2019-09-18 - Back to the Sideways

Harper returns to the "Sideways" to meet again with Whisper!

IC Date: 2019-09-18

OOC Date: 2019-06-27

Location: Library

Related Scenes:   2019-11-14 - Frozen Crack Books

Plot: None

Scene Number: 1678


It was September 18th. A Wednesday. Harper'd had the book for about a week, maybe more. The weather was beautiful rather than cloudy. Whisper had told her she would get her when she had the book. Which should lead one to believe it was immediate. However, that doesn't seem to be the case.

Harper has had the book in her possession for some time now. She's kept it in her research station in the basement of the library. The space is sacrosanct. Melinda, the full time assistant librarian never infringes upon Harper's space there. This afternoon she's been down there doing some research for the Historical Society. It looks as though she's reaearching the World War I era. Fashion, cultural history, iconic events. When she's downstairs, the book is within easy reach. Despite how intriguing the idea is, the librarian has not tried to read it or even flip through it without Whisper.

As Harper reads her books and papers, she notices some of the pictures starting to move? The room shimmers a little. She can feel a change in the air pressure. If she looks around, she will see there's a new door in the room? In the middle of the room to be precise. And it's opened. And she can see a glimpse of a familiar, cozy library.

Harper looks up from her desk along the back wall of the basement, opening her mouth to adjust for the air pressure change. When she sees the door, her brown eyes sparkle with anticipation. She stands up and reaches for the 'rescued' book with the strange text that shimmers about, curls it in her hand up against her chest and heads for the doorway. If it looks like the library again, she holds her tongue so as not to disturb any of Whisper's patrons and steps through the portal that's opened up. Her demeanor this time is far less cautious than upon the first visit to her self-named Sideways. Today the librarian wears a pair of tweed pants, a buttoned down shirt and a grey vest with a satin backing.

The library looks much the same as last time. Perhaps older? Though the shelves are neat, some of the books look dusty. Like they haven't been touched in a while. There are a few patrons sitting - but Harper won't disturb them because they're absorbed in reading their books. Whisper is standing near the sitting area, reviewing a few things. She looks more the older woman than the young one at the moment. However, when Harper comes into view, there is a light smile. "Miss Price. It has been a long time. It's good to see you again."

Harper skirts the readers, with scant glances to one and another's reading material before she spares a smile for Whisper. She only speaks when she's approached the wise-looking librarian, her voice quiet but not a whisper. "Whisper, I am pleased to see you again. I wondered if perhaps I'd mis-remembered our arrangement." She draws the book away from her chest and offers it over in an extended hand. "As you requested. Please let me apologize for my caution on our first encounter. I had never before that experienced an individual like you in the Sideways. A friend of mine calls it the Dream. Is there one name better than the other?" She stirs herself from that reverie and continues. "I would be quite pleased to continue my retrievals on your behalf should you still have need of my help." It seems she's leaving it to Whisper's honor to decide whether or not to keep up her side of the agreement. Or perhaps she doesn't expect tit for tat any longer.

"Oh no, you didn't. It was my fault Miss Price. Things got a touch out of hand. It took a while to get right again." Whisper offered, casting a glance around and then shook her head a bit. Accepting the book, she examined it closely. "The Dreamscape....hm. I believe they must refer to the outskirts of town." She settled back to Harper. "But, I believe either one really is fine. Whatever makes sense for you to call it. It is simply Home to me." There was a shrug of Whisper's slender shoulders. "I appreciate you bringing the book back and yes- assistance is still required. I am glad you have decided to help." There is a beat of pause. "Did you want to give the book a try? To understand what you are dealing with? There is..." She glances over to the wall where a new timer-esque clock is mounted, though the numbers don't look quite like regular numbers. "Fifteen minutes left before the current patrons reading time is up."

Harper folds her slim arms across her chest as she listens to the problem with things getting out of hand. "Would you care to tell me about it?" The librarian watches Whisper look over her book. The fact that something called The Dreamscape refers to the outskirts of what Whisper calls town is intriguing. Perhaps you'll give me a tour sometime in the future. I would like to learn more about your world." Whatever Harper calls it, it's Home. "Of course. I think a relationship between us would be a mutually pleasant and beneficial thing." Does she want to try a book. "Certainly. You'll pull me back before I am in danger of being lost as you described it? I must admit that I've been intrigued since we spoke. It was difficult to refrain from flipping through your tome."

Whisper shook her head. "It would take far too long to explain." She said simply and then there's a wry smile. "Oh no, my dear. You do not want to take a tour there. Perhaps, someday, you can see it from a distance. It is not a good place." In a place where good and bad could be rather subjective - Whisper sounded very firm on it being a bad place. However, she brightens when Harper says she wants to give the book a try. Handing her the blue book back. "Of course. Fifteen minutes is barely enough time to feel a pull but I will be right here." She promised, motioning to an empty seat. "Have a seat, get comfy, and then - just start reading."

Harper quirks a perplexed look at Whisper as she is told how bad the place is. "Are there any good parts? Places you frequent that are neutral?" She is contemplative about the information. "How can you be safe?" But then Whisper is lighting up at her willingness to try the thing that she was warned could be so dangerous to individuals from her own world involving the books. She takes the book, "Ought I sit down, then?" Because otherwise, she might simply lean against a table and flip the book open. Eventually, she takes a seat, crosses her legs and traces her fingertips over the front cover. "Will you tell me anything about what I should expect, or is it best experienced without any preconceived notions?"

"It is best to experience it without any sort of preconceived notions. But I promise that, while it will be discombobulating, I thin you will enjoy it greatly." Whisper offered.

Harper nods and flips open the cover of the book, trying to adjust her eyes to the shimmering text. "Let's give it a shot."

The text will shift and form so it's in a recognizable language for Harper. There's no acknowledgement page, no page about the copyright date, nothing. It just gets right into the story. Even before Harper is finished reading the first sentence she can feel the story coming to life. Watch it happen right before her eyes.

Hyperion, the Mecca of Orion. It seemed like everyone who was anyone lived in Hyperion. Even people from the slums were proud to call it their home.

Harper would find herself standing on a balcony in a high building, overlooking the city. If she looked down, she was dressed in Steampunk attire (( https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c5/c9/97/c5c9972274a9a0de9d8d2750a812a873.jpg )).

Madame Ebony was one of the most well respected inventors in Hyperion. Her research into combining steam power with alchemy was legendary and I was lucky enough to be her apprentice. Even though Harper was watching the thriving, moving Steampunk city before her very eyes, feeling the balcony railing against her fingers, she was still aware on some level that it was a book. That she was reading the words off the page and if she closed the book it would all be over. About this time, a young man walks out to stand beside her. He's right around Harper's height. He has the potential to be handsome but there's something in the way he walks, in the way he seems a little less confident in himself that hides it away. "Tomorrow's the big day Madame Ebony. Are you excited?" Apparently Harper was Madame Ebony!

Excited? Madame Ebony looks over to her humble, almost-handsome companion. "You say excited as if it were a simple thing. There are far too many elements that need to come together for my feelings to be so simple as mere excitement." She closes her fingers around the railing and feels the atomic energy of the metal thrum over her skin. "What of you, Blay? Tell me you're feeling the tingle of anticipation tease at your breath just the smallest bit." She offers a rare smile. "The fruits of our labors are about to ripen as we watch. Do you think it will be everything you'd dreamed?"

Blay turns a quarter of the way, to focus more fully on his mentor. "You're right, Madame. I suppose I'm still in a state of shock and awe."

As I should be. Representatives from all over Orion are coming to the 115th Annual Clockwork Festival. It is something that people spend their whole lives preparing for. Something I have dreamed about participating in since I was a small child.

"As you know, my short time with you has been all the time I've spent in Hyperion. But I have dreamed of this day." He breathes in and for just a second there's a glimpse of that confident man Blay could be with the right nudging. "And I am honored to be participating in it with you. I believe all our preparations are in place. I triple checked with Mister Gooding. Is there anything else you will require for the unveiling?"

The Madame had been rather secretive - even with me - about some of the intricacies of the project we have been working on. She had wanted me to be as surprised as the rest. I have some theories but I respect her and thus I have respected her wishes and not done any more or any less than what she has required of me when it comes to the project that we will be revealing during the Festival.

Harper reads avidly, utterly losing track of time and space, falling into the story, turning the page with a deft fingertip, her raven hair falling forward over her shoulder and half in front of her eyes. Completely ignored. Addictive would be putting the sensation of breathing the prose far too lightly. Her breaths catch. The librarian gives in to the tug of the story.

<FS3> Harper rolls Grit: Success (7 4 3)

The story spins on. Final preparations for the Festival. Madame Ebony potentially being up to no good. At one point- Harper actually embodies Blay instead of Madame Ebony. Harper can feel the 'reading' of the words getting fainter for a moment. It's starting to feel less like reading and more like living the story. Being these characters. But something in her subconscious tugs at her. A gentle reminder that it's just a story. And not long after that - a timer is going off somewhere. Somewhere so, so far away. And then, rather abruptly, Harper will find herself sitting in her chair in Whisper's library.

Whisper has closed the book gently and taken it from the fellow Librarian. Studying her with a look of concern and perhaps intrigue as well. Other patrons are starting to close their books as well. "What did you think of it?"

It's almost enough to ruin other books for the librarian. Harper Price blinks a few times at the jarring fall from the story back into herself alone, and it takes a few moments for her to refocus on Whisper with wide brown eyes. This is where she asks for more. This is where she wants more. With a bite of her teeth to her cheek she swallows and forces a slow breath in through her nose, exhaling more slowly past her lips. "That.." she begins and has to take a few more breaths. "Your books are incredibly evocative. I've never felt quite like that before." Wistfulness mingles with concern in her brown eyes. "I should go find the rest of the books at once. If someone were to come upon them and start to read..." She transfers her reaction to the brief experience of one story to someone unheeding and unaware. Who needs drugs with books like that?

"They are very special books." Whisper agreed. "All of them are. That is why I try to take great care with them. I have collected them over a long period of time to make sure residents can enjoy in a safer environment. " She straightens up a touch. "I have an updated list for you to take. I sense some have been moved - so I can only imagine they have been found by others in the town. And I am greatly concerned some will get Lost to the books." Whisper looked down at the one she held in her hands and then back up to Harper. "You can see now why I wanted you to try it. I had hoped it would let you see the dangers, but also the wonders...and I believe it did." She smiles a touch. "Some tell me that no two readings of the same story run exactly the same way. I imagine this is partially due to the minor sentience of the books."

Found by others in the town? Harper looks aghast. "IF that's the case, I'm deeply concerned, Whisper." Harper tries to imagine the psychological carnage of the books unleashed on the populace of Gray Harbor. "I should return at once and try to ... stop something disastrous from happening." She rises to her feet abruptly. "How can I find them?" The ones that have already been gathered, she means. No two readings are the same. The sentient books. Harper is both intrigued and distraught. There is a reason drug dealers offer a first taste for free.

Whisper lifts a finger for Harper to 'wait just a moment' and then retreats to retrieve said list. She returns with a rolled up scroll and hands it to Harper with a gentle smile. "Only a few, thankfully. But the sooner the better - certainly." She agreed. "When you have all the books gathered, I will open the door for you to bring them back." When Harper would read over the list of book names and their new locations she would be able to surmise that Elias ,who owns Likely Stories, and Eleanor - the owner of Espresso Yourself - or someone they work with may be in possession of one of the books. A few others seem to have moved location but not really where anyone would have them, persay. More like - maybe they were picked up and someone just laid them back down again. Whisper made a motion with her hand - another door appearing nearby. Whenever Harper was ready to leave. "Do you have anymore questions for me?"

"IF these other people have them and don't know what they have, how do you think I'll be able to convince them to give them up to me?" Harper looks through the scroll and frowns. Elias she knows. Eleanor she doesn't. But she knows the coffee place. It's hard to decide whether she's more worried about the person she knows or the stranger she doesn't. "Of course I can do my best to gather the rest. I feel as though I should drop everything else and do this in its entirety at once for the sake of everyone involved." There's still a breathlessness in her chest from the residual experience. Couldn't she read another just for a short time? She tries to push the impulse away. Tries to focus on the emergency at hand. "Aside from wrestling them free of those who have found them, I can't think of other questions. You'll find me again?"

"You are an intelligent woman my dear, I know you'll find a way. However," Whisper frowned a touch. "I do not want you hurting yourself or others. Even unintentionally. If there is someone clearly obstinate about not giving it back...then move on to the next. I will figure out something for those ones." She smiled again and gave Harper's shoulder a squeeze. As if she knew what the woman was feeling. "I know, it is very enticing. And hardly comparable to a regular book reading. But the impulse will fade in a few hours." And she won't have any other books to give in to the impulse with anyhow! "I trust you Miss Price. And I think you will do just fine. When the time is right. I will find you."

Harper frowns, "The last thing I want to do is hurt anyone." Harper contemplates her dilemma, tries to consider how she'll convince friends and relative strangers to give the books over to her. I'll get started as soon as I get off work." She dips her chin. "I'll gather as many as I possibly can." When Whisper tells her the impulse will fade, Harper's shoulders relax discernibly. "I am glad to hear that, Whisper. If you have no other words of advice, I can only say that I hope we will have the opportunity to meet now and again in the future once this business is taken care of. I would very much like our acquaintance to continue." Having risen to her feet, she steps over to offer Whisper her hand. "Be well in the meantime."


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