2019-09-23 - Men's Wear

Funeral clothing shopping with an unlikely duo. One is completely unaware of why he was there.. at first.

IC Date: 2019-09-23

OOC Date: 2019-07-01

Location: Foggy Bluffs Strip Mall

Related Scenes: None

Plot: None

Scene Number: 1754


After sending a text asking Alexander to meet her at the strip mall, Erin is already there waiting outside one of the exclusive boutiques that cater to the rich and the shameless of Gray Harbor. One side is for women, one side is for me. She's leaning on the frame of her car as she waits for her friend. At least the weather is nice.

Alexander arrives - walking, as is his usual case. He's nowhere near dressed for the shop that she's waiting in front of; his KISS t-shirt has a couple of holes in it, showing his white undershirt, and his black jeans are ragged and the seams faded into a dingy grey. His black workbooks are scuffed. More, he looks - under the weather, however nice it is. There's a weary cast to his features, and a ruddy haze of color along his cheekbones suggest he might be feverish. Or maybe he's just flushed from the exertion. He does offer her a bleary sort of smile as he approaches, though. "Good morning, Erin. Nice to see you alive." His voice is a little rough - yep, he's probably coming down with something, and so stands even further away from her than usual, so he doesn't spread it. A glance towards the shop, then back at her. A skeptical eyebrow rises.

Whether Erin knows it or not yet, she's coming down with something thanks to a friend of hers last evening. At the moment though she watches his approach with concern. "Are you feeling alright?" Of course he knows she's a healer, so maybe he would ask if he were feeling too terrible. Her own clothing is fresh and clean, fitness clothing since she'll be going to work at Joey's soon. "I'm sorry I didn't think to go pick you up instead. Looks like you're a little over heated." She does notice the look towards the shop and she smiles impishly. "It seems we have a funeral to attend. We all lived through the evening. Thank you for meeting me here."

Alexander rubs at the back of his neck. "Yeah. A cop at the station was coming down with something. I think it's going through the precinct, and I must have picked it up. I'm sure it'll be fine. I don't get sick often," he adds, with a half smile. "Once we've finished with everything, I'll just take a couple of days and sleep it off." He nods. "Happy to meet you, Erin. No thanks needed. But, uh," he gives the fancy shop a wary look, "why are we here? If you're gonna hire me to carry your shopping bags, I'm not adverse, but as mentioned, I may be contagious." That's teasing, with a hint of warm amusement lighting up his features. It fades quickly. "What happened? I heard there were some complications."

"Happy to meet you too, Alexander and sure, if you'd like to carry my bags we can do that too." The smile Erin gives him turns a little more guileless. "You know how much I like shopping and if I can't get to Seattle this is the second best thing. Beverly Hills and Rodeo drive are the best. Now, I can't imagine scooting you off to California. So here we are." Trying to just talk circles so he won't ask so many questions. "Complications? I don't know. I assume Itzhak has Billy boxed, but we didn't think to check once we were brought back through the veil."

"I can't imagine you scooting me off to California, either," Alexander says, a touch dryly. He recognizes the evasion; his eyebrows go up. Under other circumstances, he might even be more direct in pursuing it, but the lassitude of the oncoming illness makes him just a little more accepting and placid than he might otherwise be, so he clearly decides to just...follow along and see what's going on here. "Right. The Veil is what I meant by complications. I heard things went sidewise. Was anyone," he pauses to cough into his hand, "sorry. Was anyone hurt?"

"I think you'd like the palm trees and the sunshine. At least for a day. You would be ready to come back. After everything is over, you and Isabella should take a drive on her boat down the coast and do things you've never done." Erin doesn't go inside yet, but she does straighten and head towards the door. Of the women's side. She's no fool. They are connected inside anyway. "Javier got hurt but he was healed. We were in the interrogation and then we were in the facility. While August, Minerva and the Captain worked on some in the hallway that were against what we were doing, Itzhak, Hyacinth and myself were in a room dealing with Billy. Everyone did their part and we boxed him." She reaches for the door and opens it with a smile. "After you."

"I was in northern California for a bit. After college. It wasn't bad, weather wise," Alexander concedes, although a little reluctantly. He eyes Erin. "Why does it feel like you're plotting something, Miss Addington?" But, after a weary rub at his face, he heads into the door she opens for him. "I really should be the one holding the door," he mutters, but doesn't hesitate to go inside. "You ended up in the Asylum? Interesting. And...the Captain needs to stop getting injured." The rest he listens to with interest, and sadness.

"The Captain does need to stop getting injured. I agree. We were surprised to be at the Asylum also. Billy was so angry at be for severing the bond between him and my Uncle. So angry. But then he was reduced to crying and pleading not to be boxed when Itzhak opened his fiddle case." Erin smiles in understanding, though once he steps inside she asks. "Have you ever turned down a gift, my friend?"

Almost immediately upon entering, they are greeted by a sales consultant who recognizes her. But certainly not Alexander. "Miss Addington, what a pleasure to see you. What can I help you with today."

"I need to see Jacques, please." The lady casts a covert look at Alexander and suddenly nods, "Of course, right this way." Erin looks back at Alexander before explaining to Jacques, a rather flamboyant man with a fashion sense like no other. "Good morning, Jacques." The sales lady goes back to the women's side and Erin stays at Alexanders side so he hopefully won't run out. "I would like to gift my friend here with a suit. He's got a funeral to attend soon and he's helped me so much in so many ways, I'd like to do this one thing for him. If he will allow." She leaves it completely to Alexander now, a warm and hopeful smile. "I want to say thank you, and I know you'd never accept anything, so this is the only way I could think."

Alexander twitches at the mention of Billy crying. One hand goes up to his throat, and he rubs at one side of it. "He hates boxes," he mutters. "I can't blame him. Can you?" A pause. "Blame him for the harm he's done, yes. But not for hating to be caged. Not for just wanting...to rest." His gaze goes a little odd, faraway, as if he's listening to something that isn't Erin. It means he misses most of the conversation; but comes back to join the rest of the class at the last bit, blinking at Jacques, then at Erin. "Wait. What?" His expression goes blank as he rewinds the conversation in his head. "...you want to buy me a suit? I. But. You don't owe me any thanks, Erin." He's wary, eyeing the other man with a thoughtful frown, but not angry. "I was just going to wear a nice shirt and slacks." Not that his idea of 'nice' is anything like the clothing that surrounds them. "But if you...I mean. If you want?"

"I can't blame him. But my parents are in boxes now too. Forever." Erin says softly, but she does sympathize for Alexander, it was his family too after all. "I'm sorry." A hand is placed on his arm briefly, contagious or not. "None of this could have been easy for you. He does know he is getting a funeral finally. And Itzhak cried for him. It was almost a poignant moment, were I not bleeding from him almost cutting my throat then and there, after the bonds were severed."

As he realizes what they were there for, Erin keeps her smile in place. The warmth is still there. "I feel like you've done so much for me, Alexander. And I appreciate everything. I truly do." She waits in silence after that to allow him to make his own decision, respecting that. His agreement doesn't quite get him a hug, she realizes he would rebuff it, but she smiles her delight. "I would love to." Erin steps back to leave the salesman to help, but she is there if Alexander needs. Right there close.

That's all Jacques needs to work his magic. "I love the grunge motiff you are wearing now, though I am eager to show you some of the things we have on offer." He steps back with an appraising eye. "Black with a hint of gray, perhaps charcoal." A finger taps his chin, Black shirt or ice blue to complement the dark eyes. Please, come just over here with me and I will let you choose through the colors. One must be comfortable in what one wears to appear confident to those around them," he says in a singsong voice.

<FS3> Alexander rolls Composure: Success (6 4 3 1)

Alexander sidles away from the touch, even as he gives her an apologetic sort of smile. "Contagious," he reminds her, as if that's the only reason he avoided her, and not his usual touch aversion. "I haven't done anything. I don't think..." But then she says she'd love to, and he sighs. His shoulders hunch and he gives the approaching Jacques a wary sort of look. "It's all going to be empty fabric," he tells the man, quietly. "But...all right. Let's see what you have." He follows Jacques over to the colors, admitting, "I don't really do anything with fashion." No, really? "So Miss Addington's opinion is likely to be most useful. I do like blue, though. And black." He doesn't touch anything unless directed, but looks at the offerings with perhaps a keener interest than he would ever admit out loud.

There are several looks offered, some even held up and considered before being summarily dismissed. Erin walks over after a bit. "I like black on him." Which translates to Alexander prefers black clothes mostly. "This," Holding up a coat, "With the matching pants and black shirt beneath it. We'll do a silver and black silk tie with a matching pocket square." She roams her eyes over his shoulders, down his arms and gives a satisfied smile. Jacques isn't offended. He's there only if needed and so when he's told what to get he gathers it and brings it to the dressing room only about 8 feet away. "Would you like to try it on? If anything needs altered, they do that here. Or would you like Isabella to be the first person to see it on you and trust Jacques on his sizing?"

"A pocket square?" The look on Alexander's face is somewhat indescribable; it's clear he's never once considered himself and 'pocket square' in the same image. There's a brief flicker of panic, like he might break and flee. He sways in place, but doesn't run. "Black is nice, though." He stares at the coat that's offered, glances at Erin, then at Jacques, then back at Erin. "I'll try it on. If we're going to do this, then I suppose it's best to do it correctly." A tentative, nervous sort of smile - as much of a baring of teeth as enjoyment - towards Erin. "Uh. Thank you." Then he follows the other man to the dressing room.

Alexander does know to dress himself, even in fancy clothes, so it doesn't take very long before he emerges. He looks...mostly respectable. His body language hasn't really changed, which means that the full impact of the outfit is muted by the hunched shoulders and furtive, anxious expression and the way his fingers play nervously with the hem of the jacket as he gauges the reactions. "Well. I don't feel I do it justice, Erin, but it fits?" And it's mostly a very good fit, and might be an even better one if he were to stand up straight and put his shoulders back.

"The pocket square is to offer Miss Isabella if you find she may need a handkerchief during the funeral. This is a family member after all." For them though, not herself. "You will be her lifesaver. It could even be needed when she is offering her sacrifice over. It's a small little necessary thing to help you help someone else when they need it." Erin speaks quietly as Jacques is at the dressing room. Her smile is tentative too, but she only truly wants to help him.

Watching as he goes over, Erin just waits for him, knowing the colors would do amazing things for him. When he comes out she gasps and does a circle around him. There's no directing him to raise his shoulders or stand straight. She only motions to his reflection in the mirror and says softly, "See for yourself what you think?" Maybe he will notice the posture and straighten on his own. Jacques seems to take his cue from Erin and nods eagerly. "And we have the matching shoes with a rubber sole so there's nothing slippery. And a soft black sock to go with it." Erin adds, "And the belt. You gather those things." And he will after he finds out Alexanders shoe size.

Alexander says, "I...cannot imagine Isabella crying over William Gohl," Alexander says, sounding a bit blackly amused by the thought. "But. Uh. I suppose it can't hurt to have something on hand." When Erin motions to his reflection in the mirror, he turns in that direction to give himself a wary, thoughtful once-over. It's hard to read his expression. He looks tense and suspicious as he examines himself. Almost like he expects the image in the mirror to attack him.

When it doesn't, his back gradually straightens, his posture becoming less defensive. He reaches up to adjust the collar, then tug on the cuffs of the jacket. "I look...nice." It's not grudging so much as finding it difficult to believe. His head tilts to the side briefly, and his smile goes crooked and strange. "A little like I'm about to make a bargain for someone's soul. But nice." His shoe size is given, absently, to Jacques, as he turns back around and smiles at Erin. "What's your expert opinion, Miss Addington?""

Just watching him makes it all worth it. Even part of the confidence when he straightens his shoulders and she finds it's herself who may cry and it has absolutely nothing to do with William Gohl. She doesn't though, she doesn't think he would understand. But there is such a tender look to him as she lowers her eyes to look over him then meets his dark eyes . "I say Alexander, that you make that suit look incredible. It's perfect!"

Alexander reaches up and runs a bashful hand through his hair, staring down at his feet. "Uh. Well. Thanks. I think it's more that it's an incredible suit and it makes me look better because I'm wearing it, Erin, but it's a nice thing to say." He's probably not blushing, just flushed from his fever, but who knows? His fingers skip nervously down the buttons. "Right. Um. I should...probably go back and get into my other clothes, now. I don't want to," a pause, "mess it up or anything." He turns to go back into the changing room, but stops, briefly, to say, "Erin? Thanks. For this." And then he flees. Flees!

"You're most welcome, Alexander. Thank you for everything you do for me." Erin tells him. Jacques is such a good salesman. He doesn't say a word to anyone about anything. He's got the same suit that's not the try on model, the same shirt, the socks, shoes and tie with the pocket square. Even an undershirt to wear beneath it all in a suit bag when he gets back. Erin pays for it and tips the salesman as she waits for Alexander to return. As she does she glances over cufflinks and watches. Deciding against adding more to it, she opts to let Isabella choose those.

There's still that look of confusion to Erin when Alexander re-emerges from the dressing room, back in his frayed t-shirt and jeans. "I'm not sure what you think I've done, Erin. Other than ruin your car interior." A shake of his head. "At any rate, I feel like the needle of obligation is now pointed rather firmly in your direction. There's...not a lot that I can do, I suspect. But if there is something, then let me know?" He takes the suit bag when it's offered to him, handling it like the fabric is fragile and might break. Or like he might dirty it by proximity.

Everything is settled then and to finish things off Erin walks through the archway back to the ladies side. She collects two bags for herself. One is a dress or two, the other is a couple of pairs of shoes. She paid over the internet for it. "Ready when you are, Alexander, I'll drop you off at the Houseboat or your home?" Waving away the whole leveling the needle thing. "If or when I need anything I promise to give you a call."

Alexander does offer to carry her bags, holding one hand out mutely for them, with a brief smile. "It's the least I can do. And, uh, home, please. I have some things I need to do," he admits, with a shrug. "If this cold is going to waylay me, there's a few things I'd like to finish up before it does." A tired sigh; no one looks forward to being sick, after all. Then a smile. "Please do, Erin."

Erin does give him her bags to carry, she had promised at the beginning. Walking out, she unlocks the doors. "If you need a ride to the Gym ever, just let me know. I go there every morning anyway." Settling in, she waits for him and them she'll drive him to Elm. She remembers his house well. Once she pulls up in the drive, she smiles at him. "I hope you get over the cold soon. If there's anything I can do there, let me know."


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