2020-06-18 - A Meeting Before the Storm

This meeting took place a day before Byron swept Lilith off her feet to Paris.

IC Date: 2020-06-18

OOC Date: 2019-12-28

Location: The Grand Olympic Casino - Byron's Office

Related Scenes:   2020-06-08 - Those Who Stay Bought   2020-07-08 - The Moonlit Proposal

Plot: None

Scene Number: 4769


Unlike his office at the Bayside Apartments, the one Byron had set up for himself at the casino was far more convenient and less suspect if he ever needed to hold office with unsavory sorts or public criminal faces such as Joey Kelly's. The Grand Olympic was neutral ground and it wasn't strange and out of place to see people from every walk of life frequenting the floating establishment. Thus Thorne has called for a meeting here.

The weather was starting to warm up with Spring passing by, but that didn't mean that Gray Harbor was anything but grey.

The office itself is what one would expect for a man such as Byron Thorne: Classical and masculine, blending dark woods with a few modern touches. Wearing a dark grey suit and standing with his back facing the doorway as he stares out of one large picturesque window at the bay surrounding them, he brings up once he notes his guests' presence within, "When I first intended to hold a meeting, it was for one issue that had sprung up. Now there are two developments that need to be discussed. I don't think they are related." He knows that they aren't. "But both are important in their own ways." Turning to glance over his shoulder, finally, to view the two men present, he turns to face them, before heading over to the bar to pour out some drinks, "Name your poison. I'm having a glass of brandy myself."

Joey actually dresses up in a suit to go visit Byron at the casino. It's not club night but if Byron's instilled anything in him it's 'you have a tiny empire, always dress as if it's bigger' and 'no muddy boots on these floors. They're probably imported'. He's really got a point on both accounts. Does this stop Joey from walking like a wide receiver? Hell...naw. He was damn good at that.

"Rhys. Sup man. B." Glancing over there's a crack of a grin, just slightly and points, "Screwball? Hell yeah. I'll take the peanut butter whiskey any day. He does help himself to a seat."

Rhys's own office -- well, the one here -- is not too terribly different than this one, though the most important difference right this moment is that he isn't currently in it. He's completing the trio of suitedness, simple charcoal today and probably less expensive than Byron's, but well-tailored nonetheless. Keeps him from ending up looking like a kid in his dad's clothing. ...okay, the beard probably helps there too.

Strolling in, he's claimed one of the seats and dropped casually into it, making himself comfortable. "Joey," he greets that worthy, giving him a grin and a brief upnod on arrival, and to Byron, "Delays pay off some days, huh? More efficient meeting arrangement. Brandy's good with me, thanks."

After pouring out his own glass and before he recaps the bottle, Byron fills up a second one for Rhys. "A morbid sort of pay off, I suppose." The entrepreneur says with a faint grin and a brief laugh. "You're lucky I have a fully stocked bar." This is said to Joey, the laughter sounding more natural now as he pours out some of that whiskey for the Kelly. Bringing the glasses over, he hands one to each of his guests, before retrieving his own drink and settling down into the seat behind the desk.

Without even taking a sip from his glass, his dark eyes stare idly out at his desktop with the random papers and folders and such set out neatly before him. Eventually, his brows lift, "I don't even know where to begin. First order of business should be what I originally set out to say and that is... well," Here, his eyes lift, seeking out first Rhys' gaze and then Joey's when he states, "Easton Marshall seems to have vanished. His girlfriend, Bennie Oakes, filed a missing person's report."

With the glass hovering in his hand for a time, he finally takes a deep sip before placing his drink down to be forgotten for the moment. Instead, he opens up the folder directly in front of him. "Here are instructions that were left for us-- Now, I don't know if this means that Easton Marshall was planning to go away or not, but if he has, he didn't tell Oakes. Most everything is being left under Bennie Oakes' care. That includes the managing of Two if By Sea." Another establishment connected to Felix Monaghan. "As for the Grand Olympic, however, Easton specifically noted that his portion defaults back to his family trust." If either of the men want to take a look at the documents, Byron leans forward to set the papers between them both, spinning it around so that they can more easily read it.

Joey arches an eyebrow stopping the glass a half inch from his lips. Full stop. Looking up his expression settles into a look that can be understated as: this is problematic. The gravelly boxer looks back to one of his oldest pals, and tells Byron, "Wasn't us." Us being related to Felix that there as he knows. As for the documents? Joey doesn't touch them, instead focusing on Byron. "So long then as his share makes cut and payouts get done first... not to be that asshole, but that uncomplicates things a bit. Unless they don't realize how arrangements work." He looks from Byron to Rhys panning between. A sip of the PB whiskey is taken and held a moment. The exhale asking, "He know?" He doesn't say Felix's name out lout. Near ever, but the room knows and that's what matters.

"Thanks," Rhys says as he's handed the glass, and he studies Byron with quiet appraisal as the man sits and stares. At the announcement of Agenda Item One, he arches a brow as well, though he still completes the sip he was in the midst of taking. "Huh." He's got quite an expressive face when he wants to, which suggests he doesn't particularly want to right now. Thoughtful, one fingertip tapping silently at the glass in his hand, but not much else beyond a hint of a nod to Joey's assertion as to whom it wasn't.

Unlike Joey, he definitely does want to take a look at those documents, and leans forward to do so; his free hand moves to hover just above the edge of them rather than picking them up immediately, gaze flicking to Byron and brows lifting, a wordless you mind? "He's not wrong," is what he says aloud, "depending on whether whoever administers the trust's likely to try to get involved or just let things ride." A tiny tilt of the head. "Hard to know from what we got whether he had plans or suspicions or just an inclination to cover his contingencies. Might be worth finding out." Because mysteriously disappearing business partners can be something of a bad sign, when you're not in on the mystery.

When Joey tells him that Marshall's disappearance 'Wasn't us', Byron just nods. There's more that he'd like to say as he resettles himself back into his seat, those far too dark eyes of his searching each of his guests. He can see Joey's light. Hell, he's seen the guy in action first hand many a times, yet he holds back on what he may wish to bring up, though it's clear that he's thinking on something. Perhaps, it's due to Evan's presence here. He soon imparts as he straightens in his seat, "I get the impression that Marshall's disappearance may not be voluntary, despite the documentation. That he may have been dragged into something precarious. Dangerous." When he says both of those words, he looks directly at both men, a fleeting gaze towards Rhys, his attention more focused on Joey, to gauge his reaction to just how he worded those things. Seeing if he picks up on what Byron's serving. Then again... Joey Kelly was an oddity when it came to Gray Harbor weirdness. His suited shoulders then lift into a shrug, "Like I said, it's just the impression that I get."

As for whether Felix knows? Byron shakes his head slowly, "I haven't told him yet."

Of course, he nods over at Rhys, allowing the man to pour over all of that documentation. Byron's done the same a few times, himself. "I'll be handing those over to Katherine." Kennedy. A lawyer that he shares with Monaghan. This is followed by a short nod, sensing Rhys' concerns regarding Marshall's sudden disappearance. "I'll speak to Oakes about it but right now she's still understandably shaken by all of this. But I'll try to figure out if there were any signs that she may have missed."

Moving on, however, he makes sure to state, "And like I mentioned earlier, I have absolutely no idea if Marshall's disappearance ties into... whatever happened to Police Chief Thatchery." This is when his gaze seeks out Joey's eyes now. Byron knows that Thatchery was on the take with Monaghan. "Is that going to be a problem?" With the GHPD, but he doesn't mention them. He is curious though. "I spoke to de la Vega." He can't help but break out into this sharp smile, "I guess congratulations are in order for him, huh?" He then continues, the smile fading, "Of course, he couldn't tell me anything about Thatchery's murder as it's an ongoing investigation, but do /we/ know what happened out at the Firefly Forest?" And by 'We', he means Felix and his gang.

<FS3> Joey rolls alertness (7 6 5 4 2 2 2) vs Byron's stealth (8 7 6 6 4 4 2 2)
<FS3> Victory for Byron. (Rolled by: Joey)

Joey watches and glances to Rhys with a faint shrug and a nod. Joey has 0 interest in reading anything. He only reads Alexander's Word-a-Day book because the fucker builds up static if he doesn't do him that ONE favor. He drinks his drink and while people being shot dead because their hand is in a cookie jar or is simply endeared to the owner of said jar? Well that ain't new. This shit is unfortunately common, but it doesn't mean that Joey enjoys it. He likes people. He likes Easton. He does not like seeing people he's cool with get involved in dumb shit and get 'disappeared'.

This stripe of emotions doesn't play out in his face. The man's never been accused of being expressive to the point don't die might be synonymous with I love you, or don't think that'll get you out of paying me back.

He sips his drink and heads Byron out. As he talks about dangerous things and gives that weighted look at him... yeah it's subtle enough that it's the same manner of intensity Byron had and words borrowed from that time he, Easton, and B kept the Deuce open after hours to have a drink and talk Weird Shop. "Condolences." He corrects Byron on de la Vega's 'promotion'. "Means he's now everyone's fucking target. Fucker'll be lucky to sleep again. You want to get him something nice get him a perimeter alarm, 3 spare clips, and some fucking Xanex." He drinks. God does he.

He does mull this over stretching out his legs. With a slow exhale, "Yeah. It's going to be a problem. Chief's dead sooooo they're going to look at all of us...well... not you two. Better believe IA will try to use this to throw us under the bus if not to distance themselves. I'll do what I can to keep shit chill, but... yeah. I kinda want to know who's pissin in my cereal here. Maybe it was a personal thing."

After a long moment he asks curiously, "Not that I think it's connected, but remember that time us three in the bar? You think Easton went back to the woods to play nature boy and wrestle bears He was kinda on about a few things and Bennie and some assholes won't pay her out. I thought that got taken care of?" And by taken care of he means he gave Easton the green light to make that a very permanent fix. cough

Rhys reads things for fun and profit! ...this one's for profit, more or less. And, therefore, he reads it closely. "The less voluntary, the more we need to know," he says, faintly distracted. Voluntary disappearances of a partner bear examination too, but those are a bit less worrying if the guy's still making active moves to keep him and his involved in the deal. While the redhead's generally pretty alert and quick on the uptake, he also still lives in the version of Gray Harbor where people may disappear more often than some other places, sure, but there's nothing supernatural about these things. Just folks who got sick of being around or got someone else sick of it for them.

Or, you know, bears. Whatever.

He taps a finger absently against one of the provisions in the text he's reading, but really, everything there looks more or less standard at a first look -- and he's a good accountant, but not any kind of lawyer. "Hope they're not related. Whatever happened to Thatchery's... well. A shame. And inconvenient." Police chiefs who get bought and reliably stay bought aren't a dime a dozen, after all. He looks up from the paper to Byron again, with a flicker of a glance to Joey's answer on the problematic nature of the situation, then back. "It's unlikely to be a direct problem for the casino." Which he suspects is a larger portion of Thorne's concern than the other potentials. "Aside from that... we'll see." Who and why are important issues here. "But it'll be handled if it is."

If anything, Byron's lips quirk into a very faint smile when Joey 'corrects' him in his own congratulations to de la Vega for his elevated position, temporary or otherwise. Then again, Joey's known Byron to strive for greatness. Why be a mere Captain when you can be Chief after all? Whether Joey takes notice or realizes that his warnings on what it's like to be the Police Chief does little to change Thorne's mind or not, Byron doesn't touch upon the topic. Instead, his posture straightens, back against his chair as he reaches for glass of brandy for another taste.

What Joey brings up regarding how Monaghan's gang will be questioned wit eyes looking at them with scrutiny, that is something that Thorne can relate to. He knows that it shouldn't affect him in any way. Paper trail stuff and concrete connections between himself at the town's criminal presence is scarce if Byron can help it. That said, he'd feel far more comfortable once all of this is out of the way.

"I don't know what Easton did, but he's not the only missing person in this short span of time." Byron says with a lick at his lips, tasting that brandy. "The shop owner of the bookstore in town also vanished. Whether /that/ has any connection or not, it's hard to say." He then brings up the name, "Elias Weber. From what I'm told by a few guests and the ferryman, he never left the ferry once he boarded on the opening night of the Grand Olympic. So take that as you would." Brows lifted, he adds, "I'm sure by now the bay had been combed in case he went overboard."

The glass set back upon his desk, he then asks, "So if Thatchery's death wasn't local." He means in regards to Monaghan, "It's most likely someone who... is out for revenge on the man? Do you think it was someone in the know?" Someone who knew the Police Chief was on the take. "Or a different matter altogether?" His dark eyes settle on Joey, knowing that out of the three of them in the room, this will be Joey's problem most of all.

He then makes sure to add, "Due to some of these random disappearances and the fact that Lilith's birthday is coming up, I'll be out of town. We're heading off to France, starting at Paris, but if any news comes up, keep me informed. I might not be able to get back to you immediately, but I check my messages on the regular."

Joey dips his head in a small nod and listens. A few of those disappearances he knew about. Elias? Well mental note to reach out to Sparrow and see how shit was with tiny flighty neighbor considering. The question though if it is other? well that's the dread that settles into Joey's chest to process and though his demeanor is generally 'is a brick of meat' it's showing. Quietly he admits, "I... I dunno what this means, but I know it's not gonna be good if it's anything at all. The Chief wasn't, ah... The chief was a businessman." Which is Joey's way of saying in about as much business as the three in this room are. Being how very deep the other two are literally in Felix's pocket being his business partners he offers the small tidbit that the Chief had his own business with Monaghan. He doesn't' care if it's new news to them nor about shock value o much as to point out, "Business was good." Or in short: Joey had no awareness of any issues with him.

His drink gets a swirl and there's silence before grim agreement, "Yeah whoever has the balls to knock down a high profile target is either got something personal, a plan, or is trying to send a message which means... our pal could be next." Looking to Rhys and then back to Byron he murmurs, "We'll keep an eye on the shop and make sure no one bugs it. She should have a nice birthday, man. Got anything in particular planned?" Neighborhood watches run by the thugs either go great or poorly. in Lilith's case it should not have a problem. Doubly so considering the last people that broke into it was Joey and Byron, but, well, hey.

Rhys sets the folder down again and settles back to sip his drink. "Not a fan of people disappearing anywhere connected with this place, either," he murmurs, though it's not going to get the current focus. He doesn't bother to look the slightest bit surprised at the mention of the ex-Chief's... business connections, either, and in fact there's a ghost of a nod to the remark that business was good; presumably, no awareness of any issues there, either.

"Revenge on Thatchery's practically a best case scenario," he says, "since that's pretty well accomplished. Not really where I'd put my bet, though." He glances briefly to Joey, then to Byron. "Well, happy birthday to Lilith. Paris, huh? Eat some good things. Gonna be all touristy?" A small, sudden flicker of the grin. "Thanks for letting us know, by the way. Save us some time putting up posters."

Byron understands fully what Joey means about the Chief being a businessman, but then again, he knew which public officials would be of most use for him in any given scenario. So rather than nod or make any acknowledgement, he simply takes a drink of brandy, idly watching as Rhys returns the documents, setting them at the edge of his desk. "That's why I was concerned about how things would be handled from here on out with... Thatchery's death."

A casual hand reaches out to set his own glass back down onto the desk corner, when he asks, "With de la Vega being Acting Chief, will that, in itself, be an issue?" Seeing as Joey handles all of Monaghan's work regarding to the day-to-day running of things, he lifts those dark eyes of his to settle on the boxer and trainer. "I have a neutral, though I'd like to think, cordial enough relationship with de la Vega, having helped one another out in the past." Though on the Police Captain's part, it was demanding answers because he was a cop! And because he could.

On talks of this vacation though, the dark-haired businessman seems more relaxed. "I'm taking her on a week long tour of France basically. Starting off in Paris for a few days, then moving to Burgundy by train. Traveling and boating along the French Riviera until we end our week in Monaco." For some reason, he looks mighty pleased at himself, but this is soon revealed when he comes out states, "Because of some of the difficulties we've been having, you know, living in this shit hole." He means Veil and Glimmer difficulties probably, even if Rhys and Joey may have other assumptions! "I'll be proposing to her in Monaco. We've been together for what? How many countless years?" His lips quirk into a smile, gaze looking between both men, "Okay, so we parted ways sometime in high school and drifted apart completely when we both went off to college, but it's as if we were always together in a sense." He then hurries with a joking, "Neither of you better run off and spill the surprise."

That said, he just has to laugh at Rhys' mention of putting up posters, "That's good. It means if I ever do disappear one day, you'll know it's something serious because I'm professional like that, letting you all know ahead of time before fucking off."

Joey sucks on an eyetooth deciding what to give up and what not. The difference being that Byron is one of the few remaining members of the 'Old Guard' and also a very successful personal investment for him over 25 years. SO, on this point the suave smug, slugger shakes his head, "Nah, B. De la Vega likes the status being quo. Neutral is about the best we can hope for to be honest. It's..." His eyes squint while hunting words up, "I think everyone's on board with can we go back to what we fucking know. We know that dance."

The talk about Paris gets a slow arched eyebrow from the man that's never taken a voluntary vacation to a bed and breakfast that didn't require him to be there by state mandate. "That sounds...very French." The proposal gets both eyebrows up and he shifts in his seat, "Fuuuuck dude, it's about damn time. Unnn we're what? 30? I think you and Lil been together like 32 years now?"

It gets him thinking about this as they're all in that age these days. Things changing and becoming more of what they should. It's a quiet and thoughtful look. On a more sober note the boxer says, "Good. I think you both need this. Congrats man. We'll make sure nothing burns down on you while you're gone. Lemme know when you both get back. We'll celebrate that shit."

"Hey, Gray Harbor is not a shit hole," Rhys 'protests' with a bit too much earnestness to be sincere and absolutely no rancor, "It's a charming, walkable coastal town built by the northwest's historical lumber and fishing trades, with scenic forest and beaches framing a traditional downtown moving eagerly into the 21st century." This is nearly word for word from the casino's marketing materials. If he pulled the delivery back about two notches, he'd sound like he genuinely meant it.As it is... well. The place is obviously no French Riveria, after all.

He takes a drink of his brandy, grinning at the hurried joke. "You better hurry, I'm already texting her," he replies, quite obviously doing nothing of the sort. Going a little more serious, his expression may not be quite as thoughtful about it as Joey's -- he's a few years younger than they are, after all -- but it's still One of Those Things. "Congratulations, though. I assume you're pretty sure about the answer, but all the same... good luck." The glass is lifting in a brief mock-toast before he grins again, "...and if the two of you end up deciding to disappear any longer... well, don't forget to text first. Any posters are coming out of your share of the profits."

Byron seems content enough at what Joey says of de la Vega. However, when the Kelly expresses his surprise and congratulates him for this possible engagement, Thorne just shakes his head, "Sure. We've been together, what, two years before either of us were out of our mothers' wombs." He then relays part of the reason why he decided to propose, "With all this shit going on around us and with how unpredictable Gray Harbor can be, I figure it might be now or never." That's honest, if a little morbid.

At Rhys' light chiding, Byron simply smiles. He's been a champion of Gray Harbor tourism in the past, helping out with the town beautification program. "Thanks. To you both. Let's hope that what happened to Thatchery blows over before I get back into town. The last thing we need is trouble." With all of that out of the way and Evans lifting his glass for a toast, Byron follows suit with his own glass. "Let's hope that my hunches are correct. Or else this will be an awkward flight home at the end of the week."

More discussion is had before the meeting concludes. As a spoiler, the proposal went well. As another spoiler, whatever happened to Thatchery did not just blow over.


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