2019-09-20 - Connectivity

Lilith and Byron flirt-text the day after their bodily encounter with each other. Occasionally, they discuss some things of importance over messages during the span of the evening.

IC Date: 2019-09-20

OOC Date: 2019-06-29

Location: Out and About

Related Scenes:   2019-09-18 - The Tempest's Toll   2019-09-20 - Three Spiritualists   2019-09-21 - Wake Up and Drag Ass

Plot: None

Scene Number: 1710


(TXT to Byron) Lilith: So. An animal skeleton and I'll try to see what happens. I wonder if the odds are better in the woods or with roadkill. Or some hunter might have a deer, I guess, it is coming on Fall.

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: Also yes, this is the price you pay when I put out. Dead animals.

(TXT to Lilith) Byron: You're as bad as Clayton.

(TXT to Lilith) Byron: Not that he put out or anything.

(TXT to Lilith) Byron: Are you roaming the roads for roadkill then? Because that's pretty gross.

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: Ew, no. I'm not that crazy or hardcore, I'm still a goddamn princess.

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: Maybe Alexander would put out if you gave him dead animals too. Something to think about.

(TXT to Lilith) Byron: Believe me, I won't think on that for long.

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: I did give you more alluring imagery to think about, it's understandable.

(TXT to Lilith) Byron: Clayton messaged me and I told him what you were planning to test out. The animal skeleton thing. He wanted to warn against any of us using our abilities. I mean, he's not wrong.

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: What, at all? That's how I make money.

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: Or do you mean in regards to the skeleton?

(TXT to Lilith) Byron: In regards to the skeleton. And over all. The things that attacked us at the Apartments, struck again at Two If By Sea. Looking for people who 'shine'.

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: Jeez. I have to fix things, though. Work. But I'll be careful and put off anything big or bulk repair order and do them quick and intermitting. Maybe not a bad idea to just control my damn self a while.

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: But... I am curious about the skeleton... wouldn't that be for the greater good?

(TXT to Lilith) Byron: He just wants you to be careful in light of what I told him about your dream.

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: Logical. But hard. Then again, I did have a nice outlet with you, maybe I won't flare up as much. Maybe there'll be more outlets. For safety reasons.

(TXT to Lilith) Byron: Now I feel so used.

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: Liar. You feel amazing.

(TXT to Lilith) Byron: You're amazing.

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: I am amazing. I have ESP. I knew you'd be amazing, you beast. Now what I rubbed all over Grant isn't even a lie.

(TXT to Lilith) Byron: Oh. My mind was wandering there. Did you say something about rubbing?

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: Now I'm thinking about rubbing. I must say, your particular way of petting has nicely developed over the years, I like to think I'm responsible for letting you fumble around to learn the foundations.

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: PS: I'm blowing you in your fancy car on a moment's whim now, because don't think I didn't think of doing it after the paintball game. Now I feel like I have a pass. But you can correct me if I'm wrong.

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: And it's so wrong of me to hope you're trying to look professional right now while reading that.

(TXT to Lilith) Byron: Try not to do that while I'm driving. Or things might get really exciting

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: The unbuckled seatbelt alarm would drive me wild in the worst way if the car were in drive, yes. And it's much easier to lean over it in park. I looked.

(TXT to Lilith) Byron: I'm glad that someone did her homework on such important matters.

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: My overthinking works to benefit sometimes. That or it's my filthy mind, in this case. Or your body.

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: I have a question. Do you feel me, feel me during sex? Like part of what I feel?

(TXT to Lilith) Byron: I definitely feel you during sex. No doubt about that.

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: I certainly hope so. But mm. I was just wondering. I like the idea of it.

(TXT to Lilith) Byron: You're talking emotionally, I know. It takes enough concentration out of me to get a read on anyone. It used to come automatically whether I wanted them to or not.

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: This is a tiny passive thing, really, but when I'm paying mind, I can tell when you really, really like something because I'm more hyperaware of your body while like that. Other than, you know, the obvious responses.

(TXT to Lilith) Byron: That's pretty exciting to learn about. Can't say it doesn't make me self-conscious now.

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: You shouldn't be, it's fascinating, really. And it does things to my own body just to know.

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: Are you ready to know some news that will really get your rocks off?

(TXT to Lilith) Byron: If you put it that way. Hit me.

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: I'm not attending the exorcism directly. August is.

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: I will, however, be on standby outside in a designated area and ready to go in with an emergency.

(TXT to Lilith) Byron: That's... That's great news!

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: I thought you'd like that. I made them both weigh some things. We weighed what might happen, what could be done.

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: The thing is, if Margaret starts trying to interfere at range and they notify me of that, it's... my job to try and stop that at range. It's an offchance, but one I realized we should be wary of.

(TXT to Lilith) Byron: Stop her at range? You know, if possible, I'll be right there with you.

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: I was going to ask if you would be. I don't see a problem with it since I'm outside the zone designated wherever Ruiz wants me as backup. And standing there alone waiting... well.

(TXT to Lilith) Byron: I don't see why I couldn't be there.

(TXT to Lilith) Byron: Lilith, are you going to be alright tonight?

(TXT to Lilith) Byron: I have a few things to do before a big day tomorrow, so I was thinking of heading to bed. Almost feels like I'm coming down with something but I figure we've all been pretty stressed as of late.

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: I'll be alright. I've admittedly been on a little bit of a high all day that's probably a lot of body-mind trickery, but I'm pretty tired too. Probably all this stress catching up. Unless... you want to crash here.

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: We can pinky swear to actually sleep, but still seems a little risky. I'll be okay, really.

(TXT to Lilith) Byron: I'll be right over.

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: I like those words.


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