
Byron's icon
Byron Thorne
Full Name
Byron Thorne
Mr. King
Dark Brown
Played By
Ben Barnes
[object Object]
Supplemental Information
  • Family Lineage: The Thorne family are an old Gray Harbor family, but in recent years their numbers have been dwindling.
  • Thorne Family: Byron and his family lived in an old house on Oak Street for all of his childhood and adolescent years. The house itself had history and was the home to the Thorne family for many generations since their arrival to Gray Harbor.
  • Parents: Byron's father Stephen Thorne was a police detective for the Gray Harbor PD. His mother Mary Thorne was a long-time waitress at the Grizzly Den when Byron was a child, long before it changed management.
  • Closest Childhood Companions: Byron was best friends with Tobin Gilford and very close friends with Lilith Winslow. They made a near inseparable trio for a time. Rumor has it that Byron had a crush on Lilith when they were around 13.
  • Gray Harbor Adventurer's Guild: Byron was part of Kevin Walter's Gray Harbor Adventurer's Guild for a time.
  • Tragedy Strikes: Stephen Thorne took his life when Byron was 12. The family was stricken with poverty due to his many debts. Byron stops attending Adventure Guild meetings.
  • Hard Worker: Byron began working under-the-table jobs or ran his own business ventures when he was almost 13 years old. He often did work for someone or other. On top of that, he had business ventures that he'd rope other children and their parents into.
  • Fractured Friends: The trio of childhood friends were fractured when Lilith withdrew from the crew when they were 14.
  • Class of 2009: Byron was known as the usually friendly, helpful kid with these big ideas. He was always mostly cheery and polite.
  • USC: Went to USC for college, majored in Business and Financing.
  • Mother's Plight: Byron's mother, Mary Thorne, sold the family home on Oak and moved into Huckleberry Trailer Park after Byron went off to college, still suffering the debts of her husband.
  • Return Home: Byron returned to Gray Harbor in 2016, having made his wealth with several start-up business and other ventures when in California. He purchased the Bayside Apartments at this time and began some renovations. One of the first things that he did on his return was to pull his mother from out of the Trailer Home Park and set her up in one of his apartment suites.

Lilith's icon

Lilith was this girl that Byron had met at the school playground one day. He helped her reach up for the monkey bars and since then they became fast friends. She lived at the trailer park and her father was a drunk just like his. To help her escape what he felt was a dreary life, he took her on many of his adventures and introduced her to his friends. She even hung out with the other Gray Harbor Adventurers, sometimes, and played all kinds of nerd games with them.

Byron introduced her to his best friend, Tobin, and Lilith soon became one of the children who would also gather at Tobin's house for his mother's cookies and warmth. In fact, on many days, Lilith, Byron and Tobin were this trio wandering around town. Over time, Byron took a liking to Lilith. At first, he thought of himself as her protector, but as they both grew into adolescence, it looked to be something more.

Then she just shut herself away and began to avoid him. Byron and Tobin tried to reach out to her all throughout high school, but she resisted every attempt they made. At some point, Byron gave up. She must've had her reasons even though he didn't understand them. He made one last attempt before heading out to college, but that was done in vain.

Recently, he received a mysterious text message from someone who'd gotten his number off an ad in the paper promoting the Bayside Apartments. He came to find out that it was Lil after all these years. Now that she's back in his life, they have some catching up to do and maybe she'll be forthcoming with some answers.

Tobin's icon

Byron can't remember a time when he wasn't best friends with Tobin. They were a pair of laid-back and happy-go-lucky kids who weren't trying to terrorize the town. They spent a lot of time outdoors adventuring when they weren't playing D&D or video games with Kevin. That's when they adventured indoors. Yes, they were both part of Kevin's Gray Harbor Adventurer's Guild.

Byron was there for Tobin when Tobin's father left for New York. And Tobin and his mother were there for Byron whenever he needed a place to go to be out of his own father's hair. Tobin's house was actually Byron's favorite place to be. It felt safe and comforting. Mrs. Gilford was everything Byron wished his own mother could be. She was sweet and nurturing and served them cookies and other snack foods every afternoon and weekend that he was there.

Unlike with some of his other childhood friends, once his father died, Byron and Tobin remained as close as ever, despite all of the odd jobs that Byron was working at that age. They remained best friends well into high school when Byron was once more there for his friend when Tobin lost his mother to... No one's sure what happened to her.

They kept in touch even after Byron went off to California for college and have since reunited on his return. Byron returned to their hometown as a changed man, but throughout the years, Tobin had watched that change from afar from their correspondences, so once he'd returned they were able to continue on as if he'd never left.

Erin's icon

Former Tenant

Everyone in Gray Harbor knows of the Addington Family. They are some of the most influential people in town. By the time Erin was a Freshman at TSA, Byron was already a Senior. He was always the friendly sort who was never really part of one particular group, so would mingle around often. While he didn't know her very well, he more than likely tried to talk her into an investment or two, seeing that she's born of money. It didn't hurt that she was easy on the eyes if she turned any of his entrepreneurial offerings down.

She's one of his tenants now. Or, well, she's residing in a suite that is under her grandmother's care. It's sometimes pleasant to catch up with faces from your past and this case is no different. She's as fashionable and high maintenance as ever. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Byron is often cordial with her whenever they meet, though it might not be terrible thing to do a little catch up over a drink or two.

Geoff's icon

If there were any of the kids that would get the rest into a heap of trouble, that kid would be Geoff! If Kevin ran an indoor Adventurer's Guild with his gaming, Geoff's adventures often took place outdoors and would be considered far more dangerous and sometimes illegal. Byron would tag along whenever he could, but once he'd sensed that something might land them into trouble, legal or otherwise, often times, he'd bow out before getting in too deep. The same goes for any adventuring late at night. The last thing that Byron needed was for his father to catch him in the act of these shenanigans or, even worse, having one of his father's friends catch him and then haul him back home by the scruff for his father to deal with.

After his dad's passing, Byron was given more freedom, now lacking any adult supervision because his mother was always too busy to look after him. It was at this point that he was able to join in on the fun more often and for a time, he'd do just that. That is, in between working and trying to get his projects off the ground.

At some point in high school, Geoff made friends with the wrong crowd and while Byron was studying to get into college alongside his money-making endeavors, Geoff got himself into real trouble and was arrested. Byron had lost touch with him a little at this point, but made the effort to visit him once before he went off to college.

Geoff's out of the clink now, which is a good thing. All of this just reminds Byron that he needs to be careful or he could end up the way Geoff did back in the day.

Isabella's icon

When Byron became friends with Isidore, he also befriended Isabella as well. In fact, Isidore and Isabella were an inseparable pair of twins who rarely let people into their circle. Perhaps it was Byron's natural charm and easy-going, friendly attitude that helped gain him this privilege.

While Byron's friendship with Isidore was your typical boys being boys type of deal, with an addition of Glimmer of knowledge, his relationship with Isabella was a little more competitive. Though he was a year older than the twins, Byron and Isabella became friendly rivals in various activities. Both were ambitious go-getters and there was some one-upsmanship going on.

The same year that Mrs. G. and Isidore vanished, Isabella was sent away. It's nothing that Byron had much time to think on, since he was preparing for graduation and to ship out to college. He almost forgot everything about any of that when he reached Los Angeles.

James's icon

Joey's icon

Kevin's icon

A year older than Byron, Kevin was one of those kids who spent a lot of free time at home playing games and doing other things that some might consider geeky. Byron didn't mind so much and Kevin's house was one of his go-to spots, as a child, whenever he wanted to avoid being at home whenever his father was around. Here he was introduced to Dungeons & Dragons and all sorts of fantastical things that helped take his mind away from his own troubles at home. They were part of the Gray Harbor Adventurer's Guild. After Byron's father died, he no longer needed that outlet. He still kept in touch sometimes, trying to get Kevin's involvement in some entrepreneurial scheme or other.

Now that they're older, Byron had not forgotten part of that childhood spent at Kevin's house. They were grown-ups and had followed their own paths, but it's good to check in on old friends from time to time.

Magnolia's icon

When you're the child of a police officer, you tend to know the children of other police officers because your parents drag you to various family functions to show the other cops just how supportive their family truly was. So Byron went to the many Gray Harbor Police Department family picnics and potlucks or sometimes it's a softball game. He's met quite a few cop-kids due to these functions, children like Andi and May.

Magnolia's life strangely mirrored his own in an odd way. They were around the same age. Both were children of a cop in town. And both of their father's died when they were 12.

In fact, Byron liked Magnolia's father. He'd come around often to check in on the Thorne family and something told Byron that Detective Nathaniel Jones knew of his plight.. somehow. Or perhaps, Nathaniel knew his friend and fellow police detective better than most others in the precinct. Including Stephen Thorne's tendency to drink.

Magnolia and her family were there for Byron when his own father took his life, but then it was Byron's turn to be there for Magnolia when her father was killed while on duty. It was a rough time to be the cop father to a 12 year old kid in Gray Harbor. Byron had been quietly grateful for the support that Magnolia's father had given him, so this loss affected him more than the loss of his own father.

Byron would often try to drag Magnolia around to get her out of her house in the hopes of cheering her up, though even he knew that her family needed her during their time of crisis. Despite his busy schedule due work, he'd kept up contact with her and her family through the years, only losing it during his stint away from Gray Harbor when he went to college.

Poe's icon

Andi's icon

When you're the child of a police officer, you tend to know the children of other police officers because your parents drag you to various family functions to show the other cops just how supportive their family truly was. So Byron went to the many Gray Harbor Police Department family picnics and potlucks or sometimes it's a softball game. He's met quite a few cop-kids due to these functions, children like Magnolia and May.

The Johnson children were the kids of Officer Andy Johnson and his wife. There were three of them in all. The eldest was David who was a true athlete and highly well-liked by all. The youngest was Krissy, who was a special needs child. Both had the attention of their parents. Then there was the middle child, Andrea. She was Byron's age and had the same friendly, happy-go-lucky demeanor that he did. The pair hit it off well enough because of this.

When Byron's father took his life when Byron was 12, the Johnsons, like many other police families in town, paid their respects to the man and offered up any support they could for the family. Andi even tried her best to be a shoulder to lean on for Byron, especially learning just how much in debt he and his mother were in, after his father's passing. Byron, however, was a resilient sort and before too long, he began forging his own path, sometimes roping Andi in with some of his many entrepreneurial endeavors.

When one of Byron's best friends, Lilith, withdrew from him when they were 14, Andi was there with words of support. When Byron was being bullied by a wealthy, jackass named Easton who came to Gray Harbor every summer vacation, Andi helped stand up for him. Even after they graduated and went their own way, Byron to USC to study Business and Finance and Andi to the Police Academy, they both kept in touch, keeping the other up-to-date with everything going on.

Byron found it both intriguing and amusing with the idea that one of his friends was actually training to become a police officer, for at this time, he was already working for Felix Monaghan. Not only that, she returned home to enlist with the GHPD. Of course, he was proud of her, even though he knew that if he took any missteps, she'll eventually learn who he truly is. And he knows full well that she is one that Shines. He'd seen her surrounded by the light as children, so with that in mind, he tends to be extra careful around her.

Frankie's icon

Frankie was a girl that Byron would see out on the boardwalk from time to time with her mother. As how his father put it, Frankie's mom was either a nut job or a con artist, because who believes in that psychic bullshit. Sometimes Byron would run into her at Tobin's place or at a gaming session with Kevin.

Then after his father's passing, when Byron began working on some of his earliest start-up businesses, he teamed up with Frankie on several projects. Obviously, the girl knew a thing or two about business, or at least drawing customers in, since she'd been working alongside her mother all these years. One of their ventures was to find the recipes to all of the Girl Scout cookies, get several kids' moms to bake them, then undercut the Girl Scouts by selling them year round at a slightly lower price point. There were several other business ventures that followed all throughout high school.

After Frankie's mom skipped town, Byron had wondered if she could survive life on her own. Not that he was in a situation to help her out at the time. It wasn't until he returned from college that he learned that Frankie was one of Felix's as well. Something he finds interesting, but not unsurprising.

Isidore's icon

Where Tobin was less forthcoming, and later on, had cautioned Byron on the uses of these mysterious abilities as children, it was Isidore who worked to tilt the balance in the other direction. Like many of the others Byrone'd witnessed in town, Isidore's light shown brightly and in a sense, despite not truly understanding the Glimmer at all, there was this sense of inferiority within the young Thorne, so while he didn't do much in practice to hone his skills, it was always a wonder to observe Isidore work his own magic.

With Isidore's friendship, he gained a similar bond with the boy's twin sister. In fact, after Byron's father died and the Thorne family were struggling to make ends meet, it was the twins' father, Navy Captain George Reede who was one of Byron's earliest investors, being a self-made man himself.

2009 was a strange and terrible year. Around the same time that Tobin's mother vanished, Isidore went missing as well. The disappearance of both remains to be an unsolved mystery.

Julia's icon

One of Byron's earliest jobs was working as a delivery boy for the Fried Fish Stand on the boardwalk. He was 13 at the time and the owners were kind enough to pay him under-the-table for his services, knowing that his family were having some financial troubles. He made friends with the owner's kids, two of which were somewhat older than he was. The third, Julia, was a few years younger. While he waited for orders to be prepared to be sent out, he'd play games with them and at some point, introduced his friends to them as well.

Eventually, Byron moved on, having other various business ventures of his own. Then rumors were going around about Julia Velez about her being sent away out of state when she was 11. He'd wondered about that and even asked her parents one day, but they gave him no definitive answers.

Byron would come to meet up with Julia again in San Francisco during his college stint in California. He was looking for projects to work on and San Francisco seemed like a great place to gain inspiration for some hip food start up. Those small town rumors aside, she really looked as if she were doing well for herself.

A couple of months ago, he'd caught wind that she was back in town. At first, he'd thought it was for a visit after their family tragedy, but he later learned that she had taken up the family business proper. He'll pay her a visit from time to time to give the place some business and to check in on them.

Vivian's icon

Byron knew Vivian from when they were both attending college at USC. He was there for business and she was there for medicine. She'd never known Byron to not have money, for at this point, he's been rolling around in the funding that Felix had given him for their various business ventures in the big city. However, she was there to partially watch the transformation from small town boy to the person he is today.

They'd met one stormy spring day at a cafe between classes, waiting for the rain to let up with coffee, croissants and conversation. Things moved quickly from there as they'd hit it off pretty well. Both led incredibly busy lives, so while there were moments where they'd moved in together to live in Byron's off campus lodging, it was far more practical that they kept two separate apartments. In fact, theirs was a mostly on-again, off-again relationship.

Even after he'd moved back to Gray Harbor, Byron would take the long drive down to L.A. when they were at an on-again point, keeping somewhat to a long-distance relationship. The last he'd heard from her, she was finishing up her residency and was looking into her options for the future.

Stephen Thorne's icon
Stephen Thorne (NPC)

Mary Thorne's icon
Mary Thorne (NPC)

Carver's icon

Ruiz's icon

Sullivan's icon

Suite #114

Easton's icon

Suite #400

Byron's known Easton long before becoming the man's landlord. They weren't friends or anything like that, but with Easton's parents owning a vacation suite at the Bayside Apartments when they were both kids, they'd sometimes run into each other during the summers, being of similar age.

From what Byron could remember, Easton was an entitled asshole. He and his family had money, though, so despite the poor treatment he was given by the kid, Byron did his best to try and stay on the guy's good side in the hopes that some of that wealth would rub off on him! Or, at the very least, he could get the rich kid to invest in some of his projects. This did mean enduring some not-so-good-natured pranks and hazing.

Of course, Byron's never forgotten what he'd had to go through to get Easton's assistance in their adolescence, even though Easton seems to be a changed man. He's also learned a thing or two about just how deep the Marshall family's ties to Gray Harbor goes.

Ari's icon

Suite #401

Dante's icon

Suite #402

Chloe's icon

Suite #405

Christopher's icon

Suite #501

Aubrey's icon

Suite #502

Sutton's icon

Suite #503

Jacob's icon

Suite #504

Patrick's icon

Suite #600 Another Addington

Rebecca's icon

Suite #707

Vyv's icon

Suite #808

Felix's icon

Andre's icon

Graham's icon

Hannah's icon

Alexander's icon

Byron's known of Alexander before he even met the guy. From what his father's told him, Alex was some nosy kid who always muddled up crime scenes with just his presence alone. For Stephen Thorne, Alexander was 'That Damn Kid' and for once, the detective wasn't talking about Byron.

Then Byron eventually met up with that pesky kid. The first time, he'd sensed someone outside, only to find Alexander skulking around his house, probably keeping tabs on his father. This did not alarm Byron in the least and before long, he just let the guy hang around as he went back inside.

They'd had several run-ins over the years. Alexander even paid his respects at his father's funeral. Now, Byron's not one to judge the weirdos too much and every boy's got a hobby, but he figured that 'That Damn Kid' would've grown up to become a police detective one day. That does not seem to be the case.

Dahlia's icon

Gina's icon

Byron and Gina had gone to school together and only really knew of each other in passing. That didn't stop Byron from trying to get her to invest into one of his projects because 1. He often asked everyone to do so 2. He knew that she was well-off enough. Her father was Kalvin Castro.

She was an odd sort, especially in high school. Some people thought she was a witch because of her interest in goth things. Or maybe it's because of the seances. Either way, he knew of her and sometimes talked to her, but that was the extent of their relationship.

Now he's heard that she bought out that old diner that his mother used to work at back in the day. The work that she put into it is pretty impressive. He'll have to stop by more often to determine whether the fare on the menu is better than the crap that his mother used to serve.

Jack's icon

Byron drives a Rolls Royce Wraith and you don't often find mechanics in small towns such as Gray Harbor dealing in luxury vehicles. It's a good thing that Jack knows his cars inside and out, so Byron can put trust in the town's mechanic without worrying that he'll screw something up.

Vince's icon

Vince Bishop was still a beat cop when Byron's father was alive. The police department can be a rather tight-knit group and most of Stephen's colleagues believed that he was a good man and a great detective and a loss to the force when he took his own life. Vince included. Byron's held some bitterness about this over the years, but it's not as if he ever spoke up about his troubles at home. Like many of his father's colleagues, Vince was morally supportive of his family when they hit hard times.

Throughout the years, Vince was promoted to Detective for his good work. When neither of them are busy, they sometimes keep in touch, now that Byron's returned to town, very much like most of the cops who'd worked with his father. While he'd rather not have the police force snooping around in his business, it's good to have a few who have looked out for you since childhood.

The Archivist's icon
The Archivist (NPC)

System Information
  • Bayside Apartments - Byron Thorne has been the owner of the Bayside Apartments since 2016 when he returned to Gray Harbor from California. He keeps tabs on all of the residents there, being meticulous with what goes on in his property.
  • Returning Local - He's lived in Gray Harbor all his life until he went off to college and came into his successes. He's far more polished now, professionally speaking. Yet, in friendly company, folks will see that he's still the same charismatic boy that they knew.
  • Entrepreneurial Mind - Ever since he was a child, Byron's found ways to make money. Now that's finally come into his own, he's always thinking of the next project to work on and is willing to brainstorm with like-minded individuals.
  • Son of a Police Detective - The son of the late Police Detective, Stephen Thorne, Byron's known many of the department's police force since he was a child. Some of the older officers even watched him grow up. If you were part of the police department 17 years ago or more, or are attached in some way due to familial ties with a cop, you may have history with Byron and his family.
  • Troubled Past - While the Thornes had done fine with hiding the turmoil within their family due to Stephen's drunkenness, there are probably some who had taken notice and had befriended Byron at that point in his childhood. It's not really something that he opens up about, but given some of these dreams that make him relive his past, it's a topic that does come up now and again.
  • Illegal Dealings - Much of Byron's success is due to Felix, at least where start up capital is concerned. He did jobs for the crime boss in California and now, with much of Felix's backing, he owns the Bayside Apartments which is sometimes used in illegal dealings, but Byron knows how to be discrete and to throw people off his tail. If need be, he also knows of the right cops to bribe to help him keep this cover of innocence.

On the outside, the Thornes were your typical Gray Harbor family, if there were such a thing. Stephen Thorne was a police detective, his wife, Mary, a waitress at the Grizzly Den Diner. Whatever money that Stephen brought home, he squandered on booze and when he drank, he became an angry drunk. The house was always a mess, even if it was littered by his own empty whiskey bottles. When he was in this mode, there was not enough quiet in the world to appease him. He lashed out at his family and his son, Byron, especially. Unknown to Byron during these moments, his thoughts and emotions would project into his father's mind, so even if he hadn't said a word, his father had heard or felt something, perhaps sensing his son's fear and hatred towards him. This set him off even more.

There came a point during these beatings when Byron began to notice the darkness, only then realizing his own potential. When he was 12, his father took his own life. It was the stress of the job, people had said and the police department mourned the loss of one of their own. Stephen's passing left the family almost destitute, relying on Mary's sole income to pay off her late-husband's many debts. They had the support of many of Stephen's colleagues, but there was only so much that they could offer, having families of their own to raise.

From an early age, Byron learned to be resourceful, taking on various odd jobs since he was 13. He was a paperboy, mowed people's lawns or raked up their leaves. He always had some business venture or other in mind and he didn't have any qualms about doing manual labor, having done a stint at the Sawmill when he turned 16. He's worn many hats in his lifetime and still managed to keep decent grades and a normal social life, despite his childhood trauma. In fact, he possessed this magnetic charm that drew people to him.

It was just before he was set off to go to college that Byron was 'hired' by Felix Monaghan to make a delivery to California. Of course, there was more that the crime lord had asked him to do, for this was just the start of their relationship. While he took classes on business management and financing, Byron ran jobs and did deals on Felix's behalf all under the cover of some entrepreneurial investment or other. He also had a couple of successful startups under his belt at this time. Byron was living the life he'd always dreamed up.

When he returned home, a successful entrepreneur, his mother and his father's old colleagues from the police department were proud of what Stephen's son had become. Even if he didn't join the force himself. Byron had always been discrete in his workings with Felix. He knew he had a reputation to uphold, being the son of a police office; something which worked in his favor ever since stepping foot back in Gray Harbor. He had history with many of the older officers and some even considered him family, in a sense.

With his hard earned money, which in truth, a majority of it was put up by Felix, Byron took over ownership of the Bayside Apartments. For the most part, he runs this as a legitimate business. Though when it comes down to it, some of the empty units are used as a stash house and the business itself is used to launder some of the money that changes hands. He'll even put up some of Felix's important clientele within one of their suites whenever any comes into town.

Returning back to Gray Harbor was a chore after living it up in California. Back to the mother he resented for her inability to protect him all those years when he was a child, something which reminds him of everything that he's tried to put behind him. And then there was that strangeness that always surrounded the town. This dark mystery that he had yet to scratch the surface of.

Dark brown hair is always well groomed, kept short on the sides, but allowed to grow longer on the top, and styled with a good amount of pomade or gel to keep it in place. His features are classically handsome, with strong dark brows and a well groomed beard and mustache. Dark brown eyes can go from soulful, full of emotions, and to nothing but blank deadness depending on the situation. Everything about him screams someone who has spent a fair amount of time each morning putting together their look, from hair to the very smallest of accessory, like which watch to wear.

Predominantly he wears polos, button downs, or nice sweaters, even when he dresses all the way down to something like a t-shirt it is well kept, and probably pricier than a ten dollar shirt from the cheap store. When he chooses to dress up the suits are well tailored for his body frame, and always in the most current of styles.

Select a scene type tab to browse scenes.

2021-06-18 - Storm's Coming
A couple locals chat about storm prep, a recurring ghost or two and other things.
Easton, Byron, Lilith, Bennie, Ruiz, August, Joseph, Vic

2021-03-28 - A Wraith in the Mist
Lilith and Byron drive smack dab into the fog and get hounded by ghostly imagery.
Byron, Lilith

2021-03-05 - Three Missing Pieces
Lilith and Byron haven't talked about this year's traumatic Valentine's Day Dream. At a certain point, it's apparent they can't keep hiding the aftermath from one another.
Byron, Lilith

2021-02-15 - Sugar Rush: Flaptastrophe Redeux (35% more flap!)
In the Veil there is an ...island? There's a track and the track has 2 things always Near everything is edible, and there's a race to be won. WIll Vyv defend his title? Will the track hold together? Will it explode like last time? Why is everyone singing?!%r%r____________________________%r%r**Each Round:**%rPlayers: Roll name/(Driving or cooking dice) vs. Zone/(zone difficulty based on hazards)%rAdditional bonuses may elsewise apply in certain zones. (See zone for details)%r%r**Values:**%r* Crushing Defeat Food Fail! (Dug out of the terrain & fall back a space)%r* Defeat Spin Out - No progress %r* Marginal Defeat: 1 point (must go forward)%r* DRAW 1 point (must go forward)%r* Marginal Victory: 2 points%r* Victory: 3 points%r* Crushing Victory: 4 points and a Dodge!%r%rPLAYERS can spend points on:%rMoving forward (must spend 1 point here at least)%rAdding to the zone difficulty to one adjacent person’s next roll%r________________________________________________________%rTHE LIVE STANDINGS:
Nicole, Diana, Byron, Lilith, Vyv, Joey, Kailey, Devlin, Rekani, Maya

2021-02-12 - Valentine Shadows
Though last year's holiday was incredibly traumatizing, Lilith and Byron dare the Valentine's holiday and celebrate close to home. They end up terrorized in a vivid Dream setting while driving by the old Thorne home.
Byron, Lilith

2021-02-06 - Fortunes in the Garden II
On a chilly early February morning, an old woman sets up a simple card table in the Venetian garden in Addington Park. She's offering to read people's cards, for a small fee.%r%rWhy not come have your fortune read?
Aidan, Byron, Lilith, Ignacio, August, Everett, Kailey, Joseph, Atli, Kip, Ravn

2021-01-29 - Hospital Grumps and Groupies
Lilith and Byron get some wellness checks after the Reyes shootout. She's unsurprisingly cranky (high) and he's a good sport with plenty to say to the visitors.
Alexander, Byron, Lilith, Ruiz, Isabella

2021-01-19 - Old Guard; New Business
Byron drops in on Joey to swap some WTF stories here and try to keep one another out of the slammer, and the ground.
Byron, Joey

2021-01-19 - Penthouse PowWow
Alexander comes over to talk to Byron after some notable 'problems' at the local Precinct.
Alexander, Byron, Lilith

2020-12-19 - The Thorne Thanksgiving
Byron and Lilith spend quality time at a secluded luxury cabin for Thanksgiving, but the day isn't without thorns for the Thornes.
Byron, Lilith

2020-11-09 - The Unexpected Guest: Afterparty
Byron and Lilith decompress after hosting tense table drinks. They figure out their next move while Grant Turner is accessible in the casino hotel.
Byron, Lilith

2020-11-09 - The Unexpected Guest
Grant Turner shows alongside Byron and Lilith's out of town investor at the casino for costumes and drinks. Thorne uses mentalist powers on the unexpected mogul-- he's full of disturbing information.
Byron, Lilith

2020-11-03 - Shadows of the Past
Lilith receives a call from a person in Miami she hasn't spoken to in a while. The news is no good and somewhat alarming. Byron overhears part of the conversation to make his own inquiries; there's some dark confessing required to prepare him for what comes next.
Byron, Lilith

2020-10-21 - Wedding Dress Decisions
Lilith and Byron talk after getting home from the Addington House tour and weigh their options concerning weddings and ghostly wedding dresses.
Byron, Lilith

2020-10-18 - One Week
The following log details one very eventful week in the life of GH's busy and prominent Thorne couple. So you know, perfectly standard!
Byron, Lilith

2020-10-13 - Tattoo Talk
With the understanding that Joe has a tattoo that matches a symbolic Dream image, a few people stop by his apartment with questions. After sharing information, it seems they have some planning to attend to.
Alexander, Byron, Lilith, August, Isabella, Joseph

2020-10-09 - The Pink One
Lilith and Byron MIGHT be married. The Archivist is </3.
KarmaBum, AlmightyMe, Byron, Lilith

2020-10-03 - Star in our Universe
Lilith and Byron go to pick up their new dog Sirius and it's a damn fine (and fitting) addition to the Thorne couple's universe.
Byron, Lilith

2020-09-29 - An Accidental Anniversary
Lilith bossybones Byron into a mandatory timeout with overnight in Seattle, travel preparation for pickup of his overdue birthday present in the morning. They realize they're in the same hotel they were in almost exactly a year ago and have other new excuses to play honeymoon-anniversary.
Byron, Lilith

2020-09-24 - Tug of War Teamwork!
This is the winning team's tug of war scene to go with the Beach vignette.
Nicole, Aidan, Byron, Lilith, Isabella, Grant

2020-09-22 - No Air
Lilith is pitched back out of a Dream with an escalated illness that inhibits her breathing and Byron has to do some CPR before calling an ambulance to figure out what the hell happened.
Byron, Lilith

2020-09-21 - Compounding Issues
Byron disappears again and Lilith is a ticking time bomb. This is an account of twenty minutes in the life of a GH household, one that's pretty typical of late.
Byron, Lilith

2020-09-18 - Dangerously Distorted
Lilith finally braves the nasty, confused masses and leaves the apartment with Byron. She tends to a secret repair project before arranging delivery across town, but... the couple gets unpleasantly triggered and tested by townsfolk.
Byron, Lilith

2020-09-15 - A Seriously Serial Discussion
Some people come together at the Bayside Penthouse to put info together into a collaboration for forward planning or research to suss out the identity of a 'serial killer'. In the middle of this meeting, Bennie comes in with some relevant information and physical marks that make people think a little differently about what //exactly// may be going on.
Alexander, Byron, Lilith, Bennie, Abitha, Isabella, Maggi

2020-09-12 - Come Clean
Byron and Lilith air some unpleasant 'happenings' with each other in the shower.
Byron, Lilith

2020-09-12 - Are you Dead?
Magnolia checks in with Byron and stops by the Penthouse to get a load of information on what's going on around town these days. None of it is real good, of course.
Magnolia, Byron, Lilith

2020-09-05 - A Pyre for Babylon
Beachgoers try to join a bonfire party and find a funeral instead.
Byron, Bennie, Niall, Renata

2020-09-03 - That Is Not Normal
Byron and Lilith go to August for some aloe and advice after a very vivid and nasty Dream regarding bone crows and stolen names. Alexander and Isabella are called in as the tactical cavalry when it's realized how much 'bad' came back with the couple.
Alexander, Byron, Lilith, August, Isabella

2020-09-03 - He Totally Looks Like a Serial Killer
After finding a burning body out on the beach, Byron brings Bennie and her pup home for a drink and to exchange information that they'd found at the crime scene. During that time, Lilith had an episode that Byron was dead by her hands.
Byron, Lilith, Bennie

2020-09-01 - Change of Subject
Alexander plays with people's memories (which is a terrible thing to do when folks are suffering from the Mandela Effect!) and senses Byron having a panic episode at the Casino.
Alexander, Byron

2020-08-31 - Matching Scars
After reclaiming their Names in an intricate and dangerous Dream, Byron and Lilith are left with matching scars.
Byron, Lilith

2020-08-23 - Celebrating the Life (Death) of Byron (Bryan) Thorne
Byron's 30th birthday party (memorial) is arranged by Lilith, despite the rumors, damnit. What better way to prove a man's alive than to wrangle him into a spot as the man of honor!
Alexander, Byron, Lilith, Ruiz, Itzhak, August, Isabella, Eleanor, Joseph, Rekani

2020-08-22 - The Sultan and the Genie
When Byron completes his birthday scavenger, he finds a genie for his magic lamp. She gives him an exotic dance and three wishes.
Byron, Lilith

2020-08-21 - Console Complications
Abitha gets a visit from Lilith and Byron who have... nothing for her, save for a lot of things to ask and say.
Byron, Lilith, Abitha

2020-08-20 - A Knight's Quest
There's a lot going one in the Thorne-Winslow life, but Lilith makes time to surprise Byron for his birthday the day before. The first part of the surprise is a trip down Memory Lane with a birthday Scavenger Hunt.
Byron, Lilith

2020-08-17 - Not Dead Yet
Byron invites both Joey and Rhys to his office once more to discuss some new findings regarding this recent crime spree that happened upon the town. Neither corrupt police nor fiancees appear to have killed him yet.
Byron, Joey, Rhys

2020-08-16 - Byron's Car Is Full Of Holes Again
Byron visits Itzhak's autoshop to visit his Wraith after all hell broke.
Byron, Itzhak

2020-08-16 - Definitely Not Nelson
Lilith and Byron attempt to return the stolen PS4 to Abitha, but best laid plans go awry.
Byron, Lilith, Ruiz

2020-08-14 - Crash and Burn
Byron has a rough awakening after an awful and seemingly noteworthy Shadow Dream. Lilith is anxiously waiting and helps put him together.
Byron, Lilith

2020-08-11 - No One Is Going to Amputate My Arm. I Need That.
Alexander asks Byron for a favor and it's something that Byron was totally not prepared for. Lilith helps to heal the janky arm.
Alexander, Byron, Lilith, Isabella

2020-08-06 - Rundowns and Playbacks
Byron and Lilith meet with Ruiz and Alexander to let them know that corrupt cops threatened the Harbor Mist.
Alexander, Byron, Lilith, Ruiz

2020-08-02 - Damage Control
Byron and Lilith move some loot and discuss wtf to do after the attempted shakedown at the Pawn Shop by Liu.
Byron, Lilith

2020-08-01 - Pawn Shop Shakedown: Act I
Lilith and Byron are barged into by 'police' with a search warrant for the shop and loft. Harvey Liu roundabout throws down his gauntlet and the shakedown dance begins.
Byron, Lilith, Ruiz

2020-07-31 - Curses and Blessings
Byron is visited in the night by a familiar ghost who seems to be haunted by his own past.
Byron, Lilith

2020-07-29 - One of Those Days
It's a bar. By the sea. People talk here.
Byron, Lilith, Ruiz, August, Sparrow, Cristobal, Joseph, Ravn

2020-07-28 - Blackjack Table Talk
Byron and Lilith entertain rich out-of-towners in the casino and the interim Chief drops by to have a gander at the cards.
Byron, Lilith, Ruiz

2020-07-23 - Something In The Brain
Byron and Lilith stop by 13 Elm for some much-needed catch up with their nerdier friends.
Alexander, Byron, Lilith, Isabella

2020-07-17 - Love and Bullets
Lilith arranges a long and entertaining lunch for Byron (with guns) at a sentimental location in the deep woods.
Byron, Lilith

2020-07-16 - Who Can You Trust?
Ruiz meets with Byron for the footage of the botched casino parking garage assassination attempt.
Byron, Ruiz

2020-07-08 - The Moonlit Proposal
During one of their last legs on this French vacation, Byron opens up to Lilith in Monte Carlo beneath the moon and stars.
Byron, Lilith

2020-07-02 - Sinnerman
The Chief of Police is laid to rest, while the previously interred residents of Gray Harbour's cemetery have other ideas.
Graham, Alexander, Byron, Lilith, Ruiz, Itzhak, August, Joey, Dante, Cristobal, Rhys, Devlin, Joseph, Alisha, Olivia

2020-07-02 - Riviera Heat
Byron's trip planning moves the happy, vacationing couple along to the French Riviera for summertime on the water. The heat continues well into the night.
Byron, Lilith

2020-06-25 - A Day in Paris
Byron and Lilith spend a day in Paris on Day One of their vacation. They meet up with a couple of ghosts from Lilith's past. Byron receives a distressing text message during their trip. (The Missing Persons log fits somewhere in here)
Byron, Lilith

2020-06-23 - Paris to Burgundy and Beyond
Byron and Lilith visit the Eiffel Tower before they hop on a train for Burgundy. They spend some time in wine country before taking a ferry to the French Riviera.
Byron, Lilith

2020-06-22 - The French Kiss
Lilith's birthday is coming up and Byron has a little surprise for her.
Byron, Lilith

2020-06-18 - A Meeting Before the Storm
This meeting took place a day before Byron swept Lilith off her feet to Paris.
Byron, Joey, Rhys

2020-06-05 - Take the Long Way Home
After Bennie tells them about Easton's disappearance, Byron and Lilith return to his car with darker thoughts. Things get explosive as they sometimes do in such a tumultuous relationship such as theirs.
Byron, Lilith

2020-06-04 - Have You Seen These Abs?
Byron and Lil stop by TiBs to check on Bennie and the disappearance of Easton Marshall.
Byron, Lilith, Bennie

2020-06-02 - Sitka Grand Opening
Gray Harbor residents come to the grand opening of the new restaurant and cocktail bar.
Byron, Lilith, Elias, Harper, Ruiz, Itzhak, August, Sparrow, Dante, Cristobal, Rhys, Devlin, Vic, Jefferson

2020-05-31 - Paternal Spirits
After Byron and Lilith's harrowing day involving ghosts, of all things, they reconvene at Lilith's loft above the pawn shop to inform each other of their day.
Byron, Lilith

2020-05-23 - A Long Overdue Conversation
A nosy (concerned) Alexander pays Byron a visit at his Penthouse to talk about the events surrounding the the latter's childhood home among other topics.
Alexander, Byron

2020-05-21 - The Survivor
Another year has passed and Byron Thorne visits his father's grave once more on the the anniversary of the man's death. Lilith and Alexander join him. They are then led into a nightmare that Byron's been trying to forget.
Alexander, Byron, Lilith

2020-05-21 - Room Service Makes Everything Better
Byron and Lilith somehow manage to have a splendid morning with room service while talking about a couple of not so splendid things.
Byron, Lilith

2020-05-20 - We Write Sins Not Tragedies
After socializing at the Casino Opening, Byron and Lilith finally get some time to process the events at the Thorne house... at least to some degree.
Byron, Lilith

2020-05-12 - The Sound of the Can of Worms Opening over Dinner
Byron and Lilith throw a dinner for a few guests. As he promised, Byron introduces Katherine to a few of his friends and associates, Isabella and Alexander.
Alexander, Byron, Lilith, Isabella, Katherine

2020-05-09 - Geese are Bitches (our bitches)
Lilith and Byron try to fit in a timeout at the zoo and get stalked. It's fine, though. The geese are there to handle it and everyone knows you don't screw with geese.
Byron, Lilith

2020-05-08 - Firepit Feels
Time around a sunset bonfire gets a trio of locals a little bit into the feels when it comes to conversational topics.
Byron, Lilith, August, Joseph

2020-05-02 - Sitka
Byron meets with Dante at the Sitka, an elegant restaurant and piano bar which the latter will be running, at the casino. They discuss the establishment, the casino as a whole, among other things. Grand Opening is coming up!
Byron, Dante

2020-04-27 - Doll Parts
Byron finds Lilith covered with blood and gore in the bathroom. He bathes her clean and eventually she talks, but there's ominous details in her account of this particular Dream.
Byron, Lilith

2020-04-26 - Witching Hour Warnings
Lilith accidentally wakes Byron up around three in the morning. But that's fine, their phones were just going to go off anyway to wake them.
Byron, Lilith

2020-04-23 - One Thing After Another
Lilith and Byron can't really catch a break lately. When he gets home to reconvene with the lady of the place (after they were both snared into a Dream), the man also finds some ominous mail.
Byron, Lilith

2020-04-18 - The Vivisectionist's Gift
After the painful trial in a Dream at the Addington House garden cocktail party, Erin comes to stay as a guest in Penthouse to heal, clean up, and rest for the evening with Byron and Lilith. While Erin is healing Lilith, she notices old damage that is strange and amiss, and that becomes the conversational topic of concern during recovery from the night's ordeal.
Erin, Byron, Lilith

2020-04-16 - Overflow
Lilith and Byron have been pretty busy with life back on the go and need some touch base time, but they don't quite do that right. It kind of works, but mostly, they argue and hurt each other's feelings before bed.
Byron, Lilith

2020-04-12 - Cowboy Up
It's a Western themed night at Two if by Sea for charity.
Geoff, Easton, Byron, Lilith, Bennie, Jay, Harper, Ruiz, Lyric, Justin, Itzhak, August, Isabella, Astrid, Everett, Lucas, Dante, Park, Katherine, Maggi, Leon, Joseph, Katy, Vic

2020-04-10 - When did hooking people up with researchers of the dark side become networking?
After Lilith's recovery, Byron is finally able to return to work in full force. He meets up with Katherine at the casino and what started out as a business discussion turns into talks about the Veil.
Byron, Katherine

2020-04-08 - Toast to Health
Lilith gets healed by August over a lovely breakfast courtesy of Byron and they have typical GH conversation. It's possible, though, that Lilith isn't as fine as she seems.
Felicity, Byron, Lilith, August

2020-04-05 - Pillowtalk
Byron gets Lilith settled at home and they enact a small game of questions while she's physically limited.
Byron, Lilith

2020-04-02 - Bedside Omission
Lilith is in the hospital and Byron disappears from her bedside. When he returns, she's none the wiser and he's certainly not fessing up.
Byron, Lilith

2020-03-28 - All the Stars are Blood
Byron races to find Lilith after the chaos on the other side of the Veil. He finds her bleeding on the floor of her office after she was ripped into by the Vivisectionist. There's no real chance to relax, even though she's settled restfully into emergency hospital care-- the man disappears into a Dream while watching her sleep.
Byron, Lilith

2020-03-26 - Two mommies
Bean talks to Kailey. Things are negotiated.
Byron, Everett, Kailey, Bean

2020-03-25 - In the Still of the Night
When Lilith wakes up, Byron isn't in the Penthouse and the terrace doors are wide open with no one outside. Spooked by context clues, she waits and the man eventually returns, covered with blood.
Byron, Lilith

2020-03-21 - Companion Ecosystems
Byron and Lilith swing by Branch & Bole to check out Byron's allotment garden.
Byron, Lilith, August

2020-03-14 - The Curious Case of Johannes Wagner
Alexander, Byron and Isabella stop by the Reede family home to talk to George Reede.
Alexander, Byron, Isabella

2020-03-13 - Falcon Hunt
A briefing about Peregrine held in Alexander Clayton's residence at 13 Elm Street leads to the conclusion that there might be someone in town who knows who the mysterious antagonist is.
Alexander, Byron, Ruiz, August, Isabella

2020-03-11 - The Last Endeavor
Byron grabbed some feathers from outside the hospital after Lilith killed the gross crow. He decides to do what any overly curious Mentalist would do...(This scene immediately follows The Dress and the Spike)
Byron, August

2020-03-11 - The Dress and the Spike
While doing some housekeeping, Byron decides to do something he's been avoiding for a while now: Trying to learn more about two objects that have attachments to a couple of violent events in his recent past. (This scene is continued in The Last Endeavor)
Byron, Lilith

2020-03-10 - Ultraviolence
Lilith is surprised by a piece of her old dominatrix life in Byron's drawer while trying to surprise him. She's worked up, but can't land on how to actually feel until Byron is home. From there, it turns into a pretty dark and intense conversation (and then some).
Byron, Lilith

2020-03-08 - Cleanup Crew: Phase One
A gang of pals clean out the first floor of James' inherited hoarder mess. They end up re-strategizing after having a hell of a frustrating kickoff.
Diana, Tobin, Byron, Lilith, James

2020-03-04 - Bar-lympics
It's the Bar-Lympics! Where the finest bar-thletes that Gray Harbor has come out to complete for glory and mediocre prizes.
Alexander, Easton, Byron, Lilith, Bennie, Ruiz, Lyric, Everett, Tyrone, Roxy, Tim, Joseph, Rekani, Kip, Alisha

2020-03-01 - Special Access Privileges
Byron gives Lilith a surprise tour of the Casino before it's open to the public.
Byron, Lilith

2020-02-29 - When You Don't Realize That Your Business Partner and Your Lawyer are Exes.
Byron sets up a meeting with both his investment partner (Easton) and his lawyer (Katherine) to meet him at their newly acquired casino. Unknown to him the invited already have a history together.
Easton, Byron, Katherine

2020-02-24 - Love (Until We Bleed)
Lilith gives Byron his overdue Valentine. They find intimacy again and Lilith uses that passion to confront some of her trauma.
Byron, Lilith

2020-02-21 - Wait For Me
After roughly three days of functioning on autopilot and refusing to cope with what happened on Valentine's Day, Lilith breaks down in the middle of the night.
Byron, Lilith

2020-02-18 - Defense Mechanisms
Byron stays with Lilith in the hospital after their Valentine's went very wrong. Realizing the extent of trauma she's suffering, he's determined to find a way to fix it.
Byron, Lilith

2020-02-06 - Let the Right One In
Alexander and Isabella receive numerous visitors at the hospital. One of them is very unwelcome.
Alexander, Byron, Lilith, Ruiz, August, Isabella

2020-02-04 - Drunk Phantoms
Tobin and Byron help Lilith clean out her old room at the Winslow trailer, and reminiscing leads to ghostly encounters from the past.
Tobin, Byron, Lilith

2020-02-03 - The Disappeared
Isabella tells Byron about the Seraphim Acquisitions explosion and experiment during a morning run. He then informs her about the others who have disappeared - including, possibly, Dr. Vivian Glass.
Byron, Isabella

2020-01-31 - Coffee, FCN, and Them
Byron, Lilith, and Itzhak converge on August to discuss FCN.
Byron, Lilith, Itzhak, August

2020-01-27 - Bedtime Confessional
Before bed, Byron and Lilith discuss the wedding dress he received from the Addington attic, then the topic turns to the Thorne house.
Byron, Lilith

2020-01-25 - Spiked Coffee Talk
A variety of conversation topics come up when Alexander and Isabella stop by Byron's penthouse to visit with him and Lilith over coffee and pastries.
Alexander, Byron, Lilith, Isabella

2020-01-22 - A Very Kelly Casualty
Lilith didn't have time to take some of Joey's misery before he was swept off and she amends that during a hospital visit with Byron while Nicole keeps watch bedside.
Nicole, Byron, Lilith, Joey

2020-01-20 - Men of Repute
Just a couple completely legitimate businessmen hashing out some completely legitimate business. %r%rNo, genuinely.
Byron, Rhys

2020-01-17 - Loot and Spray
Lilith and Byron stop in to surprise James with gifts for watching her cat. There's some roach control and looting and planning for a clean up.
Byron, Lilith, James

2020-01-08 - Mysteries Outstanding
Byron has a murder-gift for Alexander, and they talk of Dark Men, Dreams, and touch on deeds done in history.
Alexander, Byron

2020-01-06 - In The Hall of the (Ski) Mountain King
Alexander and Isabella escape Gray Harbor for a weekend to hit the slopes in Mount Baker. Absolutely nothing is going to happen - except his surprise 40th birthday party. ALSO CHECK OUT THE SCENE NUMBER IT'S A YAHTZEE SMALL STRAIGHT (THANKS FOR POINTING IT OUT KB).
Nicole, Erin, Alexander, Easton, Jack, Byron, Lilith, Bennie, Ruiz, August, Isabella, Joey, Eleanor, Anne, Patrick

2019-12-27 - Everlong (Acoustic Version)
Magnolia and company listen to the tape left behind by Nathaniel Jones. And down they go, down, down, down the rabbit hole.
Magnolia, Kevin, Byron, Lilith, Levi

2019-12-26 - The Snowball Festival (FIGHT!)
There's lots of things to do for kids at the GH Snowball Festival, but that doesn't mean that the adults don't get a good snowball fight of their own! Town-wide snowball fights are good stress relief!
Alexander, Jonathan, Byron, Lilith, Bennie, Ruiz, Ignacio, Itzhak, Finch, August, Isabella, Everett, Anne, Patrick, Lalo, Meredith

2019-12-24 - All I Want for Christmas is You
Byron wakes Lilith up with a Christmas morning surprise that melts her into rare tears.
Byron, Lilith

2019-12-23 - How to End a Frozen Hot Mess Kind of Day
Byron and Lilith have had a hell of a time and walk into a feline destruction zone. It's just that kind of snow day.
Byron, Lilith

2019-12-23 - Snow Before Dawn
At ridiculously early in the morning, Byron and Alexander run across one another in the snow.
Alexander, Byron

2019-12-21 - Blood and Ice
A trip into the woods to ice skate on a stream takes a turn from picturesque to horrifying when the group is haunted by a holiday ghost.
Alexander, Byron, Lilith, Isabella

2019-12-20 - The Bodega Cat
Byron and Lilith bring in a unique stray for photos and end up keeping it a little while...
Byron, Lilith

2019-12-17 - Turkey Sausages in Parmesan Tomato Cream Sauce Over Pasta, With A Side of Bad Decisions
Bad ideas are terrible, apparently, but at least there's some amazing food.
Alexander, Byron, August, Isabella

2019-12-14 - High Roller Investments
Byron tells Easton his plan to purchase the Grand Olympic Casino, hoping that the TWIBS 'bartender' would agree to become his partner and investing in this project.
Easton, Byron

2019-12-13 - A Charitable Favor
Lex contacts Byron, asking for a little favor.
Byron, Lex

2019-12-11 - Men with Deep Pockets
Byron and Felix want to buy the casino - and NOT turn it into an aquarium.
KarmaBum, Felix, Andre, Byron

2019-12-08 - Homecoming Hazards
Lilith comes back from her shopping trip to find Byron home from Vegas. It's not long before he realizes something is off and she shows him the bruises to explain. Naturally, there's fury over the escalation and threat. The pair make return response by throwing a fiery gauntlet.
Byron, Lilith

2019-12-07 - Preemption
Byron stops by to check on Isabella and finds out, almost immediately, that something is amiss. He vacates his friend from her residence before anything else happens.
Byron, Isabella

2019-12-04 - What Goes Around
Scouring the attic, something was found for Byron. Cuuuurious.
Byron, Vyv, Hyacinth

2019-12-03 - Vegas II: The Vegasing
Hawaiian shirts mandatory. Good decisions optional.
Geoff, Easton, Byron, Lilith, Harper

2019-11-27 - O Christmas Tree
Thanksgiving has passed, and that means one thing: time to pick out your Christmas Trees from the Christmas Tree farm! One of the more popular farms is on the edges of Firefly Forest, a 'live' Christmas tree farm where you pick out a still-in-the-ground tree and its cut down and prepped for you right there to strap to your car or trailer and drive on home. The farm becomes a bit of an event, much like the pumpkin patch in the Park; there's coffee and tea and cocoa, roasted chestnuts and Christmas cookies.%r%rAnd this year, the trees are big, and healthy! They've never had trees this nice looking! Come pick out a tree, or just enjoy the coffee and cocoa and ambiance of the forest in winter.%r%rAnd maybe find out why the trees are looking so nice...
Nicole, Erin, Byron, Lilith, August, Isabella, Jaime, Joey

2019-11-23 - Turkey, Tact, and Terrace Trips
Lilith and Byron have early Thanksgiving dinner with his mother, but it's interrupted for the pair of them when a trip out onto the terrace takes them through a different kind of doorway. By the end of the night, they're calling a doctor that lives in the building.
Byron, Lilith, Jacob

2019-11-22 - Information Exchange
Isabella and Byron have a long-overdue catch up on the goings on in Gray Harbor. Covers multiple plot threads (Monkey's Paw, Wash Your Hands, King In Yellow, Dark Men Amongst Us, Grand Olympic Casino), because that's how these two roll.
Byron, Isabella

2019-11-21 - I'll Be There For You
Byron and Tobin discuss various things. Being best friends, there's a lot of catching up to do with how quickly the madness around them spreads.
Tobin, Byron

2019-11-20 - Hangovers and Hazy Shower Scenes
Lilith is hungover and taking the longest shower in the morning when Byron comes in from running and joins her to wash and cuddle and talk (and enact unorthodox hangover cures).
Byron, Lilith

2019-11-15 - You Can't Pay A Prostitute In Soup
It's Guys Night Out at the Two If By Sea. There's a recap of things that happened and some pondering on things to come.
Tobin, Easton, Byron, Joey

2019-11-15 - Running Nowhere Fast
Byron and Lilith go for a run in the woods to blow off steam and talk about spooky mail, holiday plans, cursed soup, and stalkers. They blow off the remaining tension in the car, afterwards.
Byron, Lilith

2019-11-11 - Kind Hands and Magic Kisses
Lilith and Byron leave the hospital with both of them still worse for the wear. Erin's is requested at the penthouse to tend the woman's wounds with kind spirit hands. Afterwards, Lilith addresses a safety concern before coaxing Byron into some healing kisses.
Erin, Byron, Lilith

2019-11-09 - Hospital Hospitality
Alexander and Isabella drop by the hospital to check in on Lilith and Byron after the former was found in the Firefly Forest after a long disappearance.
Alexander, Byron, Lilith, Isabella

2019-11-08 - Long Live the Swan Queen
After days missing in a dangerous dream, Lilith's safety is more or less assured. But getting her home and safe? That comes with conflict and confusion in the woods, of course.
Byron, Lilith, Ruiz, James

2019-11-01 - How To Chain Your Dragon
Alexander, Byron and Tobin breach Isabella's mind in an effort to investigate the damage done and possibly fix it.
Tobin, Alexander, Byron, Isabella

2019-10-31 - Pre-Wedding Jitters
Lilith Winslow has been missing since last night and now, Isabella isn't answering her texts. It's going to be another one of those nights for the dynamic duo of Byron Thorne and Alexander Clayton.
Alexander, Byron, Isabella

2019-10-30 - Lion Recovered
Byron wakes up to a few people looming over him.
Erin, Alexander, Byron, Ruiz, Isabella

2019-10-30 - Finding the Lion
Alexander and company hurry to the Thorne House after they realize Byron may have been kidnapped and brought there.
Erin, Alexander, Sutton, Byron, Ruiz, August, Isabella

2019-10-28 - Stand By Me
Byron said look for a white dog house. Of course there's not much more to go on than that other than 'it's on Elm St.' What's a little B&E between neighbors? Why wouldn't 4 old classmates (we're being generous here) not go look for Ray Brower's's dad's body or whatever.
Nicole, Magnolia, Alexander, Byron, Joey

2019-10-26 - The Persistent Friend
Alexander tells Byron about the Thorne House, or what he suspects is going on there. Byron doesn't take this very well.
Alexander, Byron

2019-10-25 - Building a Garden and Other Stories
As Juniper works on decorating Addington Park for the Masquerade, several other characters happen upon her.
Alexander, Byron, Itzhak, Juniper

2019-10-24 - Alexander's Adventure in the Old Thorne House
Alexander runs into Mary Thorne conveniently outside of the old Thorne Family home. They both are invited inside.
Alexander, Byron

2019-10-24 - Proper Party Composition
After their failure of a fishing expedition, Magnolia, Kevin, Byron and Isabella get together at Kevin's house to determine next step while grappling with the knowledge that the Lover's Jewel is once again in the wind.
Magnolia, Kevin, Byron, Isabella

2019-10-23 - A Seattle Situation: Intrusion
After numerous missed calls and unanswered texts on Lilith's phone, the city date night with her and Byron goes rogue. Grant Turner conveniently shows up to antagonize and tries to drive a wedge between them.
Byron, Lilith

2019-10-22 - Wolf in Not-so Cheap Clothing
Byron drags Joey to Seattle to get him into a suit to start dressing the part of a guy running the show. Lawdy.
Byron, Lilith, Joey, Poe

2019-10-21 - Unsolicited Footwork
Alexander meets up with Byron Thorne to see if his dubious witness' testimony might actually lead to a new area in the case. Results are intriguing.
Alexander, Byron

2019-10-18 - An Evening Of Ghost Tales
Likely Stories hosts a reading from horror author Dante Taylor and the sharing of some local ghost stories.
Nicole, Greg, Byron, Lilith, Frankie, Elias, Vyv, Ignacio, Isabella, Dante

2019-10-18 - Dire Warnings And Fond Reunions
Two different kinds of gamers discuss nerd stuff at a bar. The Gray Harbor Adventurer's Guild looks to be complete now.
Byron, Lilith, Abitha, James

2019-10-15 - Broken Dreams
Vivian and Byron discuss their relationship.
Byron, Vivian

2019-10-15 - What Not To Do At A Job Interview
Nasir's job interview at the Harbor Mist Pawn Shop.
Byron, Lilith, Nasir

2019-10-08 - Do Powers Work Outside of Gray Harbor?
Byron meets up with Kailey at the ice cream shop. He learns that she's far more experienced with her own powers than many in this town. It's an amiable conversation where no one gets murdered.
Byron, Kailey

2019-10-07 - Timeout in the Woods
Byron and Lilith go into the woods to retrieve a box, but it turns into a belated birthday surprise and game. They do get the box, though. Eventually.
Byron, Lilith

2019-09-24 - Marshall To The Rescue
Illness and a sudden flare up of anger lead to Easton and Byron meeting up in the fourth floor hallway.
Easton, Byron

2019-09-23 - Where is Billy?
Post exorcism, some members of the group meet up at Erin's place to discuss.
Erin, Byron, Lilith, Ruiz, August, Isabella, Andy

2019-09-22 - The Waiting Game
Lilith is on supplementary standby for the exorcism in case something goes wrong. She waits with Byron in a nearby room and anticipates mental updates or a call from the Captain.
Byron, Lilith, Ruiz, August

2019-09-21 - Wake Up and Drag Ass
Lilith and Byron just are not wanting to move out of bed in the morning. Surely it's just stress catching up and making fatigue, right?
Byron, Lilith

2019-09-21 - Ghouls, Jewels and Pizza
After visiting City Hall, Byron joins Magnolia and Kevin out for pizza to discuss some of the recent gruesome events. They are joined by Alexander and Lilith. There's no signs of the flu here.
Magnolia, Kevin, Alexander, Byron, Lilith

2019-09-19 - Let's Masquerade
Byron drops by to discuss potential masquerade business with Antonio. Love chimes in. Slowly, more staff (and a customer!) join in the discussion, and then the topic turns. The evening rounds out with talk of music, motorized vehicles, & the questionable places we might find ourselves in.
Byron, Cameron, Love, Antonio, Zoiya, Park, Viktor

2019-09-18 - The Tempest's Toll
Lilith is extremely rattled by a visit from otherworldly creatures wanting to extract a toll from her. Byron comes over and he centers her to learn what transpired. The pair ends up collecting on what is really overdue between them. (mild adult content warning!)
Byron, Lilith

2019-09-17 - A Second Chance
After the self-defense lesson at Kelly's Gym, Erin approaches Lilith in the hopes of healing her completely once and for all.
Erin, Byron, Lilith, Ruiz

2019-09-17 - Impatient Patient
Isabella comes to see a cranky Lilith who lets her have it over something she's been holding in for a bit. Then they annoy Byron with escape planning, and he does the normal person thing-- he signs paperwork to get her out of the hospital.
Byron, Lilith, Isabella

2019-09-14 - Copycat Kill
Byron Thorne and Isabella Reede meet with Andi Johnson, who is busy investigating one of the Friday the 13th murders that occurred off the docks.
Byron, Andi, Isabella

2019-09-14 - Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone
Getting anxious that Lilith was still laid up in the hospital and concerned about her progress, Byron reaches out to August Roen, a man he barely knows to help mend her. Both men suffer through their own trauma and paranoia all for Lilith.
Byron, Lilith, August

2019-09-14 - Let The Bodies Hit The Floor
Byron and Isabella catch up on the latest through their fancy videoconferencing apps.
Byron, Isabella

2019-09-13 - The Perfect Kind of Tenant...For Now
After hearing about the rumors of strangeness happening in his building's lobby, horror writer, Dante Taylor, seeks out Byron Thorne for more information.
Byron, Dante

2019-09-12 - Seal'd and Delivered (to the ER)
Lilith got crushed and clawed by a seal, so that's nice. She's high and says a lot of stuff, Byron answers the room phone to an unexpected caller, and Erin comes to try and help mend her along.
Erin, Byron, Lilith

2019-09-11 - Sacrifice and Strangle Knots
Byron stays with Lilith who seems to be in a mood and soaked enough in wine to let him know exactly what she thinks of memory-sacrifices. They make a shaky, tactical but masochistic Plan B in the event he can't find something personal otherwise.
Byron, Lilith

2019-09-11 - Shrapnel and Sacrifice
People meet at Lilith's loft to discuss the trip for information pertaining to exorcism for Billy the Ghoul. Erin gets guidance the Lilith way to prepare for task and others discuss what to sacrifice.
Erin, Alexander, Byron, Lilith, Ruiz, Isabella

2019-09-10 - Plan of Attack
The Stop Billy the Ghoul Strike Team get together in a group text and conference call to formulate a plan of attack, armed with the information they've managed to obtain from the Exorcist.
Erin, Alexander, Byron, Lilith, Vyv, Ruiz, August, Isabella, Hyacinth, Minerva

2019-09-08 - Alexander Drives the Wraith Again
After the circus Dream! Suffering from head trauma, Byron is taken home by Alexander. Some bonding may have occurred. Lilith shows up to ensure that the brain damage isn't permanent.
Alexander, Byron, Lilith

2019-09-07 - Heads You Win Tails I Lose
Erin texts a few people to come to the hospital so they can all discuss what happened.
Erin, Alexander, Byron, Ruiz, Isabella, Hyacinth

2019-09-07 - Alternate Viewing
Lilith wants to be prepared to stand up and lash back against an attack. The more prepared she is to trace the signature when it withdraws, the better. She has an idea to help ready her long-shot possibility, and invites Byron's help. When he leaves, though, she's reminded of what they aren't after being somewhat fooled by the past few days.
Byron, Lilith

2019-09-06 - Gohl Strikes Again?
There's another attack and someone else is close to death at the end of the day...
Erin, Byron, Lilith, Ruiz

2019-09-03 - Security Concerns
Geoff shows up at the Bayside Apartments to help Byron with some security concerns. Who better to get advice from on ways in which bad guys can get in than from an ex-con?
Geoff, Byron

2019-09-03 - Be Careful What You Ask For
Alexander pays Byron a welfare call and he's bearing gifts.
Alexander, Byron

2019-09-01 - Planning and Pastry
Some friends come to visit a Byron on the mend. Pastries were had. Plans were made.
Tobin, Byron, Lilith, Isabella, Hyacinth

2019-08-31 - Breathe Again
Lilith rushes to aid Byron, who is left on the floor in a terrible state after a psychic assault from an unknown (but suspected) party.
Byron, Lilith

2019-08-28 - Long Distance Repair
With Alexander Clayton admitted in the OR after getting his throat cut by the Ghoul, and extremely unwilling to take any chances on his life, Isabella Reede calls for some reinforcements, and discovers that Lilith Winslow can heal long distance even without the assistance of a reader like she was initially led to believe. Captain de la Vega arranges for her to be allowed in his room the moment he is out of surgery.
Byron, Lilith, Ruiz, Isabella

2019-08-28 - Full Contact Ballet
When weird ceased to be weird, and all manner of unusual skills get found out.
Byron, Lilith, Itzhak, Joey

2019-08-27 - Pushing Buttons
After the paintball charity game, Lilith and Byron take a ride to set to the rest of their day. They each do a little button pushing in different ways during the drive.
Byron, Lilith

2019-08-22 - Don't Do Anything Rash
Police Captain Ruiz de la Vega has a few questions for Thorne regarding these murders. Believing this to be your run-of-the-mill cop interrogation, Byron learns that the Captain knows more about what's going on than he'd realized.
Byron, Ruiz

2019-08-22 - Bayside Apartment's Newest Victim
Byron Thorne shows a new arrival to Gray Harbor around the Bayside Apartments. There's no mention of murder or tomfoolery. Just good conversation about family homes and suits. Oh, he also learns that this Dante Taylor is a writer whose books he's read. That's cool.
Byron, Dante

2019-08-20 - Sins of Their Forebears
The group confers about next steps after the meeting with Thomas and Margaret Addington.
Erin, Alexander, Byron, Isabella, Hyacinth

2019-08-19 - State of Play
Byron Thorne and Isabella Reede catch up on the latest, though they don't manage to do this without treading on some thorny personal issues.
Byron, Isabella

2019-08-19 - Those Addington Men
Byron meets up with Hyacinth to discuss their upcoming meeting with Margaret Addington. He finds out that she knows that they are distantly related, but you know, it's in the family tree and stuff. Not a secret!
Byron, Hyacinth

2019-08-18 - Ghost Hunters
Takes place directly after the trio's meeting with Rebecca Carr. Alexander, Byron and Isabella confer about what they learned from Rebecca's experience in Byron's penthouse.
Alexander, Byron, Isabella

2019-08-17 - A Meeting of Victims
Byron introduces Rebecca to Alexander and Isabella.
Alexander, Byron, Isabella, Rebecca

2019-08-10 - Soap and Sanctuary
Byron arrives at Lilith's door covered in filth and somewhat traumatized from an experience near the carousel.
Byron, Lilith

2019-08-09 - The Art of Losing
Isabella and Byron connect after the harrowing incident in Two if By Sea.
Byron, Vivian, Isabella

2019-08-05 - Totally Unprepared
Byron asks Vivian about this mysterious Asylum that she is trying to get back to.
Byron, Vivian

2019-08-03 - Carte Blanche
Alexander, Byron and Isabella chase the leads given to them by the Archivist, but in order to get to where they need to, they would need to involve another victim.
Erin, Alexander, Byron, Isabella

2019-08-01 - Cleaning House (AKA Intervention)
A bunch of people show up at Lilith's very messy place where she's been drunkenly wallowing in the mess ever since release from the hospital.
Tobin, Magnolia, Kevin, Byron, Carver, Lilith, Harper, Rafael, Vivian

2019-07-29 - Ask for Answers
Rebecca returns to Gray Harbor, and Byron and Vivian ask her and Vyv to come by. Questions come from all quarters, but a lot fewer answers do...
Byron, Vyv, Vivian, Rebecca

2019-07-28 - Tears for Absolution
Byron and Lilith are due for release soon. They haven't seen each other in a few hazy, respectively bedridden days and there's things to say.
Byron, Lilith

2019-07-27 - The Slings and Arrows of Outrageous Fortune
Isabella Reede finally manages to visit her childhood friend, Byron Thorne, after embarking on a rather ridiculous piece of deception with the AMH nurses.
Byron, Isabella

2019-07-26 - Detective File: Thorne, Byron
After his questioning of Lilith Winslow, Captain Javier de la Vega pays Byron Thorne a visit to hear his story about what happened at the stone bridge.
Byron, Ruiz

2019-07-25 - Dr. Glass, the Fixer
Byron wakes up in the recovery room only to find that Vivian had spent the time watching over him.
Byron, Vivian

2019-07-24 - Hallway Processing
After being processed in the hospital, survivors of the commotion at the Hanging Bridge are put in the OR waiting hallway. It's finally quiet enough for some personal processing of their own.
Alexander, Byron, Lilith

2019-07-23 - Commotion in the ER
The hospital lobby and ER are swimming with people that heard about the commotion at the Hanging Bridge.
Magnolia, Kevin, Byron, Lilith, Michael, Ruiz, Vivian, Isabella

2019-07-22 - The Hunt For The Ring
Byron had told Alexander that he'd meet him at Lilith's pawnshop and instead Byron's searching for signs of her within Hank's trailer at the trailer park.
Byron, Lilith

2019-07-21 - Meanwhile, Somewhere on HW 109
After receiving a curious message, Byron goes to pick Magnolia up just outside of Gray Harbor along HW 109. That's when he learns just how close this threat to the box really is and has a hunch on who the bastards were that trashed one of his apartments.
Magnolia, Byron

2019-07-20 - Phase 2: The Smash and Grab
In his desperation to get his hand on the ring, Byron enlists the help of Joey to break into both the Pawn Shop office and the safe itself.
Byron, Lilith, Joey

2019-07-18 - What's Past is Prologue
Alexander Clayton's texts to Isabella Reede on the day they were supposed to spend the afternoon doing whatever it is the archaeologist had planned goes unanswered. Being who he is, he goes and investigates. Things escalate into violence and Vivian and Byron are called in to help with the situation.
Alexander, Byron, Vivian, Isabella

2019-07-17 - Phase 1: Asking Nicely
Byron shows up at the Pawn Shop asking Lilith for the box. There's a subtle tug of war that takes place.
Byron, Lilith

2019-07-16 - Unlocking the Box
A visual investigation of the cursed jewelry Lilith keeps hidden is managed without incident in order to seek more answers.
Magnolia, Byron, Lilith, Isabella

2019-07-16 - The Bayside Killer
Alexander pays Tobin a visit to catch him up on a few things and check on his well-being. Declan joins in the mix. Byron shows up acting a little odd. It's probably just stress.
Tobin, Alexander, Declan, Byron

2019-07-14 - Holy Shit
After a disturbing situation at the hospital, Vivian returns home to tell Byron all about her meeting with Dr. Marshall. Disclaimer: Despite the WTFness of the information passed, Mild NSFW moment towards the end.
Byron, Vivian

2019-07-12 - Controlled Environment
Old friends compare their varied abilities to learn more about each other and themselves.
Geoff, Tobin, Byron, Lilith

2019-07-11 - Attachment Disorders
Byron comes to catch up with Lilith. The pair gets some time with Carver's ghost attachment in the shop before going to eat and talk. Lilith tips Byron into a rare state of hidden fury, and she's willfully blind. There are reasons they're like this, but it's all swept under the rug to bite them in the ass later, of course.
Byron, Carver, Lilith

2019-07-11 - Bayside Apartments Tenants Meeting
A meeting is held in the lobby of Bayside Apartment's Building 3 to address concerns over the murder that happened there. Police Captain Ruiz de la Vega is present to field questions.
Geoff, Erin, Easton, Sutton, Byron, Vyv, Ruiz, Vivian, Rebecca, Hyacinth

2019-07-10 - Nothing Could Possibly Go Wrong
Magnolia shares what she's learned about Joseph Michaels III, and Byron lets her in on what's going on.
Magnolia, Byron

2019-07-09 - A Breakfast Blend of Everything with a Side of Muffins
Several people converge on Espresso Yourself for some coffee, muffins and the discussion of weird topics. Some bones are brought up among other things.
Alexander, Byron, Ruiz, Vivian, Isabella, Eleanor, Love

2019-07-07 - Restraining Orders and Raccoons
Lilith is paranoid about returning home, even with Byron along. They call a cop for a ride. Michael gets some patrol action before his shift even starts because... that's apparently what happens when you meet a pretty girl in a flaming SUV and give her the digits.
Byron, Lilith, Michael

2019-07-06 - Stress Fractures
Lilith can't handle this hospital thing. But she gets two visitors in the morning despite being too stubborn, paranoid, and battered to call and let anyone know.
Alexander, Byron, Lilith, Michael

2019-07-02 - Landlord Concerns
Byron goes to the precinct to learn more about the incident at his apartment complex. He meets with Officer O'Malley, whose not entirely forthcoming, but he does offer some decent advice.
Byron, Michael

2019-06-30 - Spilled Coffee
Byron stops by at the Waffle Shoppe one Sunday morning for breakfast and runs into Magnolia there. They catch up some over a good hearty breakfast.
Magnolia, Byron

2019-06-30 - No Bones About It
Vivian and Byron drop in on Vyv for tea and talk of boxes of bones.
Byron, Vyv, Vivian

2019-06-29 - Welcome to the Jungle
After the explosion that rocked Downtown on Saturday, Byron is finally able to reach Vivian later that day and meets with her to discuss all the craziness that she's learning that goes on in this damn town.
Byron, Vivian

2019-06-24 - Miss Reede meet Mister Clayton
After learning that Isabella was of Baxter blood among other things, Byron calls upon Alexander to meet with her, merely looking out for his childhood friend's best interest.
Alexander, Byron, Isabella

2019-06-22 - Stranger Things
The past and present collide in unexpected ways, colored by unusual circumstances.
Byron, Isabella

2019-06-22 - Bloodlines and Sacrifices
After the events on Elm Street, Byron gets a message from Alexander, wanting to meet. There's revelations and other information passed.
Alexander, Byron

2019-06-21 - Out with the Wash
Lilith and Byron desperately need a shower and a timeout after some accidental sewer diving. Soap, vodka, and the comfort of familiar company helps the rest of the night in the dark along.
Byron, Lilith

2019-06-17 - Festival Committee
Dahlia reaches out to Byron after reading his ad for artistic minds. He invites her to his office where he does another festival talk scene.
Byron, Dahlia

2019-06-17 - There One Moment, Gone The Next
Byron seemingly disappears in the middle of a business call for Vivian to find him 15 minutes later. She has a lot of questions.
Byron, Vivian

2019-06-16 - Native Whimsy
Byron Thorne stops by Branch & Bole to run an idea by August.
Byron, August

2019-06-15 - Wellness Check
Bennie begs a favor from Byron who along with Vivian lets Bennie into Easton's apartment to check on him post some 'delusional' events of the night before.
Easton, Byron, Bennie, Vivian

2019-06-14 - Keeping Business Separate From Business
Byron brings a business proposal to Felix. No one gets shot or throw into the harbor, so we can assume it went well.
Felix, Graham, Andre, Byron

2019-06-13 - It's A Jedi Thing
Byron and Julia have things to talk about. Julia has some, but not all of the answers to his questions.
Julia, Byron

2019-06-11 - A Larger Event Than Expected
Melisande Clancy is called up to Byron's penthouse office where they discuss festival coordination details among other things, like family history.

2019-06-11 - Catching up over Breakfast
Dahlia and Byron run into each other at the Waffle Shoppe and catch up. Dahlia is a little less forthcoming than Byron.
Byron, Dahlia

2019-06-10 - Safety Precautions
On Alexander's word of advice and as Byron was planning to speaking to the GHPD to begin with, Byron speaks with Captain Ruiz de la Vega, informing him about the upcoming festival planning. There's a sneaking suspicion to the police Captain that there may be more than what's being said.
Byron, Ruiz

2019-06-08 - A Grizzly Festival Proposal
Byron drops by the Grizzly Den to give Gina the gist of the upcoming festival that he's planning. Alexander is there. Of course, he is.
Alexander, Byron, Gina

2019-06-07 - Pastries and a Gold Ring
Byron visits the pawn shop to drop off a box of pastries for Lilith. Bennie shows up needing to make a little extra cash.
Byron, Lilith, Bennie

2019-06-06 - 75% Chance of Rain
Several people come together to chat at the Two if By Sea bar. Byron brings up his proposal for a town-wide festival. Alexander tries to rain on his parade.
Alexander, Declan, Easton, Byron, May, Vivian

2019-06-05 - Thanks For The Fun Murder Talk
Byron and Alexander come to Cressida at Addington House for answers. They found some, and opened up a few more questions in the process.
Alexander, Byron

2019-06-05 - Memories and Mardi Gras
Byron makes a delivery to Tobin's place, and he and Tobin take a little walk down memory lane with some old photos. An idea for a festival is seeded.
Tobin, Byron, Vivian

2019-06-04 - It's a Gift
Byron drops by the pâtisserie to pick up his gift basket, and maybe a few more pastries to go.
Byron, Vyv

2019-06-02 - Back To The Grind
Byron and May catch up at some random coffee shop in Downtown that's prone to close at some point soon.
Byron, May

2019-06-02 - The Surprise
Byron and his on-again, off-again girlfriend, Vivian, exchange text messages until he's alerted by the guard at the gate of the Bayside Apartments that there was someone downstairs who says she's looking to rent a suite there.
Byron, Vivian

2019-05-30 - The Nightcap
Byron takes a healing Lilith back to her loft after a theatrical production went awry. The nightcap conversation goes some curious places, but Byron doesn't go anywhere. He stays.
Byron, Lilith

2019-05-27 - Drinks and Damages
Byron and Lilith have drinks at a bar during a thunderstorm. They have an overdue conversation in which Byron learns about the woman's life and whereabouts over the past ten years. Byron pockets Lilith's personal offering to get a later read on all the things she couldn't explain.
Byron, Lilith

2019-05-27 - So Many Things Unsaid
Byron and Tobin get together to talk about so many things unsaid -- those that have changed, those that have stayed the same, and more revelations. It's been a week of them, and they're not over yet.
Tobin, Byron

2019-05-25 - Prime Real Estate
Byron gives a potential new tenant and returning townie, Chloe, a tour of the Bayside Apartments.
Byron, Chloe

2019-05-24 - Slendermen vs. Dolorphage
Alexander pays Byron a visit to discuss Dolorphage. And Byron 'hires' a detective without offer of paying him.
Alexander, Byron

2019-05-22 - Slumber Party
Byron picks up Lilith in the night in the name of precaution and peace of mind after a text conversation. He takes her back home for a stay in his guest bedroom, but the conversation is pretty thick and doesn't let either of them right to bed.
Byron, Lilith

2019-05-22 - Apologies and a Drink
Byron called Erin up to apologize to her over what went on during the boat tour. He then invited her to dinner and a drink where conversation takes place as they both try to sort through the pieces of the puzzle that is Gray Harbor. Or something. That's pretty cheesy.
Erin, Byron

2019-05-21 - Paying My Disrespect
Alexander bumps into Byron at the cemetery on the anniversary of Detective Stephen Thorne's death.
Alexander, Byron

2019-05-19 - The Club House
After the events of the Three Hour Tour, several friends return to a place that they remember fondly, to discuss just how much danger they are all in.
Geoff, Tobin, Byron, Lilith

2019-05-15 - Killer Views
Byron runs into Baylee, takes her on a tour of his fancy apartment building.
Baylee, Byron

2019-01-01 - A Carriage Ride into the New Year
Byron toughs against lingering damages from a cold Dreamscape in the name of taking Lilith on a beautiful New Year Eve carriage ride before the Gatsby Ball.
Byron, Lilith

2021-03-29 - Underneath the Willow Tree
Did you know, there's a secret hide-away under the Addington Park Carousel. Little Jenny told me all about it, she fell down there one time. It was full of strange people who moved and looked weird, and some spoke in stuttering voices, and some not at all.%r%rIt was just a child's fanciful idea of an old storage area, right?%r%rRight.
Byron, Lilith, Vyv, August, Hyacinth, Ravn, Conner

2020-12-06 - City vs the Citizens: Finale
The battle is over. The city is freed, and as many citizens as could be rescued have been. As the citizens prepare to set out on a quest for somewhere else to live, they have some final things to attend to. %r%rFor example, the members of the High Council whom they managed to capture. How shall they be punished?
Byron, Lilith, Vyv, Itzhak, August, Eleanor, Grant, Devlin

2020-11-23 - The City vs the Citizens: Free Your Mind
The creature's mind is currently locked up in a metaphysical structure known as the Grid; it needs to be taken down in order for her to be freed.
Byron, Lilith, Vyv, Isolde, August, Eleanor, Grant

2020-11-14 - The City vs the Citizens: Breaking the Law
In order to free the City, the security systems keeping her--and her citizens--in check must be disabled. There's a primary location from which the Harvesters and drones are managed; destroying, or at least damaging, this location will cripple these units. And it might allow our heroes a chance to free some prisoners...
Byron, Lilith, Ruiz, Itzhak, August, Everett, Devlin, Joseph

2020-10-12 - Teenaged Wasteland IV: Field Trip
FIEEEEELLLLLD TRIIIIIIP!%r%rThe cancelled field trip to the Saw Mill was replaced with a field trip to the Museum of Pacific Northwest Natural History in Hoquaim. This is generally considered an excuse to NOT be in school, so totally acceptable, even if museums are boring. The kids are excited.%r%rIf only the museum wasn't as messed up as their school...
Diana, Magnolia, Kevin, Byron, Lilith, Ruiz, August, Joey, James

2020-10-09 - Teenaged Wasteland III: Prom
Prom night is here! Who came stag, who came with someone on their arm? Who helped set all this up? Who spiked the punch? But most of all--will the Prom Queen and King try to eat the Court? %r%r...or will the school administration beat them to it?
Nicole, Alexander, Byron, Lilith, Vyv, Ruiz, Itzhak, August, Hyacinth, Joseph, Cecil, Atli, Vic

2020-09-20 - Teenaged Wasteland I: Making the Grade
Mr. A, Addington High's beloved history teacher, must save his class from a school turned Upside Down. Outside something horrible awaits. Inside the halls are filled with danger: the other teachers have turned into monstrous things; shadowy ugliness grows along the floor and in the walls; some of these kids aren't his students, they're vicious mimics looking for an easy meal.%r%rActually, none of these kids are his students, because Alexander Clayton didn't teach social studies, or Gov & Econ, or AP US History, damnit. Why will no one listen to him about that??%r%rYet some of these kids look awful familiar. He's pretty sure he knows them from somewhere.
Nicole, Alexander, Byron, Lilith, Vyv, Ruiz, Itzhak, August, Joseph, Cecil

2020-09-19 - The Graphics Are So Realistic
Three gamers (well, two gamers and Byron) find themselves pulled into a Dream that resembles the Battle for Babylon video game - except a lot more real.
Alexander, Byron, Abitha, Niall

2020-08-28 - The Merciless Eyes of Deceit
I've seen angels fall from blinding heights%rbut you yourself are nothing so divine%rjust next in line...
Byron, Lilith, August

2020-08-13 - The Power Gauntlet (Phase Four)
Three more denizens of GH are snared into horrible Darkness and escape is a brutal affair. Something is rising. But what have they been feeding?
Byron, Lilith, August, Kip

2020-04-22 - The Choice
The city is consumed by chaos, and hard choices must be made. Do they quell the violence and maintain the status quo? Do they support the revolutionaries and their movement? Do they overthrow the government and let the people decide? Or something else entirely?
Erin, Byron, Lilith, Vyv, Ruiz, Itzhak, August, Rebecca, Grant

2020-04-18 - A ghost in the garden.
At a garden party at Addington House, the ghost of ex-gardener Reginald Darrow asks for a favor.
Erin, Jonathan, Byron, Lilith, August, Eleanor, Anne, Patrick, Atli, Katy, Rekani

2020-03-29 - I Predict A Riot
In a city which is a mix of magic and technology, trouble is brewing. Rumors run rampant about the real nature of the city's origins. The City Guard is trying to keep a lid on things, but with things rapidly approaching a boiling point, how long can they keep the peace?
Byron, Vyv, Itzhak, August, Grant, Devlin

2020-03-25 - Swearwolves
Easton gets sucked into a dream and unwittingly pulls some people in his life in after him, possibly including someone he didn't think he could reach.
Geoff, Easton, Byron, Harper, Katherine

2020-02-14 - Hijacked Valentines (1898)
Alexander and Isabella's attempt to go on a Valentine's Day date after the harrowing events of their cemetery crossover endeavor turns into a heartbreaking nightmare.
Alexander, Byron, Lilith, Isabella

2020-02-13 - Hijacked Valentines (1938)
Byron surprises Lilith with a Valentine's Day dinner they never get to have. A terrible and dark twist snares them into the Hotel Lariat, instead, where they try to kill each other. Eventually, they're back where they started, but the fallout is heartbreaking.
Byron, Lilith

2020-02-04 - Contractual Obligations
Always read the fine print before signing on the dotted line.
Byron, Vyv, August, Rebecca, Beth

2020-01-22 - To the victor goes the shitty trophy.
Instead of getting to see a Mad Max, folks find themselves dragged to the Other Side, where they run into some old... uh... "friends." Ruiz and Joey fight like bosses! But only one of them gets a totally awesome trophy.
KarmaBum, Byron, Lilith, Ruiz, Lyric, Itzhak, August, Joey, Kelsey, Lalo, Joseph

2020-01-17 - Sticks and Stones
Alexander, Byron, James, and Lilith find themselves in the winter woods aside a fallow field with only a few lights in the darkness to show the way.
Tobin, Alexander, Byron, Lilith, James

2020-01-05 - The Light That Blinds
Isabella and Byron get caught in one of Alexander's less pleasant Dreams.
Alexander, Byron, Isabella

2019-12-30 - Winter Wonderland: Sundae Drivers
Each Round:%rPlayers: Roll name/(Driving or cooking dice) vs. Zone/(zone difficulty based on hazards)%rAdditional bonuses may elsewise apply in certain zones. (See zone for details)%r%rValues:%rCrushing Victory +: Food Fail! (Dug out of the terrain)%rVictory: Spin Out - No progress%rMarginal Victory: 1 point (must go forward)%rMarginal Victory: 2 points%rVictory: 3 points%rCrushing Victory: 4 points!%r%rIt requires 5 points(?) to move from zone to zone!%r%rPLAYERS can spend points on:%r- Moving forward (must spend 1 point here at least)%r- Adding to the zone difficulty to one adjacent person’s next roll%r_________________________________%rView Live Standings at:
Nicole, Byron, Lilith, Vyv, Lyric, Joey, Everett, Alison

2019-12-27 - Footprint Tag
Either follow the footsteps to safety, or freeze your butt off.
KarmaBum, AlmightyMe, Alexander, Byron, Lilith, Ignacio, Finch, Isabella, Levi, Quyen, Autumn

2019-12-15 - People in glass houses...
...should sing Christmas carols.
Erin, Alexander, Byron, Lilith, Abitha, August, Isabella, Hyacinth, Eleanor, Anne, Patrick, Enzo, Atli

2019-11-12 - Fighting the Flu
Well, thank you all so much for your participation in the final leg of our experiment. You've all been just wonderful about overcoming all the obstacles and not only suffering with our test virus, but passing it along to others, which I just couldn't be happier with. Please be on the look-out for a small token of my gratitude in payment, and be sure to enroll in any and all future experiments where applicable. Have a wonderful day, and remember - an apple a day... ...made Snow White fall asleep for three hundred years!
KarmaBum, Aidan, Alexander, Sutton, Byron, Clarissa, Lilith, August, Isabella, Andy, Rusty

2019-11-01 - An Unlikely Ally in These Dark Times
Alison and James depart the chaos that was the Masquerade's opening ceremony when they encounters obstructions in the road.
Byron, Alison, James

2019-09-30 - Darker Angels
Alexander's fever dreams reach out to grab friends...and the guy who he apparently tried to kill? Dreams are weird, yo.
Erin, Alexander, Byron, Joey

2019-09-07 - Freaks Like Us
The Dark Men seize an opportunity to play to a twisted bit of Byron's past and drag Alexander along.
Alexander, Byron, Bennie

2019-09-06 - Fallen Not Forgotten
Easton and Byron stumble into a Dream, and discover that neither of them have forgotten the dead in their pasts.
Alexander, Easton, Byron

2019-08-28 - Through the Looking Glass
Byron crashes with Lilith after the late night hospital visit and it's not very restful at all. Dreaming together, they're faced with dangerously manifesting internal conflicts, memories, and self-reflecting mirrors.
Byron, Lilith

2019-06-17 - One Stormy Afternoon: Gilford House Edition
Childhood friends Tobin, Lilith, Byron and Geoff are all pulled into a dream where they relive one stormy afternoon at Tobin's house. It's a house filled with 11 year olds and something lurking outside.
Geoff, Tobin, Byron, Lilith

2019-05-30 - The Scottish Play
The Seven Ages Theater Company stages their production of Macbeth. They seem to have hired the least competent imaginary army ever, but still. The monsters get fed, and that's really the point.
KarmaBum, AlmightyMe, Geoff, Erin, Hannah, Julia, Tobin, Aidan, Baylee, Alexander, Byron, Lilith, Penny, Nicholas, Chloe, May

2019-05-19 - Three Hour Tour
Gray Harbor Boat Tours takes passengers out to sea... and through the Veil. The castaways take on the Harlem Globetrotters, then the Gillamonster (packing explosive Gingers), and are finally rescued by the Love Boat. Larry and Franny are also there.
KarmaBum, AlmightyMe, Geoff, Erin, Hannah, Diana, Tobin, Aidan, Baylee, Alexander, Suriel, Byron, Lilith

2021-01-26 - The Good...
Things come to a head at the local strip mall.
Byron, Lilith, Ruiz, August, Joey, Esme, Joseph, Cecil, Ravn

2021-01-26 - ...The Bad...& it's Getting Uglier
A meeting at a secret location does not go as planned. Rule number one, Reyes, don't touch our civilians and what did you go do?? Mmhmm. He's also parked in the 'Expectant Mothers' parking spot too. Crime lords are real jerks.
Seth, Byron, Lilith, Ruiz, Itzhak, August, Joey, Rhys, Joseph, Cecil, Vic, Ravn

2021-01-17 - For a Few Dollars More
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Byron, Ruiz, Abitha, Rick, Esme, Joseph, Ravn

2020-10-15 - The OTHER 1884
A group attending a haunted tour of Addington House meet a "non-thing" while learning that the ghost of Claire Thorne wants her dress back.
KarmaBum, AlmightyMe, Alexander, Byron, Lilith, Ravn

2020-09-25 - The Trail of the Madman
A trap is set for the Cuneiform Killer. Will he bite?
Alexander, Byron, Lilith, Bennie, August, Cecil, Niall

2020-09-24 - The collection.
All the strange things the Collector has acquired as part of the Mandela Effect.
KarmaBum, AlmightyMe, Alexander, Byron, Lilith, Itzhak, Isabella, Rekani

2020-05-19 - Go Fish: Casino Grand Opening
After so many delays that it would be comical if there wasn't, like, murder and stuff involved... The Grand Olympic Casino finally has its Grand Opening one evening in May! All proceeds from the night will be donated to the Cutthroat Trout Preservation Fund...
KarmaBum, AlmightyMe, Geoff, Nicole, Erin, Graham, Easton, Byron, Clarissa, Lilith, Bennie, Harper, Jessica, Ruiz, Itzhak, August, Isabella, Joey, Eleanor, Rhys, Joseph, Kim

2020-03-28 - Thus endeth FCN, Inc.
Having experimented with items from FCN, Inc., several people find themselves dragged to the factory floor. Where they go toe-to-toe with the Vivisectionist.%r%rAnd one-shot the bitch.%r%rSorry for the spoiler, but they really did.
KarmaBum, AlmightyMe, Byron, Lilith, Vyv, Ruiz, Abitha, August, Isabella

2020-03-23 - Super Mario a-la-Kart: Valentines Flaptastrophe
Because the The Commentator likes their entertainment apparently. Also where did the track go!?%rThis is why the Atari game 'Joust' should not be turned into a full contact food sport!%r%rAlso: Chocolate Swans are as bad as Canadian Geese.
Nicole, Byron, Lilith, Jay, Vyv, Lyric, Joey, Kailey

2020-01-05 - Why don't you look at me?
The first scene of the plot - A body is found and it relates to two more that have been found before it. What is tying them together, why will police not talk about them?
Stephanie, Byron, Everett, Hera, Devlin, Thewlis

2019-12-31 - Gatsby Ball New Year's Eve Party
A fair portion of Gray Harbor meets to ring in the New Year in style! 1920s style, that is. Gray Harbor Historical Society has thrown a big gala bash at Addington House and encouraged everyone to show up in their best 1920s glamour, raising money to help rebuild some of the historical buildings that were damaged by a gas explosion a few months ago. But was it, as advertised, the bee's knees?
Stephanie, Eli, Alexander, Sutton, Byron, Clarissa, Carver, Lilith, Vyv, Ruiz, Genevieve, Justin, Itzhak, August, Isabella, Rebecca, Hyacinth, Eleanor, Ciprian, Andy, Hera, Devlin, Anne, Patrick, Maggi, Leon, Beth

2019-12-31 - A Very Kelly Christmas
Well the ghost of Christmas past is related and the house is definitely haunted, but hopefully the tree won't tree to eat the 4 year old. Oh yeah there's also something important someone might have forgotten to mention. Let's hope that doesn't bite everyone in the ass. At least there's breakfast.%r
Nicole, Byron, Lilith, Lex, Jaime, Joey, Poe, Roxy

2019-12-09 - Holly Jolly Jello Festival
Kelly's Gym hosts a charity event which raises **twenty grand** for *Angels of Hope*!
Gabriel, Nicole, Erin, Diana, Elise, Graham, Easton, Sutton, Byron, Carver, Lilith, Lex, Abitha, Lyric, August, Isabella, Jaime, Joey, Everett, Antonio, Sparrow, Kelsey, Garrett, Roxy, Viktor, Ryan, Rhys, Kass, Jacob, Noelle, James, Yule, Thewlis, Liam, Maggi, Beth

2019-12-08 - Adventure Time!
Brave adventurers go find a gem in the Veil!
KarmaBum, AlmightyMe, Tobin, Magnolia, Kevin, Byron, Lilith, Isabella, James

2019-12-08 - Annual Christmas Parade
Gray Harbor's annual Christmas Parade makes its way from City Hall to Addington Park. Some spectators come away with fun new toys!
KarmaBum, AlmightyMe, Byron, Lilith, August, Isabella, Eleanor, Joseph

2019-12-02 - Kelly Family Turkey Day
It's turkey day on Elm St. at the Kelly's place. It goes exactly as one might plan.
Nicole, Alexander, Byron, Lilith, Ruiz, Isabella, Jaime, Joey, Sparrow, Roxy, Rhys, Kass

2019-11-24 - Feed The Hungry
SOCIAL EVENT: Feed the hungry and those less fortunate for Thanksgiving. (Open event/Open scene) The day before Thanksgiving come help serve food to the community. Not likely to be glimmer use!
Erin, Byron, Clarissa, Lilith, Cole, Lex, Andi, Abitha, Isabella, Love, Abby, Ciprian, Andy, James, Yule, Hera, Thewlis, Beth

2019-11-23 - The Inevitable
Over the past few months, a few people have made themselves look like particularly tasty snacks.%r%rThis is not the story of those that wish to eat them, but the middle managers. And middle managers are going to middle manage.%r%r
Erin, Easton, Byron, Lilith, Bennie, August, Isabella, Kass

2019-11-02 - Masquerade: Candy Kart Races
IT'S SUPER MARIO a la KART! What screams Halloween better than a massive Sugar Rush? Buckle in and get an insulin shot ready because you will be racing through Jack-o-lanterns and lawn ornaments trying not to get eaten by the neighborhood children. Remember: being eaten by children is bad for your everything! Recipe may substitute various food related skills for driving at various intervals around the obstacles of course. And that's just the icing on the cake! :D CAUTION MAY CONTAIN: peanuts, gluten, driving, playground slurs, food puns
Nicole, Sutton, Byron, Vyv, Lyric, Joey, Everett, Kass, James, Devlin

2019-10-31 - Masquerade: Dearly Beloved
Yes, it's very popular for people to get married in Halloween. Unfortunately, this is Gray Harbor, and the opportunity to turn joy into horror is simply too good of a meal to pass up...
Erin, Alexander, Byron, Elias, Ruiz, August, Isabella, Eleanor

2019-10-30 - Masquerade: Opening Ceremony
Gray Harbor's Masquerade kicks off to a great start!
Erin, Tobin, Alexander, Sutton, Byron, Frankie, Ruiz, August, Isabella, Minerva, Everett, Maddie, Duncan, Alison, Roxy, James

2019-10-28 - Run Like Hell 5k
The annual Halloween-themed Charity Race! Runners take your marks in costume & race the 5k up to and through the Old Cemetery on the Outskirt of Gray Harbor. The track is lit with solar LEDs, and the race begins at sundown!
Sutton, Byron, Andi, Ruiz, August, Haven

2019-10-19 - Birth of the Mechanotaur
A bright object falls from the sky amidst biker night at the local Cracker Barrel. Motorcycles and a very expensive car are trashed. Things explode. Michael Bay? Super jealous. Then shiz gets real and the Mechanotaur comes to town. The Good Guys Fight/Flee/Do Battle and come out on top! OR SHORT VERSION: The Devil Came Down To Cracker Barrel and Y'all F**ked His Shit Up The End???
Byron, Lilith, Ignacio, Love, Haven

2019-10-12 - It's So Hard To Say Goodbye
Actually, it really isn't. So long & thanks for all the fish, Billy
KarmaBum, AlmightyMe, Erin, Margaret, Thomas, Alexander, Easton, Sutton, Byron, Lilith, Bennie, Vyv, Ruiz, Vivian, Itzhak, August, Isabella, Rebecca, Hyacinth, Minerva

2019-09-21 - Re-Negotiating
Byron and Isabella attempt to renegotiate the terms of a deal made with the Archivist.
KarmaBum, AlmightyMe, Byron, Isabella

2019-09-17 - Ladies' Self-Defense Class (Free)
It's ladies not at the Firefl- wait ... no. It's self defense night at Kelly's Gym. In the wake of too many people going missing and bodies hitting the floor like Disturbed is throwing a block party it's time for the highest at-risk citizens to get some techniques to put advantage back in their hands.
Nicole, Erin, Sutton, Byron, Lilith, Ruiz, Isabella, Minerva, Joey, Abby, Kelsey

2019-09-12 - Seafood Splatter
A seafood truck. A revolution. A CRAB BATTLE and a loose seal. Why on earth do people still visit the beach?
Nicole, Julia, Sutton, Byron, Carver, Lilith, Lyric, Haven, Dylan

2019-09-10 - The Exorcist
They should've just buried the bones from the get-go.
KarmaBum, AlmightyMe, Erin, Alexander, Byron, Lilith, Vyv, Ruiz, Itzhak, August, Isabella, Rebecca, Hyacinth, Minerva

2019-09-09 - Heh. Heh-heh. Hehe-heh.
Bayside Apartments gets some visitors. They're a total laugh.
Magnolia, Sutton, Byron, Lilith, Vyv, Ruiz, Itzhak, Rebecca

2019-08-26 - PD vs FD/EMT Paintball for Charity
Raising money for a good cause and shooting people. What more can you want?
Geoff, Magnolia, Kevin, Alexander, Easton, Sutton, Byron, Lilith, Bennie, Harper, Andi, Ruiz, Isolde, Isabella, Tyler, Everett, Rick, Zoiya

2019-08-20 - Fratricide Is Hilarious
When your options are 'kill the old man' or 'send the old man to the torture asylum...'
KarmaBum, AlmightyMe, Erin, Margaret, Thomas, Alexander, Byron, Isabella, Hyacinth

2019-08-10 - The Worms Crawl In
It's just another day in the Veil
KarmaBum, AlmightyMe, Alexander, Byron, Carver, August, Minerva, Kelsey

2019-07-30 - Date Night in the Veil
Isabella, Alexander, and Byron have a follow-up appointment with the Archivist, who definitely has hearts in its eyes for one of them. Oh, plus, it tells them a bunch of stuff and suggests they talk to the Addingtons.
KarmaBum, Alexander, Byron, Isabella

2019-07-22 - Showdown: The Hanging Bridge
Lilith puts on the ring and goes to the pond where two familiar faces await her with a noose of her own. Byron finally tracks her down. Alexander tracks down Byron. Magnolia tracks down all of them. Terrible things happen, things that have a bigger ripple effect than anyone knows.
AlmightyMe, Magnolia, Alexander, Byron, Lilith

2019-07-08 - #Justautopsythings
When bones are found and things need answered. Call a group of professionals. In a well lit room that isn't the police station.
Alexander, Byron, Penny, Vivian, Isabella

2019-07-05 - The Archivist Has No Bones
This is why City Hall is normally closed on the 5th of July.
KarmaBum, AlmightyMe, Alexander, Byron, Isabella

2019-06-29 - What's In The Box?!?!
A mysterious item comes through Lilith's Pawn Shop early Saturday morning, but it's probably fine. What could go wrong?
AlmightyMe, Byron, Carver, Lilith

2019-06-27 - Dancing With The Dead
A group gets stuck in the Addington House at the wrong time.
Byron, Penny, Vivian, Lyric, Justin, Hyacinth

2019-06-21 - A Dark & Stormy Night on Elm Street
A group of slimes appear!
KarmaBum, Graham, Alexander, Byron, Lilith, Penny, Finch

2019-05-17 - Midnight on Friday, May 17th
Just a little glimpse, maybe.
KarmaBum, Emily, Logan, Violet, Alex, Hannah, Felicity, Elise, Graham, Aidan, Baylee, Alexander, Easton, Sutton, Byron, Gina, Carver, Lilith

2020-11-11 - In Weedo Veritas
Alexander is bad at texting. Especially when high. A whole lot of people get pulled into a conversation that never needed to happen, thereby.
Alexander, Byron, Ruiz, Joseph, Vic

2020-10-22 - Say Yes to the Dress
After being told that his Great Grand Aunt wants her stolen dress back, Byron calls up the thief.
Byron, Hyacinth

2020-10-18 - Things about Non-Things
Byron, Lilith, and Alexander discuss some potential research spurred by their trip to the Addington House Tour.
Alexander, Byron, Lilith

2020-10-01 - The Returned
During his trip to Seattle, Byron receives a surprising text from Alexander who tells him that Easton was back.
Alexander, Byron

2020-08-20 - This Means War. Finally.
After a high speed chase that ended up looking like a war zone, Byron reaches out to Alexander in the hopes of gaining some assistance in a certain matter.
Alexander, Byron

2020-08-16 - Thorne. Are You Dead?
After hearing rumors of Byron's death, Alexander decides to check and make sure. Make sure that Byron's not that is.
Alexander, Byron

2020-08-13 - Texts or Evidence?
These texts take place roughly two days before Byron is "dead" and Lilith is labeled as a "murderess".
Byron, Lilith

2020-07-29 - One of Those Text Conversations With Dirty Pictures
Seriously, the title pretty much sums it up, these two are so extra over one another.
Byron, Lilith

2020-07-13 - You Oughta Know
As he waits to be picked up, Alexander texts Byron about what went down at his casino. Hopefully the Curse of the Apartment Building hasn't just moved addresses.
Alexander, Byron

2020-06-26 - Missing Persons
Alexander discovers Isabella missing, which is to say Lost, freaks the entire fuck out and texts most of the town.
Alexander, Byron, Ruiz, Itzhak, August, Anne, Joseph

2020-06-08 - Condolences for the Police Chief
After hearing about Police Chief Thatchery's murder, Byron reaches out to Ruiz.
Byron, Ruiz

2020-03-20 - Threats of Friendship
Easton texts Ruiz while Katherine drinks at his bar.%r%rAnd yes there is a fantastic game induced group text misfire in here (or two) so that's why this explodes into a million people.
Easton, Byron, Bennie, Ruiz, Isolde, Ignacio, Itzhak

2020-03-18 - Wednesday Is CANCELLED!
It’s Katherine’s birthday and after breakfast, she checks in with Byron while clearing her calendar for the day.
Byron, Katherine

2020-03-16 - Talking Crow
Alexander and Byron share information they have regarding readings they had both down on various parts of a bone white crow.
Alexander, Byron

Yeah Leap Year got weird!
Alexander, Easton, Byron, Lilith, Bennie, Ruiz, Isolde, Ignacio, Itzhak, Isabella

2020-02-24 - Annoying Reminders
With Lilith occupying her thoughts with a soothing bath, Byron uses this time to clear out some of his errands. First one up is to contact Captain de la Vega no matter how awkward he might think it was.
Byron, Ruiz

2020-02-21 - Aftermaths
Alexander texts Byron to see if seeing the other couple in the Valentine's Dream was just a coincidence or not.
Alexander, Byron

2020-02-21 - The Only Way Out Is Through
Byron texts Isabella after their respective, disastrous Valentine's Day dates. Takes place before What The Sea Takes.
Byron, Isabella

2020-02-08 - Toying with Concussives
Isabella checks in on Byron, concerned about Lilith. Alexander also texts Byron when he probably shouldn't be.
Alexander, Byron, Isabella

2019-12-18 - Pussycats and Claws
Lilith and Byron talk about their playtime during an investor call where certain noises were blamed on an imaginary cat. They talk about wrangling the angriest dumpster cat to photojournal as proof, which surely will go well.
Byron, Lilith

2019-12-06 - Keeping Up-To-Date and Elves
Byron contacts Alexander regarding a recent death. Other topics are discussed.
Alexander, Byron

2019-11-18 - Questions and Sentiments
Lilith text pokes Byron with some questions before they give each other the flutters and feels.
Byron, Lilith

2019-10-27 - All Apologies
Magnolia texts Byron after her Dream, and passes off the instructions to go dig under The White Dog House.
Magnolia, Byron

2019-10-18 - Take me Away
Byron and Lilith are both stuck with work catch up and meetings, but fit some time for planning and texts in.
Byron, Lilith

2019-10-14 - It's Over (It's Not Really)
Lilith is concerned by what Byron donated to the Ghoul's box and draws her own paranoid conclusions given past conversations about memory sacrifice. She's tempted to take a trip and punch him in the face given his choice of answer, then they blahblah.
Byron, Lilith

2019-10-07 - Baby's Got a Temper
Lilith needs a lawyer out of Byron and probably should be put away somewhere, but... they're both really good at justifying what happened, honestly.
Byron, Lilith

2019-10-02 - Burning in Hell (Together)
Byron and Lilith aren't very good at being laid up and separated by the continued veil illness. They text each other to stay connected while burning out the last legs (hopefully) of feverish hell in their beds.
Byron, Lilith

2019-09-30 - Texts for Days
Byron and Lilith are sick as dogs and stay in touch during the misery with their phones over a few fever-hazy days.
Byron, Lilith

2019-09-30 - Can I Call?
Lilith calls Byron to let him know some disturbing news after a phone conversation with Isabella.
Byron, Lilith

2019-09-27 - The Rounds
More phone calls from Isabella in her efforts to ensure that the dissemination of information continues, as well as checking up with some other members of the group. It ends with Alexander, who informs her that their illness might not be so mundane, and it gets creepier from there.
Alexander, Byron, Isabella, Minerva

2019-09-24 - Gohl's Descendant
Byron texts Joey to ask what happened to the gym. Joey informs him that Alexander set his gym on fire. Further calls are made.
Alexander, Byron, Isabella, Joey

2019-09-24 - No Rest for the Weary
Confined in her houseboat due to a raging fever, Isabella somehow manages to field some phone calls with some coherence and just a small bout of a super-powered psychic temper tantrum.
Erin, Alexander, Byron, August, Isabella

2019-09-21 - Coping With Illiteracy
While trying to figure out how to maneuver around her current Veil-induced disability, Isabella Reede receives texts from Alexander Clayton and then later, Byron Thorne, about two different problems - and one of them about a certain artifact that is threatening the lives of two other people she knows.
Alexander, Byron, Isabella

2019-09-20 - Connectivity
Lilith and Byron flirt-text the day after their bodily encounter with each other. Occasionally, they discuss some things of importance over messages during the span of the evening.
Byron, Lilith

2019-09-14 - No, I Am Not Plotting to Kill a Dream Thing
Alexander texts Byron to make sure that he hasn't died in light of the news of five recent murders. Byron oddly asks whether you can locate a creature you'd encountered in a dream. Alexander gets suspicious, as he should.
Alexander, Byron

2019-09-04 - Scrolling Backwards
Lilith texts to check on Byron and ends up reliving the starting history of their reacquaintance on her phone.
Byron, Lilith

2019-09-01 - Divide and Conquer
Erin sends a group text to a few comrades-at-arms about the Ghoul to update them on her latest meeting with her relatives. Plans are made, and updates are sent.
Erin, Byron, Isabella, Hyacinth

2019-08-30 - The List
Byron Thorne calls Isabella Reede to discuss a serious development in the Ghoul matter.
Byron, Isabella

2019-08-30 - Not So By The Books
Byron alerts Captain de la Vega of the seance gone wrong and the two prepare to deal with the problem before anyone else has to die.
Byron, Ruiz

2019-08-24 - The Addington Dilemma
Byron Thorne texts Isabella Reede about his visit from Captain de la Vega.
Byron, Isabella

2019-07-17 - TFW You Should Have Fewer Shots Because... Because
Late... at niiiiight. Sutton can't text multiple people while drinkingggg. Sorry, landlord.
Sutton, Byron

2019-07-14 - Are These Deaths Related?
Alexander and Byron converse over text message after finding out what happened to Penny.
Alexander, Byron

2019-07-08 - After the Autopsy
During the autopsy, Byron knew that he'd upset Isabella in some way, so he sends her a text message trying to suss things out
Byron, Isabella

2019-07-01 - Too Much to Text
Lilith and Byron's text check-ins turn into a lengthy phone call about largely screwy things.
Byron, Lilith

2019-06-27 - Autocorrecting
Byron and Lilith text poke at each other throughout the evening over varied things.
Byron, Lilith

2019-06-20 - Confirming Something Happened
Byron sends a message to Tobin asking if he experienced that weird shared childhood dream too.
Tobin, Byron

2019-06-15 - Christmas in....June?
A meandering conversation about parties and Christmas, and other things. Plus how too much work is probably bad for you.
Byron, Vivian

2020-09-24 - Gyreworks Presents: Beach Battles!
The husband and wife owner team of the Poorhouse and Leon the Locksmith are putting on an all day event of fun and competition on the beach of Gray Harbor!%r%rMain Events will be:%r%r* **Limbo!**%r* **Three Legged Race!**%r* **Tug of War!**%r%rFun and prizes await! The whole town is invited!%r%rA portion of proceeds for the event will be donated to the Hope for the Warriors charity.%r%r*OOC: This is gonna be a weird idea! The entire event will be a vignette! I'll keep it open for a week.*%r%r*This way everyone who wants to, regardless of activity or time zone has plenty of time and opportunity to participate!*%r%r[Results Here!](
Nicole, Graham, Aidan, Byron, Lilith, Vyv, Dahlia, August, Isabella, Hyacinth, Everett, Kailey, Grant, Leon, Rekani, Ravn

2020-08-06 - Open Vignette - That was a freebie.
**Open Vignette.** Write about a single instance in your character's life that they would (or should) do over again if they could, and how that would change them today. (Closes around 5pm Pacific on 2/5/2020.)
KarmaBum, Erin, Elise, Graham, Aidan, Alexander, Byron, Lilith, Vyv, Abitha, Itzhak, August, Joey, Everett, Eleanor, Kailey, Esme, Devlin, Tor, Patrick, Leon, Atli, Ainslie, Vic, Renata, Ravn

2020-06-02 - Ghost Stories
**Open Vignette Scene.** There are ghosts all over Gray Harbor right now. Has your character bumped into any yet?
KarmaBum, Erin, Graham, Aidan, Alexander, Byron, Clarissa, Lilith, Vyv, Lyric, Finch, August, Rebecca, Everett, Eleanor, Kailey, Rhys, Grant, Tor, Patrick, Faith, Vic, Dani

2020-02-11 - Beneath a Sullen Winter Moon (Open Vignette)
Around two in the morning 11th of February, something changed in Gray Harbor. What was your character's first realization of this shift? Or when did they first experiment with their abilities and find something was different?%r%r**Open vignette.**
KarmaBum, Stephanie, Thomas, Elise, Graham, Aidan, Alexander, Easton, Byron, Gina, Vyv, Abitha, Finch, August, Isabella, Joey, Everett, Eleanor, Rhys, Grant, Esme, Anne, Patrick, Thewlis, Leon, Meredith, Rekani, Kip

2020-01-01 - Old Year's Eve
It's a vignette scene! But there's a tweeest. %r%rThis scene is going to be a collection of character's most memorable New Year's Eve memories, one per character. This is going to be fodder for these vignettes to be cut up, spliced and re-used for GMed Dream scenes in the future for other characters. So if you are writing up a vignette for this scene please be aware that it will possibly be used and mangled into something new for future use. I will re-check with people before using their stories for scenes though. %r%rAnd I will leave this up for a few days for people.
Nicole, Tobin, Aidan, Alexander, Easton, Byron, Clarissa, Elias, Vyv, Isolde, Ignacio, Justin, Itzhak, Finch, August, Isabella, Rebecca, Everett, Eleanor, Ciprian, Dante, Roxy, Kass, Yule, Patrick, Leon, Beth, Katy

2019-12-21 - #snowharbor2019
The snow has hit Gray Harbor, and it's hitting hard. Perfect time to build a few snowmen!%r%r(Open vignette - open for a few days. Post your character building a snowman, or anything else in the snow that suits your fancy. If you'd like to submit your creation for the IC prize (yes, there is an actual prize!), then include a bit about submitting it to Friendzone with the hashtag.)
AlmightyMe, Nicole, Elise, Graham, Aidan, Alexander, Sutton, Byron, Clarissa, Lilith, Bennie, Lex, Vyv, Abitha, Ignacio, Itzhak, Finch, August, Isabella, Joey, Everett, Eleanor, Ciprian, Sparrow, Poe, Rhys, Grant, Jacob, Noelle, James, Yule, Anne, Lalo, Beth

2019-11-29 - Thanksgiving in Contrast
A tale of two very different Thanksgivings at the Thorne House.

2019-11-28 - Thankful for...
**Open vignette scene.** Feel free to share a snippet of your character's Turkey Day. Could be anything - something that happens/ed off-camera, a character you didn't get a chance to play, a misty water-colored memory, whatever's clever. Note that this isn't a "live" scene in the traditional sense; just a collection of vignettes around a common theme. I'll be leaving it open until Friday the 16th at around 4:30 PM Pacific / 7:30 PM Eastern.
KarmaBum, Nicole, Cassidy, Erin, Greg, Elise, Graham, Eli, Tobin, Aidan, Alexander, Easton, Sutton, Byron, Gina, Clarissa, Carver, Lilith, Elias, Cole, Lex, Vyv, Andi, Ruiz, Abitha, Mark, Lucinda, Genevieve, Lyric, Ignacio, Justin, Itzhak, Finch, August, Isabella, Rebecca, Hyacinth, Minerva, Jaime, Joey, Everett, Eleanor, Maddie, Love, Duncan, Tyrone, Abby, Sparrow, Zoiya, Tillie, Nathan, Harvey, Hailey, Carter, Andy, Roxy, Viktor, Shauna, Kailey, Rhys, Daisy, Grant, Jacob, Noelle, Martel, Yule, Anne, Patrick, Reese, Libby

2019-11-12 - Just Like Old Times
After the craziness that had interrupted their lives, Byron catches up with his mother before checking up on an old friend.

2019-11-03 - Destination Unknown
Throughout the entirety of the festival, Byron tries to find Lilith all while juggling his responsibilities and need to save another friend.

2019-10-12 - Checking In On a Friend
Sacrifices were made and Gohl was buried. Byron has a loose end that needs to be dealt with now that it's all over.
Tobin, Byron

2019-10-10 - The Tell-Tale Heart
(Disclaimer: There's some violence and glossed over sex in this scene) Byron returns to his old family home and meets up with the current owner, Olivia Marchand. He doesn't know what he's looking for. Is he willing to give up what he'd found? And was it worth it?

2019-09-27 - A Mother and Son Heart to Heart
Byron pays his mother a visit to find out if she might have something of worth, like a keepsake, that he might be able to use for the sacrifice. Emotions run high with this reunion.

2019-08-31 - Breakfast Painfully Interrupted
Things were not right, but it was Saturday. Before Byron starts to worry about sorting any of that out, he's taking this brief quiet moment in the morning to relax before the busy storm. Someone or something has other plans.

2019-07-20 - Staying One Step Ahead
With news of yet another tragedy, Byron uses this opportunity to try and remain one step ahead of everyone he's ever been close to. And Alexander. He had big plans and nothing was going to ruin them.

2019-07-18 - Siren's Call
Four days after Byron was exposed to the box again and two days after he failed to have Lilith hand it over to him, he gets a call from Alexander. He would have ignored it if Alexander hadn't mentioned the ring.

2019-06-20 - A Son's Love
It's become a ritual for Byron to visit his mother for breakfast on every other Sunday.

2019-05-28 - Of Cords and Cards
Byron returns back to his apartment with the items that Lilith gave him to explore: A silk cord and Carver's business card.

2019-05-23 - We're Not Kids Anymore
Byron reflects on one particular childhood relationship after receiving a text message.

2019-04-26 through 2019-09-08 - Yesterday (Open Vignette)
Happy 3-month Game-iversary, GH! Let's do a little retrospective: Look back for your character's first on-camera scene. Share what they were doing the day before that. (This is an open vignette scene. We'll be leaving it open till about 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern on Friday, July 5th.)
KarmaBum, AlmightyMe, Nicole, Erin, Thomas, Elise, Graham, Eli, Tobin, Aidan, Magnolia, Kevin, Alexander, Easton, Jonathan, Sutton, Byron, Clarissa, Carver, Lilith, Cole, Vyv, Andi, Isolde, Mark, Cameron, Lucinda, Dahlia, Sarah, Finch, August, Isabella, Tyler, Rebecca, Minerva, Everett, Eleanor, Maddie, Rick, Love, Duncan, Sparrow, Zoiya, Tillie, Nathan, Harvey, Hailey, Poe, Scott, Andy, Roxy, Viktor, Daisy

2016-11-06 - Welcome Home
(Disclaimer: This log deals with the trauma of child abuse, starting at a really young age. It's a darker subject matter and not for everyone.) This is a detailed version of what happened 1000 Days Ago. It tells of the secrets that The Thorne House on Oak possesses.
Alexander, Byron

2016-11-06 - 1000 Days Ago
1000 days ago was November 6, 2016. What was your character doing just under three years ago? This is an "open vignette" scene - not a normal scene, so don't be intimidated by the number of participants. Pop in, share a little glimpse of what your character was doing.
KarmaBum, Violet, Alex, Erin, Julia, Elise, Graham, Eli, Tobin, Aidan, Magnolia, Kevin, Alexander, Easton, Mariah, Jonathan, Sutton, Byron, Carver, Lilith, Bennie, Elias, Cole, Lex, Penny, Harper, Vyv, Andi, Ruiz, Isolde, Lucinda, Genevieve, Lyric, Dahlia, Ignacio, Justin, Itzhak, Finch, August, Isabella, Tyler, Rebecca, Hyacinth, Minerva, Jaime, Joey, Everett, Eleanor, Maddie, Rick, Love, Duncan, Abby, Sparrow, Dante, Zoiya, Kelsey

2020-08-09 - The Other Man
Lilith wakes in the middle of the night and discards some old stubborn pride. Byron is allowed to be her knight in Armani armor. There's details to suss out, of course, but she finally gives in.
Byron, Lilith

2020-02-07 - Sleepless Beauty
Lilith wakes Byron to vent and worry and let out all the things keeping her awake.
Byron, Lilith

2019-10-21 - A Seattle Situation: Obsession
Byron and Lilith are finally in Seattle. Before long, lust and exhibitionism turns into adrenaline-fueled lovemaking on a precarious perch high above the city. Meanwhile, Lilith's phone is stalked. Someone knows she's in Seattle. (Detail edited, but it's still sex-heavy to preserve emotional content and narrative. NSFW.)
Byron, Lilith