2019-09-25 - Checking In

Alexander texts Isolde regarding events.

IC Date: 2019-09-25

OOC Date: 2019-07-02

Location: Gray Harbor/A-Frame Cabin

Related Scenes:   2019-09-24 - Cabin for the Temporarily Composure-less   2019-09-24 - No Great Options

Plot: None

Scene Number: 1781


(TXT to Isolde) Alexander : Isolde.

(TXT to Alexander) Isolde : Alexander.

(TXT to Alexander) Isolde : Are you still wanting to kill people?

(TXT to Isolde) Alexander : Just myself, at the moment.

(TXT to Isolde) Alexander : Wait. Not in a suicide sort of way. Just this flu has set in with a vengeance and I'd do just about anything to make it stop.

(TXT to Isolde) Alexander : But it's been, hey, about twelve hours or so and I haven't attempted homicide. I've only been asleep for about 11 of those hours, so that's one murder free hour. Yay?

(TXT to Alexander) Isolde : That sounds like a good thing.

(TXT to Alexander) Isolde : Speaking of the flu.

(TXT to Isolde) Alexander : Are you okay? I'm sorry for scaring you.

(TXT to Alexander) Isolde : I think I'm okay. Feel kind of tired today. Throat is a little scratchy.

(TXT to Alexander) Isolde : I think I'm okay. Feel kind of tired today. Throat is a little scratchy.

(TXT to Isolde) Alexander : oh no

(TXT to Alexander) Isolde : I can't remember the last time I got sick. I'm hoping it'll just pass.

(TXT to Isolde) Alexander : I suppose that was inevitable. Everyone's catching this damned thing. Even August looks like death warmed over, and he's out here in the woods.

(TXT to Alexander) Isolde : Is it even flu season?

(TXT to Isolde) Alexander : Not traditionally. But it sure seems to be on a practical level.

(TXT to Alexander) Isolde : This is an unlucky town

(TXT to Isolde) Alexander : You have never been more right, my friend.

(TXT to Alexander) Isolde : If August is sick, I wonder if Itzhak and the others are too. I will have to check.

(TXT to Isolde) Alexander : I think he's got something going on. Itzhak. Apparently it's not just me that's feeling a bit of murderous rage. August called it sort of an infection. But I think it comes from Gohl, the ghost, not the flu.

(TXT to Alexander) Isolde : That's not good.

(TXT to Alexander) Isolde : Is anyone keeping an eye on him?

(TXT to Isolde) Alexander : It's not great. But theoretically, we can deal with it. And I think August is in contact with him. He's sort of got Gohl trapped in his violin case? Don't ask me how that works, exactly.

(TXT to Alexander) Isolde : That sounds dangerous....I don't think I will even ask him how that works.

(TXT to Alexander) Isolde : I will call him later to check on him anyway. Or text him. We'll see if I can get this throat thing to go away

(TXT to Isolde) Alexander : I'll be honest. Right now, a part of me wishes we'd just let the old man go to the creepy torture Asylum. Especially since it sounds like collapsed anyway. We might not have helped him at all.

(TXT to Isolde) Alexander : Call Corey: ((Corey's number)) and ask him to make and bring you some chicken soup. Give him the rest of the plums in the fridge, too. There's money in my office to pay whatever he asks.

(TXT to Alexander) Isolde : Sometimes there are no good choices and all the outcomes are bad ones.

(TXT to Alexander) Isolde : I remember Corey! I will call him. His crepes were good.

(TXT to Isolde) Alexander : Oh you've met! Yeah. He seems very nice. And probably non-murderous. But just in case...be careful around anyone who seems twitchy? Especially anyone affiliated with the Gohl thing. So, uh, the Addingtons, Byron Thorne, Isabella, Itzhak, August, me, Easton Marshall...uh, shit, it's hard to think with this drilling in my skull. Just anyone who seems grumpy. Probably Javier, too.

(TXT to Alexander) Isolde : Javier? The Captain? Isn't he always grumpy?

(TXT to Alexander) Isolde : But. I will be careful. Even if that is the entirety of my social circle. Besides Cameron

(TXT to Isolde) Alexander : He's always grumpy. So it's hard to tell, but he was at the exorcism, so if this is a Ghoul thing can't leave him out. You don't have to not hang out with them. Just carry mace or something.

(TXT to Isolde) Alexander : Wait, Cameron? Is that the friendly drinky witch?

(TXT to Alexander) Isolde : It is! She's really fun. Also when you are feeling better and not like killing people I will introduce you.

And it's totally good that Alexander isn't here because Isolde is blushing as she writes about the brunette!

(TXT to Isolde) Alexander : I'd like that. 🙂 And when I'm not throwing up. Not best first impressions, vomiting. Even worse than murdering.

(TXT to Alexander) Isolde : That is very bad, yes! I hope it all goes away for you soon.

(TXT to Alexander) Isolde : Especially the murdering. That can go first

(TXT to Isolde) Alexander : Yes. That needs to go first.

(TXT to Alexander) Isolde : I think I am going to try and take a nap. I will call Corey later in the day. Feel better. Don't kill people

(TXT to Isolde) Alexander : Sleep well. Cold medicine in the bathroom. Don't die.

(TXT to Alexander) Isolde : I will try not to. You don't die either!

(TXT to Isolde) Alexander : <3


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