2020-02-08 - Toying with Concussives

Isabella checks in on Byron, concerned about Lilith. Alexander also texts Byron when he probably shouldn't be.

IC Date: 2020-02-08

OOC Date: 2019-10-01

Location: Gray Harbor

Related Scenes:   2019-11-18 - Welcome Home   2020-02-03 - Drunk Speak   2020-02-06 - Let the Right One In

Plot: None

Scene Number: 3890


(TXT to Byron) Isabella: B, how's Lil?

(TXT to Isabella) Byron: Hey. Whatever happened there after she killed the bird, she's still experiencing some trauma, though she tries to hide it. How about Alexander?

(TXT to Byron) Isabella: I'll check on her later once she's recovered and she's had some time with you. She looked pretty shaken up. And he's alright. He's somehow managed to convince me to go back to the house to check on Bennie and get some sleep, but I'm worried about Bennie too so I think I'll stop by the Red Box and grab some movies. I'm having Yule check on him since he works in the morgue.

(TXT to Isabella) Byron: I'd appreciate that, if you spoke to Lilith. I mean, I know some of why she panicked then. She imagined the bird plucking out one of her eyes, I believe. I tried to get a read on her, check if something more may be damaged-- mentally. Emotionally. I don't know.

(TXT to Isabella) Byron: Also, what's wrong with Bennie?

(TXT to Isabella) Byron: Also Also, it's funny that you mention sending the M.E. to check on Alexander, because he works in the morgue.

(TXT to Isabella) Byron: Sounds like worst case scenario stuff if you ask me.

(TXT to Byron) Isabella: Considering all that stuff with FCN, he's probably the only medical professional I trust that actually works in the building, at this point, though I guess there's no helping it now if someone decided to send whatever MRIs they took of Alexander to them. God I hope not, but I'm hoping Yule can confirm it either way.

(TXT to Byron) Isabella: As for Bennie, she's staying with us until she and Easton figure out their living situation. And yeah, I'll talk to Lil once she's feeling a little better. I don't want to revisit what happened when it's still fresh in her head, it looked severe.

(TXT to Isabella) Byron: Gotcha. About Bennie.

(TXT to Isabella) Byron: So

(TXT to Isabella) Byron: You know that the shadow thing was just trying to get under our skin. Don't think too hard about anything that it said.

(TXT to Byron) Alexander: hey

(TXT to Byron) Alexander: hey

(TXT to Byron) Alexander: are you awake

(TXT to Byron) Isabella: I know. I'm trying. What about you? How are you holding up?

(TXT to Isabella) Byron: I'm doing fine. Just keeping an eye out on Lilith now that I've finished with everything I needed to complete on a Sunday.

(TXT to Alexander) Byron: I'm doing alright. And so is Lilith if you were curious. Yourself?

(TXT to Byron) Alexander: i am,. curious. always.sorry for passing out. it was nice of you to visit. im fine. my head hurts and i thought about you

(TXT to Alexander) Byron: If your head hurts then maybe you should get some rest. Is Isabella there?

(TXT to Byron) Alexander: you were tiny when you were six. just thought you should know. i sent her home. she needed sleep, and beennie needs someone to keep her from breaking my lamps

(TXT to Alexander) Byron: (...)

(TXT to Alexander) Byron: I'm pretty sure we were all tiny when we were six. But thanks for sharing that.

(TXT to Byron) Alexander: And now your taller than me. how is that fair?

(TXT to Byron) Alexander: did you buy inches?????

(TXT to Alexander) Byron: Okay, is anyone with you at the moment? I'm guessing not.

(TXT to Byron) Alexander: no. just me. and my phone. and all the people i can talk to on the phone. there are so many!

(TXT to Alexander) Byron: (...)

(TXT to Byron) Alexander: my contacts list scrolls. thats new. up and down up and down. still missing letters though. is it rude to try and make friends with people because their name starts with a letter or is that just EFFICIENT

(TXT to Byron) Isabella: Let me know if there's anything I can do?

(TXT to Alexander) Byron: (...)

(TXT to Byron) Alexander: the dots are pulsing. are you writing or is it just my head hurting

(TXT to Alexander) Byron: Probably both. I'd call the hospital and have a nurse check in on you, but this is rather amusing.

(TXT to Byron) Alexander: no nurses they are devil people who hate me

(TXT to Alexander) Byron: Then stop being an ass to them.

(TXT to Alexander) Byron: (...)

(TXT to Byron) Alexander: im not an ass to them!

(TXT to Byron) Alexander: that's not true. I am.

(TXT to Byron) Alexander: i should apologieze.

(TXT to Alexander) Byron: (long pause with no dots) When will Isabella be back?

(TXT to Byron) Alexander: DONT BOTHER HER. she needs sleep.

(TXT to Alexander) Byron: I wasn't planning on it. And you're right. After what happened this morning, I'd expect she needed to unwind some.

(TXT to Byron) Alexander: yes. fucking hell bird.

(TXT to Byron) Alexander: lilith is very good at killing things.

(TXT to Isabella) Byron: (There's some pauses between messages as if he were distracted) Of course. Right now, it's a bit late to ask you to do anything. And you should get your rest.

(TXT to Alexander) Byron: She is and I'd like to say that she shouldn't have done that. Waiting to see what the fall out from her killing that damn thing was.

(TXT to Byron) Isabella: I know. You too, Ronnie. I'll talk to you later.

(TXT to Byron) Alexander: keep her safe. and dont let her break your arm again. you need that

(TXT to Alexander) Byron: I have little control over what she does. I can't say who would be hurt more if it actually happened again.

(TXT to Byron) Alexander: she's nice. shreds things. but nice.

(TXT to Byron) Alexander: im going to sleep. your a good kid. goodnight


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