2019-09-27 - Picking Your Battles

Alexander acquires Joey's number and the two talk when neither can punch or electrocute the other.

IC Date: 2019-09-27

OOC Date: 2019-07-03

Location: Gray Harbor/A-Frame Cabin

Related Scenes:   2019-09-24 - FML - The Gym and the Week Up in Flames

Plot: None

Scene Number: 1805


(TXT to Isolde) Alexander : Kelly.

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : Kelly.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Who this?

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : Alexander Clayton.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : ah. I'm not at the gym

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : All right? I don't see the point in that observation.

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : Wait. Sorry. That came off worse than I intended, reading it back. I'm feverish. I'm not angry.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : People have been calling me about it. I figured.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : It's okay something's going around. I think I got it from Sutton. Hey you ok man?

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : No. But that's hardly your problem. Except that it spilled over on you. And I didn't intend it to. I apologize, again, for the harm I did your gym.

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : And you. Of course.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : I'll live. It's what insurane is for. Honestly more concerned about you hurting other people. You don't seem teh type.

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : You really don't know me very well, Kelly. But I have a question. I'm told you didn't tell the police that I was the one who assaulted you. Why the hell not?

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : You know how this city is full of shitheads?

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : I don't know that I'd use that word. But, yes.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : You kthink you're one of em? Some social parasite feeding off people minding their own fucking business?

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : I don't consider myself to be a good person. But I don't think I meet that specific criteria. ::emoji with three question marks over the head::

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : I don't think you do either so I think the police have more legit things to worry about

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : (...)

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : I'm very sick. I'm going to save that response and read it later. I assume it'll make sense then. How is your...niece? Is she okay?

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Don't overthink it. You're not wrong. I'm an asshole. It doesn't mean I feel any particular need to be unfair about it. I've had bad days too man

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : Well. Thank you.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Syw. And she's fine. She wants to replace my boxing ring with a bouncy castle since there's space now and it'd be more better.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : I'm taking it under advisement

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : So you're possessed by that ghost asshole huh?

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : It would offer a unique gym experience.

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : No. Not exactly.

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : Looks like he...infected several of us with murderous inclinations. I just appear to be more vulnerable than most to acting on them.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Erin kinda caught me up. That's a real pisser.

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : Is she all right? I do not like not being able to be out there, keeping track of things.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Whatever you do don't do yoga. try this https://youtu.be/92i5m3tV5XY It gets me through the fucking morning

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : I do not do yoga. I find it irritating. It seems pointless.

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : this is pretty funny, though.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Yeah it's pretty fucking infuriating

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Erin's hanging in there. She can speak to her shit. we had a really honest fucking talk about what's gonna give but that's up to her about what to do with it.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Her grandmother is a big god damn problem.

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : The Old Lady? Yeah. As below, so above.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Look I know she's your friend and shit but to be clear I just want Erin to be okay, alright man?

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : Even though she's probably got more Gucci shoes, parties, and first world problems than Isabella?

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : That ain't what she cares about if you listen to her man. It ain't about what people have it's about what they prioritize

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Growing up I saw a lot of gals go through feeling like they have to have and parade stuff or meet some bullshit espectation. I know because my best friend was a total dick. She's got to figure out who she is and she wants to be and not told she's wanted for the stuff, the money, how fucking obediant to the old bag she can be. She's not a fucking puppy

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : It isn't what Isabella prioritizes, either. For the record. And yes, Erin is a kind person. I'm sorry for the pain she's endured of late. I don't want any further harm to come to her. If you're on board with that, then it's one thing we can agree to.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : All I know about her is how she treated Erin and my people when she came in here so she might want to examine that. but good

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : You're very odd.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Not really

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : I could say I disagree, but that seems like an argument too pointless for even my current state.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : I have a low bullshit tolerance. Bad things happen to bad people? That shit happens and they knew what they're getting into. Bad things happening to people minding their own business I ain't got fuckin room for on my block. It's pretty fucking simple.

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : You think everyone who gets hurt in the things certain organizations get up to in this town are bad people who knew what they were getting into?

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : You'd be fucking surprised. But no, not all of them.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Thus the problem

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : It's true that predators often find it easier to prey on lesser predators than on the truly innocent. I concede that. But profiting from misery and pain always spills over on those who don't deserve it, eventually. Whether they're 'innocent', or just people who made some fucking bad choices in their past and now would like to make better ones, if it weren't for assholes dragging them back under.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Totally does. And on paper it's fixible. In practice it'll never fucking change. Don't mean I endorse it. Just means I accept it for what it is. we gotta choose our fights

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : We choose different fights.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Seems so. At least you choose to not be part of the problem

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : I get to be my own special brand of problem. It's very exciting.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Seems like it. You got a safety plan right now?

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : Staying with a friend who can probably shut me down if it becomes necessary, far from collateral damage. Bright side: I'm so fucking sick I'm not sure I could get out of bed to murder someone no matter how angry I was.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : yeha leave that shit tot he professionals. Just get better.

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : I assume because you would feel vaguely bad about kicking a sick man's ass for setting your gym on fire.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : My fmaily's stuff wasn't ruined. Just the ring and a couple bags. Lights got ot get replaced.

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : Let me know how I can help. I'm not exactly a handyman, but give me some tools and a YouTube tutorial and I can figure most things out.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Jessie's fine. Builing is functional. No one got seriously hurt. Prolly need to paint some stuff though. I'll think of something you're agreeable to. I ain't gonna take cash out of your ass you don't have over a god damn accident. There's no fucking point. So like breath, man.

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : Breathing hurts, Kelly. And I can't take back what I did. Nothing works like that. But it will make me feel better if I can at least help put it to right in some way. That's all.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : ok

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : Thanks. ::smiley face emoji:: Also, did you think you were gonna be typing 'possessed by that ghost asshole' today?

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : I mean I live with ghosts. It honestly doesn't fucing surprise me

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : wait what. really?

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : The words this morning yeah alright give me the tutut I'll be the mermaid is still today's winner. But how do you tell a 4 year old no?

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Yeah really. Why would someone make that up?

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : this fucking town, man. That's all. I never saw a ghost until a few weeks ago. Who?

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : My mom. If you ever want a ghost tour I can take you to a few places.

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : Oh. I remember that case. I'm sorry. And, uh...yeah. Sure. Last ghost I saw cut my throat open, so it can probably only improve. ::smiley face::

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : I can't believe you grew up here and ain't seen a ghost before.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Most are pretty cool. They're jsut usually dead and really really fucking bored. We can see if Minerva wants to go if you want. She's really good at this shit.

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : I wasn't even sure they existed until I started making friends again. Murderous teddy bears, yes. Reptilians, well, I can't disprove them. But Bigfoot? No. And ghosts, dubious. And you know Minerva?

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Grew up with her. Shit almost asked her once when I was 12. Yeah I know Min. This town has just over 83 people in it or something. It's hard not to

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : Look. Most of you blurred into a succession of bony knees and Halloween pranks to me. I'm always surprised you turned into real people.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Have we though? Have we really?

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : Probably. I haven't entirely ruled out the possibility that I exist in a featureless void and am making the rest of the world up. But I'm going to err on the side of assuming that you are, in fact, real.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Odds are good that might be the fever talking. Either way always best to error on teh side of caution

(TXT to Joey) Alexander : Reality is always rather subjective, Kelly. ANyway. I'll stop bothering you. Thanks for not having me arrested.

(TXT to Alexander) Joey : Yeah np


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