2019-08-25 - Fractured Island

Closing time at Espresso Yourself is a little different tonight

IC Date: 2019-08-25

OOC Date: 2019-06-11

Location: Downtown/Espresso Yourself

Related Scenes:   2019-08-27 - Nightmares and Bookscapes   2019-11-29 - Unreliable Narrations

Plot: None

Scene Number: 1286


Closing time was upon Espresso Yourself. The sky is dusky, and the last customer has just left a few minutes ago. All was quiet, aside the sound of typical closing duties being done.

Eleanor rings out the last of the registers and calls to her evening manager, "Hey Matias, why don't you head out? I can finish locking up. I have a couple things to do in the back office before I leave." She's in denim shorts and a cute pale green peasant blouse, with her hair back in a messy bun, and sandals on her feet.

"You got it boss," the handsome man, a local artist as well as barista, replies. He gets his things and heads out the front door, flipping the sign from open to closed for her.

Ellie heads into her little office in the back and puts the cash in the small safe. She'll drop it off at the bank tomorrow at lunch time. She settles into her desk chair and pulls up her accounting software to input the day's totals.

<FS3> Eleanor rolls Alertness: Success (8 7 5 5 5 4 2 1)

The office is quiet, just the sound of Eleanor clicking around and typing in the daily bookkeeping. Out of the corner of her eye, she notices something. It's wedged in the little shelving unit in the office. Between some binders. It almost has a ...shine to it. She can sense it has a glimmer - like she does. Like August does. It seems to be some sort of book, except, at least from here - the writing on the spine doesn't seem readable.

This gives Eleanor pause. She is one of the town weirdness researchers, and she is always wary of things that Glimmer. How did this get in here though? She is fairly sure none of her employees Glimmer. She made sure of that when she hired them. She doesn't even like to talk about incidents in her place of business, keeping this as a sort of safe space from all things weird or from Over There.

She gets up slowly, pushing her glasses up on her nose, having ditched her contacts a few hours back for comfort. She shuffles over to the shelf with small steps, almost circling to come at the object from the side, squinting to try and read the spine of the book.

Unfortunately, this is Gray Harbor. Eventually everything and everyone is going to end up touched in some way by the Weird. Even if it goes unnoticed. As Eleanor gets closer, she can tell the lines of lettering are shifting and moving until they settle into something she can understand. The book itself has a textured, maroon red binding.The lettering is in a gold script and the book title reads //Fractured Island''. There is no author name though.

"Fractured Island?" Eleanor asks no one but the empty office, or perhaps the book itself. She can't help it though, her curiosity has won out over her caution in this case. It's a book, it can't be that dangerous, right? She reaches on pale hand for it, to try and pull it from the shelf.

The book is easily pulled off the shelf! It seems safe enough. Looks like a normal book. The front cover has the shape of an island engraved on the front. What's the worst that could happen? A paper cut?

When nothing malicious happens and she doesn't get zapped, Eleanor relaxes a fraction, taking the book back over to her desk and setting it down. She pulls out her phone to take pictures of the cover and the spine, to document them, before she carefully opens to the front page.

Unlike a normal book also, there's no copyright page. No acknowledgement, preface, or forward. Instead it just opens up right to the story! ...Which is, of course, when the weird starts happening.

A storm was brewing on the horizon. Funny, how the storm only seemed to be hovering here, over Red Gull Island. I could see the the sun in the distance striking against the tumultuous ocean waves. I didn't want to be back here but, as Abigail loved to remind me, 90% of this job was doing things we didn't want to do. "Agent K. Doctor Louis is ready to see you and your partner." The voice of Marilyn Gray - Dr. L's right hand woman, comes from somewhere behind me and Abby. I turn to look over at my partner. 'Agent A'. Quirking a brow, she just nods silently and we both turn to head back inside...

As the beginning few sentences of the book are even skimmed, Eleanor can feel the book coming to life in a sense. No longer is she sitting at her desk in her office. Instead, she's standing on the roof of a large, rectangular building. A whole compound spread out before her. It could be a prison, but no. She knows it's a hospital. And she is standing next to the main character, this Agent K. He looks to her as the nurse talks. She must be standing in the role of Agent A. The words are in the back of her mind, like her subconscious is relaying them to her and she is aware that it's still just a book, that she can close this book at any time. Even as she feels herself turning to follow Agent K and the nurse.

Eleanor's eyes go wide in her mind, but in this altered reality, they simply fix on Marilyn Gray as she nods. She follows Agent K and the nurse, even as the alarms in the back of her subconscious go off warning her this is not normal at all. She looks down at herself, to see what she's wearing, if she's still a she, and reaches a hand to touch her own hair to check it out.

Eleanor does in fact, seem to look like herself, Everything seems totally normal aside that her attire is a black suit with a navy blue button down. The story continues, as if in the real world Eleanor's reading to herself. They wind down a long staircase, following the nurse. The building looks a little dated, but that could be because it's just on an island that seems to favor getting pummeled by storms!

Dr. L is waiting for us in the foyer. Doctor Devron Louis, Jack of all trades. The founder and lead physician here at Eversen Asylum. He's been on our payroll for longer than I've been alive. Not that you would know, since he doesn't look a day over 40.

"Agent K. Agent A. It's a pleasure to see you again. Though I do wish there had been some notice. We're battening down the hatches for this storm. What can I do for you both?"

Eleanor can also note that when she isn't actively a part of the story she does have a little more freedom of movement and action. Agent K speaks up again, "We know about Patient 4520's escape. And that you still haven't found them." Agent K is a man in his mid-late 30s with dark brown eyes and jet black hair that is in a military style cut. He's not got a bulky frame, but he does have an aura about him of someone you don't want to be on the wrong side of. "HQ wants to know why and we need to see their file." Dr. Louis doesn't seem to like that idea much!

This is somewhat terrifying for the paranoid conspiracy theorist, but also exhilarating. Like being in one of the stories she so enjoys reading. Thrillers, mysteries. She decides to play along. "The file, please, Doctor L. How long ago did four-five-two-oh escape?"

<FS3> Eleanor rolls Athletics: Good Success (8 7 6 6 4 3)

Dr. Louis scowls. "I can run my operation just fine without you people breathing down my neck. Walter is harmless. " But between 'Agent A's ' words and Agent K staring him down with those dark eyes, the doctor starts moving towards a room, taking a key out of his pocket. Agent K follows and Eleanor feels herself following as well.

The room is small, barren except for 6 filing cabinets, 5 drawers each, one drawer for each letter of the alphabet. Guess you can't keep the sort of research he does on the computer. Even completely locked down there's a chance of a leak, and no one wants a leak of this information. The good doctor pulls open drawer 'H' and skims through until a file is produced for one Walter Haven. Patient 4520.

The file is handed out for one of them to take. It looks like Agent K is starting to reach for it, but Eleanor could try and make a grab for it too. In either case, she would be able to see the inside of the file since Agent K would share it with her. A photo of a young guy, no more than 18 years old, is stapled to a background sheet. The information seems kind of supernatural. Like Walter possesses some kind of ability to harness and discharge massive amounts of energy based on his mood.

The ground trembles and even though they're on the second floor of the hospital, it's felt slightly. Eleanor makes to easily keep her footing, as does Agent K. Doctor Louis stumbles a touch but he's got the cabinets to lean on. Agent K looks over to the doctor sharply. "Are earthquakes common with these kinds of storms?" Doctor Louis LOOKS like he's going to try lying. But hey, Agent K is an intimidating dude! Instead he just quietly shakes his head. "Fuckin' A." Agent K scowls and looks over to Eleanor. "We're gonna have to go out in the storm and find this kid, aren't we?"

Eleanor let's K take the file and just reads over his shoulder. She skims it, noting the abilities and name of the patient. At K's question she nods. "Looks like we are. Do we have some form of non-lethal weaponry to take him down if he decides to get moody on us?" she asks.

<FS3> Eleanor rolls Alertness: Good Success (8 8 8 5 5 5 5 4)

<FS3> Eleanor rolls Grit: Success (7 7 4 3)

"Pretty sure he's already moody." K closes the file and practically tosses it at Doctor Louis. "The stunners should be enough. Let's get going before it gets too bad out there to even see." He turns on his heels and storms off. Clearly this island is not his favorite place. Eleanor can feel herself getting pulled a little deeper into the story. Acutely aware that it's starting to sound less like reading and more like she's actually this Agent A, doing this thing. Though there is a corner of her mind that is able to remind her this is a book. And it can still be closed at any time.

Eleanor checks herself for said stunner, in the hopes somehow she knows how to use it. She pauses a second though, because she feels that deepening of this story, and her sinking into it further. She keeps a mental eye on the book itself, preparing to close it if it starts seeming too far away. Then she follows K once more. "How do you want to handle this?" she asks him.

She does have said stunner! And also feels like she might sort of know how to use it at least? We'll see what happens! K sighs, "This is a big island, which is good and bad. Bad, because this kid could be anywhere. Good because he can't have gotten too far away from here yet. HQ said the escape happened sometime late last night." He explains, leading Eleanor towards the stairs to go down to the main floor and leave the building as he doesn't trust the elevators right now. "We're gonna have to go into the woods and who knows what shit's hiding in this forest. So be on your guard." He warns.

The rain is coming down in fast sheets, though not particularly hard. For now, it will just be a nuisance. K leads her out a door that leads to some kind of out door recreation area. "I think he had help from some of the other patients. Because the report says he broke through the fence." But the fencing is all electrified and nothing looks broken. He's leading her towards an 'Authorized Personnel Only' door that appears to lead to another building that goes outside the fence. A card is swiped and in they go. "Let's take these off-roaders. We'll cover more ground. Just try not to kill yourself, yeah? "He's probably joking.

He grabs two sets of keys, tossing her one and motioning to the ATV it goes to. Then is opening the garage door on the building and climbing on to his own ATV.

"The...the woods?" Eleanor asks, coming to a full stop at the ATVs "I...I can't. I can't go into the woods." She can't, her whole body locking up in fear. Forests are the thing she fears more than anything else. It's where she was dragged as a kid, into the woods of a Jotunn, a creature who left the terrible scar on her back, who poisoned her best friend who died within a year of them escaping.

<FS3> Eleanor rolls Grit: Success (7 4 3 1)

Agent K doesn't seem to register these words. He starts his ATV up and heads out and Eleanor can feel herself reaching for the ATV, getting on it. Because at the end of the day, this is a book...and that is what she seems to remember somewhere in her subconscious. Her brain is locked in this flight or fight sort of instinct mode. Then suddenly, jarringly, she is back in reality. A pale hand pressed firmly on the closed book. Like she had just slammed it closed in a jerk reflex.

The forest was gone. Agent K was gone. The Island, gone. Now it was just the quiet, safe office of Espresso Yourself.

Eleanor gasps, panting, feeling the cold sweat on her brow from the very idea of wandering into a forest that is likely part of the Dream. Modr could be there, waiting, luring her in. She swallows and carefully puts the book into her bag. She needs to take it home and talk to August about it.

And there the book will remain! With all it's story and mystery, until the next time someone decides to open it up!


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