2020-04-05 - Pillowtalk

Byron gets Lilith settled at home and they enact a small game of questions while she's physically limited.

Content Warning: Adult Content Fadeout

IC Date: 2020-04-05

OOC Date: 2019-11-08

Location: Penthouse - Bedroom

Related Scenes:   2020-03-28 - All the Stars are Blood   2020-03-28 - Thus endeth FCN, Inc.   2020-04-02 - Bedside Omission   2020-04-08 - Toast to Health

Plot: None

Scene Number: 4429


Lilith's mandatory twenty-four hour hospital hold turned more into a thirty-six hour hospital hold due to the nature of her wounds, then the insurance company was being difficult over that and everything else. The woman was a good compliant patient as promised MOST of the time, but the last few extended hours pushed her buttons and she was barely managing to hold back the snips. He probably heard her whisper 'ohmyfuckinggod' about ten times, which usually is a phrase reserved for sex, not frustration, but hey, at least she whispered it.

In the car on the way back to the Penthouse, she notices it's nearly midnight and decides aloud to tough it out in bed. Byron can call someone first thing in the morning, she doesn't want to be rude and she's not dying (now). He also hears about how she thinks there's conspiracies in the hospital that ensure she gets the most annoying nurses. She might be half-right, they probably only send the stouter-stuff kind in there to deal with her from general experience.

But eventually, he gets her settled in bed, there's no more head bandaging, and she insists on wearing something pretty to feel human. Tonight, it's a long, leg-slitted silk ivory nighty with blue oriental leaf pattern that has a matching diaphanous wrap robe, the piece more accent than cover. It's not very warm, but it's what she wants, so that's kind of that. Besides, they sleep naked a lot, it's at least warmer than that. As he gets her all set up, she makes inquiry while settling at the pillows in recline.

"You're going to lie down with me, right?"

Having slept the night in an uncomfortable chair at the hospital that first evening and being in and out of the place on trips back to his office or the casino throughout the day, Byron tried to be at the hospital as much as he could. If he wasn't dragged out to meet with clients, tenants and business partners he would've remained by Lilith's bedside for the entire day with breaks to go pick up good coffee and not the hospital dreck. This is why when he goes to pick her up that evening, he's dressed in his suit and tie. He's had a busy day without much time to change into something comfortable in between.

He's been patient, caring and ever attentive by her side. Even when he's demanding to know what the hold-up is, asking who he needs to call in order to push her insurance forward. So by the time of her release, they are both relieved.

The first thing that Byron does when they get back to his place is help Lilith get settled in, giving some assistance if she needed to get her changed into something comfortable... and sensual. Once she's resting in bed, he's started to change out of his suit as well and into something more comfortable himself. "With how exhausting the day it was today? There's no where else I'd rather be." Standing at the threshold of their doorway, he notices an angry cat staring them both down.

"After I feed the cat. Maybe it's a good idea to invest in one of those automatic feeders in case... well, in case neither of us are home for a good part of two days."

"Mm. He tried to kill me again, you know. That's really why I woke up the night you got lost on the terrace. Laid right on my head and face to steal my breath and I'm not even exaggerating this time." Lilith follows Byron's gaze to the glaring cat in the doorway and sniffs one audible time before looking back at the man during tattling. Also, she's exaggerating this time too, but it still happened that way except for the part where she loses her breath and dies.

After looking back at the cat sitting there with tail flicking impatience to match the glower, she gingerly lifts a hand to scratch a little in her hair, mindlessly going at a stitch itch, "Stop looking at me like that, you didn't die of neglect. You don't even like me, you're just mad about being stuck with dry food and not getting manly scratches. You freaking man-cat."

Luckily, this isn't a sign of head trauma, talking to the cat like this, it just happens. Lilith's attention swaps back to Byron after a click of her tongue at the animal, absolutely deadpan.

"Do me a favor. Model for me before you leave the room so I can fantasize over your return."

"He tried to... Smog?" Byron asks wearing a quizzical look on his face. A look that turns overly serious as he undoes his tie and the buttons down his shirt. "If someone doesn't change their attitude, they're going to find themselves out on the streets." An even sterner look is given the pissed off looking cat who just continues to stare with that murderer face into the room. He even meows once.

Once those articles of clothing are set out aside, he kicks off his Oxfords and pulls down his pants. "No back-talking from you, young man." By now, Lilith probably knows that Byron doesn't mean a lick of what he says. Unless the cat really deserved being evicted. With the removal of his socks that follows, this leaves Byron in his boxers when he starts out towards the hallway. Smog, sensing that he's about to be fed, meows again, before wandering down the hallway himself, to wait at his food bowl.

That almost intense expression continues to linger on Byron's face when he's asked to model for Lilith. Model? If he had his suit or even just some decent pants on, he might just stand there with his hands tucked deep into pants pockets or any number of poses that he'd normally do in his everyday life. But the only lick of clothing that he's wearing are his boxers so there's limited resources for him to work with. Instead, he lowers his chin, the muscles in his torso and arms tense when he gives her this smoldering look, shoulders slightly curved forward. He then slowly shift, posture straightening as his right hand lifts to run finger through his perfect hair, his face turning to the side with his chin now uplifted, almost as if he were looking off into the distance at some mountain range or something. All the while, that expression he used to scold the cat with remains.

Until it fades, his brows lifted when he asks, "Can I go now? I don't need the cat to be pissy that I'm taking too long. I've given him enough time to plot my demise." With that he smiles, flashing her a playful wink, before heading out.

<FS3> Lilith rolls Composure: Success (6 6 4 4 3 2) (Rolled by: Lilith)

Lilith keeps a perfectly expectant expression while looking on Byron for this modeling session, but only just so. Her hand falls to rest at her stomach, absently tickling fingers in curl and stroke over the silken fabric of her nighty while she watches with visible appreciation. Her eyes can't help but make a sweep up and down the man's body, though her attention seems just as riveted to his eyes and profile in due turns.

Inside she wants to giggle like a girl just a little bit and jump his bones a lot. Lilith's just kind of good at dominatrix-face.

"Yes. You may go." Lilith allows after some delay, though Byron is already off and on his way. She makes sure he hears her, though! Then when he's out of the room, she cracks a smile and turns her face aside to breathe in the scent of the bedding, a wash of 'home' feeling falling over her-- it's like a signature fragrance of them as a pair, laundry soap and that subtle co-mingle of their soap, cologne, and perfume from co-habiting the bed and sleeping so closely.

While he's in feeding the cat, she announces with a call through the house, "Hurry, we're going to play a game."

"Yes, Mistress!" Byron calls out teasingly to her from the hallway, hot on the heels of that damn cat. Rather than serve him dry food, they kind of got him some of that gourmet stuff. A diet specifically for pampered felines. She will hear the wailing of a hungry cat over the sounds of a fork tapping against the cat's bowl when Byron scoops up some of that delicious mess to dump onto the plate. Then the water is running as he fills up Smog's water bowl.

After washing his hands, leaving the cat mostly content in the kitchen, he is back into the room and this time he makes sure to shut the door closed behind him. "A game, huh?" He asks curiously as he makes his way towards the bed on bare feet. Taking up residence on his side of the bed, practically flopping down onto the soft mattress, he rests on his side so that he can view Lilith directly. The first thing that he does is lean in for a kiss or two, starting out gently, before his lips press hard against the edge of her own. "What did you have in mind?" He knew that while the hospital had released her, that she wasn't completely feeling 100% yet. With a head injury like that, performed by the Vivisecitonist, of all people, he wonders if it has any last effects on her mind. For now, it doesn't seem to be the case, but though he initiates this intimacy, he makes sure to not move too quickly.

"MmmnnmIloveyourkisses." Lilith takes a moment to compliment into the first kiss Byron gives when he's back in bed, half-turning some in her reclined position against the pillows. Her fingertips come in a tickling touch over one side of his bare chest, feathering touch to suit the gentle start. But as he picks up pressure between their lips, it turns to flatted palm, dragging up over his shoulder to hold with pulse of squeeze. The woman is all kiss by then, and when he asks the question prompting what this game of hers is, she honestly almost dismisses it in favor of continued kissing. It's been a bit since they've had time and circumstance that lends to kisses like these, but she also knows what those turn into. Then again, would that be a wrong thing to want and do?

As far as she's concerned, so long as he doesn't pull her hair and they avoid crazy positions...

But Byron's possibly more wary and worried about small complications of bodily injury during intimacy and she knows it, so she behaves and answers the question with small drawback for breath after another rush of kiss, "The game part was kind of a lie, I think normal people just call this pillowtalk..." Lilith's lips slant up a touch self-humored before she leans in the tiny space to nuzzle while explaining, "I'm going to ask you a question. You're going to ask me a question. We're going to do it again, a second round for quality control. Then we're going to decide if we like pillowtalk enough to keep playing every once in a while."

Suddenly, Lilith punctuates the request for a new sort of no-holds barred intimacy with a rough, brisk kiss before breathing out partial hum and laugh, "... I still want sex most of the nights, though, not questions. Deal?"

Byron knows all too well how painful and uncomfortable head trauma can be. He experienced that himself. Now, would he have complained if Lilith were trying to put the moves on him during his moment of suffering? In that one incident, he probably would've spilled who knows what to her in their moment of passion, as painful as it might've been or not. His mind was a fractured open book.

He also doesn't mind these quiet intimate moments, especially after a long, exhausting day running around time, fighting with hospital staff and worrying over Lilith. Byron wants to give August a call right now, in these wee hours, but Lilith wanted to be polite.

"Is this Truth or Dare? Or all Truth?" It's a legit question, but he asks this out of amusement as well, as can be seen in the faint curve of his lips in this dimmed light. "If this were Never Have I Ever, we could end up sloshed. Or sober, depending on the statements." That smile broadens and he leans in to her nuzzling before she greets his hot mouth with a firm, rough kiss, which makes the edges of his lips tug up even further now, laughing quietly against the kiss, before licking at his lips once it's broken off. "Sounds fine by me." Pause, To her statement that she wants sex most nights, he asks with dramatic exasperation, "What if I want the questions?" That's followed by another wide smile, "You know, I adore the sex." Adore, that's a strangely cute word.

"Uhm-hum-nnmnn." Lilith makes an indecisive noise in her throat at the comparison to the other game they've probably played a time or two or three in the past as kids, then bites at Byron's bottom lip to trap it with tiny nip while thinking, "I could make a pass-and-pay-favor rule and thought about it. But the favors I want are things you want to do anyway, most likely. Seems skewed. We'll just make up the rules for the adult version as we go, mm?"

Then the brunette woman draws back to look at Byron with a bit of a squint, "If you want questions, you should be careful what you wish for, you know I can think of fifty at a time. Also... did you just call my sex adorable? You realize, if I didn't have a head injury, I'd feel obligated to immediately up my game to make you find new words for the way you feel about sex with me." Lilith clearly isn't offended, though, so much as she's making a huffy little dig, then echoes a sentiment he's told her a time or two or three when she's being a pain in the ass to handle, "You're lucky you're gorgeous. Now let me think."

While the woman is thinking, she loops her arm further around Byron's neck and shoulders to draw herself closer and right in against his body, silken fabric and skin. Then after settling with a leg lifting in drape over his to tangle him up with love, she wonders, "Do you miss your life in California? What was it like?"

This idea of a Pass-and-Pay rule, for some reason, has Byron thinking, this look of contemplation seen within his dark eyes. Who knows what he may be thinking at this very moment, whether it's some kinky intimacy than she might make him do or something else entirely. "We'll see, I suppose. Once the questions start rolling out." While Byron like to say that he's all about honesty in their relationship and who's never uttered the word 'No secrets', but there are definitely things that he most likely would't want to talk about.

A trail of laughter escapes his lips at Lilith's light complaint about his choice of words. "Adorable is a valid word. I have a few others in my vocab arsenal." His words still tinged with humor, "Enjoy is far to basic, there's love. There's 'I can't wait for' that could've been said instead." With the pair of them being drawn closer, he settles in comfortably for the rest of the night, his gaze searching her features in the darkness.

"Of course, I miss California. It has better weather. A larger variety of cuisines and a lot more to do than Gray Harbor could ever imagine." Thinking further on the question, he falls quiet, before finally stating, "My experience may have been different than anyone else's," For one, he had a shit ton of money to play with, "But it was a lot of fun and hard work. College, while tedious, opened a lot of doors for me. And I made quite a few friends and associates along the way." Vivian being one of them. "There's a lot of hustling and networking, especially since I was living in L.A. rather than somewhere less Hollywood. Then again, it's better for those who aren't afraid of being social and are willing to rub elbows with everyone they meet just for the contact." Biting down on his bottom lip as he thinks back on his life there, his words come radiating positivity, however he has this to say, "Once you've made it though, like really made it." He's talking about wealth, success, popularity. "It can be a struggle to hold onto what you've earned. There's a lot of sharks in that particular ocean."

There's admittedly subtle shadows under Lilith's eyes, but in the low light, it looks a little like lash veiling the way she's positioned on her side in close to look at the man while he answers. When he's speaking, she's attentive, absently working her bottom lip between her teeth while presumably trying to imagine Byron there and that way, and it's not such a hard thing to imagine, in truth. After a moment of pause when he's finished answering, she nods a little, especially at the last bit and it reminds her of something that Turner once told her about money.

He was a smart, charismatic man when he wasn't crazy and they had real conversations once upon a time. But damned if she's about to quote something Turner's said to Byron, no matter how pertinent it may be. After a beat of distraction, she nods again instead of saying much of anything, then closes the distance between their mouths, rewarding his answer with a slow, gentle and affectionate kiss before she draws back and thinks visibly once more.

Apparently, she's knocking both of her questions out at once. Her features are a bit passive as she poses the next one somewhat quiet and slow.

"If I hadn't awoken the night you disappeared off of the terrace, would you have told me?"

While not entirely surprised by the kiss reward, though she doesn't come out and announce that this is what the kiss was for, Byron says in that light-hearted, humored way of his, "You're giving me a huge incentive to answer all of these questions, aren't you?" At first, she expected him to ask her questions in turn, but out of the both of them, Lilith was more of the open book than Byron ever was-- even if most people don't realize this about him, being as gregarious as he was growing up.

The next question, however, has him lifting a brow. "Why wouldn't I have said anything? I mean.. I didn't know if I was infected by Werewolf blood." Part of this is still spoken in a tone of jest, this quick smile spreading across his lips before it slowly starts to fade, showing that he's taking her inquiry at heart. "I might not always bring up times where I'd been sucked into a Dream. Sometimes it slips my mind or is of no real importance. Other times... I don't really want to bother you with anything."

<FS3> Byron rolls Alertness (8 8 8 7 7 4 4 1 1) vs Lilith's Composure (8 7 6 4 4 4)
<FS3> Victory for Byron. (Rolled by: Lilith)

"... because you weren't happy or relieved to see me, at first. You seemed... mad about it." Lilith says to Byron with a soft sigh, her brows knitting down at the jest before he makes more serious answer for her. After a moment, she nods a little bit and doesn't say how one thing or the other makes her feel, she just keeps thick, considering silence, "... alright."

While drawing in a slow, huge breath, Lilith bats her lashes a few times fast before shifting to adjust the pillows as busywork, moving right along in the name of the game while that sinks in. Though it's dark, Byron can see the tense set of her jaw in profile while she's doing it, "I messed up the order, but I guess it doesn't matter. You can do your questions back to back now."

She may not have liked the answer, but she asked and at least appreciates the fact that he told it like it was. After she finishes with the pillows, Lilith brushes hair away from her face and slants her lips with the barest smile of encouragement for him to go ahead, despite whatever agitation she's tamped down.

Byron blinks firmly at what Lilith tells him. "Of course, I was upset that you were standing right there when I'd returned. You were supposed to be sleeping not... I didn't mean to wake you." A hand reaches out lift her chin so that he can stare deeply into her eyes in the darkened room, "And believe me when I say, I was relieved to see you. It meant that you weren't sucked away into your own Dream adventure."

He's not dismissive about her concerns and though she may tell him to ask his own questions or two, he quietly observes her fluffing up her pillow, having an idea of the thoughts that may be going through her mind. "How do you even bring that sort of thing up in conversation? And why? I mean, if I were hurt in some way and you asked me how it happened, I'll tell you, but with these things, Dreams, happening so often it's like a way of life for us. Some times there's reason to bring it up. Others," He shrugs, "It's usually no big deal unless someone gets hurt."

Was that his first question? Though if she's really expecting him to ask a question, he resettles in, this time shifting to lay flat on his back, but keeping her close, his eyes staring up at the ceiling in thought. "What's the most interesting roleplay that you've done while.. working. No, not the most interesting, but the most fun. Entertaining. for you?"

Lilith presses her lips into a flat line while staring at Byron a moment, as if it's suddenly taking her a bit more effort to compose herself. But she does, she told him to ask a question, she asked two, he gets two. The woman focuses on that and settles back in against the man's side, nestled between him and the pillows' repositioning like a cozy cocoon under the blankets. She seems to assume the first question is theoretical or is choosing not to deal with the way it's bothering her. Instead, she focuses on the second question and starts somewhat slowly, eyes a bit far away.

"Fun? It..." Lilith knits her brows down into a full, bothered and uncomfortable expression for a moment, "It wasn't ever really fun. Nor was it very entertaining. Those years for me were..." She doesn't seem to have a word to even explain it. But after expelling a short breath of air with a tinge of frustration, she lapses into silence and seems to be thinking back, "I guess there were a few clients that were amusing. At the time, I wasn't often amused, but in retrospect..."

After pushing her tongue against the back of her teeth, she explains, "I had a Russian client, and I'm pretty sure he was legitimately a high ranking mob member with a vacation home in Florida because he was actually from New York. For the sake of the story, we'll say he worked private security. And yes, you're allowed to stereotype him based on that description. Very big, very loud, very happy when I punched him in the face. He'd laugh and babble in Russian and I'd have no clue what he was saying..."

Lilith pauses and smiles despite herself, suddenly, "I just yelled 'niet' at him a lot while I hurt him. I liked the sessions where I got to yell in Russian. I learned more words later, but I never really needed anything but 'niet' for him, so long as I kept dishing out the pain. He treated the whole thing like a pony ride, I'm not even sure it actually hurt him the way it hurt other men. And he had no shame. I guess his fun, crazy as it was, might have been a little contagious."

<FS3> Byron rolls Alertness (7 7 5 3 2 2 1 1 1) vs Lilith's Composure (8 8 8 7 7 4)
<FS3> Crushing Victory for Lilith. (Rolled by: Byron)

Whether Lilith's displeased with Byron's expanded answer to her question or not, Byron seems to have moved on from it. He isn't looking at her directly and in this darkness, her disappointed demeanor is easy to miss. He's still staring up at the darkened ceiling for a time, though he's surprised by her answer. "Really?" Rather than turn in full towards her again, his head turn with a lift of his far shoulder.

"I would've thought you had a favorite character to play. The sadistic nurse. The enemy spy, trying to force you to talk. A sexy, but a bitch of a rival who suddenly has the upper hand." Someone is imaginative today. "My favorite would've been the entitled soldier, flaunting the power to do anything that I wanted." Thinking further on this, he adds, "That's how I see the whole dominatrix thing as. Roleplaying. Playing your part. It's a little easier for me to digest when I think of it that way, rather than... playing as yourself, wanting all of these things done to you. But then again, who am I to judge these men." Here, he smiles.

"Russian, huh? Speak a little Russian to me."

"... there were other dominatrixes that did humiliation and acting roles. I was a control and pain specialist and took the specialized clients that wanted less flair, more results. It was less like a fantasy and more... I mean, it's as you say, it's a rare man who wants the pain for what it is, not so much the show." Lilith explains to Byron with a draw of breath, turning up a slightly lackluster smile before hitching her shoulders in tiny shrug, "Disappointing and grim sounding, I know. It was a pretty dark job a lot of the time. A lot of those men had issues and really wanted to be punished. I think part of me understood that. I was punishing myself too, in a way."

After she explains that, though, she suddenly puts a finger up over Byron's lips to say 'nyet' at him, which might be an actual 'no' in this case given her finger is up over his lips. But apparently, that's part of the show because when her finger drags away, she puts it down to tap against his bare chest with accusation before gesturing at herself, "Ty plokhoy mal'chik. Ya komandir."

She expects him to be clueless, of course, to the fact that she's calling him a bad boy and telling him she's the commander. But...

Obviously, Byron's not pleased whenever Lilith talks like that, this need she has to be punished. The way she struggles with the ferocity of her own powers and this darkness inside of her. In his mind, it's just easier to give into the darkness, but it's not like he knows anything about what she's feeling, so he doesn't say anything more about it now. Instead, he falls quiet, his eyes focused on her face for a long, silent moment until she brings a finger to his lips to cut out what words he may or may not have thought to say.

Everyone knows 'nyet', it's a commonly understood Russian term. He's intrigued though, the concerned cast in his eyes turn to something of fascination now when he watches that finger lower to press against his chest. What she says next, makes him blink, but whatever was said makes him laugh, this smile creeping over his lips. "Is that so? If I'm so bad, then you won't mind if I break some of your rules? I won't be silenced."

Even as he plays along, feeling terribly amused by all of this, he plays back those words in his mind, finding it so odd how easily he understood it.

"I could think of a way to shut you right up, but..." Lilith clicks her tongue a couple of times before detailing that particular way of hers she's so sure of, but suddenly she draws back to look at Byron in the dark with sudden realization, "You know Russian? Other than 'spasibo' to thank people or demand thanks... I think everything else I know is broken and dirty Russian or curse words."

Leveling herself up a little bit more from lay against Byron and the pillows, her head tilts a bit in the darkened room, pitching a few loose tendrils of hair back in her face at one side while she eyes the man, "... depends on which rules you're planning on breaking and how you go breaking them." Though Lilith seems vaguely amused by the response, she's still pretty serious, brushing a hand up through the man's hair with finger raking before she takes to playing her fingertips at the edge of one of his ears.

After sweeping her eyes over his near features, Lilith looks at Byron's dark eyes and waits to see if he's actually going to break some rules or ask another question.

Quirking his brow, his gaze looking Lilith over, Byron murmurs, "I could think of ways too..." However, when she asks about his speaking Russian, something which he'd been slightly bothered by, himself, he shakes his head slowly, admitting, "No. I mean, I have Russian business contacts and I know a little of it, but that's about it. Not whatever you were saying. Though I have to wonder now, how often he had you say that sentence." He flashes her this crooked smile, before stating something he remembered, "I think Alexander said something about..." He shakes his head, "The ability to understand foreign languages. All I know is I think my abilities got stronger. It may be weak at the moment, but I can cast an arc of electricity now rather than needing to touch someone to shock them. Though, I think it's more effective to touch them, because you can deliver an actual physical blow in the process."

With all of this discussion going on and they get back to this rule breaking, Byron nestles back against his pillow, eyes to the ceiling once more to avoid Lilith's gaze,, "I've already broken the rules." He partially turns, leaning into her playful fingers at the edge of his ear, "By talking. You told me not to after all."

<FS3> Lilith rolls Recklessness+2: Success (8 6 5 4 3 1) (Rolled by: Lilith)

Lilith makes a sudden 'oh' of noise after listening to Byron explain about languages and his recent power differential, nodding once, then once again. It's a moment of understanding for one thing or another, and she murmurs, "...that actually makes sense, in a way. I guess, as far as these things go." She doesn't want to bring up the morse code thing, the content and general experience wasn't pleasant, but it makes a lot more sense than remembering it from school or boy scouts or whatever else.

After eyeing Byron looking back at the ceiling for a moment, the woman continues to play her fingertips over the edge of his ear before deciding, "Smart ass. You have another question, I believe. You can ask."

Lilith pushes at the covers to bid them downward, then abruptly pulls her hands to hike up the slitted length of her nightgown with shift upward, then onto her knees on the mattress next to Byron. While he's laid out flat, she grabs the head of the bedframe with one hand for support, downright straddling him right over the shoulders. She uses the other hand to keep her garment hiked up, showing the silken blue slip of cheeky bikini underwear beneath while she's close and hovered a matter of inches from hip leveling toward his face.

Looking downward, she advises, "... ask me a very good question."

"He'd mentioned it a log while ago, so it slipped my mind. Well, that's not entirely true." Byron says practically scoffing at himself. "On hearing this, I ran some tests on my own to see if I'd developed it as well at that same time. Nothing." It's a self-deprecating sound, always feeling that he's behind everyone else in his field. Then again, everyone else shined so much brighter. He tries not to think about that right now, no matter how difficult.

At least, Lilith was here as a distraction from his own shortcomings.

She tells Byron that he has another question that he can ask just as she positions herself above him, thighs apart so that if there were any question that came to mind it would be regarding this tantalizing display that she's putting on for him now. Never shy, he openly appreciates what he sees, letting his gaze linger on the exposed under garment, before trailing up her form to stare into her face as she hovers over him.

There's so many questions that he could ask right now to go with those which she'd asked him. Yet, all of those fly out the window now and the only thing on his mind is: "Do you want it fast or slow?" Perhaps question time is over.

Lilith maybe shouldn't be putting herself in precarious kneeling and straddled perches, and when Byron poses the question with his eyes at roam over her body, her grip tightens on the edge of the bed's frame support. Instead of undressing, her hand where she's grasping nightgown fabric back and out of the way shifts in slide down over her thigh, gripping at the inner flesh with hard grab and pinch while considering how to answer.

"Both. Why pick? You give me everything." She knows why Byron is asking in part, other than sexual leaning at the moment, she has stitches in her damn head, but in truth, she trusts him with her body more than her own inclinations right now. The only thing stopping her from absolutely fucking ruining him at the moment is the idea that she might wince or hiss in pain or discomfort and he'll call the whole thing off for her own good!

In truth, she's still upset and agitated deep down about a few things, and she wants desperately to just bury it all, which is a terrible idea for the long term, no doubt. But in the short term... goddamnit, she wants to feel something good.

"... I'm not going to break unless you make a point of breaking me."

The stresses of the past few days have been mounting terribly for Byron. Drawn into three different Dreams almost back to back to back, though the pair of them happened in the same day, just hours apart. He was struggling to keep up with some of his work obligations, though he had to cancel a few meetings to ensure that Lilith was looked after and had company for her stay at the hospital. And now this. While her head may not be bandaged at the moment, she was only just released from the hospital and her wounds were still healing. He could go for some relief, some tension buster.

He locks his gaze with her hearing the answer to his question. This more than hints at and confirms Lilith's understanding of Byron's question, and like she said, she's not going to break.

Outside the closed bedroom door, if a cat could sigh... theirs might. They're so loud sometimes at night and he'd really like to snipe his way into bed. The door doesn't open til morning, though. Jerks.


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