as he goes meandering on down one of the aisles, see if he can find something for his parts of the house. Because Howard certainly is not living in the kitchen. That's just unhygienic.

Kelsey had been milling around, seeing what other oddities she might be able to find and add to her collection of things that's not really a collection at all and just her being something of a 'Oh this is shiny' packrat. The snowglobe has been decided as a keeper. She spies Corey coming down the aisle she is currently in. "Where are you guys living?" A curious question, since they're clearly new in town. Or, well, at least new to her. She picks up a set of Russian Nesting dolls, peering at it. Then sets it down and opens up her notebook again. Scribbling in it. Probably haunted.

Sparrow catches that dimming in Lilith's gaze, but the only evidence of that observation is in the shallow arch of one dark eyebrow, curiosity shallowly snagged. She opens her mouth to answer the inquiry about bass players only to point to Corey when he gets there first. "As long as one of the maybe two things they're good for is actually playing bass..." She follows along as the shop owner winds down the aisles, eyes going wide when the trays are drawn out. She stoops down to get a better look at a few of them, to check the legs and hines, make sure everything looks functional. "We won't need equipment until we've actually got a band. Half-way there. Maybe three-quarters. If our singer resurfaces. But these are perfect, yeah." Worry for a house where Howard the Ducklamp and vintage black-and-gold fold out trays are the foundation of the decor.

There may well be some haunted items in this shop, not that Lilith can see Kelsey noting that or anything. It's just the kind of place that Gray Harbor is and items have signatures and spirit memories just like people, here and there, looked at just right. She kind of smiles at the other female taking the snowglobe as a noted 'keeper' though, for some reason. Apparently she was a little fond of that piece for her own reasons and looks a bit pleased about someone buying it to take home. In fact, she seems to be a lot like that with the trays and her things in general, like she's just fond of things. She's a 'thing' person, clearly, kind of like others are people-persons.

When Sparrow seems to appreciate the eighties-style wooden TV tray rack as much as Lilith does and calls it a keeper, she grins a little and shows out the pieces of each tray as functioning before starting to lug drag the rack over to the front of the counter for customer haul out when things are done. On the way, she directs Corey after a glance, "Next aisle. There's old huge speakers that boom and stuff, but honestly... a lot of those are uh. Modern refurbs that are much cheaper than stores. There's a neat turntable over there too if you guys are into that kind of stuff, and I think an amp or two."

Then as Kelsey wonders whereabouts they're living, she pipes in with curious question of her own, "Band, huh. What kind of music?"

"On it," Corey confirms to both Lilith and Sparrow as he's directed down the right aisle for noisy equipment. There is the sound of rummaging, a couple of thoughtful and/or curious sounds, but the boytwin doesn't emerge again just yet. Too busy exploring, checking out every potential treasure, every oddly refurbished speaker. He's quite happy where he is, though he knows far less than his sister about such things. Perfect.

Satisfied with her note-taking and not seeing anything else she particularly wants to add to her collection, she moves towards the counter. "I'd like this when you're free Lilith." She offers, not in any rush. Whenever the woman is done helping out Sparrow! While she waits, she flips through her notebook to peruse some of her more recent notes.

"Big old place out on Oak," Sparrow notes when Corey doesn't. "Bigger than we need. Probably almost certainly bigger than we can afford." But she's smiling, which almost certainly says a little something about why that place instead of somewhere that might've fit the more practical criteria a little bit better. She does not follow when directed toward sound equipment, instead keeping a mental note for later, demonstrating some small degree of pragmatism in that regards, at least. "Not really sure yet," she admits as she follows Lilith back. "Guitarist's more soulful, kinda bluesy I guess. Rock. But flexible. Last band was punk. Loud, bright, shouty. But that was a few years ago. Don't know what we've got to say now, ya know?" She offers a smile to Kelsey, keeping a bit of distance from the counter. They're likely to be here for a bit with Corey still rummaging about.

Lilith rounds the counter again after dropping off the trays and listening to Sparrow answer with a noise of interest in her throat, "I guess music occasionally needs to say a thing or two if you're writing it and want to feel what you're playing, yeah. I don't know anything about playing, though, I just like to dance." She takes to beckoning to see the sticker she put on the bottom of the snowglobe at Kelsey, reminding herself of the price at the register computer combo when the other female pipes up about buying.

Afterwards, she glances back at Corey browsing, then looks at Sparrow again while making the actual buy transaction for the other party, as if trying to note one thing or another, "Are you guys just really close in age or twins?" She pauses after posing that question, then looks at Kelsey with a squint before typing something into the computer and pulling out a basket of collected novelty jewelry from all eras that probably is low-value, but neat enough to want or wear, "Annnnd, you're Kelsey, right? I think I caught your name last time you were in, actually."

Once the basket is out, she explains to both females, "Bonus with purchase. Need to offload some junk, pick a piece, any piece."

"Phil!" Corey calls out from his aisle. "I'm in love!" It's got the mournful tone of a spurned lover, something he knows he'll never be able to afford, even if his heart practically beats for this one item. He doesn't try bringing it out, but snaps a picture on his phone, emerging and showing it to her, to Lilith, to whoever is interested. "I need this." There's a faint hint of 'pleaaaase mom' in there, though to Lilith's question he answers a moment later, spookily in time with Sparrow, "Twins."

[ The stereo! http://www.jamiesanford.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/il_570xN.168036068.jpg ]

Kelsey allows the looking at the Snowglobe, a faint smile offered towards Sparrow, but it's fleeting. "Oak is a good street. Intrigued by the old aspect of it?" She raises a brow and then puts her attention on Lillith again, pulling out some cash and handing it to the woman. "Yep. Kelsey's right. " Lilith gets a smile as well, then she's looking at the basket. Stepping aside so Sparrow can check out if she needs to. "Pretty." A rare grin fleets across her features as she pulls out a pair of dark blue earrings with aliens on them. "I might have to get my ears pierced now,." Lifting them up so the others could see if they wanted before carefully stowing them in her pocket.

[The earrings! https://www.twisted-pixies.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Sci-Fi-Gift.jpg ]

"Twins." Stereo confirmation. Sparrow crowds in next to Kelsey to peruse the offerings, gaze flitting from one brightly colored bauble to the next. "More into size than age," she admits casually to blonde, "though the place definitely has some history to it that renovations just couldn't cover up completely." When Corey holds out his phone so that she can look, well... she looks, but she clearly doesn't get what she sees. After a second of staring, she tells him, "You're a big boy with a big boy job," as if it's his decision to make. But she's quick to add, "And I got a call back from that other potential tenant. Hoping to have her by in the next few days. So." Money shouldn't be quite so tight if they can get that fourth room filled! As her attention returns to the jewelry, she says, "Ooh, those are cute!" For Kelsey's selection, but plucks up a red-painted metallic rose ring for herself.

"Twins, neat. Y'know. I can just... put that somewhere so no one gets it in the meantime." Lilith offers to Corey while leaning to look at what he's on about, stealing a glance over her shoulder at the location he just wander from with consideration. She lets the two females browse and pick with approving noises at the picks after settling up with Kelsey's cash, then pops a lean on the glass counter edge with her arms at rest.

Then she makes actual introduction to the pair in case they weren't aware, roundabout prompting their names in turn, "I'm Lilith, by the way."

"Corey," the male twin replies, then sighs at Sparrow's too-sensible reply. "But I'm still saving up to replace my crepe pan after it got dented in the move," he complains, tucking his phone back in his pocket, shaking his head at Lilith. "I can't commit. It'll take an age to save for, and if someone else wants it, they should have it." Resigned, but honest. Then, he's nosing at the jewellery. Hmm. Leafs through a few bits, then pulls out a brassy chain with a moustache pendant on it, holding it up. "Well, I can't grow a real one," he muses.

Kelsey checks out what the other two pick with a light smile. "Pretty neat finds I'd say." Picking her snowglobe back up and her change. "I'll see you guys around I'm sure. Enjoy your day." Then she's heading out with her new finds!

"Phil," since that's what Corey's been calling her all day, and clearly she responds to it. "Or Sparrow for short." She slips the ridiculous rose ring on and flexes her fingers... then forms a fist, a little curl of a grin forming. That same hand lifts to waggle a friendly wave at Kelsey as she heads off, but her attention's quickly back on Lilith. "Just the trays and the duck, then. And a promise to come back for some proper equipment if the band thing actually gets beyond fucking around in the basement."

"Deal." Lilith squints a little with cut of her lashes and consideration while looking at Corey for a beat, then affirms for the female twin after an amiable-casual wave at Kelsey when she takes her bounty out of the doors, "And you too, Kelsey."

She puts in the sales to the computer for notation of inventory in-and-out then makes the transaction with the money bit before popping back into lean against the counter and stashing the basket of novelty pieces for bonus offload once everyone's had a pick, "I get any neat taxidermy or weird things I think you might like, I can text one or both of you if you gimme your number to put in the computer on a customer file. No telling what I'll come across or see online. But if I see something that screams Those-Twins-That-Appreciate-Weird-Shit I can totally drop a line with a picture."

"What d'you think, Phil? Too douchebaggy for me?" Corey asks of his twin, putting the necklace on, the moustache pendant hanging just below his sternum. He strikes a pose, hands on hips, chest puffed out, then takes it off once his sibling has given her opinion. Lilith gets a sly wink at that consideration, and then he voices, "Oh. Maybe it'd look better on Howard."

The suggestion about taking a number gets a nod from him and he suggests, "If you give me yours, I can send you both of ours." That way she gets both, and he has hers. Victory!

"You gotta own your kitsch, C." Sparrow's snort-laugh might indicate that, no, no, that is not how you do it. "Bet Rave Jesus could rock it." She offers no interference with--or acknowledgement of--any winking or exchange of digits, even for this most practical of purposes, but she does inform Lilith, "We're accidentally collecting bizarre lamps. By the time Halloween rolls around, we'll have a full house of illuminating horrors." She starts to collect the trays, expecting her brother to take good care of the duck.

"... are you legal?" Lilith wonders of Corey after bobbing a solid noting nod at the bit about lamps from Sparrow, and she might not be entirely serious because her lips kind of twitch with the finangling as far as phone numbers go. All the same, she grabs a pen and some little length of receipt form before writing down a number to slide across the counter at the guy, carrying on conversationally, "And I get lamp fetishes entirely, though my tastes in that regard go to the antiques and Handels or glassworks. They fascinate me. People really used to put decorative stock and consideration to their lighting options when lighting was still a relative charm of newness with the oh-so-wonderful rise of electricity."

Once that's all done, she wanders back over to stand back in front of the stand fan to soak up the blow and bidden breeze some more with responsibilities to shop sated. She gathers up her hair with one hand and hangs out there, "Anyway, thanks for coming by. I always like the people that want to shop and browse and appreciate a gauntlet of things. The actual pawn and loan bit gets a little sad sometimes, so balance, huh."

"Yes!" Corey replies, sounding indignant. "I'm at college, babe. Second year." There is absolutely no way his twin is going to let that go unmarked, and so he glares sidelong at Sparrow before snagging that bit of receipt, taking down the number and then texting it with his number, then his twin's. "It's just my youthful demeanour!" AKA, the fact that he acts like a big kid much of the time. Outside of his domain of expertise, anyhow. "So, Lilith. Demoness, seductress, wielder of powerful mystic arts. Are you always Lilith, or sometimes Lily? Lils?" he experiments, watching the pawn store owner's expression to gauge how bad each nickname is.

<FS3> Sparrow rolls Athletics-2: Success (6 4)

Sparrow sputters a rough laugh before she can catch herself. Nevermind that she faces the same damned problem he does. The schadenfreude loses none of its hilarity for that fact. Quieting down, she turns her widest, most innocent of smiles toward Corey as she starts out, leaving him to his flirtations. For a little while, at least. He's still her ride. "I get it," she calls back to Lilith with a careful glance over her shoulder, narrowly missing knocking the trays into a shelf before her eyes are forward again. "But it's hard to make art out of art. Gotta destroy to create, and hard to do that with something that's so pretty to begin with." Then she's out the door and onward to the car to figure out how to carefully load these babies in.

Lilith glances down at the phone smashed in her cutoff pocket at one hip when it buzzes after Corey pops in the number and return texts with contact info, presumably, then downright grins at his defensive reply and explanation and Sparrow's burst of amusement over it. She lifts a hand to wave after the chick and makes a knowing noise at the commentary as the trays are hauled out, then shrugs a little nonchalant with answer at the guy.

"I've got... quite a few Lil-variation nicknames, so go ham, I guess. You're the first that's called me on being a demoness, though, to my face. College is making brave and adventurous pioneers these days." Lilith actually seems to appreciate that he's keen enough on the name origin to make the playful reference, though. Then she ventures, "What're you going to college to do? Anything fun and interesting or are you one of those... I'll figure it out later Undecided bros?"

"Think she's kinda in love with those trays," Corey muses, then flashes a grin at Lilith, folding his arms and propping one hip against the counter. "Hey, it's 2019. Demon-shaming is so last year. Let your freak flag fly," he teases. Her question makes that smile tick a shade brighter, and he explains, "Fun and delicious. Culinary science. You should let me cook you dinner one evening." Which is almost certainly a line he's used so often that it's got holes and patches in by now.

"Yeah, I'm kind of good at my job, sometimes. And I know what it feels like, to get something unique and cool for a new place, the secret warm fuzzies from setting it out the first time." Lilith tells Corey with a look at the door after Sparrow and a mild level of her chin with understanding commentary on it before her lips twitch with a tinge of smile about the guy being anti-demon-shaming.

His answer as to his major and the following suggestion kind of quirks her brows with mild interest and a little surprise alike, though. Lilith drops her hair loose again and reaches to turn the fan button to low oscillate now that she's done cooling down in the air flow. Then she kind of laughs with a tiny, dryly humored huff while noting, "Oh, you clever shit. You've got all the ins with the ladies going into that. How often does it work to-- y'know what..." She pauses and holds her hand up in brief, "Don't ruin the mystery with statistics, I'm just gonna pretend it's a magic trick. 'cause... alright. I'll bite. I honestly could stand to watch someone that knows what they're doing, at that."

Her hand gestures toward the ceiling in brief, "I use my kitchen, but I just... do things I know how to do well in limited rotation, I don't know enough to bravely branch into new things. So. Caveat is I get to watch you do it. Spectator pressure."

"Yeah, she's gonna be back. Me too, there's some really neat stuff in here," Corey nods. Not that Lilith doesn't already know that, but it's probably nice to hear anyway. His grin returns as she calls him out on his well-used pickup line, but then again, it didn't fail, so clearly it has some mileage left in. "Sure, yeah, I can do that. Starter, main, dessert, and I'll talk you through what I'm doing," he offers on a more serious note. "Everyone should know how to cook what they love." Clearly, it's a passion for him.

"I need to head out before she tries driving off with my car. You've got my number, text me when you're in the mood for home-cooked food," Corey suggests, lifting one hand to vaguely sorta wave/salute at Lilith. "See you soon, sexy demon lady." And then he too is heading for the door.


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