2019-09-10 - Plan of Attack

The Stop Billy the Ghoul Strike Team get together in a group text and conference call to formulate a plan of attack, armed with the information they've managed to obtain from the Exorcist.

IC Date: 2019-09-10

OOC Date: 2019-06-22

Location: In The Ether

Related Scenes:   2019-09-10 - Exorcism Research   2019-09-10 - The Exorcist   2019-09-11 - Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

Plot: None

Scene Number: 1538


(TXT to Ac August Byron Erin Hyacinth Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca) Isabella: Alright so it looks like this is a two step plan. 1) Pull Thomas Addington and William Gohl apart. 2) Hold a funeral. The first part will require a powerful enough mover, reader and healer, so let's discuss that. I understand that Itzhak is willing to do it. Hyacinth, will you be the reader? As for the healer, it doesn't necessarily have to be Lilith. With some guidance and with the right foundation, she can create a powerful enough user.

(TXT to Isabella) Byron: You know what my preference for that would be. I'd rather not Lilith be involved.

(TXT to Ac Byron Erin Hyacinth Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca Isabella) August: You don't need to be as powerful as Lilith to do that. I can as well. A couple of others too--Erin, for example. So it's just a matter of who wants to do that. I'll sacrifice something. I can provide wood for a properly made casket. If we're buring him we should bury him right.

(TXT to Byron) Isabella: I know. Let's see what she says, and what the others say. Between you and me I don't want her to, also, but she can be taught to create one.

(TXT to Ac Byron Hyacinth Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca Isabella August) Erin: Like Hyacinth, I am an Addington and feel partly responsible. I would do it.

(TXT to Alexander August Byron Erin Hyacinth Itzhak Ruiz Vyv Rebecca) Lilith: I can do it, or I can support Erin if she wants to take up the family mantle next to Hyacinth and play security to other unknown dangers. I can also construct something quite easily with August if it's something that needs to be put together... non-mundanely, just in case. I have something to give to be present for support or action, either way. I'm willing.

(TXT to Lilith) Byron: You know my stance on this.

(TXT to Byron Erin Hyacinth Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca Isabella) Alexander: Miss Winslow is very strong. If she's willing, I think she should.

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: I know. I'm not going to push. Erin will feel a responsibility like Hyacinth, I think, but... I still need to help her where I can if it's decided that way. So I want to be there. I can make her stronger and make it count more.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander Byron Erin Hyacinth Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca August) Ruiz: I think the decision is up to Miss Winslow, not Mr. Thorne.

(TXT to Alexander August Byron Erin Hyacinth Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Rebecca Isabella) Vyv: If we're willing to risk an escape some time in the future I suppose we still have the Asylum option. But I suppose I can do food for the funeral. Obviously I can't help with the exorcism but given that rather has to succeed I would think the strongest ought to do it.

(TXT to Alexander Byron Erin Hyacinth Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Rebecca Isabella Vyv) August: She can also make herself strong. Worth noting.

(TXT to Ac August Byron Erin Isabella Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca) Hyacinth: It's my grandfather. He hurt me and while that is motivation enough, I'd do it anyways. Erin, I think one of us should remain for part two unles syou are really up for it. You are still healing. If you feel up for it? That sunnovabitch kille your father too. And your mother. I'm hoping it will be cathartic."

(TXT to Alexander Erin Hyacinth Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Rebecca Isabella Vyv) Byron: Look, if I have to be spammed with everyone else's message. Let's take this to phone. Conference Call.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander Byron Erin Hyacinth Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca August) Ruiz: I am not willing to risk an escape in the future. I don't want us to be back to square one again, twenty years down the road. I suggest we do this properly, as it should have been done from the beginning.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander Byron Erin Hyacinth Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca Ruiz) August: There's not really a part two. The Three have to sacrifice to the funeral as well.

(TXT to Alexander August Byron Erin Hyacinth Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Rebecca Isabella) Vyv: Which she, August? If it's Erin and Lilith is stronger, presumably Lilith could then make herself even stronger than that, no?

Isabella: ((Ring ring, hello conference call! And whenever they pick up)) "August, I didn't know that, thank you. Hyacinth can be our reader, and since Mister Rosenzcrantz was extremely vehement about doing it, he can also, otherwise I'm willing to be the mover, with a healer's support."

(TXT to Alexander Byron Erin Hyacinth Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Rebecca Isabella Vyv) August: Either of them can do it. It's not something you can only do to another, like healing. You can also empower yourself.

(TXT to August Erin Hyacinth Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Rebecca Isabella) Alexander: May I suggest that Miss Winslow, Miss Addington, and August meet about it and decide who will take that point. If they cannot come to a decision, we can find someone else.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander Byron Erin Hyacinth Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca August) Ruiz: I agree with Clayton.

(TXT to Isabella) Byron: If you really want to chat, give me a call or we can all meet up.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander Byron Erin Hyacinth Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca Ruiz) August: That's fine. I'm not going to tell either of them not to; they both have their reasons. Up to them entirely.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander Byron Erin Hyacinth Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca August) Ruiz: Settled? Any objections? or can we move the fuck on, because we have a lot to figure out and not much time.

(TXT to Ac August Byron Erin Isabella Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca) Hyacinth: Captain, I'm beginning to like you.

(TXT to Ac Byron Erin Isabella Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca Hyacinth) August: I'll deal with the casket. If anyone knows a carpenter, text me, otherwisae I'll find one.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander Byron Erin Hyacinth Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca August) Ruiz: Good. Thanks, Roen. Do we know if Gohl was military or anything of the sort, requiring extra considerations for the funeral?

(TXT to Ac August Byron Erin Isabella Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca) Hyacinth: I'm a carpenter

(TXT to Isabella Erin Hyacinth Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca August) Alexander: It shouldn't be much trouble to organize a plot at the cemetery and engage a priest for the ceremony. Someone will have to pay for it. He was a customs agent in the 20s. No special considerations required, I think.

(TXT to Isabella Erin Hyacinth Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca Alexander) August: Fantastic. I'll have wood for you in short order.

(TXT to Ac August Byron Erin Isabella Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca) Hyacinth: Mr. Roen you flatter me šŸ˜‰ <<Bay St. Address included>>

(TXT to Ac Byron Erin Isabella Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca Hyacinth) Minerva: I'm catching up, where am I needed?

(TXT to Ac Byron Erin Isabella Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca Hyacinth) August: ::exhausted:: I have my hands full already Ms. Addington I could not possinly handle you too

(TXT to Isabella) Byron: (Ring Ring)

(TXT to Byron) Isabella: "You getting all of this?"

(TXT to Isabella Erin Hyacinth Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca August Minerva) Alexander: As the closest thing to 'next of kin' the man has, I can speak a few words at the funeral. Minerva, your expertise in designing a ritual to remove Gohl from Thomas will be needed, I think.

(TXT to Isabella) Byron: Pick up.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander Byron Erin Hyacinth Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca August) Ruiz: When do we want to do the exorcism and the funeral? Are we going to need to deal with Margaret somehow, or do we think she'll go along with this?

(TXT to Ac Byron Erin Isabella Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca Hyacinth) Minerva: I'm always up for an exorcism. I'll hit the books.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander Byron Erin Hyacinth Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca August) Ruiz: And that's perfect, Alexander.

((Eventually, August says something)) Unfortunately, I don't think we can push you far enough, Isabella. Or, it'd take all of us doing it--it's a small empowerment, not a big one.

(TXT to Isabella) Byron: (Sounding incredibly annoyed) No. Or I haven't looked at in a while. My messages are already spammed by angry tenants as it is. If you want to discuss this, I'd say we meet somewhere and do it or conference call?

(TXT to Isabella Alexander Byron Erin Hyacinth Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca August) Ruiz: If need be, I can find some way to bring Thomas into custody.

(TXT to Isabella Erin Hyacinth Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca August) Alexander: Our three should have the power to reach Thomas through most of the city. I don't think we need permission. I'd rather ask forgiveness, if it proves necessary.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander Byron Erin Hyacinth Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca August) Ruiz: All right, understood.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander Byron Erin Hyacinth Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca Ruiz) August: Agree, forgiveness > permission in this case

(TXT to Ac August Byron Erin Isabella Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca) Hyacinth: Mr. Roen you'd be surprised. I'm heading to teh house. Any bringing anything for the construction are welcome. Captain if that you do let me know. We might benefit from me riding with you to protect eh transport.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander Byron Erin Hyacinth Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca August) Ruiz: It seems it won't be necessary, Ms. Addington.

(TXT to Ac Byron Erin Isabella Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca Hyacinth) Minerva: If we are exorcising Thomas I'll need to be in the same room with him. Sadly Exorcism is not a power I can use from a distance.

(TXT to Isabella Erin Hyacinth Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca August) Alexander: Then I stand corrected.

(TXT to Ac Byron Erin Hyacinth Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca Isabella August) Erin: Admittedly I'm not as accomplished as most, I'm still learning what I am capable of. But I am willing to do it.

(TXT to Isabella Alexander Byron Erin Hyacinth Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca August) Ruiz: ..I take that back then. Perhaps it's best I have him taken in.

(TXT to Isabella Erin Hyacinth Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca August Minerva) Alexander: Not until right before we're ready, though. I suspect the Addington lawyers will break speed records on getting him out.

(TXT to Alexander Byron Erin Hyacinth Itzhak Lilith Ruiz Vyv Rebecca August) Isabella: Everyone, can we switch to voice? I'm sending an invite.

Vyv answers the phone. "Perhaps there's a subtler way to get him alone, one somewhat less prone to lawyers. Anyone in a position to invite him over for any reason? Family chat and snack? A drink?"

Lilith takes a moment to send out some private invite texts while putting some wine bottles into the freezer for quick chill at her place, picking up the call to listen at length before finally speaking into the phone, "Getting him separated from Margaret will be an issue. Perhaps we need a diversion team instead of everyone at burial."

Ruiz joins the call after a moment, his voice holding a trace of agitation that may or may not have anything to do with the conversation at hand. "I can deal with the lawyers. We'll have to work quickly, but it's by far our best option."

"Alright are we all here? Okay, so reiterating - August, Lilith and Erin figure out the healer thing among themselves. Hyacinth's our reader. Rosencranz is our mover. Minerva will figure out how to get the ball rolling on how to actually get him out for our three to wrangle him. August figures out the casket. Alexander does the eulogy and I think the Captain has the right of it in looking into William's background to see if we need to consider any military honors." Isabella pauses. "I think with respect to Thomas, we would need to rely on Erin and Hyacinth on that. I don't suppose we can leverage Margaret's guilt over what happened to you to make that easier for us, Erin?"

Vyv hmms. "Do we need to do the burial at the same time as the exorcism? I was rather imagining the one and then the other."

Erin joins the call, it's video and she's seated at a desk in her new office. She looks a little tired but willing to participate in any way needed. "I am willing to discuss it with the others. I'm not actually certain that my grandmother feels that much guilt."

"Considering they will be heavily influenced and haunted once they yank... sooner is better than later, if we can be quite tactical about arranging things." Lilith says into the phone with a soft sigh, "... it's not pleasant to be influenced by something. I know firsthand."

"It sounded like the burial could come after, though since he'll be out and about, I don't think we'll want to be slow on it," August says. "Like I said--Erin, Lilith, I'll back what you two want to do. You've both got beef with this asshole that I don't."

Ruiz speaks again, "Twenty-four hours. I can have him held for twenty-four hours before charges need to be laid. Surely it won't take longer than a day to perform an exorcism? The funeral, Mr. Addington does not need to be present for, I wouldn't think."

Finally, people get the message that group texting is lame and this is far more acceptable. Byron's expression is terse, but he's dealing with other issues of his own through text messages and email, particularly with clients. For those with video to go with their calls, he's still in his suit and tie, his hair slicked back. "So are we planning on sending Thomas to the Asylum or just trying to get him exorcised?" Yes, he has no time to read text messages.

Alexander sighs. His voice only, and slightly out of breath as he's walking somewhere. "Same. The only outstanding issue is the healer, and that is for those who have the capability to resolve." A pause as Byron comes on the line. "I would prefer not to leave anyone in the Asylum."

"Erin, when this call is over, do you want to come to my loft and we can talk over wine?" Lilith suggests, all voice instead of video as she bustles around the kitchen, cabinets softly closing and water briefly running at the sink like she's cleaning something out.

"I think Minerva mentioned that haunting is different from a possession. If it was the latter, the funeral will definitely need to be immediate. But it's the former, so I think we have some breathing room, but not much. I think we just need to monitor the three once the exorcism is done." Isabella pauses at Ruiz's words. "Alright, Captain. I think that task falls on you. And yeah Ronnie. Exorcism. If all else fails, Asylum. At that point we've done everything we can do."

"Leaving him in the Asylum will solve nothing," Ruiz interjects. "Only delay dealing with the problem properly."

When Alexander tells him that he'd rather not leave anyone in the Asylum, Byron's brow lifts, though he doesn't look displeased. Just a little amused. "so explain to me this sacrifice before we even continue."

Isabella spends a luck point. Reason: 1=For Glimmer Lore

<FS3> Isabella rolls Glimmer Lore+3: Success (6 5 5 4 2 2 1 1 1)

"It seems fairly simple. We each choose an item that represents something important to us - something that we would miss. I do not believe it needs to be the most important thing in our lives, but stronger emotions will, no doubt, represent a stronger binding," Alexander says

"What he said," August adds. "The exorcism and burial is final. Asylum is a delaying tactic at best." Another sigh. "Part of Gohl's remains are missing. We have to replace them with things of equal important to us. Something physical, which we will mourn. You know--your dad's Vietnam flag, your wedding ring, that kind of thing."

Hyacinth: Well right nowI'm using what lumber I do have which is to say not all of it but I can get things started. I'll spare you the details. Anyone feeling unsafe is welcome to come to my house. I dropped a dead zone in it which so far has remained ghoul free and so on and so forth.

"Right. The fact of the matter is that's going to be a problem when you consider that there are a few of us who aren't all that sentimental, unfortunately." Isabella pauses. "But there's a way to make it count, if you're a good enough reader."

"Interesting." Byron says, his head lowered and he rubs at the bristled chin. He's probably thinking on what he has to sacrifice. "So it can be anything then? I mean, I hold no baggage from the past." Not materially anyway! "But I'm sure I'll find something."

Erin just looks resigned. Whatever was going to happen would happen. "I honestly have nothing of value that couldn't be replaced. I have a car and a home. I'm pretty sure the man wouldn't be happy with my Jimmy Choos or my Prada bag. Jesus. I have belongings. Anything further I value isn't mine to sacrifice and I wouldn't sacrifice it even if I could." There's a steely tone to her voice. "I will meet with you Lilith. I need to know what you know."

(TXT to Erin) Ruiz: I'd like you to stay with Hyacinth temporarily. If you're willing.

Alexander's voice is sharp. "No tricks. If you can't sacrifice something, then don't. We don't all have to. But we're not going to try to clever ourselves into thinking we're solid when we're not."

A grunt from Ruiz's end. "I agree, again, with Clayton."

August sounds grim. "So do I. We can't outsmart this." He's quiet a second, then, "Let me put it this way. If I asked you to destroy something, what's something that would get met with a response of 'over your dead body'? That's how you know."

"So then anything that will separate Thomas from Margaret and get him alone with our exorcists," despite everything, one can just about hear the 'I cannot believe I am saying that' in Vyv's voice on that word, "ought to do, including things which won't leave a permanent record and result in lawyer involvement. If, of course, anyone thinks they could get him to visit them alone voluntarily. And entertaining 'tricks' or not, I'd like to know what Isabella's thinking of."

Alexander takes a breath, and adds, "But if you can't, Erin, then you can't be the person on the healing end, Erin. It seems fairly clear that those three have to give up something that's meaningful."

Minerva puts her cellphone on her table once she's home, taking the time to let the puppies out and then grabbing Beetlejuice from the terrarium and settles him into her lap, "Alright. I'll go through the books and see about an exorcism ritual that will fit this." she tells over the phone.

"Then we'll see whether we can dig something up, perhaps left long buried, to contribute." Byron says, his gaze lowered because he's probably typing something out. "I want to put a stop to this. Gohl's already hurt so many people." Dark eyes lift, "Like I said, I'll see what I can dig up."

"To the pretty boy with the fancy accent," Ruiz begins, in his helpful way, "Mr. Addington will be taken into custody by myself, possibly with Hyacinth's assistance enroute. It's been settled, we'll have twenty-four hours. Trust me." He says to the guy who doesn't know him from a hole in the ground. Judging by that tone in his voice though, he doesn't want to argue this further.

Isabella sighs and says, quietly, "It's not a trick. But if Byron wants, he can be exempt from it if he can't find anything. The Exorcist said that most of us have to pay, not all and we have to remember that if one of us elects to perform any half-measures, it could all fail. So in the immortal words of...someone, go big or go home."

(TXT to Ruiz) Erin: I will stay with her on one condition. I get to go with you when you get my uncle.

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: You're welcome over too, I know you have opinions on keeping me far away, but... I could say the same about you if others are already taking up mantles. Let's fight, handsome. And I'll make sure Erin is prepared if this is what she wants. And Isabella can say smart things. We'll consider things to give. And we'll all drink wine and take this in. It might be the only calm before the storm that we have.

"Javier," Alexander says, "Don't pull the trigger on that until everything else is ready, please? I suspect the Addington lawyers will break world speed records getting him out. And yes. Anyone who doesn't feel they can, shouldn't. This isn't...personal for everyone involved. And there are limits to what anyone can expect one to do just for the common good. There isn't any pressure about this. I hope not, anyway."

(TXT to Isabella) Lilith: Open wine and vent session in my loft if you and +1 are inclined after this call.

(TXT to Lilith) Isabella: I'll be there.

(TXT to Alexander) Isabella: Lilith is inviting us to her loft. I'm going, but I understand if you wouldn't want to. There was a lot to parse today.

"Alexander," Ruiz replies, a little abrasively, "Don't fucking patronize me. I'm obviously not going to go off half-cocked to bring him in. Whoever's doing the ritual gives me the signal, I'll bring him in. Not a moment before."

(TXT to Erin) Ruiz: Deal.

"That's Mister Vydal from PĆ¢tisserie Vydal." Byron decides to make this long distance introduction. He then says, "I'm glad something is being done with Thomas Addington, that much I'll say." A pause when Alexander speaks up, "It's personal to me. You should know my reasons by now, Clayton."

"I'm sorry," Alexander says, immediately, voice quiet. Who, exactly, he's apologizing to might be in doubt. Maybe he figures it holds for any and all possibility.

"Ye-es, that can't possibly go wrong." Fancy accent, remarkably dry delivery. "Certainly good to know we don't need to entertain any other options instead or for backup if his lawyers are as good or well-connected as some I've known. Certainly we should do the forcible method before considering any that might be cooperated with." Vyv sighs. "Well, do it how you like, I doubt I could stop you."

(TXT to Lilith) Byron: And here I thought you were looking for some alone time. I'll try to make it. Murder investigations still going on, so I'm a little hindered right now.

"Alright, at this point, I think we have a plan of attack. Summary: Hyacinth is our reader, Rosencranz our mover, and Lilith, August and Erin get to conference about who gets to be the healer. Minerva figures out the specifics of the exorcism and once she and our three are ready, the Captain, along with Hyacinth and Erin, bring Thomas Addington in. They'll deliver him to whatever site Minerva chooses. Once that's done, the three are monitored - we can figure out who takes up guard duty then. Funeral next, preferably the next day or the day after, if we can swing it. Alexander delivers the eulogy, we structure it for a military burial if we have to, and then we sacrifice something genuinely meaningful to us. I'm often fond of saying no plan survives first contact with the enemy, so if something does get thrown into the gears on any of your end, let the group know immediately so we can mitigate. Okay?"

(TXT to Erin) Lilith: If you want to bring an escort to feel safe, you can. I'll help you feel ready to decide and drive this however I can. I lost my dad... because I was possessed not long ago. I get how revenge motivations work, but you have to feel ready on another front too and I might be able to help.

"He wasn't in the military," Alexander says, quietly. "As I said. His history isn't hidden. He's on Wikipedia. But yes. That sounds good. I'm hanging up now. If anyone wants to talk to me, you all now have my number." And then he does hang up.

Ruiz, too, hangs up. Without another word. Because he's an ass like that.

August says, "Lilith, Erin, just let me know what you want to do." And then he hangs up as well.

Minerva keeps in the same vicinity as the phone and listens to the voices as she goes over books and starts to pour over what she has on hand for exorcisms. "I'll let you guys know when I get a ritual together. Thank you all." she states. Then she drops off as well.

Lilith makes a noise of agreeing at August and sends off a text on her phone before hanging up with the others finished.

Hyacinth: Doctor if you can let me know where to bring the casket to that'd be lovely. I'll let you know when it is ready.

"Let me know what I'll need to for the funeral and timing, then. Goodbye," Because Vyv is apparently less of an ass. Or, more likely, a slightly more mannered one. And he hangs up as well.


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