2019-08-31 - Road Trip or VEGAS BABY! VEGAS!

Geoff got dumped and has decided to take Easton on a "fishing trip" which is in fact a road trip which turns into a Montage! in Vegas!

Vegas baby! Vegas!

IC Date: 2019-08-31

OOC Date: 2019-06-15

Location: Road Trip

Related Scenes:   2019-12-03 - Vegas II: The Vegasing

Plot: None

Scene Number: 1372


It's a glorious if early day at the ungodly hour of five am, the sky is clear and cool. Geoff had texted Easton only two rules in preparation for their 'fishing trip' he must have a Hawaiian shirt and bring a all the uppers, downers and siders he could think of, with Geoff claiming to be ready to take care of all the gear.

Geoff's arrival out front is heralded by the faint strains of blaring classic rock, not unlike Wagner being heard on the wind in a Vietnamese fishing hamlet. All too soon a classic red convertible can be seen to come screeching into the parking lot, coming to rest right in front of the entrance to the complex with Shoot to Thrill blasting from the speakers. There sits Geoff in the driver's seat wearing a red hawaiian shirt and chomping a cigar between his teeth.

A vivid yellow Hawaiin shirt is buttoned loosely over a pair of camouflage shorts. A pair of slide sandals on. A cigar end drops into the trash and the other end is placed into a waiting mouth. Bennie's sleeping face gets a kiss as Easton scoops up his likewise camouflage backpack. An early start is hardly a problem for Easton and after striking out repeatedly he finally has found a source for his pharmacological needs, so that too is taken care of. When Geoff pulls up Easton is already outside, enjoying his cigar in the early morning air.

The bag is tossed unceremoniously in the back and Easton looks it over with an approving air. "Nice Magnum." It's too much to hope that Geoff is currently rocking a Tom Sellack 'stache, but it would go so well with the car and the shirt. He doesn't hop in the car, that would just be asking for a bad start with his leg. When he does settle in though he asks, "Who's ready to murder some aquatic wildlife?" The tunes are already too loud for the early morning, but that doesn't stop Easton from turning them up.

Geoff holds out his fist for a brofist and revs the car, because of course he does "Man those fish aren't going to stand a chance. We're going to murder /all/ of them." then casually as if it absolutely has no baring on the current situation he adds "I've never been fishing before." A broad grin pulling at the man's lips as he says this.

Once Easton is buckled up and ready to go he peels out of the parking lot and starts heading south "Let's get going man. It's a bit of a drive so I already got us snacks, gummies, jerky, cigars, and cokes." Then he just drives, there is going to be quite a bit of driving as all he'll tell Easton at any query is that their destination is southwards. Seventeen Hours South.

"Yup. So dead." Easton bumps fists and agrees readily at their unparalleled ability to end all fish. And then Geoff admits he's never fished and Easton shrugs, "Me either. And I didn't bring any guns to shoot 'em with, just in case." Why bringing drugs is okay but guns isn't is something he never really stopped to consider before right now, but it made sense in his head at the time? Either way, he isn't too concerned about their lack of experience or firepower.

Easton settles in for the long haul. He occasionally offers to drive, even going so far as to tell Geoff he can just tell him when to turn he doesn't even have to say where they are going. But after about two hours he manages to force himself into a more relaxed state. The cigar is finally spent and discarded.

"So what are ground rules for this? My bet is thirteen. Bennie took the under." Easton grins and clarifies, "Number of drinks before you start getting all weepy and sharing your feelings."

Geoff exhales and says "Okay main rule is what happens on the fish trip, stays on the fishing trip right. Don't need Bennie knowing what was said on drink fourteen. Speaking of which, do you have any vicodin I could go for some. Also I'm not going to get weepy, getting weepy is for bitches." One arm hangs outside of the car as he drives while the other rests loosely on the wheel, he keeps them rather steady and on course. Seeing as how the road is all but empty on the current stretch he tells Easton "Hey man take the wheel for moment." And releases it, turning in his seat to try and rummage and grab a back right behind the driver's seat.

"Word. She agreed that the only details she gets is if we start making out, she requested a play by play and possibly a dramatic re-enactment." He grins and says, "You asked for party favors and one of your trailer park friends finally got me hooked up." He specifically doesn't mention names, but leaves it up to Geoff if he wants to ask. But he pulls out a baggie. He's in the middle of pulling one out when Geoff has him take the wheel. He grabs it with one hand and tries not to let on that he's having a hard enough time being a passenger in a car. "I only got Percs. Which frankly are better."

"And I'll have you know I have no fuckin leg to stand on about getting weepy. I lost my shit the other day and sobbed like a baby." He's trying to be emotionally supportive! But then he smirks and says "Granted it was about something important, not some girl. But still."

Was that the sign saying they were leaving Washington? Yes yes it was. And he's back, Geoff regains the wheel with a package of jerky in hand "Man I'm not afraid to cry if it warrants it...But I mean, it would have to be something big at this point, like watching field of dreams or some shit like that." Offering the bag of jerky over he agrees "Okay man you got me there, percs are better. Should have just told you to hit me up with whatever you felt like."

Eyes on the road he asks "You and Bennie doing good, man? Like I got all my eggs in the basket that you guys are going to be my favorite couple. You can't hit any permanently rough patches or anything like that."

"Where did you say this fishing spot was again?" Easton wonders as the sign welcomes them to Oregon which is apparently a Pacific Wonderland. He hesitantly takes the jerky and tries to get a read on Geoff. "I would have guessed Shawshank Redemption." Yes, it's a dig at his prison time, but also a tear jerker.

"Also, you sure I can't just drive for a while? I mean we can take shifts. You can relax, I can drive."

The question about Bennie makes his laugh, "Yea, don't worry. We're good. I just need to stop assuming she's going to fall to pieces if I actually tell her the damn truth about things. Bad habit from my ex, but we're working on it. I also appreciate her habit of jumping me and tearing off my clothes. It's a great and terrible burden to bear. I told you I dun fucked up and slept with someone else early on, right?"

<FS3> Geoff rolls Composure: Good Success (8 8 7 6 4 3 1 1)

Geoff gestures down south "That way." Geoff says amiably if entirely unhelpfully as they drive on the man entirely cool and not giving any sort of hint as to what sort of fishing spot they are driving to. "Man I'm good, I'll let you know when it's your turn to drive." He listens to the beat on his friend's love life "Nah man, you never mentioned that you screwed the pooch there. You guy still came back from that? You have no idea how envious I am of what you got bro. That and the having someone who wants to jump you and tear your clothes off." This is the closest Geoff has come to even sounding remotely bummed so far, progress!

A furrowed brow of suspicion now crosses Easton's face after nearly six hours of driving and no further clues being provided as to where they are headed. He pulls out two cigarettes, puts both in his mouth to light them together and then hands one over to Geoff. "Alright, I get it." He laughs and says, "Yea, almost. Baylee and I got high and boned one time right when Bennie and I were starting out it and it looked like she wasn't that into it. Screwed up things for a bit with us, and probably with Baylee and her boy number one." He sounds slightly more regretful about that second part. "But we're good now. We got that sorted out and now we're all schmoopy and gross." As to Geoff being envious he admits, "Yea well I didn't ever see this happening. And besides, how many actual relationships have you had after prison big guy? I'm assuming it's like what two? Three tops?"

Geoff thinks about that before laughing "Okay man fair enough fair enough....I haven't really been doing the relationship thing. It's hard to trust people, it's hard to trust me. Not gonna even pretend I'm in a good place on that one. Still I wish /I/ was in a place I could make it happen and not be a fuck up, you know?" Geoff gets quiet an contemplative after that, spurring him to switch the music to prog rock.

Four hours later and the sun is setting, and something has gone very very wrong for a fishing trip, the two find Geoff pulling off to the side of the road in the deserts of Cali. Hopping out he heads out into the arid land to take piss just like that beside the road "Okay man you can drive now if you want." he takes a while to let it out, calling back towards his friend "I was thinking about what you said a while back, about how many relationships I'd been in post prison. I think you got a point."

At some point in those four hours Easton admits, "So when I got out of the hospital, I was like a man on a mission. To fuck everything on two legs." He casts a sideways glance and confirms, "Everything." And then clarifies, "And some on one. I had all these stupid ideas about who I was or wasn't and I what I wanted. I was also using like a frosh rushing a frat, anything I could get in my mouth, nose or veins. Just crashing through what I expected to be a short, shitty existence. Then I met Bennie. And that plan stopped working for me." He doesn't go far as to tell Geoff what he should do, just shares his experience and leaves it there.

"We are in the middle of the fucking desert Geoff." Says Easton from the next cactus over, likewise emptying out his bladder. "So where are we actually going? Because unless fishing works very differently than I thought? I'm guessing that's not the actual plan." He's laughing when he says it, another cigarette bouncing in his lips but held firmly. He gets in the driver's seat, instantly feeling more relaxed to be the one behind the wheel, even if he still doesn't know the destination. "Of course I'm right." That's not exactly what Geoff said, but it's what Easton heard anyway.

Sighing, Geoff rolls his eyes "I mean if you really wanted to know. I thought this would be a great weekend for you and I to go out on a drive, me to make a little extra money delivering this car to a guy, and get some gambling done in the city of sin." eying Easton he says "I thought it would be more fun to propose fishing trip then lets go live it up." walking back around to the other side of the car he hops in and delves around in Easton's goodie bag, taking several miscellaneous pills and washing it down with a swig of coke "Now let's get out of here, this is bat country."

"That was not a complaint." Easton assures Geoff at the response to his crack about being in the fucking desert. His eyebrows shoot up at mention of gambling in the city of sin. Seated in the driver seat with his belt firmly fastened he leans over to Geoff with his mouth open for a pill of whatever he just took, sucking on it despite the terrible taste to remove any time-release coating, like a pro. He then swallows, starts the car and pulls out far too fast.

"Vegas baby! Vegas!"

About a half hour down the road he starts laughing and says, "Seriously what the fuck do you even do fishing?" This thought apparently cracks him up enough that he just keeps chuckling to himself about it. Because he has no idea what people do on fishing trips. Vegas trips however are something he has a lot of experience with.

Geoff gestures emphatically "Right, like what were we going to do? Sit around and harass fish because my ass got dumped? That seems even sadder then my lack of a love life." throwing a playful punch at Easton's shoulder he says "Man if I ever seriously propose a fishing trip just sock me and tell me to get a hold of myself because something is dreadfully wrong." Kicking the seat back he stares up at the sky with a grin "Man we're gonna have fun. Figured we'd get flights back home when we get ready to leave. Fuck driving all the way back. Plus if my plan goes according to plan I hope to have a bit of extra cash on me. Well us because I'm gonna need you to pull this off."

"First of all, being dumped by Erin hardly means your love life is gone. Now that we aren't retreating to west bumblefuck to dip our dicks in the water to attract guppies, I can actually get you laid." What the fuck does Easton think fishing consists of. It's probably best the plan was actually Vegas. He laughs as Geoff hits him and agrees, "Oh no, we are always going fishing. Because Bennie had this whole brokeback mountain fantasy going on when she heard boys fishing trip and that means free pass for us to hit cabo or something next time." He adds with mock seriousness, "My girlfriend is very invested in us fucking by the way. I'm not sure I'd put her roofieing us both out of the question?"

Easton is obviously in a better mood now that he's driving and aware of the actual destination and just maybe because Gray Harbor and it's various piles of issues are far, far away. "Geoff if you tell me we have to assemble an unlikely band of fellows ex-cons to pull of a casino heist I might just have to fulfill Bennie's wildest dreams right here in this car." Laughing he says, "Oh shit, wait no that's Ocean's eleven. Dammit. I knew that sounded too good to be true. What do you need my help pulling off?"

Geoff cracks a grin "I have no ideas if my powers work in Vegas, probably not, but if they do we're going to make you the luckiest man and we're gonna play slots." stretching out he scratches his chest as he watches the starry night sky "I'm pretty sure she gave me custody of you this weekend because she thought that you'd be my rebound fuck. Which I'm just gonna have to apologize and say is definitely not you, and has already happened." side-eying Easton he says "It's not like I actually don't have game back home to get some if I want it. You've got to give me a few props at least."

<FS3> Geoff rolls Spirit +420: Amazing Success (8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 )

"I don't get what you mean, but if you want to game something, we play craps or roulette and I just flip the dice or ball as needed. But we need to lose often enough and only win under a certain amount. I don't need to get bounced on my cute ass from a casino because you get greedy."

"First of all, I have way too much self-esteem to be just your rebound fuck Turner." Easton sets the record straight there. He returns the earlier punch and says, "There we go. So cut the shit about your dead love life. It ain't dead, just took a quick nap. And seriously, if I couldn't get you laid in under seven minutes in a club in Vegas I would have hung up my wingman Hawaiin shirt for good. I'm sure your game is just fine."

"Though at some point I will have to break it to Bennie that you don't actually swing my way. There will likely be tears, but she's a big girl. She can handle the truth."

Geoff laughs "Man, I'm allowed to overdramatic, this is my heartbroken trip. Or at least lets let Bennie think that, because then it'll get out and ladies love a dude who is vulnerable and in touch with his emotions and is a project. Also a bad boy." he says wryly in a self aware and slightly depreciating manner "As for Bennie, want to take a 'candid' selfie of us spooning and me pretending to be asleep? Pretty sure we could make it be her new lockscreen wallpaper."

"Fine. You can be a drama queen about how your heart is broken and will never mend." Easton allows this as the cruise through the dessert. "Oh goodness, the only better at getting you laid than me would definitely be her. She could probably fake a tear or two about how your rough ex-con exterior hides the soft poet's soul that is just so hurt. I swear if she weren't my girlfriend I would want her as my relationship manager." He laughs about the selfie and says, "Oh well, I don't know about you but it's Vegas so I'm getting naked at some point. I'm pretty sure we can find some people to party with who can provide photos. I'm just vowing that I'm not fuckin' around on Bennie, and you can knock my teeth out if it looks like I'm swerving from that lane. But I'm sure we can get a good shot or two of us in various states."

"Honestly man, that's why I asked about how you two were doing. I like you too much to let you fuck this up. I'll tell them all you have a venereal disease." Geoff casually relates before sitting bolt upright and emptying a bag of cheetos out and onto the road "Dude did you see the size of that tortoise, it was huge and hungry." There was no tortoise, or even turtle. "Man I'm gonna get naked and if I don't have at least one regret by flight time we're going to have to stay an extra day."

The bright lights of the desert oasis shine out through the night sky easily illuminating their destination long before they are within city limits. The car rolls down the strip and Easton doesn't ask if there is a plan or what comes next. He's back on native soil basically. They are headed first to the Luxor for drinks and slots and then onto Caeser's Palace for craps. The car is parked and as they enter the casino, Easton pulls Geoff away from heading towards the bar towards a bathroom. It's the first rails of the night(already early morning) but with that done, they head out for drinks.

Cocaine and slots leads to drinks and black jack leads to ...


"Haul your ass Turner!" Easton laughs as he stumbles and pulls himself out of the fountain, soaking wet and without a shred of clothing on. He grabs their shoes and clothes and runs, barefoot and naked down the street laughing hysterically as he glances back to watch Geoff running equally as naked and gaining on him rapidly. There is a security guard coming after them half-heartedly as he's already radioed for the cops to come take care of yet another set of fountain jumpers.

The glare of the overhead lights harshly illuminates the caged space, the concrete floor covered in dried blood and particles of sand. The sound of the crowd from outside the chain linked space is deafening with the calls of bets being placed on each of the men, even if the dim light keeps the mob mostly anonymous. Circling each other, the two men size each other up with Geoff beckoning his friend with a cocky smile and a come here motion from his fingertips "Don't think that I'm going to go easy on you just because of the leg thing, Marshall." Then the two are closing in barehanded combat.

The grooms wore white... linen sheets wrapped around their otherwise bare torsos. With matching black eyes the men stand before Elvis, facing each other. Easton lip is split and Geoff definitely has a visible bite mark on his bare shoulder, though whether it's from Easton or not is less clear. The men hold hands and Easton can barely surpress a grin as The King talks them through the ceremony. The vows are sweet and very, very drunk filled with lots of "Seriously, I love you man." at least on Easton's part. Their witnesses are a family from Oklahoma who aren't sure they approve of the marriage but are fascinated none-the-less by the rowdy pair. At the part about kissing the bride, the mom quietly reaches over and covers her young children's eyes though they both lean around to see anyway. It's a pretty good show, Easton is dipped and raises a bare leg that threatens to make the sheet toga of no effect.

Mistakes were made, the wrong people were pissed, and what exactly does one do when they end up with five kilos of pure Columbian cocaine? They sell it of course. Thus it lead to their current predicament, face to face with low level enforcers for the mob in the conference room at the Holiday Inn on the edge of town. "I'm telling you man, you guys can have it, you just gotta get the Narcos off our back. Deal?" Geoff had taken the lead on this one, and after much talking with his partner, they'd decided to avoid trying to pawn it off for VIP super bowl tickets.

First Geoff goes flying out the side door of the casino and skidding across the alley into the wall. Then comes Easton bouncing off the pavement with an oomf and clank of his fake leg. The burly figure of security darkens the door yelling, "And don't even think about stepping foot in another casino here! We know those tricks and your kind is not welcome here!" It seems that maybe they aren't the first to think that maybe the could game the system a little bit and make some quick cash. Too bad they bet those VIP super bowl tickets those were great seats. Easton rolls over and a wet laughter escapes his lips as he coughs out a bit of blood. "That turns out it was a terrible idea." He lays there laughing, not too worried apparently about the financial loss they just suffered.

All in all getting on the plain hadn't been that bad. They'd lost most of what could conventionally be considered luggage, and thankfully anything else that might have gotten them ejected by the TSA. So it is that as the flight makes its way back north that the two men are able to get rest. They might have been bloodied, beaten and had several narrow scrapes with the law and organized crime but to anyone passing by them on the plain their sleeping features couldn't be mistaken for anything other then that of the triumphant...Or a couple that'd lost a fight street brawl. One of those.


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