2019-09-30 - Can I Call?

Lilith calls Byron to let him know some disturbing news after a phone conversation with Isabella.

IC Date: 2019-09-30

OOC Date: 2019-07-05

Location: Bedrest

Related Scenes:   2019-09-29 - Cough and Converse   2019-09-30 - Texts for Days   2019-09-30 - Wasteland Terrors   2019-10-02 - Burning in Hell (Together)

Plot: None

Scene Number: 1864


(TXT to Byron) Lilith: You awake, handsome?

(TXT to Lilith) Byron: I shouldn't be, but I am.

(TXT to Lilith) Byron: How are you feeling?

(TXT to Lilith) Byron: I can barely move my body off of this bed.

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: Miserable and much the same. Can I call or should we stay in texts?

(TXT to Lilith) Byron: I don't mind either way. But I sound horrible right now. My throat's on fire. Not that texting feels any easier.

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: Too much to type and say and I haven't heard your voice in a couple of days, I'll take it all busted.

(TXT to Byron) Lilith: (Incoming Call)

(Live Call) Byron: (Byron sounds exhausted, while his voice doesn't sound like his throat is on fire, it's not difficult to imagine something of similar discomfort happened to it) "Hey Beautiful." (He says after a snuffle)

(Live Call) Lilith: (her voice sounds a touch charmed despite all just hearing Byron, though it stays at murmur close to the phone, feverishly dragging and laced with raw hoarseness from swelling and coughing) Hey babydoll. So listen. We might have a problem. And it's pretty scary. Now that I'm talking outloud, I'm actually dreading saying it. So... steel yourself, I guess.

(Live Call) Byron: (There's evident confusion found in his voice, but he still can't stifle a yawn in his weariness) Go on... What is it?

(Live Call) Lilith: (after a breath of subtle wheeze and a prelude question to check Byron's level of knowing thus far) Isabella called to check in and mentioned something in the middle of all the other catch up. Are you aware this illness might not be... well, it's probably not natural?

(Live Call) Byron: (Another bout of sniffling) I can't say it crossed my mind. I've felt worse. Why does she think that?

(Live Call) Byron: Alright, just as bad. This is probably equal to the worst that I've ever felt.

(Live Call) Lilith: (carrying on with a tiny catch of breathing) Considering I feel much the same, my natural doubt before I heard everything didn't even kick in and let me believe it, this just feels... collectively horrible. Anyway, two things-- August and Alexander are both sick too, and he tried to heal Alexander's illness which... works on natural things when you're of a certain power, apparently. Didn't work.

(Live Call) Lilith: (pausing in brief with uncertainty before continuing) He got pulled into a bad dream, the kind we live-live through. And he couldn't... do anything. No power, no abilities. Luckily it didn't try to kill him, but when he got out, instead of feeling all stopped up still, he could do things, I guess, but... weakened.

(Live Call) Byron: (There's a pause, but it's not a quiet pause. It's difficult for any pause to be quiet when there's a mixture of sniffling and coughing to be heard) He tried to heal Clayton to rid him of the... flu? (There's more confusion now) Who was pulled into a dream? I sometimes feel my powers waning every so often, but I need to be able to concentrate to use them. And there's not a whole lot of that going on.

(Live Call) Byron: But he had no powers in this dream? I don't know if I always have my powers in mine, if I gotta be honest. There's not always a reason to use them. Though, I guess they would still be there.

(Live Call) Lilith: (clarifying over the phone, her voice dropping a little more from murmur here and there, as if she's either getting winded by shallow breathing and all the talking to explain or... possibly afraid and breathing that way on accident because of it) Yes. August tried to heal Alexander of illness he thought was a flu at the time and it wouldn't budge. Apparently that is... well, I've never done it, but they both say it's a thing.

(Live Call) Lilith: (muffling a racking cough briefly aside before carrying on) And August had a fever dream that turned into a reality in which he had no powers at all, yes. Isabella was asking if I had started having bad dreams yet, like she was expecting... anyway, his dream didn't try to kill him. But mine always do. Seems unfair.

(Live Call) Lilith: (tacking on) I'm sleeping and carrying around a gun now, just in case.

(Live Call) Lilith: I haven't... done anything with my power since I've been sick. Not since the rock.

(Live Call) Byron: Believe me, I've tried. But it's hard to read people when my own mind is clouded and I feel disoriented. I haven't lost the electric touch though, so there's (The hoarseness in his throat gets worse, forcing him to cough until he takes a sip of what's probably water) that. Sorry. My throat is killing me.

(Live Call) Byron: I had a dream last night-- it wasn't one of those dreams though. But they are getting worse.

(Live Call) Lilith: (after a tiny sniffle and pause) I want to try using my ability but I'm scared of what could go wrong or how I might... feel frustrated when it doesn't do what I wanted. And yeah, mine are getting... not fun. I thought it was just fever twisting things. But it might be a bad sign that we're vulnerable to... being swept in deeper, given what happened to August just laying in bed.

(Live Call) Lilith: That's why I'm sleeping with a gun now. Isabella was concerned I might be volatile, but I weighed the possibility of someone living through me rather than a gun if I am, and eh. They're better off taking a bullet. And I don't... trust reality to stay where I want it now.

(Live Call) Byron: (There's some annoyance heard in his voice) Isabella was afraid of /what/?

(Live Call) Byron: (His voice rises when he speaks) She's of the mind that we're all affected when we're just cranky because we're sick and tired of feeling like hell.

(Live Call) Lilith: (making a noise in her throat that sounds like 'mm' before she has to clear it and cough a tiny bit) She's concerned after speaking to Minerva that any of us could be affected, I suppose. Not just the Three or Alexander with his Ghoulie blood. Maybe she feels something off, I don't know. But it's like I told her, I haven't been around many people lately, but if I was touched by a murder ghost, someone would be dead nearby at some point. So she agreed the gun was safer since it was for my safety in case things go sideways.

(Live Call) Lilith: (sighing softly) You should have something maybe that might carry into the sideways with you too. Just in case.

(Live Call) Byron: (He tries to sound firm in his tone, but nose is pretty stuffed up making it difficult to breathe) We were told it would be the Three that was affected. Maybe anyone who helped with the exorcism. All I know is we didn't get pulled into the Dream or the Veil with them. (He voice then softens) I've got a revolver that I can keep tucked away on me. (Another pause) Anyway, I don't like how these dreams are going.

(Live Call) Lilith: (exhaling wheeze-tinged noise of relief) Alright. I know it seems... but we know how vulnerable we are to these things on the best of days, so when we're disoriented by fever and at some of our worst and... weakened in other ways too? (there's a pause, voice dropping a little) I don't like them either. But there's nothing to be done but be... aware and ready for what could happen.

(Live Call) Byron: (Byron knew that he was needed at the Apartments. He couldn't easily drive between Elm and Bayside whenever he wanted, which is why he'd opted to stay at his Penthouse through most of this. Now things have got him thinking) Want me to stay over at your place, Lily? We don't always get pulled into the same dreams, but there's a better chance of that happening.. (The end of that last word is spoken in a quieter, thoughtful tone) I just feel like I'm being pulled in so many different directions and I'm just not of mind or body to deal with any of this.

(Live Call) Lilith: (resignation and fondness in her tone alike, warming some despite the hoarseness) We both know you're not driving anywhere, babe. Not if both of us want you from point A to point B in one piece. And think of the car, love, think of the poor dingable, dentable beauty. We don't even know if... we just know when it wants us, it takes, no matter where we are.

(Live Call) Lilith: (pensive noise, then offer of compensation) I want you to rest like you're due is what I want, this is horrible feeling. Do you... want a picture of me topless in bed with underwear and the gun belt? Because that's legitimately how I'm laying here burning under the fan at the moment.

(Live Call) Byron: (Laughter in his tone before he regrets doing so once the coughing fit hits) You're not afraid of that leaking...? I'm burning it up as it is but you know I'm not going to turn down an offer like that.

(Live Call) Byron: (He then quickly adds) And this better not have anything to do with Dog being posed instead.

(Live Call) Lilith: (sounding good and distracted and a little far away now, like she lifted the phone to snap the business) No, but that would have been a fantastic idea. Too bad I don't have any little tiny squirt guns to ammo him with. I feel like he's no good at aim without thumbs, though... hey Byron?

(Live Call) Lilith: IMG: Lilith is laying out on the bed with her hair a tousled, damp and sweaty mess, skin flushed and eyes fever bright. If she was not absolutely limp like a rag doll with fatigue, the photo might trick the mind into other kinds of flushes of heat and exertion. She's all bare skin save for a pair of dusky lavender bikini panties and a handgun with a very nice looking grip is quite literally strapped on her at one side of the hip while the camera gets her at overhead angle. Her lips are a little slanted with play despite what he can no doubt recognize as a bit of misery by way of his own feeling the same.

(Live Call) Byron: (One could probably hear the smile in his voice) Yes.. (He starts, just as the picture is sent over to him. She can hear his breathing, but she could hear him breathing this whole time due to this illness) You're so beautiful. I... (He remembers a recent dream, something that's been troubling him for the entirety of the day) I know that I'll be able to sleep better thanks to you.

(Live Call) Lilith: (droning a hum that sounds like a small semblance of purring) I love it when you give me butterfly shivers and flutters in the belly with the little things you say. And you should sleep better. I'm sleeping like a badass over here, full on holster. (There's a pause, back to what she was going to ask with a tiny 'ah' of remembering noise that turns into a hint of cough) When everything is done, can we take an overnight in Seattle, away from here?

(Live Call) Byron: (There's still this gentle lightness to his voice, even if his throat sounded scratch and slightly clogged) Mmm, do that again. (He means the purring) That's sexy. (Though at this mention of Seattle, there's a pause) I think that can be arranged. The trip. Hopefully once my responsibilities here die down once we're all good and better. It's why I've kept up working. Once I miss a day or two, it's hard to catch up to all the calls.

(Live Call) Lilith: (mimicking the throaty purr of noise with feeling to please, at least until it turns into a cough, then a soft semblance of laughter through that cough) Killing me while I try to put out for you in the tiniest way. But yeah, if things keep happening or if you have work... and hell, there's the festival. Really, I guess we should see how it goes.

(Live Call) Lilith: (drawing in a slow breath to check and make sure she's done coughing before speaking again) ... it's just, you know, this place. It'd be nice to know that one night would be... not thrown off of the rails by force and fuckery. I bet we'd sleep like rocks.

(Live Call) Byron: (There's another quiet laughter to the purring, before he takes in a deep breath) Yeah, I'd want to get away from this place too. We'll find time. Right now, I have an appointment tomorrow that I can't miss, so I'll try to get some sleep-- while staring at your picture.

(Live Call) Lilith: (voice softening with tiny melt despite the already winded and shallow cadence of her words due to illness and... maybe a touch of those flutters she was talking about earlier) Counterintuitive. I like it. Sleep. Talk to you tomorrow, loverboy.

(Live Call) Byron: Sweet dreams. God let's hope we get better soon.


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